MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2291 Leading for the time being!

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The second two hundred and twenty-nine chapters are leading temporarily!

Gandorf is very nervous about the autumn harvest, because in his view, the autumn harvest is the ticket that Xiao Zheng is most likely to get so far. Count the votes of Xiao Zheng himself and Gandorf. Then there are at least three votes.

Although there are still some gaps in the four votes from Lin Lao Yao. But at least, with three votes, we can expect miracles to happen. If there are only two votes, what does Xiao Zheng take with Lin Lao Yao?

What do you take, go to the upright and defeat the Lin Lao Yao?

In Gandoff's view, Lin Lao Yao did give Xiao Zheng a big problem. Let Xiao Zheng be unable to play his own strengths to the fullest.

On the other hand, to defeat an enemy, is it necessary to start from the most powerful place of the enemy, to win the brilliance, and to win pride?

Gandorf saw Xiao Zheng’s determination and supported him as always. Although in his opinion, this is really a difficult thing than going to heaven.

However, as the same camp as Xiao Zheng, he asked the meaning of the autumn harvest as the host, which is also a bit close to the meaning of the water.

When he said this, everyone looked at the autumn harvest. This is the only descendant of Zhao.

No one will regard Lin Lao Yao as a descendant of Zhao.

He is too strong, powerful to the three words of Lin Lao Yao, enough to interpret everything. People simply disdain to use the four characters of the Zhao family to describe such a powerful Lin Lao Yao. And the descendants of the Zhao family, can not add to the strength of the Lin Lao Yao even a minute.

When the autumn harvest saw the topic shift to his own body, he couldn't help but smile. He asked: "Why did Mr. Gandorf ask me?"

"It’s just good intentions." How many years of people who Gandoff lived, smiled. "In any case, the autumn boss is also going to vote. Why not satisfy our curiosity?"

"There is nothing to vote. Why do you care about these few minutes?" The autumn harvest said profoundly. "I still want to keep mystery."

Gandol’s heart smiled.

The answer to the autumn harvest did not satisfy Gandorf. But he has no way.

He can't control the voting in the autumn harvest, and it is even more impossible to force the autumn harvest to vote. He just thought that the autumn harvest seemed to be the third ticket that Xiao Zheng was most likely to win. Others, there is no possibility at all to support Xiao Zheng.

But now, the attitude of the autumn harvest is also ambiguous. Didn't even give a vague answer.

This makes Gandorf somewhat worried.

At least as a supporter of Xiao Zheng, from the bottom of his heart, he still hopes that Xiao Zheng can be in the upper position. From the perspective of personal feelings, he also hopes that Xiao Zheng can represent the younger generation and defeat the Lin Lao Yao who has dominated for decades. Knowing the world in one fell swoop.

Spit out a sigh of gas, Gandorf took a sip of coffee: "Then I will not ask."

After a pause, he looked around: "So, can you vote on your own?"

"I think it's better to be more detailed." Although the autumn harvest did not directly answer Gandorf's question, he gave his advice on it. "After all, this is the first time. And we have very limited understanding of each other. So before voting, it is best to evaluate the voters. More or less, let everyone know more about the boss who trusts everyone. ""

The offer for the autumn harvest is very good. The people also quite agree. Gandorf nodded with a smile: "The autumn boss said yes. Since they all decided to vote, of course, they still have enough confidence in the boss. A simple evaluation does help to understand each other."

He said, looked at Justin on the left hand and joked: "Mr. Justin, have you decided to vote?"

Still ask one by one.

Such a grand scene, let everyone vote directly on a small note, is certainly unrealistic. And this so-called vote is actually equivalent to another form of alliance.

No voter or voter can accept anonymous voting. That will cause countless misunderstandings and contradictions.

Justin saw Gandorf take the initiative to ask himself, and said with a smile: "I haven't thought about who to vote for. So"

Justin shook his head and said, "Change one."

Didn't think about it?

He is not very close to Lin Lao Yao, has he even reached an alliance?

You should know that Lin Lao Yao’s many things in New York, including meeting with the President, have the participation of Justin. How could he not vote for Lin Lao Yao?

If there is really no intention to vote for the Lin Lao Yao, then the four votes passed by the outside world, there are only three votes left.

Gandoff’s heart was hot, and he felt that Xiao Zheng had a glimmer of hope.

Gandoff saw Justin say so, he had to change the next one.

A rich man from South Africa. With the opening of mines, the business has been done all over the world. It is very dark, but it has two rows of white teeth. It is very friendly to laugh. The age should be just over fifty years old.

As soon as he spoke, he made everyone unexpected. Especially Gandorf.

"I support Xiao Bo."

The South African rich man said in standard English: "With my understanding of Xiao Bo, he should be the most suitable candidate."

He said that in fact, some people are offended.

But he seems to be making a move for Xiao Zheng, only to deliberately say so. Then go and shake the big men who haven't made up their minds yet.

Gandorf nodded slightly, but his heart was a little excited: "Would you like to evaluate Xiao Bo?"

“It’s very simple.” South African rich man smiled. "The four words are enough. Young and promising."

This is obviously an answer to Xiao Zheng’s lack of understanding. Or, his understanding of Xiao Zheng is not convenient to talk about on such occasions.

After all, private relationships can't be placed on the table many times. It is not a good thing to let too many people know.

This ticket was taken by Xiao Zheng. In other words, four candidates in public, Lin Lao Yao one vote, Xiao Zheng one vote, and then the Middle East local tyrants. Allen has no votes.

The first two are votes from others, while the local tyrants are themselves. This suddenly opened the gap. And it is obvious that whether it is Lin Lao Yao or Xiao Zheng, one vote in his own hands is definitely for himself.

Lin Lao Yao and Xiao Zhengping, but ahead of others.

Xiao Zheng did not suffer from the start, and even unexpected. Even Gandoff did not expect that Xiao Zheng actually won this vote without knowing it. It is really amazing.

"So next"

Gandolf looks down to the next person.

"Of course it is to vote for Lin Boss."

The speaker is a rich man from Switzerland. It seems that Sven is decent, wearing a pair of gold glasses, very temperament.

He is very educated and looks like a born noble. The life is very detailed.

Even he voted for Lin Lao Yao?

The mood that Gandoff had just stepped down was involuntarily instigated.

In the eyes of Gandol, the Swiss rich man is likely to be a centrist. Even before the start, Gandorf thought he would vote for himself.

Unexpectedly, he did not hesitate to support Lin Lao Yao.

Obviously, they must have done something in private.

It is like Xiao Zheng and the South African rich man. There have been promises.

Two to one.

Lin Lao Yao is temporarily leading.