MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 99 Princess and Dragon 3

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The author has something to say: This article is only published in Jinjiang, banned the transfer

"No, my Royal Highness, this is only inside the forest. It will take some time for us to reach the border city." The elf knight around Qingyun replied.

Qingyun nodded and suddenly lost interest and went to the carriage. He is looking forward to finding a market, and then replacing these messy dresses!

God knows how painful it is to walk in the forest every day, and the air is so clear that he wants to tear the skirt. He did, but the accompanying maid gave him a more gorgeous dress in the next second. Now Qingyun has already had a psychological shadow on the dress.

Qingyun had not yet stepped on the carriage, and he heard the familiar voice when the magic was launched.

Come again! He turned his eyes to the sky. These days, not only the World of Warcraft was disturbed, but the people who wanted to grab him were wave after wave. Qingyun was extremely tired of the life that was robbed by others like goods.

Qingyun couldn’t help but flash a sigh of relief. Not only that, but the woman’s dress and the imprisonment of her body made him feel at a loss. In particular, the regular artifact on his body greatly limited his actions, and his soul could not be swayed, but he could only slowly transform the body.

Seeing that the attack is about to come, the surrounding guards are familiar with the weapons in their hands, watching the surroundings and Morris and the people behind him.

However, this attack was unexpected to everyone. A gleaming big net actually fell from the sky, and it was necessary to cage the princess and the carriage.

At a glance, Selodi recognized the transmission magic of this big online network. He was simply stunned. If it was caged by this net, the girl would soon disappear in front of them.

"Princess! Run away!"

Morris did not participate in the struggle between the two sides. In fact, with his perception, he had already noticed the arrival of unscrupulous humans, but he had nothing to do with him. Whether it is a human or an elf dwarf, he is a livestock he raises. He left them just to wait for the appearance of his treasure.

But somehow, maybe the girl’s voice was too good, maybe the light in the blue eyes was too familiar, and Morris looked back when he turned the horse.

This time he saw the scene where the giant net was almost caged by the girl. This scene that should have nothing to do with him, but inexplicably let the Murray pupil shrink, the tyrannical time of the dragon in the eyes flashed, the dragon language The magic came out almost immediately with the tremor of the lips of Morris.

However, the girl in the center of the crisis moves faster than him. She does not flee in a clumsy skirt. Instead, she picks up the toes and lifts the long sword at the foot without knowing who is falling.

"Sting" sounded, and then the eyes of the crowd were the elegant skirts of the princess.

The girl who had ripped off the skirt, stepped on the carriage in two steps with lightness, and the sword smashed the spar inlaid on the big net. The magic light shining on the net suddenly dissipated, and this eye will follow The big net with gravity falling on the top of the girl’s head is also broken.

Qingyun was shocked and couldn't help but blink his eyes. With his current strength, he could only destroy this online magic, and ensure that he would not be transferred by magic even if he was caught.

How could this web suddenly break?

He turned his head and swept through the crowd, and finally locked his gaze on the black man who was extremely silent and extremely dangerous. He nodded slightly toward him: "Thank you."

Morris still did not say anything, his pale lips were stunned, and the dark red eyes were swept over the slender legs of the girl.

This delicate and delicate skin, afraid of being gently rubbed on his scales, will become **** and fuzzy.

But... Morris looked at the calm face of the girl and the long sword held in her hand. The corners of the mouth that had not been moved all the year rounded hard, and the hard-boiled arc of a cold-blooded animal.

This girl, it seems to be different from what he has seen before?

Muresler took Lema and stopped the pace of the horse under him.

The butler behind him saw his movements and immediately thought about it. Is this not going to leave?

When the housekeeper came forward, he looked at the luxurious carriage and looked at the signs of the armor of Hughes and Selodi. He asked: "I would like to ask you, Princess Lidia, the escort, to **** her to the gram. Erlis Mountains?"

Hearing this person who claimed to be the Earl of Olson’s housekeeper, Serodi and others immediately turned the weapon in their hands, because this road has people who know the identity of the princess and express blessings and gratitude to them. But more are all bad calculations.

So Serodi couldn't help, not to mention... He looked at the silent Earl of Olson and only felt that his heart was ringing.

Going to the Kellys Mountains? Morris moved a pair of vertical and strange, and then ridiculed the ironic smile. Since he made his promise, almost all kinds of people and even Warcraft took their own thoughts of "treasures" to disturb his sleep, but those things are simply worthless in the heart of Morris.

Now they are moving their brains and thinking about sending someone?

Morris once again looked at the girl who had torn off the skirt and looked a little lively and refreshing, and the flash of the eyes was a pity. He once again lamented that if she was a boy, it would be fine.

The housekeeper looked at his master's gaze on the princess and suddenly became clear. In fact, he is the latest steward of the Olsen family. This family has a very old and very amazing family training.

That is, if someone comes with a black dragon scale, then this person is the new Earl of Olsen. The housekeeper swept over the dark red erects and dark hair of Earl Olson, and again his hands and feet were soft because of the faint speculation in his heart.

He looked at Morris and hesitated to ask: "Count, we?"

"Take them." Morris replied gently, and the long-lost voice was rubbed like gravel, with a strange charm.

Morris is not familiar with human language. If it is not for finding his own treasures in the human world, the proud dragon will not learn this language at all.

The steward went up and said that he had eliminated the defense of Serodi and others, and the two people returned to the border city.

Morris did not understand why he had to return to the border city with a girl and a group of people, clearly that he should go to the depths of the forest and continue to search for his treasures instead of spending time on people who are not even gendered.

But...he, oh no, she is in danger, even if she looks at the eyes that make him love, he should also send her to a safe place, isn't it?

Mureth, who was imprisoned by the impression inherent in his mind, did not find his heart unusually concerned. After all, if anyone else encountered this situation, Mures would not even look at it.

After all, a human being's life and death, what has to do with him, even if it is to give him a "sacrificial".

For the generosity of Earl Olson, Qing Yun did not care too much. After all, he also missed his sacrifice before, and followed him to send him a ride.

However, this man is a magical magic, but Qingyun is very interested. After all, he barely heard the long spell of magic, and the net that fell from the sky was inexplicably broken.

With the strength of Qingyun, he is not accustomed to the fact that his power is now imprisoned. He can only use some simple martial arts and the healing magic of his own body. He can also use the surrounding guards to face the big magic. The teacher and the last dragon are not enough to see.

But he can learn, the artifact on his body just forbids his soul to transform the big movements of the body, and can't ban his own learning, isn't it? This man is a very good candidate.

However, Qingyun’s plan had not been implemented yet, and he was taken out of a long skirt and the maid interrupted.

He looked at the set of water-blue dresses that didn't have five layers inside and outside. He endured and couldn't resist the wrinkled nose and screamed. But after all these days, Qingyun has become accustomed to it. He pulled away the torn messy skirt on his body, and even thought about it, at least he wiped out a skirt.

Leaning on the trunk, watching the girl wrinkled a small face and reluctantly got into the carriage, Murray's dark red beast was ignorant and revealed the radiant light.

Do not like girls wearing skirts?

But looking at the upper body of the girl, Morris moved his eyes unconsciously and looked into the distance.

When the night comes, the camp will become more and more lively. Morris always stands in the direction away from the crowd and looks into the distance. The huge spiritual power of the dragon almost swept the entire magical forest, but Morris never found anyone who made his soul move.

Where is it? His treasure?

Morris is the most powerful force in the world. He doesn't know when he appears. He only knows that when he opens his eyes, there is a vacancy in his heart that seems to have forgotten something and lost something. He only knows that what he is looking for is on this continent, so he protects the creatures on this continent like raising animals.

But at the same time, the dragon's natural tyranny and destruction also left Mureth with a terrible reputation.

Therefore, Morris had to turn into a human form to look for in all corners of the world. He found a hundred years and another hundred years, but nothing was achieved. Sometimes Morris looked down on the world and even thought that this land was hiding his treasures?

This thought made Mureth's heart swell, and almost destroyed the continent without any consideration. But the hope in my heart still makes Mures calm and let him learn to wait.

In the past few days, he clearly felt his treasures very clearly, and even outlined his image in his mind. In search of him, Murray even used the power he had left in the human world, but why can't he find it?

The solitude of tens of thousands of years was piled up on the dragon's body, letting the man's eyes involuntarily reveal the desolation and loneliness.

"Count of Olson."

When the mountains are clear, the sounds that flow into the bottom of the heart can almost sound, and the tyrannical faintness in the heart of Murray is instantly cleaned up. Morris looked up and saw the girl in the aquamarine dress standing quietly in front of him, like the beautiful flowers blooming in the forest.

There was a glimmer of astounding in the eyes, but Murray did not say anything because he did not have the patience to play with the little girl.

Morris didn't make a sound, didn't even lift his head, and he almost immediately heard the sound of the girl's skirt sweeping across the grass.

She is turning, she is leaving?

At this moment, Murray was even a little helpless. He squinted and finally replied in the throat: "Well."

Qingyun stopped the pace of turning and raised his eyebrows because of the extreme pride of the man in front of him. God knows that the temper he wore in his skirts in the past few days, where is the heart to deal with this arrogant and indifferent man?

But... you are here to learn, so you have to be humble! Qing Yun took a deep breath and comforted himself silently.

"Excuse me, what kind of magic did you just use, Earl Olson?"

magic? She ran over to ask about his magic?

Morris raised interest again, but he met many women who were interested in him. They are either attracted by his face and strong body, or follow the accessories that represent money on him, but Murray is sure that if these women see his terrible body, they will be scared.

But in any case, Murrays was the first to encounter a person who was sensitive to his magic and asked the person.

Thinking of the sly figure of the previous girl carrying a long sword and jumping on the carriage, Murray pulled his lips and showed a little stiff smile: "What? You want to learn."

"Yes." Qingyun did not hide his thoughts, but asked him to open the door. "Can you teach me?"

"My magic, you can't learn." Mureth's hoarse voice brought a little imperceptible smile, and he shook his head gently. His magic is the magic of the dragon.

"That may not be." Qingyun arrogantly lifted his chin. If he asked Qingyun the most confidence in his ability, it must be learning. In his own world, he dragged his broken body but made it. A variety of things that are unbelievable to others.

The girl's chin is slightly lifted, and the curvature between the neck and the chin is incredibly beautiful. This arrogant appearance makes it impossible for Morris to move his eyes. 2k novel reading network