MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 276 Old man

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Qi Jingchen took out his camera and took a few photos of Nie Yi, and went to Nie Yi's side to take a selfie with his mobile phone.

When he did the latter action, it was obvious that Nie Yi's body magic was a bit lighter.

It's really boring ... Qi Jingchen knows that Nie Yi is not interested in Xuehu, and doesn't mention it anymore, he just pulls Nie Yi slowly walking on the snow mountain.

The scenery on the snow-capped mountains was very good. Qi Jingchen looked at it for a while without getting tired, but after a while, he was hungry: "Nie Yi, I am hungry, shall we eat hot pot?"

Nie Yi still did not speak, but suddenly picked up Qi Jingchen, and then quickly ran in the snow.

He propped up the field, and did not let the cold wind on the snowy mountains blow to Qi Jingchen, meanwhile, he ran faster and faster, and did not forget to use the magic of the soil to capture his prey.

Several white-haired chickens running in the snow were trapped in the dirt, a little sheep was trapped in the dirt, and some beautiful flowers blooming in the snow were sent out by the dirt, and all of this, all Wrapped in a clay ball made by Nie Yi using soil magic, then rolled and followed Nie Yi.

At this time, they had come to a cliff, and Nie Yi helped create a cave under the cliff.

The cave was very warm. Qi Jingchen ignited the fire in it and put in the seasonings. The hot pot soup base was almost the same. Unfortunately, there was no prey to cook.

Qi Jingchen picked up the knife and planned to dig up a clay ball. Then he caught the white-hair chicken and cooked it. As soon as he got up, he was caught by Nie Yi.

At the same time, he also felt that some people were coming here ...

It turned out that there were people who could help with the work. He didn't need to do it himself ... Qi Jingchen wisely put down his knife, and soon, the men of the Lion Mercenary Regiment came here.

They looked a little embarrassed, apparently going through a battle.

The head of the group pulled his clothes torn by the snow bear and saw the two extremely leisurely people in the cave, sighing secretly.

If only he could be so strong!

The head was thinking so, and he saw the magician look at them: "There are prey in those clay balls, you take care of it."

"Yes!" The head responded subconsciously, and then suddenly realized that he was not under the magician's hands. In this case, why could the other party be so straightforward to let him deal with his prey?

But can he resist the magician? Obviously not ...

The head opened the first clay ball, and then let the person handle the drowsy but alive sheep. Then, he opened the second clay ball ...

"Snow Fox!" The head exclaimed.

After the clay ball was opened, a white-haired chicken was thrown out first, and then a palm-sized white ball was dropped. Isn't this white ball the target of this mission, Snow Fox?

The head of the team couldn't come back a bit, they didn't see the shadow of Xuehu after a busy morning, but when he helped someone to deal with the prey, even Xuehu rolled into his arms?

What the **** is this!

"It turned out to be Snow Fox." Nie Yi glanced.

"Sir, where did you find this Snow Fox?" The leader asked excitedly, he did not dare to be interested in this magician's prey, and could only inquire about the location of Snow Fox.

"When I caught the chickens, there seemed to be something behind them, and then I was caught together." Nie Yi said, he stood up and picked up the still faint snow fox and threw it. In the arms of Qi Jingchen.

The head said that many people like this little thing, and Qi Jingchen might like it too ...

Qi Jingchen really likes this snow fox. It has long hair, round eyes, and looks very cute. Of course, the most important thing is that this snow fox is very smart. When he finds himself unable to escape, It had no intention of escaping, and also arched his hands toward Qi Jingchen with two front paws.

However, the palm-sized snow-white fluffy dumplings arching towards themselves is definitely a cute scene, Qi Jingchen feels that he has been somewhat seduced, and finally understands why this kind of Warcraft is so popular.

It is also a mistake to be cute, and it is even more wrong to please people ... Of course, because of this, snow fox hunters generally choose to catch alive, and snow foxes who have signed contracts with humans generally live very well, and Knowing is not a good thing.

Although he likes this snow fox, Qi Jingchen knows Nie Yi's fault, and he dare not hold or tease him. He quickly released it, and then began to deal with hot pot.

The men of the Lions Mercenary Regiment deal with their prey quickly. Before Nine Yi's request, they sent all the best meat from Warcraft.

Qi Jingchen smiled, sliced ​​all the meat into thin slices, and cooked them in a pot piece by piece. After they were cooked, they were removed, and then the sauce was handed to Nie Yi.

Nie Yi contentedly enjoyed Qi Jingchen's "waiting". After eating for a while, he said, "Enough."

Qi Jingchen heard what he said and started eating for himself, but he didn't take a bite, and suddenly felt that his leg was caught by something.

The little snow fox stood holding his calf and stood up, then looked at him with an eye-catching look.

Qi Jingchen smiled. A piece of meat sandwiched with chopsticks would be fed to this little fox. Many animals on the earth cannot eat human food with seasonings, but Warcraft should be fine? This Snow Fox is a five-star Warcraft, and can live for hundreds of years ...

Keep it for dinner, and let it go ... Although Qi Jingchen likes this little thing, he doesn't plan to sign a contract with it to make him lose his freedom.

However, before the meat piece fell into Xuehu's mouth, the Xuehu was already choked.

It was Nie Yi who was not the one who picked up Snow Fox, and he threw it out without hesitation.

The small white ball draws an arc in the air and falls far away on the snow. Then it jumps up from the snow and runs away quickly. Although this kind of Warcraft is particularly knowledgeable, it still yearns for freedom.

"You should feed this beast!" Nie Yi asked Qi Jingchen angrily.

"I'll never do this again next time!" Qi Jingchen immediately promised that he was indeed wrong. He was negligent just now and didn't keep a distance from Xuehu ... Nie Yi couldn't even tolerate branches, and certainly couldn't tolerate foxes ... ...

The men of the Lions Mercenary Group looked at Xue Xue's escape direction quietly and listened to the conversation between Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen more. They worked so hard to find the snow fox that they could not find. That magician was jealous of such a thing.

That's just a snow fox! What's so jealous? !! Also, you have to throw snow foxes, why not just throw them here?

The members of these mercenary regiments were extremely sad.

Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi did not care about them. Qi Jingchen finally coaxed Nie Yi, and then they went to enjoy the snow scene again. Only the men of the Lion Mercenary Regiment were still eating meat in place.

In the next few days, the men of the Lions Mercenary Regiment failed to find anything. They failed to catch Xuehu, but Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi took a walk through the whole mountain and took many photos.

If put before the end of the world, these beautiful photos will definitely get countless likes when posted on the Internet, but unfortunately only the two of them will appreciate it for the time being.

In addition to taking pictures, Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi also caught a lot of World of Warcraft on the mountain and tasted it, and they finally found that the best taste was the kind of white-haired chicken.

And these white-haired chickens are probably used to living in the snow, they are so cold that they still lay eggs, and finally ...

Nie Yi hugged Qi Jingchen into the henhouse, and in the midst of a chicken flying dog jump, he stole a lot of eggs.

On this day, just after Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen returned to the camp at the foot of the mountain, they saw the men of the Lions mercenary group cheering. After asking, they realized that they had caught a snow fox.

"Sir, our task is completed, and we will leave here tomorrow." The head of the group came to Nie Yi, said quietly, and then looked at Nie Yi with hope.

He hoped that Nie Yi would go back with them. Although Nie Yi was unwilling to help when he caught Xuehu, he helped them a lot on the road. With Nie Yi there, they would be very safe.

"I will stay in the forest for a longer period of time." Nie Yi said without hesitation.

The head of the regiment had a shameful face, but he didn't dare to force it. At this time, someone in their team cooked the barbecue and then intended to eat the snow fox in the cage.

Guan Xuehu's cage is specially made. Xuehu's attack power is not high. After being locked in, Xuehu can't run out. At this moment, someone feeds it, and it uses two front paws to hold it.

"This little thing is so cute." Some people couldn't help but others nodded.

Qi Jingchen heard the sound and looked at it, but it happened to meet the snowy eyes of the snow fox, and the snow fox gave a thin scream and arched a hand toward him.

At first, he did n’t have time to take a closer look at the snow fox that Nie Yi caught. He did n’t know if it was the same as the one in front of him, but when he saw the snow fox in front of him, he thought that the snow fox should be I beg myself, beg myself to let it go.

He kind of likes this little thing and is willing to let it go, but if he asks Nie Yi for such a request, Nie Yi will definitely get angry.

Nie Yi noticed that Qi Jingchen went to see the snow fox, suddenly stood up suddenly, and walked forward.

"My lord!" Humanity of the Lion Mercenary.

"Catch it back, how much does it cost?" Nie Yi asked.

"This snow fox is a five-star. There were promised three five-star magic crystals and 100,000 gold coins." The men of the Lion Mercenary Group were very excited when they said that such a large sum of money was enough for them to spend. long time!

"I give you this money, this Warcraft gave me!" Nie Yi suddenly said.

"Ah?" The Lion Lion Mercenary looked at Nie Yi in surprise, and was puzzled. With Nie Yi's ability, if he wanted Snow Fox to be able to catch a lot, why didn't he want to catch it, but wanted them?

Nie Yi threw out three five-star magic crystals and gave them a gold card of 100,000 gold coins. Then he picked up the cage and grabbed the snow fox inside, throwing it away: "I don't want to see This kind of obstruction is the guy! "

Everyone in the Lion Mercenary Group: "..." This is the style of the strong! I do n’t know when they can catch Snow Fox and catch two and put two ...

The men of the Lions Mercenary Regiment are not greedy. They are lucky to catch this Snow Fox, and they may not be able to catch it when they stay, so after Nie Yi "buys" Snow Fox, he packs things and plans to leave. Warcraft Forest.

No one was injured when they came to the Forest of Warcraft this time, and they made a lot of money, which was really very good. So at night, everyone was very happy and took out some wine to drink.

Drinking alcohol outside is easy to get things wrong, but drinking a little is okay. It even has a great benefit to their bodies. It can drive away fatigue and keep you warm.

While they were drinking, Nie Yi was pulling Qi Jingchen back to the tent. As for what ... Heh, Qi Jingchen has decided that after Nie Yi recovers, he must let Nie Yi abstinence for a while.

He hugged Nie Yi, forcing him not to let tears fall from his eyes ... Nie Yi will definitely recover!

They lingered inside, and outside, in the camp of the Lion Mercenary Regiment, they welcomed several guests.

This is a small mercenary team with a total of only five people. The leader is a general: "Hello, we are lost in the Forest of Warcraft, can I share information with you?"

In the Forest of Warcraft, many mercenary regiments choose to exchange information after encountering them. Of course, some mercenary regiments will attack other mercenary regiments to **** the fruits of victory for others.

Of course, the latter is still relatively rare. Opportunities are everywhere in the World of Warcraft Forest. It is better to kill a few more Warcrafts if you have the skill to start working with people who are also humans.

"Of course!" Said the head of the Lion Mercenary Regiment immediately. The person in front of him is as powerful as Nie Yi, so he is also very respectful.

The leader of the battle will take the four people behind to enter the camp of the Lions Mercenary Corps, and they will begin to set up tents beside them. At the same time, some people will find the men of the Lions Mercenary Corps and exchange some spices with them. Consumables, it can be seen that these people have indeed been in the Forest of Warcraft for a long time.

"What's happened recently outside? God, I stayed in the World of Warcraft for a few months and felt isolated from the world!" The worst of the five was a seven-star warrior, who and the Lion Mercenary Regiment The head of the group started chatting.

"Big event? A big event happened before we entered the forest."

"What is it?" The man asked curiously.

"Master Qi Jingchen, who possesses an artifact, is missing! Many people are looking for them!" Said the head of the Lion Mercenary Regiment. At the same time, Nie Yi pulled Qi Jingchen and opened his tent. .

There were suddenly some strong men in the camp, and it was impossible for him not to visit.

Then, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen met the five newcomers, and both were shocked.

Nie Yi recognized the magician and the leading warlord among the five. Wasn't that the brother Eric and his men who had come to them in the first place for Louise? He is still wanted for suspected murder of Louise.

As for Eric, he did not recognize Nie Yi, but at a glance he recognized Qi Jingchen with no paint on his face. After all, he had carefully observed the godson and wanted him to deal with his sister.

Unexpectedly, they would meet here ...