MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 151 Return 6

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Said, this white-browed man actually ignored the identity of his strong robbery period, and he rushed toward Qingyun.

The sly palm wind blows away the long hair of Qingyun, revealing his cold eyes. There is no fear in the eyes of the white-eyed people. This monk in the middle of the Jindan is facing the pressure of a strong robbery.

The rest of the valley robbed the monks who scattered the instruments and the elixir, and at this time also looked at the riots here.

The number of strong robbers, watching the repair in midair. When they saw Qing Yun’s eyes, they shook their heads without sighing.

Even a very young monk in the eyes of the robbers had a hint of regret: "This Yunqing is a good seedling. It can be seen that the heart is firm, but it is just too easy to fold. If you are willing to beg for mercy, you will not fall into such a situation. Now, unfortunately Up..."

The rest of the onlookers also agreed.

In recent years, the name of the genius of Tian Yuanzong’s disciple Yun Qing has been resounded throughout the mainland, and it has earned a good reputation for Tian Yuanzong.

But this young man is invincible in the Golden Age, even beyond most of the Yuan Ying period monks, now he is facing a monk in the robbery period, but also the leader in the robbery period.

Although the white-browed man has only used three-point strength, he is still extremely hot. If he is hit by this cloud, his life will be destroyed.

"The loss of a peerless genius, I am afraid that this day the Yuanzong lord's intestines must be remorse!" The rest of the people of the Holy Gate, this time in the midst of a play-like ridicule.

Looking at the illusory palm print, it is necessary to reach the front of Qingyun, surrounded by onlookers or gloating, but no one has helped.

Because the old man with the white eyebrows is extremely high, it is impossible to be an enemy. Moreover, the aura of this heaven is limited, and it is a little beneficial to them to have one less genius.

Next to those Tianyuan sects, one by one, they rushed to Zongmen to issue a sound jade, and some even took out a very precious transfer reel, but at this moment the Qianyun Valley method is still running, and all the artifacts that go out of the valley have no effect.

Upon seeing this, these young disciples must cry suddenly: "What to do! Save the cloud brother!"

Qing Chen also discovered the situation of Qing Yun, tried to ask for help from his elders, but was rejected.

Just when everyone thought that this rare genius in a hundred years would be killed, the front of the palm of the hand was moved, and his right hand moved and a long sword appeared.

Qing Yun’s sword is a cross, and the stable block is before the palm print.

"Hey! This kid is actually blocked!" The eyes of the spectators were bright.

I saw that under this huge palm print, the boy who was like an ant in the strong robbery period, although he continued to back down under this palm, but he did block the white-browed man. Palm.

The surrounding smoke and dust, the vegetation was broken, and the palm print was also consumed, and finally disappeared after Qingyun retired 100 meters.

At this moment, everyone has turned their eyes and wants to look at the smoke. The boy was really supported, or has become a corpse.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and the white boy stood up with the sword, and the eyebrows were still sharp. There were only two scars on the cheeks.

This is the strongest in the late period of the robbery, and the monks who built the base period were all taken aback. They thought that this cloud had to be seriously injured even if they had survived the attack.

Who would have expected that this boy could be said to be unscathed?

"This day Yuanzong really is really looking for a good seed!"

"The cloud master brother is nothing!" Tian Yuanzong disciple saw the appearance of Qing Yun and immediately became happy by the worry! At the same time, an indescribable pride reappears in their hearts.

Can the cloud brothers actually block the strong robbery during the Golden Dan period?

After the white-browed man was surprised, it was full of redness, and he was consciously made a faceless face by this junior. As a strong robbery period, he naturally cannot use all his strength to attack a junior in the Golden Age!

But just under his three-point skill, even the perfect monk in the Yuan Ying period couldn't help himself. How did this kid hide?

"You are a big life!" Bai Meidao was popular but he shot two palms in succession.

The rest of the robbery period has repeatedly shaken their heads, and they will not come back again. This white-browed person is too shameless.

Qingyun had a palm and escaped. He blocked the palm of his hand. He looked up at the white-browed man in the air, and his thin lips whispered: "Tear too much!"

Next, the surrounding onlookers were shocked by Yun Qing’s move again: “Is this kid up? Is this an active attack?”

"Great courage! Not only to block the attack of the strong robbers, but also to challenge them!"

The white-browed man saw his eyes, but his eyes flashed a hint of sullen smile. He took the initiative to attack Qingyun and he still had a little scruples about his identity. But this kid brazenly provocatively, there is nothing left to leave room!

"Kid, you are looking for death!" He smiled and pointed at Qingyun.

"Not good! This is the famous stunt of the white eyed man..."

Qingyun took the initiative to rush toward the attack of the white-browed man. He always thought about how much he should behave in this fight. Although scruples of his identity was discovered, Qing Yun will eventually enter the Holy Gate to bring back the soul with this group of strong.

Since there is always a show, he will be completely thorough!

Qing Yun raised his sword, and the tip of the sword pointed to the sky. A very horrible breath came from the surroundings and gathered at his sword's tip.

"What is the situation? This kid has actually cultivated the sword, and can also motivate the power of the world?"

"The power of this world is enough to cause damage to the monks during the robbery!"

When the horror breath finally reached its peak, Qing Yun’s sword smashed.

He noticed his offensive, and the surrounding voices were heard. Even the white-browed people couldn’t help but move. This kid really admire, he didn’t stop his attack at all, but wanted to attack him for the moment he attacked him. cause some damages!

The white-browed man smiled and pointed at the boy, and the juvenile swordsmanship had arrived.

Originally thought to be the ordinary sword of sword repair, although surprised, but not too much in the eyes of the white-browed Taoist people, when they touched this sword, they could not hide, the pupils shrank!

This sword, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, cut off half of the fingers of a monk.

The white-browed man did not anger, did not continue to attack, but sighed with a sigh, as if he saw something extremely horrible, generally retreated quickly.

This familiar sword ran into the body of the white-browed man along his wounds, instantly evoking his memory of the dusty millennium.

At the beginning, in the Qianyun Valley, a white man stood in the foothills, and a sword came to them. The sword was the most terrible sword he had ever seen in his life!

"You, you turned out to be..." The white-browed man looked at the narrow eyes of Qingyun in horror. This kind of indifference cleared his eyes and made him fall like a hail.

Since the recovery of Qianyun Valley more than a decade ago, the fear that has been hidden in his heart has completely erupted.

He is really back!

However, before the white-browed man said the name of Qingyun, his retired body encountered the array in the Qianyun Valley. During the time, several cracks in the space of the smashing atmosphere flashed, and the body of the white-browed man and the gods were twisted. A crush!

Looking at the blood thrown into the air, the strong robbers around the scenes were cold and immediately left the place where the law was.

At this time, they did not turn their heads to see Qingyun. They saw that Qingyun was attacked by the white-browed people and was seriously injured and lying on the ground. This erased the suspicion that rose in his heart.

It seems that the white-browed person's expression before the death of the strange should be the reason for the formation of the law, although the junior's sword is good, but it has not been seriously injured to kill the robbery period.

However, the repair of the Golden Dan period not only cut off a finger of the strong robbery period, but also forced the death of a strong robbery period. Such a thing is already incredible.

Many monks under the robbery period looked at the seriously injured teenager, and they all took solemnity in their eyes.

Just a sword that motivates the power of heaven and earth, since they can cause damage to the strong robbers, can they survive?

Perhaps it was because the white-browed man touched the array in the Qianyun Valley. At this time, the gates of the Qianyun Valley were opened again, and the well-received monks were guarding each other and went out.

Tian Yuanzong’s disciple was surrounded by Qingyun, and finally told Zongmen’s elders what happened in Qianyun Valley.

As the elder of the leader of the team, the real sword is also carrying a slow jug of the jug into the Qianyun Valley.

Most of the monks who came out of the Qianyun Valley saw that the ink really nodded and made a slight gesture, which made the ink really touch the mind: "When is Laozi's popularity so good?"

"Ink really friends! You really have a good disciple!" The dried emperor of the Qing dynasty came out, and the envious of the ink was really looked at. He used to think that Yunqing of Tianyuanzong, even if the genius is similar to the Qingmen of their ancestral gates, but today his line has opened his eyes.

A Jindan monk not only has the courage to counter the strong robbery period, but also wounds him or even kills him. This kind of apprentice is in his hands and people feel full of face.

And look at this road monk's attitude towards ink, you can know that Yunqing is a valuable apprentice. Therefore, although Yu Yu is now envious of his mouth, his heart is full of imbalance, so the ink is really a waste of the master. Is it a good disciple to spread the Yunqing disciple?

Ink is really confused by Yuxi, but he has always had his own set of dealing with this topic, that is, he touched his belly and laughed hahaha: "That is! You don't look at the disciple who taught it!"

Yuxi was stunned by the tone of ink and truth. He endured and endured the corners of his eyes and took away his sleeves.

"Oh, this state of mind can't be done." Ink really looked at the back of the eye, and licked his mouth and continued to drunk and went forward.

When the fifth familiar person along the way was in front of him, Mo Zhen finally felt something wrong: "What did this kid do for Laozi? Is it the second step to kill a Yuanying monk?"

Then came a monk rushing in, and finally told the truth to the ink: "Ink true friend, Yunxian 侄 侄 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金The law was killed in an accident, and it was really awesome!"

When I heard this person, the ink really fluttered and almost fell to the ground.

Holy Gate? The white-browed man who was in the robbery period?

Is Yunqing’s kid a itch? Is it blatant to go up with the holy door?

Despite my madness, Mo Zhen still played a haha, and said to the human: "My apprentice, of course, amazing!"

When Mo Zhen felt the location of Tian Yuanzong all the way, he had already figured out what happened in Qianyun Valley. He saw his seriously injured person, and immediately fell into the ground. The stock sat on the ground and sighed: "Your boy will give Laozi is in trouble. When you first brought you into the ancestor, you told me not to provoke the holy gate. Now you simply kill the person!"

Although he was distressed on the face, he did not forget to drink alcohol. He even took the two altar spirits that had just been scattered from the inner chamber of Qianyun Valley into his arms.

Qing Yun raised a look at the distressed ink, his eyes could not help but flash.

He forced the white-browed man this time, and the strength he showed has gone beyond normal. If others can't see it, then the master of the ink is actually no doubt.

Moreover, I found that my disciple was forced to die in a strong robbery period. Will the normal Master be this performance?

Qing Yun took a deep look at the ink, hiding doubts in his heart.

At this time, the voice of a young boy sounded: "Mu Zhenshi Shu is not distressed, and now the holy door is self-satisfied. Moreover, the death of the white-browed man is only the result of his touching the method of the Qianyun Valley, and has nothing to do with Yunqing."

Qing Yun looked at the direction of the voice, and frowned when he saw the person coming down.

It’s Qing Chen who spoke. After he bowed to the ink, he gave a fist to Qingyun: “When you hurt, you and I will have to learn once!”

Qingyun’s opening is going to be rejected, but he has been robbed by the ink. “I’m so good to say! I heard that this time in Qianyun Valley, I went into Gu Yunqing and ran away without a shadow. My Tianyuanzong disciple would like to thank you for your care. I promise When this kid is good, he will drive him over to play with you."

When I heard the promise of ink, Qing Chen’s eyes lit up and immediately promised: “After two months, I am about to leave the Qing dynasty and return to my home. I don’t want to be a guest with my Dao Qing’s family.”

"Qing Jia? Don't go." Qing Yun brows a wrinkle, flashing a hint of cool color.

But at this time, the sword at his waist shook a bit, and the sound of the silence also sounded in his mind: "Baby, let's go back and see? Look at the place we first met, okay?"

Wen Yanqing smashed his lips, and his fingers slammed the sword.

But this time, the ink really slaps on the top of Qingyun’s head: "What do you mean by the kid? I will give it to you when I say it."

He said that he smiled and looked at Qing Chen: "Reassure, I will send this kid when I wait."

The group of people also went out with the surrounding monks, and just stepped out of the exit of Qianyun Valley. Qingyun and others heard the guards of the holy gate outside and called: "Tianyuanzong disciple Yunqing, kill me, the elders, the white-browed people! Which is Yunqing, stand up for me!"

When I really heard this, I immediately stalked my neck and went back: "When you are in the holy road, the strong robbers bully me the apprentice of the Golden Age. If you are unlucky, you have to blame my apprentice? Do you want to shame?"

The guard of the Holy Gate was also smashed. The white-browed man took the hand to deal with Qing Yunben. He was wrong, and then he touched the battle and died. This did make the holy door no face.

Moreover, the Holy Gate has just attempted to limit the number of monks who took back the soul. After all, there are too many people who come out with items with a clear cloud. Their unconfirmed behavior has already provoked the potential. The monks on the outskirts of Yungu, now listening to the holy gate and looking for Yunqing’s troubles, immediately smashed.

The first to go out of the valley, and other people also sarcastically said: "Hey, I don't know that the Holy Gate has not been so rude to this extent. When I killed my family, I did not keep promises, and now because of a monk The death, the shameless reliance on a junior of the Golden Age, is really eye-opening!"

The Holy Gate was attacked by hundreds of people. When the scene was out of control, a very powerful pressure came from midair, and the periphery of the Qianyun Valley was quiet.

The former obsessive guards immediately bowed to the courtesy: "See the Holy Word!"

Holy Word? The crowd was flustered for a moment, because since the death of Qingyun, the world’s first strongest is the holy road.

I heard that this person has been able to fly up, but now it is only a matter of repression.

The Holy Path did not show up, but swept through the entire Qianyun Valley with his powerful knowledge. This knowledge was carefully examined by Qingyun.

Qingyun’s mouth sneered, and he finally hit the protagonist again. That year led the factions to attack him outside the Qianyun Valley, and even recruited the 100th protagonist who tried to kill him.

If Qingyun wants revenge, what is the white-browed person, Jiang Qian Jiang Yuan is a little bit of a dispensable thing, and Qing Yun really wants to kill this protagonist.

Because the protagonist of this world has clearly realized the existence of heaven, not controlled by heaven, but brazenly to deal with him through the power of heaven, and even devour the gas of him.

The Holy Way did not notice the abnormality of Qingyun, and soon recovered his own knowledge: "The Holy Gate has always been trustworthy, and all the monks with the Qingyun breathable objects from the Qianyun Valley have the opportunity to get back themselves. The soul of life. After two months, the Holy Gate is open and welcomes you."

After that, this pressure will disappear. 2k novel reading network