MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2258 Going up the mountain for the second!

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The second two hundred and fifty-eight chapters are for the second to go up the mountain!

Xiao Zheng is not using the pure hard touch to face the fist of Zhao Wei. It is the foot of the foot, a precise refraction, drifting to the left side of Zhao Wei. Then the dragon looked up and slammed it out. Directly take Zhao Wei's left brain.

His shots are fast and embarrassing, and they are fatal killers. The old monk standing on the side and Ye Yuhua both saw it, whether it was Zhao Wei or Xiao Zheng, they all wanted to put the other side to death. And there is no hesitation.

As for whether there will be too much sequelae after killing the other party, no one cares or cares.

When is the report? Tonight!


Zhao Wei’s left arm suddenly raised, and the hard-working student stopped Xiao Zheng’s fist. Then he slammed his right fist. With the thunder of lightning, he once again turned to Xiao Zheng’s heart.

It seems that Zhao Wei is particularly fond of attacking the enemy's heart.

Of course, as a strong person, it is reasonable and most effective to kill the enemy in the simplest and most direct way.

The real powerhouse has already abandoned the so-called fancy. The ones used are often the most direct and effective.

Both Zhao Wei and Xiao Zheng are like this. Shooting is a fatal blow, not only leaving no room for the enemy, but also leaving room for yourself.


Xiao is in the middle of Zhao’s fist, and his left hand is on the chest. Then the right foot suddenly lifted up and went straight to Zhao’s chest!


This punch hits each other. It was actually forced to bother to go backwards a few steps. Xiao Zheng was a little embarrassed. He only felt that his chest was like a huge stone. When he was on the road, he felt that his chest was stuffy and his breathing was short. On the other hand, Zhao Wei, but just patted the dust on his chest and stared at Xiao Zheng: "You just intend to fight me in this way?"

"Is there a problem?" Xiao Zheng spit out a sigh of relief, not hiding his pain from being punched.

"Then you may not be able to live for a long time." Zhao Wei was so determined that he saw Xiao Zheng's cards.

On the actual experience, the two may not be in the same league. However, when it comes to physical fitness, Zhao Wei has a high age, but as a god-level powerhouse, he has gone through every step of his bones. It is a terrible existence that is truly martial.

Xiao Zheng wants to win this hard battle by killing the enemy with a thousand losses of 800. It is extremely difficult.

"Do you mean that you can't stop?" Xiao Zheng asked. The words are full of ridicule.

"More to say no benefit." Zhao Yan said with a thin lip, slowly said. "continue."

His voice was degraded, his body seemed to be a lion, and he rushed toward the front door of Xiao.

Zhao Wei’s attack methods are unusually complicated. For a while, like the tyranny of the winter, it is like the mystery of the autumn harvest. And more often, he is extremely stable. It seems as if to calm down the spring and summer.

Such a Zhao Wei is really unpredictable.

The old monk "I seem to be" suddenly said bitterly. “Underimated Zhao Wei. I also overestimated myself.”

"Well?" Ye Yuhua was slightly stunned and looked at the old monk.

In fact, for such a contest. Ye Yuhua can't see how many doorways.

The only thing she can see is that Xiao Zheng has not been able to gain the upper hand. Although, at this moment, Xiao Zheng seems to be able to persist for a while. But can you get the dawn of victory? Ye Yuhua is not sure, and he can't analyze why.

Therefore, the explanation of the old monk is the only way for Ye Yuhua to understand the situation.

"I thought at first that I shot first and could force out his pressure box stunt. But now it seems that Zhao Wei's pressure box stunt is far more horrible than we think." The old monk said with a grin, his lips said. "The real god-level powerhouse is so varied."

"Changeable?" Ye Yuhua did not quite understand.

But it is not difficult to see from Xiao Zheng’s dignified look that he is facing an extremely difficult enemy. It's even a bit like encountering a hedgehog, not knowing how to start.

"Yes. It is changeable." The old monk said slowly. "Do you have noticed the leaves? Zhao Wei has changed several styles since he started to compete with Xiao Zheng. Even the style of play. Such a rhythm is extremely difficult for Xiao Zheng to adapt."

Seeing Ye Yuhua does not seem to understand, the old monk continues to say: "Give a simple example. When we conduct a commercial negotiation, as long as we first understand the style and preferences of the negotiation objectives, we have basically succeeded in half. But if we Negotiating with a moody opponent is tricky and unsure."

"Zhao Wei is on the martial arts, such a moody and powerful god-level powerhouse." The old monk said one word at a time. "He is too fickle. It is hard to find his style. See his true face."

"That is hard to win?" Ye Yuhua suddenly asked.

She does not care about the process. What she cares about is the result.

Ah can't do anything. He has a wife and two children. He has too many missions on his shoulders. How can he have something?

But can he really defeat Zhao Wei?

The old monk did not know, Ye Yuhua did not know.

This time, what Xiao Zheng is facing is a peak that is really insurmountable.


In the car.

The expression of the autumn harvest is extremely dignified and extremely eccentric.

She didn't seem to know how to speak, but she couldn't help but ask the man sitting opposite. Her second uncle, the old demon.

"This one, who can win?" asked the autumn harvest meaningfully.

Her heart is contradictory and complicated.

From her point of view, she does not want to have such a glimpse. But she is also very clear that this embarrassment is inevitable. At least no one can persuade his father to do this.

No one can stop Xiao Zheng from going to face the challenge.

Lin Lao Yao took a sip from the glass and said, "If I know, will I go up the mountain with you?"

The autumn harvest is a bit of a bitter and joyful: "I thought you were going to the top of the mountain."

Lin Lao Yao looked at the autumn and took a look: "It seems that you are not nervous enough."

The autumn harvest smiled slightly, and some luckily said: "Since you are willing to accompany me up the mountain, I believe you will definitely do something."

"What do you think I can do?" Lin Lao Yao asked. Faceless, it looks like a thousand years of ice.

"Block them." Autumn harvest said. "Or let things not develop to the point where they are out of control."

"I think too, but I can't do anything like you." Lin Lao Yao slightly picked up his throat. "No one can stop this, it can't be changed. We can only be a spectator."

"You really don't worry at all?" asked the autumn and asked.

In any case, Xiao is his son-in-law and the father of his two grandsons.

If Xiao Zheng is dead, he is dead in front of him, how to explain to Lin Linyin. To explain to two grandchildren?

On the contrary, the father is his big brother. Doesn't he care a little about his family? Do you not care about your father's life or death?

Lin Lao Yao faintly looked at the autumn harvest: "I know what you are thinking. Similarly, if I will give you all the questions you want, do you also become the unscrupulous?"

The autumn harvest was slightly stunned, and immediately it said: "Okay. It’s my heart."

"Family value is worth a thousand dollars. Because you are with me, it is irreplaceable." Lin Lao Yao slowly said. "But in this big age, there are many times when we can't change something. It's even more impossible to stop them from happening."

Lin Lao Yao’s life has experienced too much helplessness and choice. He has long been used to accepting it silently. Carrying anonymity.

How now, and so will the future.

He is sixty years old.

It should be seen through. He has all seen through.

Whoever is born and who is dead, he can't control it.

Although he is the Lin Lao Yao who is jealous of everyone, a real strong.

But what about it?

Is Zhao Wei not strong enough?

He is still blinded by hatred. A lifetime is a shackle, and you can never get rid of it. Can't walk out.

"When we arrive, maybe everything is over." Lin Lao Yao said slowly. Meaningful.