MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 242 Turning

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Six elders came forward, and the Son even made such an oath, and those ordinary people soon dissipated.

Before that, they were very respectful to Lancelot, and this time they were instigated by people who thought that Lancelot was not worthy of being a holy son. They were so excited-they believed in the God of Light, not Lancelot This Son.

Linda saluted to the six elders, looked at Lancelot for a moment, and hummed with a sneer: "Lancelot, I'll see if you can really control the plague!"

"I will work hard," Lancelot said lightly.

Linda didn't like Lancelot's light and light wind as if she didn't care about anything. She put in so much effort for her rights and carried a heart all day, but Lancelot always stayed the same. Vice does not take these seriously ...

He gave Lancelot an expressionless look, and Linda took the Bishop of the West.

"Six elders, thank you." Lancelot also saluted the six elders.

"You make such a decision, just do it for yourself." Six elders said, then looked at Qi Jingchen: "I hope you will not let your Majesty down."

The eyes of the six elders were slightly weird, but when Qi Jingchen wanted to take a closer look, he couldn't see anything, as if it was just his illusion before.

The six elders came quickly, walked faster, and soon disappeared into Qi Jingchen's sight.

The West District was quiet again. Now this is a place abandoned by God. From the outside, it seems that the people inside have got the plague. If not necessary, no one wants to approach here.

Lancelot brought people in from outside and looked around for a week: "I'll be living here for the next time."

Qi Jingchen nodded: "Welcome." Even though Lancelot is now being criticized and considered unworthy of being a holy son, he has his own manpower, not to mention anything else, and the King of War is still behind him.

Qi Jingchen felt that with the addition of Lancelot, the prevention and control of plague must be carried out faster. What was more helpless was that after reading the relevant information about antibiotics, he found that they did not have the conditions to produce antibiotics.

Not to mention that they do not have all kinds of experimental equipment, and even the information they have stored is not perfect. It is very difficult to produce several antibiotics that can cure the plague. Even now, even if you go to the earth, you may not get it. antibiotic.

In the last days, the production of antibiotics was put on hold. Everyone felt that it was of little use. In fact, if they had not encountered plague, antibiotics might have no effect on other plagues.

Fortunately, when Lancelot swears, he only said that the plague would be resolved, but he did not say he would cure the sick people ... Qi Jingchen said, "I need your help."

"For my own life, I will do everything I can." Lancelot looked at Qi Jingchen with a smile, and at the same time, those people in the Western District who knew that they had escaped, fell to their knees.

They almost died just now. It was the two who did not give them up that they survived. These people know this very well and are very grateful to Qi Jingchen and Lancelot.

Lancelot had heard Qi Jingchen said that the situation in the Western District had stabilized, and knew that the situation between the earth and Yell was different. Qi Jingchen might really have a solution, so he would make such an oath, but for the situation in the Western District, he Actually don't understand.

Now suddenly seeing a bunch of bald heads saluting at himself, Lancelot couldn't help but stun.

Qi Jingchen noticed that Lancelot was staring at the bald heads of the people in the Western District, and said, "There will be fleas in my hair, so I let them shave."

"That's it ..." Lancelot smiled, then looked at the kneeling humane: "I don't know about the plague. You have to thank, and don't thank me."

The people in the Western District heard Lancelot's words and looked at Qi Jingchen. In fact, they really appreciated Qi Jingchen. After all, these days, it is Qi Jingchen who has been helping them.

Lancelot was not telling the truth. He did not know anything about the plague, so he did not intervene in Qi Jingchen's management of the Western District. He just let his people send the people who had been affected by the plague to the Western District, and deployed a lot of supplies.

It was at this time that they knew that some people had been found outside the city.

The situation is very grim and they must respond as soon as possible ... maybe they should go out and see.

The sacred city is surrounded by vast plains. There are many villages here, and the population of these villages is also very large.

Because the apprentices here are fertile, and there have never been disasters and harsh tax donations, the villagers' lives are very happy. Some time ago, the price of wine soared. Many of them made a little fortune, and everyone was more cheerful.

But now, their happy life has been overshadowed.

There was a man dead in the village, and the man was black when he died!

This method of death is known to the elderly in the village. It is a kind of plague and a terrible one!

These people were abandoned by God, so they died, and even turned black after death. Many people in the village have contacted them before, will they also get sick?

Will all of them be the ones abandoned by God?

They were worried. At this time, someone in the village was sick again!

The residents near the holy city are all believers in the bright God. After knowing that they would be abandoned by God, they immediately have no desire to survive and do nothing.

Just then, someone came to this village.

"The Son said that there is a way to solve the plague problem, as long as you take people abandoned by God to the city to find him." Those people told the villagers.

Really? These villagers were very surprised. They trusted the Son so they had no doubt about the words of these people.

After packing, they planned to take the patient to the holy city.

When Qi Jingchen and Lancelot came out of the holy city, they just met these people. When they saw the patients, they went to the holy city. Even more and more people gathered. Rao is that they rarely show their emotions. Come out, can't help frowning.

Things about Lancelot have not spread to the countryside, but the holy city is now well known. Many people are angry with Lancelot, and they are all heartbroken. In this case, if the people around them took The patient came to the holy city ...

The people in the holy city will be very angry ... if there is no accident, this should be Linda or the people over there.

They are really tireless in trying to trouble them, even if it is just a little trouble, but fortunately they found it early.

"Open a door on the outer wall of the Western District and let them send all the patients there." Qi Jingchen said, "How can we not get infected with the plague, and talk to these people well."

There is a city wall around the holy city, and the western area is next to the city wall for a long time. Now a hole in the city wall can allow those patients to enter the western area.

The villagers approached the holy city with their patients, but were stopped by some people wearing bright warrior uniforms: "The Son of God is going to let you go there."

Those patients were taken outside the walls of the Western District.

Some of them have relatively mild symptoms, while others are pushed by their families in a car. Although they feel that these people are abandoned by God, they should not be contacted, but in fact the vast majority of people cannot do it. I abandon my loved ones, and speaking of it, I have been in contact for a long time ...

Everyone was taken to the door of the newly opened door in the Western District, and Qi Jingchen had taken someone there to wait.

Magicians are basically unwilling to come to help in such places, but Lancelot has a few loyal ones, but he was still called. These magicians are responsible for providing clean warm water or building some houses or Help Qi Jingchen spread his voice far away. As for the care of those patients, he gave it to some people Nie Yi picked out from the Western District.

The person Nie Yi picked out was the one who dared to align with Jing Chen when Qi Jingchen came to the Western District.

"The room over here is for male patients, the room over there is for female patients, you can clean the patients, shave their hair, and leave them here." Qi Jingchen sent those patients to them. The man said.

"Shaved hair? What is this for?" Someone muttered privately.

"The plague was caused by rats and fleas. Shaving your hair will ensure that there are no more fleas in it," Qi Jingchen said.

Those people obviously did not believe Qi Jingchen's words, but did not dare to ask, after all, for them, Qi Jingchen's identity was too noble.

They did not dare to talk to Qi Jingchen at all.

"You want to be free of the plague, and you must pay attention to hygiene after returning, and don't touch the rats and fleas." Qi Jingchen said again, but he found that all of them were bewildered, not only those people were bewildered, but even those around them who came to help , I don't believe much.

For these ordinary people, things like rat fleas and lice are really common. Whose few mice don't have some small bugs? They grew up with these "little things" from an early age, they didn't think they would make them sick at all.

What's more, the plague is because of being abandoned by God ... Their loved ones will encounter unlucky things like they do now when they contact the people who have been abandoned by God!

"You don't believe me?" Qi Jingchen looked at a bald man next to him, who was the one who was holding on to him and then forcing the Light God to open the door of the Western District.

Qi Jingchen didn't care much about offending such a trivial matter, but Nie Yi hated such people. So these days, it has always been the most hard work for those lazy people. Now, to accept new patients, it is even more to bring them Already.

These people are actually reluctant and want to resist, but Nie Yi has the ability to prevent them from resisting.

"Believe, believe." The bald nodded again and again.

"Really? Then you talk about it." Qi Jingchen said.

"Is the **** of light letting mice and fleas punish us?" A bald man, a lazy man like him, never cleans his house. Sometimes, when he feels awake, the remaining bread of yesterday has been eaten by mice. Only half of them are left, and he didn't get sick after eating the remaining half ...

Qi Jingchen: "..."

Qi Jingchen also wanted to say something, Lancelot suddenly said: "Qi Jingchen, if possible, the plague is caused by rats and fleas, so you better not say more."

"Why?" Qi Jingchen looked at it puzzledly.

"Because of the doctrine, those who have been plagued are those abandoned by God." Lancelot said.

Qi Jingchen has always known that Lancelot is a person who believes in God very much, but now it seems that it is not the case—if he really believes in God, he should come to question himself at this time.

However, Lancelot didn't say much, and the patients in front of him had to deal with it ... Qi Jingchen blinked, and made a new statement within a while.

"There used to be a subordinate of the Dark God who turned the Dark God into a mouse because he annoyed the Dark God. In order to return to the Dark God, he lurked into your home and came out at night to steal your food and stay in your house Make holes in it and tell the Dark God about your news so that you can make achievements. You shouldn't ignore them ... "Qi Jingchen doesn't need to say anything anymore, everyone has an" as it is "expression.

In Yale, it is not possible to arrange the light gods at will. After all, the light gods are really powerful, but the dark gods have long disappeared into history. According to the current situation, even if they are said, it does not matter.

"These mice are all the same?" The bald man shook and asked, were they abandoned by God because they did not kill the mice?

"The mice that lurk in your home are like this, and the fleas on them carry the dirt on them." Qi Jingchen said, some mice are still very cute, such as hamsters, and if they really kill all the mice in the wild Then, maybe it will also damage the ecological environment ... he simply added a limit condition-a mouse living in a person's house.

After speaking, Qi Jingchen suddenly felt that he was really talented as a **** stick, because everyone in front of him believed it.

Next, he didn't need to say anything more, and the patients spoke on their own.

"When I was sleeping the other night, I was bitten by a mouse on my leg!"

"I'm a flea. There are a lot of fleas in my family. Those guys must have been on mice before!"

"The mice are too evil!"


These patients quickly took care of themselves and entered the Western District, and the family members of the patients said that they would kill the mice when they returned.

"You must be careful not to let them bite or flea on your body. Otherwise, if you get sick, you may have to wait for death." Qi Jingchen said again.

Can't heal? These people were a little disappointed, but after thinking of the plague in the past, they would not be spared, not to mention the patients, and immediately felt acceptable.

Some patients came to the Western District by themselves, but the vast majority of patients were brought to the Western District by Lancelot.

At this time, they found that there seemed to be more patients in the North District than before ...

"Let them kill the mice in their house as soon as possible," Qi Jingchen said.

The Western District is dirty and broken. The people here live on the relief of the Bright Gods. They can burn the houses if they want to burn them, so as to completely kill the rats, but he cannot Did it.

Those ordinary people may have struggled all their lives to find a place to stay in the holy city. It ’s going to burn. Those who lived comfortably before, how to arrange it is also a big problem.

In addition, the Western District was fenced, and the mice could not run out or in. The other places were different.

Qi Jingchen's word about mice was pushed out by Lancelot.

The people in the holy city did not believe when they heard Qi Jingchen's speech, but now they believe it, and they think that the plague might really be related to mice.

"Did you hear that? The mice in the house became subordinates of the Dark God!"

"The mice are black and very dirty. I don't think they are good anymore. It turns out that!"

"The plague is also related to rats. You said, did God abandon us if we saw rats in our house?"

"We must kill the mice soon!"


Throughout the holy city, everyone has begun a vigorous anti-rat operation.

In the past, no one took mice seriously, which allowed them to thrive in the homes of ordinary people. Now everyone dislikes mice. To kill them, the situation is completely different.

Countless mice were killed, and residents spontaneously burned them all.

Hearing this, Qi Jingchen was relieved, but his relief was too early.

All ordinary people in the holy city carried out rodent killing, and the next day when the mice were killed, the number of people who became sick actually increased!

Not only that, the holy city is also chaotic.

Although Lancelot said that the plague could be solved, ordinary people in Yell were very afraid of the plague. They were unwilling to work and buy food to hide at home. In the past two days, they had done little other than kill rats ...

The operation of the holy city is almost entirely dependent on ordinary people. When they start doing nothing, the holy city collapses.

The shops in the Holy City are all closed. Many soldiers and magicians have no food. The roads are dirty but no one cleans up ...

The bustling holy city suddenly became lifeless.

Linda has been watching the progress of Qi Jingchen and Lancelot. After knowing this, she immediately laughed irresistibly.

Lancelot was still thinking about solving the plague? Just dreaming!

Now that they have killed so many rats, the patient has not increased but increased. He will be unlucky in the future!

She said, how could the plague be related to mice? How many years have rats been there?

Lancelot and Qi Jingchen both related the mouse to the **** of darkness. Isn't it useless in the end?

Linda was in a very good mood, and she even got herself a one-star pet rat to keep for fun.

The author has something to say: Thank you dear mines ~

o.o threw a mine

nought threw a mine

Shadow threw a mine

Meowed a microphone and threw a mine

Gold coins fell and threw a mine

Shadow threw a mine

Leopard paper wrapped paper threw a mine