MTL - Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy-Chapter 16 Thrilling dinner

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"Yi Chen, you are back." Li Yunhong saw his baby son and instantly forgot to make it difficult.

Wu Gang sighed with relief, he was going to die, help.

In fact, Wu Gang is not afraid of Li Yunhong and Chen Yu. As an assistant to the president, he has also contacted many rich people with the president. He also knows how to deal with it. However, in the face of Li Yunhong and Chen Yu, he is very uncomfortable. God knows How difficult is this two characters.

Mo Yichen sat down on the sofa in the living room, and he wanted to take a rest after a day of work.

"Yi Chen, I am busy busy tonight, I have done a lot of dishes. This kind of good girl is rare. Now this beautiful girl will have a hard time cooking, and she is free. It’s good to see Mom often, if the mother has such a close daughter, it’s okay, but it’s okay to have such a good heart, Yi Chen, you say it is.” Li Yunhong talked about Chen’s heart and felt Beautiful.

"The mother said that she would not be a good daughter. I don't mind having a sister." Mo Yichen expressed his opinion.

"You, the child, how can you have a daughter?" The daughter will marry sooner or later, but the daughter-in-law will be different. Marrying into our Mohist family is the person of our Mohist family. How can the children be away?" Li Yunhong felt a bit embarrassed about the words of Mo Yichen.

"I don't have that kind of idea." Mo Yichen still expressed his opinion very directly.

Li Yunhong is full of black lines. Is this son born to her? Will it be wrong in the hospital, how is always not with her heart, hehe.

Wu Gang was quietly in a daze. Anyway, their conversation was not related to his affairs. When he did not exist, he was a transparent person.

After a while, when Chen Hao took the last dish at the dinner table, he took off the apron and finally got it, exhausted her.

She shouted a few words to the living room: "Auntie, the morning meal is ready, you can eat, and Wu Gang."

Wu Gang’s heart sighed, when I loved your food.

So four people went to the dinner table.

On the rectangular dining table, Li Yunhong sat in the main position, and Mo Yichen sat in the position of Li Yunhong's left hand side. Chen Hao was the first to sit next to Mo Yichen.

Wu Gang was the last one to sit down and sat opposite the Mo Yi Chen.

When Li Yunhong shouted for a meal, the four people picked up the chopsticks.

"Yi Chen, this is your favorite fish. You try to see my craft. I have been working on this fish for a long time." Chen Yu clipped a piece of fish into the bowl of Mo Yichen.

Mo Yichen glanced at the fish in his bowl and hesitated and put it in his mouth.

After chewing, he frowned. "The fish is too embarrassing."

"Ah, is it?" Chen Hao quickly clipped a piece of fish into his mouth, and it was really embarrassing.

Chen Hao said with embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I didn't handle it well. That morning, you can taste this tomato bomb." Tomato bomb, also on the fried egg topped with special tomato juice.

Mo Yichen clipped the tomato bomb in the bowl and put it in his mouth and chewed it a few times.

"Too salty."

Chen Hao’s face became smashed, and two consecutive dishes suffered from the disappointment of Mo Yichen. She looked at Li Yuhong and wanted to get her help.

"Ah, maybe it’s too hasty today. If you want to do so many things, it’s inevitable that you will make a mistake. If you try another dish, you will say it if you don’t, and you will improve if you improve.” Li Yunhong’s opening eased Chen’s embarrassment. .

Dinner continues.

Wu Gang’s heart was filled with tears in this meal. Is Missy the first time to cook? The dish is too hot and dry, and the rice is mixed with some unripe rice. The meat is too hard, the fish is too simmering, the soup is too salty, wow, I don’t know if this meal will be diarrhea tonight?

In the past, the food that Wu Gang came to eat was a dish made by a nanny, and the color and flavor were all.

Today, the dishes made by Missy, the color is almost the same, but the taste is really unsatisfactory, Mom, so horrified, suddenly remembered the uncle of the housekeeper, he had already seen it, hehe.

Finally, Mo Yichen couldn't stand it, but he still finished eating the rice in the bowl based on courtesy, but the dishes on the table didn't eat much. He put down the bowl and said that he was full and left the table.

Wu Gang also said that he was full with the president. Then he left the table in a hurry.

Chen Hao frowned, a look of frustration.

Li Yunhong saw her expression and comforted her softly: "Nothing, cooking is also a matter of hard work. You can practice more in the future."

Chen Hao replied in a perfunctory manner. In fact, how could she be a big lady who can cook herself, or if she is not to please Li Yunhong, she will not do these things.

"Mom, I still have something, I have to go first." Mo Yichen came out and said to Li Yunhong.

"It’s going to go so soon, I am not letting you push everything down tonight, come back to accompany my mother?" Li Yunhong said with a calm voice.

"There must be urgent treatment in the event of a temporary emergency." Mo Yichen did not say back.

"Wu Gang is not here? He will handle it." Li Yunhong is very sure that Mo Yichen is just looking for an excuse.

"Wu Gang will also go with me. It is an emergency."

"What is the urgency, you talk about it." Finally, Mo Yichen came back and Li Yunhong did not want to let him go.

Just when the atmosphere was very tense, Chen Yu said that he said the most conscience of today.

"Auntie, since there is something urgent in the morning, let him go first."

Li Yuhong saw Chen Yu talking to Mo Yichen, and finally let go of Mo Yichen.

Well, it’s a really good girl. I will also make a break for Yi Chen. I will be able to make friends in the future.

Chen Yuke did not think that Li Yunhong was so generous. She only looked at Li Yunhong and Mo Yichen Bar. In order to establish her beautiful image, she spoke for Mo Yichen.

Wanting to get the heart of Mo Yichen is not anxious at this moment, she has already got the good feeling of Li Yunhong, there is no other woman around Mo Yichen, she can come slowly, slowly will Mo Yichen The heart is caught, not urgent now.

At this time, Mo Yichen and Wu Gang have already opened the door of the Mohist family.

Wu Gang patted the chest, just more thrilling, more afraid that their mother and son quarreled, but fortunately.

Wu Gang, who must have fixed the soul, looked at the road, isn’t it?

"President, where are we going?" This is not the way to the company, nor the way back to his home, not the way back to the president's villa, where is it going? Is it really urgent? No way?

"Let's go, have dinner, go to the place where there are dishes that normal people eat." Mo Yichen said something like this with his teeth.

This sentence is deeply recognized by Wu Gang.