MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 170 get another one

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  Chapter 170 Get another one

Baron Lauren was ashamed, and said slowly: "At that time, I led the troops to try to fight, but failed. It was embarrassing to say, I thought of giving up at that time, and wanted to wait for the main force to come up before fighting." .Then, Baron Robin led his troops up, and the fortress was brought down."

After hearing Baron Lauren's description, Earl Goode turned his head to look at Robin, with a surprised expression on his face, and asked, "Lord Robin, is what Lauren said true? That blood fortress is yours." Beat it?"

  Robin nodded calmly, "Yes."

   "However, I remember that you have no more than a hundred troops."

  Earl Gude still couldn't believe it. He led the main force past the blood fortress. He saw the scale of the fortress and the piled up corpses with his own eyes. So he knew that even though there was a gap in the east wall of the fortress, it could not be taken down by a hundred men.

   Robin looked straight at Earl Good, and replied as a matter of course: "I have a hundred heads, which is enough. Moreover, when I attacked the city, I didn't use all my troops."

  Earl Gude suddenly showed an even more shocked expression, his brown eyes couldn't help but widen, and he said in surprise: But a hundred troops have not been used!

   "So that's how it is." Calming down the astonishment in his heart a little, Earl Goode slowly smiled. "Baron Robin, you've done a good job. It seems that this time the Wilderness Alliance's first contribution must go to you. Later, on behalf of the Wasteland Alliance, I will reward you!"

  Actually, Earl Goode also has his own little calculations. He hopes that Baron Lauren will get this so-called head job. Because Baron Lauren is his man, Baron Lauren's achievements in battle also show that he is a good leader, which is a kind of enhancement to his power.

   Right now, there are two factions within the Wilderness Coalition Army, one is the direct lineage who has mixed with Earl Goode, and the other is the collateral lineage that has little relationship with Earl Goode.

   Baron Lauren and Baron Joseph, both of them are pioneering lords of the Central Wasteland, have close contacts with Dragon's Back Fort, and belong to the direct line of Earl Goode. Most of the other pioneering lords from the eastern wilderness belonged to the collateral lineage.

  As for Robin, he is from the western wilderness, not even a collateral lineage, but a collateral lineage.

  Although on the bright side, in order to maintain the unity of the Wilderness Allied Forces, Earl Goode should try his best to treat everyone equally. But in private, he still hopes that his direct descendants can gain more military exploits. Arrangement of Baron Laurent as the command of the vanguard is more or less considered in this regard.

  Earl Gudd never imagined that such a great achievement in taking down a blood fortress would be done by Robin, who had only one hundred soldiers.

   Moreover, in what Baron Lauren said just now, there is another thing that makes Earl Goode very puzzled.

   "Lauren, I remember that I appointed you as the commander of the vanguard before departure. What do you say, the vanguard is commanded by Baron Robin?" Earl Goode looked at Baron Lauren and asked suspiciously.

  Baron Lauren was very honest, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "At first I was in command, but later, I felt that I was not as good as Baron Robin, so I took the initiative to abdicate."

   "You? Abdicate to the virtuous?"

  Earl Goode was very surprised. He understood Baron Lauren's character. This tall, thick red-haired man always had his eyes above the sky, and he was not convinced by anyone. Even Earl Goode himself sometimes felt unable to control him.

  The proud Baron Lauren would voluntarily abdicate to make way for the virtuous, Earl Good felt that the sun really came out from the west.

  Earl Good also suddenly understood at this time. Ever since he met Robin and Lauren today, he had a faint sense of discord, and now he finally knew where this discord came from.

When they were walking, Baron Lauren would take the initiative to walk behind Robin. When they entered the door, Baron Lauren would take the initiative to open the curtain to let Robin go first. Even when the two of them sat down just now, it was after Robin sat down. Baron Lun sat down after him.

If in the past, the arrogant Baron Lauren would not give in to anyone, even when he was having dinner at Longji Castle, Lauren had a big fight with Joseph because of the seat, and the two sides were on the verge of fighting . After making a fuss, Lauren was still seated at the head of the guest table.

  After trying to understand this point, Earl Goode couldn't help being horrified: Not long after, Baron Lauren was tamed by Robin!

  Earl Good looked at Robin again. He tried his best to control the expression on his face, but in fact, deep in his heart, there was already a turbulent wave.

  He realized that Robin was an extraordinary person, no wonder even the Duke of Snow Eagle valued Robin so much.

   But after being surprised, Earl Goode couldn't help but feel thankful, thinking: Fortunately, Robin is only a lowly baron, and he doesn't pose any threat to himself right now.

  Earl Goode once again showed a friendly smile like a spring breeze. In order to maintain the demeanor of the commander of the coalition forces, he could not show the slightest jealousy because of Robin's excellence.

   "Hahaha, Baron Robin, Lauren doesn't often praise people." Earl Goode raised his hand and patted it lightly.

  A subordinate immediately stepped forward, holding a small wooden box in his arms. He opened the wooden box, and saw a piece of purple flannelette covered inside the wooden box, and five shiny silver badges lay on the flannelette.

  The badge is circular, with a knight's sword standing in the center. Behind the sword, there is a simple map in the background. Robin can tell at a glance that this is a map of the wasteland.

   "This is a medal I made on the spur of the moment before the expedition. It's called [Guardian of the Wasteland]. I plan to reward those who have made meritorious service. Because time is limited, I will only make five for the time being."

  Goode looked at Robin and said with a smile: "Baron Robin, you have built a blood fortress, I think you are enough to get one."

  Robin felt a little speechless, why do these nobles in the empire like to award medals to people so much. The Snow Eagle Medal that was awarded to him by the Duke of Snow Eagle, Augustus, is still sitting at home to eat ashes.

  Although Robin is not interested in medals, he still has to give Earl Good face. Moreover, this is an honor anyway, so don't let it go for nothing.

  Robin stood up immediately, and said loudly with a serious expression: "Thank you, Lord Earl, for your respect. From now on, I will fight the enemy more bravely, and protect the peace of the wasteland for the empire and the people."

  Earl Gude was very happy and awarded medals to other pioneer lords, which made him feel like he was the master of the wasteland, and this feeling made him intoxicated.

   "Hahaha, sit down quickly, Baron Robin, you don't need to be so formal. I can't give you this medal yet, I will formally hold an award ceremony for you, and it will be tomorrow, in my big tent."

   After the two sides chatted for a while, Robin got up and said goodbye. But Baron Lauren did not go with him, and he was left alone by Earl Goode. Earl Goode said that he still had some private matters to discuss with Lauren.

  Robin didn't say anything, turned around and left. He knew very well in his heart that no matter how friendly Earl Goode appeared on the surface, he was still an outsider after all.

   An orange flame was burning in the brazier, and the firewood was "crackling". Earl Goode and Baron Lauren sat opposite each other around the brazier.

  Earl Good took the lead and said, "Lauren, what do you think of Baron Robin?"

Baron Lauren thought for a while, and replied with a serious expression: "All of his men are good players, and it's not a problem for one to be ten. Although he only brought a hundred people, the fighting power of these one hundred people is enough to match One thousand people. Moreover, Baron Robin himself has unfathomable combat power, and the commander of the blood fortress died in his hands."

Earl Goode recalled the scene when he was chatting with Robin that day, and he said with emotion: "Baron Robin told me before that one of his men can count as ten. To be honest. Unexpectedly, Robin is still an honest person."

   "Lord Earl, I don't know about other pioneer lords, but Robin and his Raging Wave Legion, I can promise you that this group of people must not be underestimated." Baron Lauren leaned forward and said solemnly.

  Earl Goode nodded thoughtfully: "I see, Lauren, you have worked hard too, go back and rest."

   Baron Lauren stood up and bowed his head to Earl Good: "Then I'm leaving, Lord Earl."

  At noon the next day, Earl Good called all the lords of the Wilderness Alliance Army to his tent, and awarded Robin the [Wildland Guardian] medal.

  Privately, Robin actually thought the ceremony was pointless. In particular, the main task now should be to study how to break through the Blood King City, instead of wasting time and energy on these superficial efforts.

  However, Earl Good seemed to enjoy it very much. After all, he was the commander of the Allied Forces in the Wilderness, and Robin had no choice but to accompany him to perform the play well.

"In this battle, Baron Robin played well and fought bravely, and he played the courage and prestige of our wasteland coalition forces. On behalf of all the nobles in the wasteland, I award you this medal. I hope you can continue to work hard, Make another battle!"

  Earl Goode wore a beautiful bronze armor, said a lot of beautiful scenes, and then put the medal on Robin's chest with his own hands.

  Robin was wearing his black armor, and he looked imposing. After putting on the medal, he turned around and faced the other pioneer lords.

  In the spacious tent, a group of pioneer lords stood in a semicircle, surrounding Robin. "Papa papa..." Earl Gude took the lead in applauding, and other pioneer lords immediately followed suit, and thunderous applause immediately resounded in the camp.

  Few of the pioneering lords present were really happy for Robin at all. There were only so many military achievements. Robin got one, and others lost one.

   Baron Joseph was also standing among the wasteland lords, and he was standing in the first row. He was also applauding, but he looked at Robin with undisguised jealousy.

  After the awarding ceremony, Robin and a group of lords left Earl Goode's camp one after another. Outside, Simon and Luke had been waiting for a long time. After all, the space in the camp was limited, and if all the wasteland lords were squeezed out, there would be no room for the wasteland lords' subordinates.

   "My Lord Baron, congratulations, you have won another merit!" Luke immediately stepped forward, and put the waterproof cloak in his hand on Robin's shoulders.

  Simon also leaned over curiously, looked at the silver medal on Robin's chest, and asked naively: "Boss, is this thing valuable?"

   "You know what a fart, this is an honor, and it won't be exchanged for a thousand dollars!"

  Robin first put on a grand-sounding appearance, but unfortunately he only maintained it for less than a second, and then revealed his nature as a money fan, touching the medal on his chest and saying, "It's probably a silver one."

   As soon as Robin finished speaking, a strange voice suddenly sounded behind him.

   "Congratulations, Baron Robin!"

  Robin turned around and saw Baron Joseph walking out of the tent. With an unhappy sneer on his face, he walked up to Robin.

   "Congratulations, you are the first to be rewarded by the Earl, you must be very happy, right?" Joseph put on a smile, and there was sarcasm in his words.

  Since the gang fight, Baron Joseph has been looking at Robin very unhappy, always looking for trouble with Robin.

   Robin looked at him indifferently: "What do you want to say? Joseph."

   "It's nothing, just congratulations. At the same time, I also want to remind you, don't get too complacent. Baron Robin, I will always keep an eye on you."

   Joseph gave Robin a sneer, then turned and left.

   "Made, this man is crazy!" Simon shouted at Baron Joseph's back.

  Robin didn't bother to talk to Joseph, and said to Simon: "Don't pay attention to him, let's go."

  Earl Goode was holding an award ceremony, while outside, the soldiers of the Wilderness Alliance Army were still busy expanding the camp until the entire camp was expanded enough for all the soldiers to live in.

  The woods to the south of the barracks were quickly cut down by the soldiers. These timbers became the fence around the barracks, the sentry posts next to the gate, the horses, and the siege equipment.

  The entire barracks was busy, but Robin and the Raging Wave Legion were suddenly idle. Earl Goode did not assign tasks to them, but let them have a good rest. Robin was also happy about this.

  So, the men of Raging Wave City hid in the military tent all day long, listening to the pattering autumn rain outside, a group of people entertained themselves.

  In order to relieve boredom, Robin once called Simon, Luke, Tess, Smaug, and Seaman into his army tent and played werewolf killing all day.

The straight-headed Simon is always the first to go out, but the cunning Smaug can often survive to the end, which makes Luke and Tess feel very unconvinced. Goblins only!

   Not long after that, this game quickly spread within the Raging Waves Legion, and even began to spread to the armies of other lords. It is unknown who spread the word.

  However, such a leisurely life did not last long, and the order for Robin and the others came down soon. One day, Earl Goode called Robin to his camp.

  (end of this chapter)