MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2248 Lin Lao Yao's invitation!

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The second two hundred and forty-eight chapters of the Lin old demon invitation!

As a mother, Lao Lin seems to be getting higher and higher requirements for the value of the face.

Taking pictures of his son and daughter will also have no low requirements for the photographer's lighting angle and even the retouching. Instead, she herself has never had a similar request.

Xiao Zheng knows that this is a transformation after Laolin was a mother. So when will the next metamorphosis be?

Xiao Zheng is looking forward to it. I also want to go along with Laolin all the way to see the changes in her life, the journey of this life.

Just as Xiao Zheng was immersed in family life, he couldn't extricate himself. An unexpected phone call came up, and his lazy mood was instantly raised to the top.

The phone was called under Ling Xiao.

The reason for calling this phone is that Zhao has found her. And ask to cooperate with it.

What is the cooperation?

When Xiao Zheng asked, the phone at the top of the phone slowly said: "He will use global resources to package our big entertainment projects. And will make our projects get high profits with the greatest investment."

"That is, the conditions are more open than our new Austrian?" Xiao Zheng asked with a smile. In my heart, it is drumming.

What exactly does Zhao Zhao do?

It’s getting more and more confusing.

"You can understand this." Ling Xiao nodded and then said again. "But you can rest assured that I have rejected him."

“What is the consequence?” Xiao Zheng took the initiative to ask.

Zhao Wei is not used to being rejected. Even if the autumn harvest rejects him, he will suffer retaliation. What's more, is it an area outside the area, an outsider?

Moreover, the most terrible thing about Zhao Wei is that he dares to do anything. He is not afraid of anything. Perhaps it is because there is a Zhao family to the bottom, there is the tolerance of the group. Or maybe because he waited for too long. This time, no obstacles can stop his revenge plan.

Moreover, Xiao Zheng can clearly feel that Zhao Wei is more and more impatient.

"The consequences are not too serious." Ling Xiao smiled. "He warned me that it is best to be careful in the future. Because he said that it is not a friend or an enemy."

"Is it difficult for him to dare to do it for you?" Xiao Zheng said coldly.

"It’s not that it hasn’t happened.” Ling Xiao said it seemed relaxed. "Zhao Wei, such a person, does not seem to be jealous of my identity at all."

"It seems that he really has lost control." Xiao Zheng spit out a sigh of relief, and his heart was extremely upset.

Once, he thought that Zhao had some reason. It will hinder some relationships, some concerns and give up some deviant behaviors. But now it seems that Zhao Wei really has the possibility to do anything terrible.

Including the hands of Lao Lin.

Both Sophia and Ling Xiao suffered the threat of intimidation from Zhao. So will Lao Lin face the same danger in the future?

This is what Xiao Zheng is most worried about.

He is not afraid of any challenges of Zhao Wei, but once he is involved in his family, Xiao Zheng is really worried that he will lose control.

"Then you are still less likely to attend public events in the near future." Xiao Zheng spit out a sigh of gas and said slowly. "I have a battle with Zhao Wei, you can even wait and see."

The latter part of the sentence is to give Ling Xiao a choice.

If she loses, she can join the Zhao family. Anyway, it is for the sake of profit, in order to make money. Who is working with, not cooperation?

Ling Xiaoxia heard the words, but it was a little unhappy: "I am really so profitable?"

Xiao Zheng explained quickly: "This is just a small proposal for me. You don't have to worry about it."

He knew that he had said something about it. It is very likely that it will make you unhappy. After explaining it, I immediately shifted the topic: "Your knee, is your leg better now?"

"I thought you didn't care about my body at all." Ling Xiao obviously meant to let him go. "It’s a lot better. Although I still can’t stand up, the doctor’s feedback is that it should take too long to leave the wheelchair.”

Xiao Zheng heard the words, and his heart was also solid. Smiled: "That's good. When your legs are good, I invite you to visit China."

"Is it true?" Ling Xiao said with deep meaning.

"Of course, can this still be fake?" Xiao Zheng shrugged. "I just don't know if your legs are good, I will not have any problems."

Ling Xiao heard the words, but he also knew what he was talking about. Yes. This time Xiao Zheng is about to face what is not a mess, but the mysterious and powerful Zhao Wei. A true top-notch.

Who can guarantee that they will retreat in the face of such a terrible existence and even win?

At least there is no such grasp under the top.

After all, Zhao Wei’s strength is not only his own, but also the huge money empire behind him.

All of this is a factor that will bring Zhao to the altar.

"Xiao boss, I believe you can beat him." Ling Li smiled. "When you win, I will give you a big gift."

Xiao Zheng said with a smile: "Then I am disrespectful."

After a few more chats, Xiao Zheng hangs up the phone. Then, the first thing he has to do is to reinforce the security system.

This storm seems to be coming.

Moreover, Zhao Wei, who is out of control, will make something, no one knows, no one is sure that Zhao Wei will not hurt Lao Lin.

In the evening, Xiao Zheng received another call.

The importance of this phone call is more than that of Ling Xiao.

It was called Lin Lao Yao.

He was about to go to the Lin family for dinner.

And it was the dinner for both of them.

Xiao Zhengxian was hesitated for a while and immediately nodded and said, "I will arrive on time."

Hanging up the phone, he called Lao Lin again. Tell the other party that they are not going home for dinner. Then, after the company was busy for a while, he drove to the Lin family.

He did not tell Lao Lin why he went to Lin. Although Lin Lao Yao did not mention it, Xiao Zheng also wants to use his ass, which is definitely related to Zhao Wei.

Is the contradiction between Lin Lao Yao and Zhao Wei so great that they can be allied with themselves?

If this is the case, then Xiao Zheng is very happy.

He does not mind being an enemy of Zhao Wei, although it is also very scary. But he really does not want to be an enemy of Lin Lao Yao. Although this is a good wish for him.

When Xiao Zheng appeared in the Lin family living room, Dong Bijun was the most surprised.

However, she responded very quickly. After adjusting her emotions, she immediately sent a cup of hot tea to Xiao Zheng. Then she said with great enthusiasm: "You take a break and I will go to dinner."

"Auntie Dong aunt." Xiao Zheng said.

"Not hard and not hard." Dongbi Jun smiled. "Azhen can come over, Auntie is very happy."

After that, I went straight to the kitchen.

As soon as she left, there was only Xiao Zheng and Lin Lao Yao in the living room.

Xiao Zheng took a sip from the teacup and looked up at the Lin Lao Yao: "Are you looking for me?"