MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 255 Hidden danger

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Qi Jingchen's pupils shrank sharply, and she had to say that Yuri's words scared him.

Yuri likes him? !!

Qi Jingchen knew that Nie Yi liked himself. It was because the two had been together for too long. Nie Yi didn't cover it up. The student who knew he had liked him because he heard other people's opinions.

He is actually not sensitive to feelings. After all, he had never been in love before Nie Yi, and as a straight man, he rarely thinks about it.

Yuri was a little too enthusiastic about him, but he used to think that it was because Yuri wanted to please himself, not Yuri.

"Qi Jingchen, I have loved you since I first saw you. Would you like me to stay with you? Rest assured, I will never be as jealous as Nie Yi, as long as you are willing to be with me , I can accept that there are others around you. "Yuri looked at Nie Yi, his eyes were very bright.

Qi Jingchen was calm and sober at this time: "Are you sure you like me?" If you really like it, how can you allow a third party between the two? Rather than saying that Yuri likes him, he prefers to believe that Yuri did this to build a stronger relationship with him.

The benefits of being a lover are, of course, more than the benefits of being a friend. Although Yell is monogamous, lover is prevalent, and the feelings of many lover are far more than that of husband and wife, and the relationship is very stable.

"Of course I like you, but I know that we are destined to have no results, so I just hope to be your lover." Yuri said: "Qi Jingchen, Nie Yi so publicity will definitely cause you trouble , Why don't you try me? I promise, I will be a good lover. "

"Let's go." Qi Jingchen frowned, Yuri confessed that he didn't believe a word, and made up his mind not to touch the person again.

"I won't go," Yuri laughed. "Qi Jingchen, don't you really want to try?" He said, even unfastening his clothes quickly.

Yuri's confession was a bit sudden for Jing Chen, and his current behavior is even more unexpected than Qi Jing Chen.

Although Yuri is not valued in the family, he is also a high-level bright magician anyway. In the future, he is even expected to become a wizard and a magician. Such a person, Qi Jingchen never expected that he would suddenly start undressing.

To be honest Yuri looks good, but Qi Jingchen just feels disgusted: "Get out!"

With that said, Qi Jingchen has already propped up the realm, and with one hand shake, he pushed Yuri out with magic.

Yuri was pushed against the wall and said, "Qi Jingchen, I will do whatever you want me to do ..." He said, and put out his tongue and licked his lips.

Maybe for some people, Yuri's appearance is full of temptation, but Qi Jingchen just feels that goose bumps are appearing all over his body.

Even if it was Nie Yi, if he seduced him this way, he would probably run far.

Yuri obviously didn't mean to leave. When Qi Jingchen saw this, he went out and planned to let others handle Yuri's affairs.

Opening the door of the meeting room, Qi Jingchen walked out with a calm face, and after walking a few steps, he even saw Nie Yi.

"Jing Chen ..." Nie Yi called out, and suddenly felt something wrong-he could feel that Qi Jingchen was unhappy now.

Qi Jingchen always seldom gets angry and angry, why is he suddenly unhappy? Nie Yi looked at it puzzledly, was thinking about asking a few times, and suddenly saw Qi Rongchen in the house behind him, there was a disheveled man.

Yuri? How could he look like this?

The thought in Nie Yi's mind turned around, and then he immediately thought of one thing-this guy was wrong with Jing Chen?

Someone was wrong with Jingchen! Nie Yi's expression changed instantly, and the whole person looked gloomy.

Like Qi Jingchen, although Nie Yi felt that Yuri was a little too enthusiastic, he didn't really think about it, but now ...

This Yuri is even Qi Jingchen! Also ... trying to seduce Qi Jingchen!

Yuri looks much better than Yan Zhe now. If Nie Yi, who has not experienced the last days, sees it, maybe he will appreciate it, but now Nie Yi ...

Rushing towards Yuri, Nie Yi punched him in the past, and now he has only one thought in his mind, that is, to kill all those who dare to align with Jing Chen.

Qi Jingchen is his, and it can only be his!

Nie Yi suddenly felt that his magic core was a little hot, and his eyes fell on Yuri, and the situation was even more serious.

Yuri immediately propped up the realm, blocked Nie Yi's fist, and then Nie Yi's magic arrived.

The magic of water and fire exploded above Yuri's realm, and Yuri fell to the ground immediately, and the realm was also bleak.

"Nie Yi, just drive him out ..." Qi Jingchen said, just then, his mental strength suddenly became chaotic.

Well, how could his mental strength be disordered? Qi Jingchen was looking for the reason, and suddenly found that the source was from Nie Yi. In fact, it was not his mental strength that was disturbed, but Nie Yi's mental strength was disturbed!

And the reason why Nie Yi's mental power is chaotic ... the magic core!

The magic core of Nie Yi was suddenly unstable!

There is a symbiotic contract between Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi, Nie Yi's magic core is unstable, Qi Jingchen suddenly feels something, and his expression suddenly becomes extremely ugly.

Nie Yi is still releasing magic, and Yuri's realm is almost disappearing. Qi Jingchen suddenly stepped forward, and while he released a bright magic to Nie Yi, he kicked at Yuri: "If you don't want to die, just roll away. ! "

Qi Jingchen's kick was very hard, and Yuri rolled a few times.

Yuri got up from the ground and glanced at Qi Jingchen. This time, without any delay, he hurried to run outside the manor. Qi Jingchen looked at Nie Yi and suddenly found that Nie Yi's eyes had become red because of a broken blood vessel.

Her heart sank suddenly, and Qi Jingchen suddenly remembered Charlie, the wizard who had died because of a problem with the magic core that he had seen before in the Storm Empire Magician Union.

At that time, Charlie's condition was far worse than Nie Yi's now, but Nie Yi's appearance now ... is there any sign?

"Nie Yi, calm down!" The bright magic of Qi Jingchen's body kept typing towards Nie Yi, and Nie Yi's red eyes narrowed back to normal.

"I'm fine, but there is something wrong with the magic core." Nie Yi took a deep breath and his expression was a bit ugly.

"What's the matter?" Qi Jingchen took a deep breath and asked. Nie Yi's magic core has always been stable. How could it suddenly become like this?

"In fact, there were several signs. On several occasions, I felt that my magic core was very active, but I didn't think too much at that time." Nie Yi recalled it, suddenly remembering that I had this feeling before, but this time it was particularly serious.

Qi Jingchen's face became extremely ugly, and finally said: "Then you ..." What will happen to Nie Yi after the magic core goes wrong? Was it out of control like that Charlie, or as painful as Louise?

Just thinking about it, Qi Jingchen shuddered.

"It's okay, as long as you are by my side, I will be fine." Nie Yi said: "I feel like I haven't lived in my last life, but as long as I see you, I will calm down."

When Qi Jingchen wanted to say something, he saw Harris coming and stopped talking now.

The person who came was Harris: "Qi Jingchen, I heard that Yuri is back, what's the matter?"

"I don't know," Qi Jingchen said.

Harris glanced at Qi Jingchen, guessing what should have happened, but he didn't ask much wisely.

On the other side, some embarrassed Yuri sat on the carriage, finishing all his clothes, and suddenly whispered: "Qi Jingchen doesn't look like men? And Nie Yi ..."

Qi Jingchen should have been in a good mood this day, but in fact, his mood was very bad.

Nie Yi's magic nucleus went wrong, and his heart couldn't calm down.

As if his heart was heavy like a rock, Qi Jingchen had a feeling that he didn't know what he could do. In the following time, he couldn't concentrate his attention at all.

That afternoon, Harris also said goodbye. At night, Qi Jingchen hugged Nie Yi: "You will be fine."

"Be assured, as long as you are by my side, I will be fine." Nie Yi kissed Qi Jingchen's hair. Charlie had a prejudice against the Bright Deities, and the hidden dangers of his magic core finally erupted because of the stimulus of these "Light Deities" people, and he ... he felt that his magic core really was going to be out of order, and he must follow Qi Jingchen has a relationship.

Qi Jingchen is with him now, he will not be afraid of anything. He will also live for a long time, and then protect Qi Jingchen until both become old men.

"You try not to practice magic in the future," Qi Jingchen said suddenly.

Nie Yi thought about it, and quickly agreed: "I must exercise restraint before my magic core problem is solved."

"That's good!" Qi Jingchen said.

Now Nie Yi has exposed only a small problem, and they have no solution. Qi Jingchen thought about it, but eventually did not raise this problem all the time.

The next day, the two went to the Western District.

Qi Jingchen should be invested in the production of newspapers as soon as possible, but he couldn't calm down at all, and his heart was fickle.

"Jing Chen ..." Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen, but felt that he was a little worried, and finally said: "Don't worry about it, go out and relax."

"Okay." Qi Jingchen nodded and went out.

The Western District has changed a lot now. There are no people lying on the side of the road who can only receive relief when they eat. All of them come and go in a hurry. Qi Jingchen is walking on the road, and he can't even bless people with bright magic.

With a bitter smile, he simply went to the school in the Western District.

In the school in the Western District, the children are studying. They are holding the low-level textbooks sent by the printing house to read the above nursery rhymes.

Qi Jingchen, listening to the sound of studying, suddenly felt a lot calmer.

He and Nie Yi have already encountered so many dangers, aren't they okay in the end?

He should have confidence in himself, as well as Nie Yi, and believe that they will definitely solve the trouble.

Wasn't Nie Yi always fine? That must be related to him. As long as he is strong enough, he will always be able to protect Nie Yi!

Qi Jingchen took a deep breath, and the more he thought about it, the more it happened.

The child in the school was still studying the text, but the principal came around to talk to him ... Qi Jingchen looked at the principal and asked about the situation of some schools.

"Everything is fine." The so-called principal was actually one of the servants that Qi Jingchen gave to others before. He was trained as a steward. He was very capable in this regard. Qi Jingchen simply let him manage the school.

He first talked about the specific situation of the school, and then talked about the school's various courses.

Because most people are illiterate, now the main curriculum of the school is learning literacy, and then there are two math classes every day, learning Arabic numbers and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

"The math class is very good. I go to classes every day. I think learning math is very good for my work." The principal looked at Qi Jingchen, his eyes full of reverence, "The adults are really amazing."

When the principal said so, a white light spot floated from his body and fell on Qi Jingchen's body.

The light spot merged into the body, and seemed to calm down his mind ... Qi Jingchen suddenly said, "Let me give the children a lesson."

He doesn't want to go back to work now, but he can teach the children and calm himself down.

As for what class to take ... Qi Jingchen felt that he could take art classes for these children. Although he did not have the ability to draw as old Norman did, he had also taken art classes for many years. There was no problem in drawing flowers.

Now that he has the mental energy, it is even easier to draw something.

After one class finished one lesson, Qi Jingchen walked in.

There are also classes here and there. It's class time now. The children are playing. The children in the West District, who used to show little smiles, are all laughing and having fun.

But when Qi Jingchen walked in, they all held their breaths and became quiet for a moment. One of them had a plague before and talked to Qi Jingchen. At this moment, the whole person was very excited: "Master! Master!"

"I'll give you a lesson next class. As for now, people who want to go to the toilet quickly go to the toilet." Qi Jingchen said, then sat down on the podium, wondering what to teach next.

Also, should there be a pointer for class?

Qi Jingchen took a look. There were stones on the podium similar to chalk that could be used to write on the blackboard, but there was nothing else, and naturally there was no pointer.

His mental power entered his space ring, and he wanted to find something that could be used as a pointer. As a result, he saw what Connie had given him before, which was said to be a branch of a fine iron tree.

The branch was very hard. He had intended to use it to make a weapon for Nie Yi, but was almost forgotten because he was busy with the printing house. Now he thought of a pointer and finally realized it.

After thinking about it, Qi Jingchen took out the branch directly.

Strange to say, this branch is extremely hard, but it is not heavy, and the weight is very light. After Qi Jingchen got started, he suddenly felt that this thing was particularly suitable for use as a pointer.

The class bell rang soon, Qi Jingchen stood on the podium and looked down, seeing everyone sitting upright, waiting for himself to give them a class, and his heart was calmer again.

He tried not to think about Nie Yi's affairs, and then explained to these children: "I'm going to teach you today, I'm going to teach you something and draw."

"Text is very important. It can convey all kinds of information, but drawing occurs earlier than text. The method that people use to record things."

Qi Jingchen took the chalk and drew a picture of a magician fighting Warcraft on the blackboard. This picture he had seen before in a book made of parchment, but now it is very smooth to draw, it can be said that it is easy to grasp.

"In many places, there are some murals like this to record things ..."

Qi Jingchen said that he was in a drawing lesson. In fact, he didn't just talk about drawing. He talked about a lot of things, and even talked about Yell's history.

He certainly didn't know as much about Yell's history as those older magicians or warriors, but he has read a lot of books recently, and the amount of knowledge is definitely more than these children in front of him, and of course far more than those servants.

Moreover, he spoke very vividly, which made people very willing to listen. In this way, the people below will listen more seriously.

Qi Jingchen also found that he was talking about the topic, but he didn't care, and continued to talk, and then he realized that more and more white dots floated towards him unknowingly.

He couldn't fully absorb these little white spots, so he floated beside him and surrounded him.

Qi Jingchen's heart finally completely calmed down, that is, at this time, he suddenly felt ... The branch in front of himself seemed to be full of desire for the small white spots around him.

How is this going? Qi Jingchen raised her eyebrows with a little surprise, and then tried to send those little white dots into her own pointer. As a result, those little white dots actually got into the pointer.

Not only that, but a branch that they had not germinated before no matter how they tossed, suddenly a small young bud grew on the top.