MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 245 upgrade

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Plague patients still appear, but they are few and far between, because of this, the people of the Holy City are no longer afraid of the plague.

In this world, it is too common for ordinary people to accidentally die because of natural disasters. Occasionally, a few people die because of the plague, and fewer people are accidentally eaten by Warcraft. Everyone will never be caused by such things. Afraid of being angry.

At this time, the plague can be considered as resolved.

After the Western District was blocked for more than a month, the Western District walls were demolished again.

There are still some patients in the churches of the Western District, but the vast majority of people in the Western District are healthy. At the same time, it is time for those who are sent to the Western District to go home.

Many relatives who were sick before and were sent to the Western District waited at the gate of the Western District. They were crowded here, and when they saw the Western District door was opened, they immediately cheered.

Then, those patients who were cured after being sent in, went out one by one, and burst into tears with their loved ones.

Of course, there were also oolongs. These patients were shaved with hair and beards. They looked so different from before that when a cured male patient tried to hug his wife, his wife jumped in shock. Get up: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Dear! Even if I don't have a beard! I am also your husband!" The man couldn't help it.

Elena also went out. She didn't like the fact that she had no hair, so she asked some rags to make clothes and quilts for the people who moved into the new home in the Western District, and then gave herself a hat.

She grabbed her hat and went out. After searching for a long time, she finally found her fiance, and then rushed forward regardless of his persistence: "I'm fine! I'm fine!"

People who had reunited for a long time had smiles on their faces. After they smiled, someone suddenly knelt down in the direction where Qi Jingchen was.

At the same time, the people in the Western District behind the fence also knelt down.

Qi Jingchen stood on the city wall, and accepted the kneeling of these people very calmly. As expected, he felt a large wave of white light coming towards himself.

Nie Yi knew the situation of Qi Jingchen, turned his head and looked at Qi Jingchen with a smile.

In the distance, Louise saw Nie Yi's smile through magic, a painful expression on his face, and then flew into the arms of the young man around him: "Brother, brother, my head hurts."

"Louis, it's all right, my brother will help you," said the young man, touching Louise's hair.

This young man is one of the children of the Queen of the Rose Empire. The Rose Empire has been a queen for generations. The royal men are not valued, but he is still a very dazzling person, because he is only thirty years old now, he is already a nine-star magician and has a high talent.

At the same time, he had a good relationship with Louise.

The Louise public has rarely been close to others. The relationship with this brother is very good. For example, this time, Louise sent a letter of help to the Rose Empire, and he immediately came here.

Not only did he rush here, he even brought a child with three-line magic.

In this test, the child has affinity for three magic elements, and among them has the highest affinity for earth elements. Originally, he should give up the other two types of magic completely, and then practice soil magic. He will become a soil magician in the future.

However, no one expected that his condition would be known by the people of the Rose Empire. These people also found him, took him away, and forced him to awaken all three magics. He even used some special potions to help him. Make him a Samsung magician.

All this happened in more than a month, and since he became a Samsung magician, he has been in pain.

Now he was sitting on the floor in the corner of the carriage where Louise was sitting with her brother.

This child is only seven years old. The painful expression on his face is worse than that of Louise, but he does not speak at all, and dare not speak.

"Brother, can I really be all right?" Louise couldn't help asking.

"Of course you can." Her Royal Highness Prince Rose, Eric of Princess Louise, said: "You also saw this child I brought back. He awakened the third line of magic, but it was not formed like this. Balance, but it is more painful than you ... Nie Yi can be an eight-star magician safely, there must be a special method. "

"But he refused to tell me, and he didn't like me either." Louise looked sad.

"Louis, don't worry, I will let him speak out. Since you like him, we will let him be your husband."

"Okay!" Louise said in surprise, feeling that her head was not so painful ... but soon, she thought of Qi Jingchen again: "Brother, and that Qi Jingchen, we must find a way to kill him!"

"I will," Eric said.

A smile appeared on Louise's face, but the smile soon disappeared, and she held her head again and began to sigh.

The two of them are talking here, and on the other side, Qi Jingchen has a faint feeling, feeling that he has touched the edge of Jiuxing.

He closed his eyes and began to realize slowly.

The little white dots around him can supplement his magic but cannot let him upgrade, but even so, these little white dots are also very useful for the upgrade. With them, he can at least have no worries when upgrading, not at all Worried that the light magic is not enough when upgrading.

Closing his eyes, Qi Jingchen felt everything around him carefully, and then began to prepare for the upgrade.

Every upgrade before he was reborn was troublesome and sometimes painful, but after rebirth, every upgrade he made was not smooth.

It's the same this time.

The magic core shrinks again, and the light energy in the body becomes condensed, as if a layer of film has been pierced, and then the whole world becomes different again.

Qi Jingchen felt that his mental strength had increased again, the scope of the field had become larger, and the capacity of bright energy in the body had increased. Because of this, the small white dots around him turned into bright energy, and began to suddenly Rushing inside him.

He suddenly felt that he was full of strength. This was an extraordinarily beautiful feeling. Qi Jingchen smiled, and directly drew his magic power towards the people around him.

Instead of inducing the surrounding magic to cast magic, he directly scattered his magic toward the surrounding.

The sheer magical powers fell down every bit, and everyone who felt this magical power had a feeling that all the negative emotions on her body disappeared instantly.

"Master Qi Jingchen!" Those people shouted excitedly, and Zi Zhichen was full of gratitude, and the atmosphere became more warm.

However, in such a warm atmosphere, someone stayed.

Seeing Qi Jingchen's sudden escalation, Louise's head hurt even more when she was angry, even crying because she was too bitter, and at this time, suddenly a bright magic fell from the air.

Every time Louise had a headache, a bright magician combed it for her. The magic of bright magic on her was not too big now. The magic of bright light in front of her belonged to Qi Jingchen, and she did not want to touch her.

But even if she didn't want to touch, those bright magics fell on her.

At that moment, Louise suddenly felt an unprecedented ease, and her head was not so painful ... No, it should be said that her head suddenly did not hurt at all!

She's had a headache for a long time. How could it suddenly stop? Louise was puzzled, and at this moment she saw the child in that corner.

The child was more painful than she was before, but now he looks comfortable. Does he not hurt anymore?

"Louis, are you all right?" Eric asked.

"Brother, my head doesn't hurt anymore!" Louise said, "My two magic cores have also calmed down!"

"Why?" Eric asked.

Louise didn't answer Eric's words, but pointed to the child and said, "Brother, go and see him and see if his magic core has stabilized!"

When Eric heard Louise's words, he picked up the child and checked it. After checking, he said positively: "The child's magic core has also stabilized, because ..."

Qi Jingchen's magic?

Louise and Eric looked at each other, and their expressions were not very good. They were discussing about trying to kill Qi Jingchen. As a result, now ... it is Qi Jingchen who can stabilize the magic core of Louise. magic!

The reason why Nie Yi has three series of magic can reach eight stars, is it because of Qi Jingchen?

Is it because of this that he refuses to leave Qi Jingchen? Because without Qi Jingchen's magic, he would collapse soon?

Louise thought a lot instantly, and at this time, they heard the people outside the carriage talking.

Outside the carriage, the patients who came out of the Western District were telling their loved ones about Qi Jingchen's magic.

"My dear, Lord Qi Jingchen is really great! They all say that bright magic is useless for the plague, but after Master Qi Jingchen gave us bright magic, we immediately felt powerful!"

"Because of those **** rats, I was abandoned by God. Fortunately, Lord Qi Jingchen was very powerful and healed me in the end."

"Master Qi Jingchen is really a very powerful pastor!"


These people are saying so, and people outside are sympathetic.

"My leg is often painful. It didn't help to go to the pastor before. Lord Qi Jingchen just blessed us just now, and I didn't hurt anymore."

"I also feel particularly comfortable. Master Qi Jingchen's bright magic is better than others."

"The plague can be solved, all by Master Qi Jingchen? At least the patient can heal, it must be related to him."


These people think that Qi Jingchen is particularly magical. In fact, it is also because of psychological effects. Then, following herd mentality, Qi Jingchen became higher and higher.

However, the words of these people were heard in the ears of Louise and Eric, but they had to admit that Qi Jingchen was special for him.

Louise listened and burst into tears.

She wanted to be less painful, and even begged Qi Jingchen, who made her very disgusted, which was too unbearable for her.

She was unwilling to plead Qi Jingchen, not at all.

"Did Qi Jingchen disclose anything before?" Eric asked.

Louise made a "wow" cry and cried even more. Qi Jingchen never revealed anything. When she first met Qi Jingchen, she was very impolite to align with Jing Chen. Qi Jingchen must hate her. Willing to help her with treatment.

Louise was extremely distressed, but Qi Jingchen knew nothing about her pain, and now he was promoted, just looking for a place to rest.

"Master Qi Jingchen!" The people in the Western District saw Qi Jingchen coming down from the city wall, and said respectfully. They did not understand such things as upgrading. Before seeing Qi Jingchen, he was suddenly shrouded in white light. Also, when Qi Jingchen was rewarded by the God of Light, he became more convinced.

"Congratulations." Lancelot said to Qi Jingchen, Qi Jingchen became a magician on the line so soon, something unexpected to Lancelot, but in his expectation.

He took a deep look at Qi Jingchen and then said, "Qi Jingchen, I'm leaving the holy city, I'm going to Aaron."

The city of Aaron was turned into a dead place by the plague, and it was not all about his father, nor was his mother's death.

Thinking that he had been crying and complaining about his father, Lathlot only felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and he was also full of guilt for his father. And when he thought of himself as the most perfect Son in the past few decades, he had the atonement of sin, and he felt a little funny.

He felt that an invisible yoke on his body had suddenly disappeared. When he looked at Qi Jingchen again, he couldn't help but have something in his eyes.

But he left quickly.

Lancelot came to Shenshan, found the six elders, and said that he wanted to leave the holy city to go to Aaron.

The six elders stared at Lancelot for a moment and nodded: "You go, but remember to come back early."

"Six elders?" Lancelot looked at the six elders puzzledly.

"I have something for you to do. You will come back immediately after you have been to Aaron." The six elders did not explain anything to Lancelot, but they could not refuse to say anything.

Lancelot originally wanted to wander around after visiting Aaron City. He wanted to relax and calm down his mind.

He felt that he was paying too much attention to Qi Jingchen.

At the first time he fell from the air and saw Qi Jingchen holding an artifact, this person left a deep impression on him, and in the later dealings, he felt Qi Jingchen was very good.

If only that, if he still feels ashamed of the world as before, he will not have any entangled emotions. At most, he will admire Jing Jingchen more, but the plague is coming.

This plague made him drop a lot, and also made him feel completely aligned with Jing Chen.

The Holy Son should not have feelings, let alone Qi Jingchen is a man ... At this time, he suddenly thought of Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi.

Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi were a bit tricky. He actually knew this, but he always pretended not to know, and even helped cover up ... When he did this before, the idea was pure, but he wanted to prevent Qi Jingchen from being found out by the pope. I want Qi Jingchen to be a good son, but now, suddenly, he doesn't have a taste.

Leaving Shenshan, Lancelot took people directly to Aaron.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen went back to sleep well, looked at Chenguang Restaurant again, and determined that Chenguang Restaurant was operating very well, then went to the Western District again.

The West District is very lively. Many people in the Holy City heard that the West District has changed a lot. They all came here to visit, and after this visit, they liked the West District.

The road here is so spacious and flat, the house is so strong, it looks really awesome ... some of them have specifically asked how this house was built, just to go back and build a house like this.

There are no patients in the church in the western district, but a new bishop has come, and this bishop, Qi Jingchen, has seen it, and it was Norman, the dean of the Holy Light Branch.

"I originally wanted to take care of my family in Shengguang Branch, but I didn't expect to be here." Old Norman said, "But it's nice, I like the clean environment here."

"I also think it's good here, but the people here need to take good care of it. I don't think it's appropriate to give people here relief." Qi Jingchen said.

"Then what else do the people here do?" Old Norman asked.

"People who can work, arrange work for them, and those who want to get nothing without work are rushed out, but those elderly people and children who can not work can give them more care." Qi Jingchen said.

"But there are not so many job opportunities," Old Norman said.

"I can give them work opportunities." Qi Jingchen laughed.

Porcelain Harris has begun production, but there is one more thing he intends to do, that is papermaking and printing.

These two types of work require a lot of labor. People in the Western District are very grateful to him now, isn't it just right?

His seniors can work in his factory, the elderly can be supported, and the children ... Qi Jingchen intends to train the children here, teach them some simple knowledge, let them recognize, and let them be a good one in the future. useful person.

Before the Western District, the environment was poor. People here have n’t had the slightest fighting spirit. They only know that they have been and are very lazy. This is very bad. In the future, if the Shinto religion continues to distribute relief food to these people for free, maybe these will be in this month. People work hard and live hard and people will become the same.

The author has something to say: Thank you dear mines and grenades ~ Mody ~

Shadow threw a mine

chloe threw a mine

chloe threw a mine

Wheat bug threw a grenade

Mystery fish threw a mine