MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 288 Spiritual power

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The words that Qi Jingchen said made Nie Yi feel a hot nose. The memory that he had with Qi Jingchen recently suddenly came to his mind.

When he faced Jing Chen before, he was always careful, never dare to be too fierce, lest he hurt Qi Jingchen, but recently ...

Those hot memories and the two long legs that Qi Jingchen now exposed in front of him made Nie Yi unable to bear the heat, and then his face was white again.

Nie Yi's face was strange, Qi Jingchen stretched out his own foot and kicked Nie Yi's body: "What's wrong?"

Nie Yi grabbed Qi Jingchen's feet. Qi Jingchen was burned before, but under the dual effects of the magic of light and the fruit of life he gave, the burnt flesh had already fallen, exposing a leg that was smoother and whiter than before .

Such a leg could not help but make Nie Yixin arouse, but he resisted: "Qi Jingchen, I want to talk to you."

"What are you talking about?" Qi Jingchen asked.

"Our feelings, and the symbiotic contract ..." Nie Yi could not help frowning, and the magic core was a little unstable when he spoke.

The problem of his magic core has not been completely solved, but after the godhead enters his body and the power of faith begins to nourish his body, the problem of the magic core is not so big, and he will not be affected by magic anymore. There is a problem with the nucleus and the brain is not sober.

But even so, he still remembered what happened before.

Does Qi Jingchen really love him? Will he be with him just because of the contract?

Nie Yi intuitively felt that it was not, but the fear in her heart still existed, lest everything was due to the influence of the contract.

Looking at Nie Yi's expression, Qi Jingchen guessed Nie Yi's thoughts and felt a kind of speechlessness.

He stretched his bare legs to seduce people. Nie Yi still had these imaginations? !!

"Jing Chen, I don't want you to be forced to be with me. I ... the life contract should be rescissible, should we cancel it first?" Nie Yi said, his heart was sour and astringent.

He certainly did not want to terminate the contract with Qi Jingchen, but this contract was too unfair to Jing Chen. Qi Jingchen must have feelings for him, and he was sure of that, but was that really love?

Thinking about it this way, Nie Yi felt that his whole heart had been stunned.

"So, you got the goddess of life, and you're about to dump me?" Qi Jingchen sneered, trying to hold the flesh on Nie Yi's arm with his hands and twist it, and gave Nie Yi a hard blow.

However, as before, because Nie Yi's body was full of muscles, his action failed again ... Qi Jingchen finally pinched a little skin with his nails and exerted his strength.

He thought of the idea that he had raised before, and he would beat people after Nie Yi was awake. Now it can be considered as being put into practice, but ... he nibbled Nie Yi, and he was strange on his arm ...

The symbiotic contract is not good at this point, and the domestic violence of others must also suffer!

Being stung was not painful or itchy for Nie Yi. Seeing Qi Jingchen's appearance, he quickly touched Qi Jingchen's arm: "Are you in pain or not? Are you okay?"

Qi Jingchen: "... It's all right."

"I won't leave you, I will always be with you, and there is a godhead in me, and you should also have ..." Nie Yi explained: "I just worry that you will be unhappy and unwilling. I think between us It's best to unwind the contract first and be sober. "

Qi Jingchen had a feeling of speechlessness, and at the same time, suddenly remembered something.

Nie Yi wanted to unlock the life contract. Was it suddenly come up now, or did he already have such an idea?

With so many things happening today, Nie Yi has no time to think about it, so ... Nie Yi already had such an idea?

Before, Nie Yi took him so seriously. He used to think that it was just Nie Yi's monopoly desire, but in fact ... Nie Yi actually had other plans?

Qi Jingchen's face cooled down, and he suddenly stretched out and held Nie Yi's neckline: "Did you ever think about canceling the symbiotic contract?"

Nie Yi did not speak.

"What did you do before?" Qi Jingchen asked again.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen's bright eyes and coughed softly: "I think we can try to unlock the contract after a month of two-person world."

Qi Jingchen bit into the mouth toward Nie Yi's mouth. Nie Yi held this mind! Although there are few introductions to the life contract, it seems that it is necessary for one of the parties to strengthen their conviction and take the initiative to cut it off. As the party trying to unlock the contract, he may not really be able to make it Untied, it is also likely to die from the backlash of the contract.

Nie Yi had such a ghost idea!

"Don't bite, you will also hurt ..." Nie Yi said in a vague voice, and then the next second, I felt Qi Jingchen's mental power came towards me.

They often entangle the mental strength of the two, and this wonderful feeling will make people feel comfortable and hate more than a few times. Nie Yi feels that he is absolutely addicted to this behavior. For example, now that Qi Jingchen's mental power has just entered his body, he can hardly meet him with his own mental power, and the mental power of the two is so entangled. Inseparable.

They have experienced this many times, but this time, it seems to be a little different.

Their spiritual power was deepened. Qi Jingchen even inexplicably "see" some of Nie Yi's thoughts.

"What if Qi Jingchen doesn't like me, I must continue to haunt him and not let others approach him. If he really likes me, then it is better, we can # ¥ # ¥¥"

Qi Jingchen: "..." Nie Yi's thoughts are absolutely stingy, all the garbled characters behind are all things to be coded!

But the key question is ... why did he feel this?

Qi Jingchen continued to scroll down without hesitation, and then he saw Nie Yi's memories. These memories were chaotic and often came up with some fragments, but he could basically understand, because those fragments were almost related to him, On his previous white leg, it seemed that Nie Yi was very impressed.

Qi Jingchen felt very interesting when she first looked at it, but when she looked at it, she became more and more speechless ... From the perspective of others | Prostitution is definitely a very boring and very speechless thing!

He was so embarrassed to see that he couldn't look straight at him, and tried to find something out of Nie Yi's memory.

He thought it was impossible at first, but he didn't expect his heart to move. With his thoughts, he really turned out many other things, those things ... It turned out that he was him except him!

When he saw Nie Yi fighting for a fight in his last life, he thought of himself, and in conjunction with the picture, some thoughts such as "I'm so handsome, Qi Jingchen, would I like it when I saw it", so that he simply did not know what to say .

Qi Jingchen eager to find something to wash his eyes, he thought of Yan Zhe.

Yan Zhe ’s fellow Nie Yi should be very impressed. This time, he can also see how Nie Yi had contacted people and posted them ... This time, Qi Jingchen felt unwell, but turned up. It's just ... why were the fragments between the two of them so vague? Haven't you brought Nie Yi's background sound? Although Nie Yi's scene of killing Yan Zhe twice in his lifetime was very clear, Yan Zhe's face was also confused, but he stood by and watched Nie Yi killing him. He looked very clear.

Especially in this life, when Nie Yi dealt with Yan Zhe, he also wanted to sound a background sound, and it was also related to him.

"This guy Yan Zhe should have died early or else how to pursue Jing Chen. When I killed, I didn't know if he was handsome or handsome. In the future, I must prevent someone from sticking up to prevent Jing Chen from having a chance to push me away ..."

Nie Yi is ... terrible!

Qi Jingchen didn't know what happened to him and Nie Yi, but he really had a feeling of speechlessness, especially when he saw that he was asleep, and Nie Yi was committing tofu to eat tofu after that.

If some couples encounter this situation, it is estimated that they will beat each other after the end. After all, most people will always hide something from their lover, but he and Nie Yi ... Nie Yi did not hide He didn't do anything to sorry for him.

Of course, I don't know why, he still has the urge to beat Nie Yi, especially after seeing some thoughts during Nie Yi's recent madness.

Nie Yi is a strong man, can you not be so inferior and confident?

His affection for Nie Yi is absolutely love. Does this guy want him to take out his memory and show it to him before he can believe it?

Wait ... he now sees Nie Yi's memory somehow, will Nie Yi ... also see his memory?

After thinking about this, Qi Jingchen suddenly sobered up and wanted to recover his mental power subconsciously, but he soon found that he couldn't do this.

He and Nie Yi's mental strength are entangled tightly, and there is something around them, as if something is happening.

He and Nie Yi have been very close before, but at this moment, it seems to be closer. No, they are just like one person, and there is something that connects them closely!

It is the life contract.

Of course, a high-level contract such as a life contract cannot be signed casually. In fact, if you want to sign this contract, you must have a complete set of procedures. Finally, you must get the blessing of the gods.

This contract is becoming more and more rare. In addition to the unwillingness of many people to be bound by this deed, it is actually related to the gods. For many years, even if someone wants to sign a contract, he cannot get a response from the gods, and the contract is naturally invalid.

However, the life contract between him and Nie Yi was actually incomplete. At the beginning, their ritual was only half completed. He gave Nie Yi his own blood but did not get Nie Yi's blood, so he would It seemed very weak. Later, the two finally exchanged their hearts and blood, and the fusion of spiritual power, but because there was no blessing from the gods, the contract was actually completed more than half, and it was still his who could do it. There is a godhead in the body.

If there is no **** in his body, this contract may not be completed in half! Of course, since he does not use the godhead, Nie Yi has nothing, so the contract is not completed.

The life contract was only completed more than half of the time, and some of the things that Nie Yimon did after he checked out the problem loosened the contract. At that time, if Nie Yi wanted to cancel the contract, maybe he could succeed ... and Because he has a bright body, a deity, and an artifact, there must be only Nie Yi!

Fortunately, Nie Yi also has a godhead at this moment. The two of them are in a completely equal position and they are in the same mind, so the contract is slowly being completed.

This is some information that Qi Jingchen knows inexplicably. Such information seems to come out of his body suddenly ...

Qi Jingchen blinked, and thought of the words "common minds".

He had a hunch that Nie Yi's problem should have been solved, but ... Nie Yi looked at his memory ... Hehe.

Qi Jingchen regained his mental strength and never looked at Nie Yi's memory, but began to wait for the contract to be completed completely.

The speed of completing the contract was actually very fast. It didn't take long for the light around them to completely dissipate, and there were some golden silk threads between them that were only visible to them.

Qi Jingchen is ready to see Nie Yi's proud expression. He has feelings for Nie Yi, much earlier than Nie Yi imagined. At that time, he may not have thought about it himself ...

After Nie Yi knew it, I didn't know what it would be like!

Qi Jingchen thinks this way, can not help but feel a little surprised, Nie Yi has nothing to hide from him, but what he occasionally does is not the same as what he thinks. If Nie Yi knew ...

Qi Jingchen opened his eyes narrowly, and just saw Nie Yi opened his eyes.

It's just that Nie Yi's approach is completely different from him. This man hugged him and kissed him: "Jing Chen, I'm sorry."

The author has something to say: Thank you dear mines and grenades ~ Mody ~

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