MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 319 Throw people

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Nie Yi initially conquered them because he didn't want to kill these people, but also because he wanted to find someone to help himself. Before seeing these people doing well in the Elven Forest, he paid more attention to these people. As a result, ... After these people arrived on the earth, they dared to sneak and trick. &

"Nie Shao ..." People in the Chenyi mercenary regiment were scared when they saw Nie Yi. Nie Yi was very strong and could help others break through. Although they thought that Nie Yi lied to them to work, they really wanted to. To offend Nie Yi, they did not dare.

Not to mention that Nie Yi's strength is very strong, let's say where they are ... They all know that this is not Yell, and here, without Nie Yi's permission, they may not be able to go back.

Looking at Nie Yi's expression, some of these people thought more and more that they were confused before. Of course, some people figured it out, but some people didn't figure it out.

"Nie Yi, what do you mean? Deceive us to come to this place without saying, even let us magicians to work!" Talking about an eight-star magician, a young master of a small family, who brought After the man accidentally went to the ruins of the elven tribe, and accidentally entered the trial land, he finally found a life with good luck.

Those mercenaries had a respectful worship of Nie Yi, but he did not even have it, and even did not like Nie Yi from the beginning.

However, before he was beaten by Nie Yi, and everyone around him listened to Nie Yi's words, he could not bear it anymore, but now he couldn't bear it.

After speaking, he also looked rightly at his companions around him: "Are you planning to stay here all the time, like the magicians here, to do all kinds of work, just to eat?"

Hearing this man's words, many people in Chen Yi's mercenary regiment filled with indignation.

Those elves respected Nie Yi, even the red fox, because they have seen Nie Yi's "appearances", they have awe in Nie Yi, and dare not provoked Nie Yi, but Chen Yi mercenary regiment The people were released by Nie Yi after the big event was settled, so what God made, they were actually doubtful from the beginning.

"Nie Shao, we are all magicians, you can never let us build pigsty!"

"Yeah, it's disgusting that the water magician has to be responsible for washing the animals!"

"Let me go to the pots and pans, why?"


The magicians talked a lot, and the soldiers were also dissatisfied: "Why are we going to fight the dark creatures outside?"

"The guys asked me to do it by hand!"

"I'm a soldier, so I don't work with a group of ordinary people!"


These people kept talking, and Nie Yi was standing beside him, looking at them coldly.

When they were finished, Nie Yicai said, "What about this?"

Seeing that these people were stunned by their own questions, Nie Yi smiled, "Those of you who are willing to work, stand up."

After hearing Nie Yi's words, everyone looked at each other, and finally, a female bright pastor stood out first.

As a bright magician, Arora did not stay in the church as a respected priest, but instead became a mercenary, for a reason-the administrator of the church where she was once was not a good person There are always people doing dirty things in that church. She was once bullied, and even as a parent of ordinary people, she was insulted by the noble pastor in the church ...

Because of these reasons, Arora has always been a person who is good at checking words, knowing how to live well, and has no prejudice against ordinary people.

When other people are lazy these days, she has been helping out in the church here to get rid of the dark energy for those who are full of dark energy.

Although there are a lot of bad places in this place, but everyone here lives an equal life and there are some factors that Aurora likes, so she really likes it here.

After Arora stood out, many people came out one after another, most of whom were those who had been upgraded under Nie Yi's "drilling."

One of those who thought he would never be able to upgrade again, and who was upgraded, showed loyalty: "Nie Shao, if it weren't for you, I might be dead now, I don't know what others think, but I I will definitely work hard to repay you. "

Nie Yi nodded toward him and glanced at him, only to find that only one third of the people stood out.

But this number is quite good ... When Nie Yi placed these people in the Taoyuan Safety Zone, he found someone to look at them, and now he called those people and showed them that the people who stood out were normal How well they perform, and then assign jobs to these people.

These stand-ups all performed well these days, and their work was soon arranged, and Nie Yi looked at the remaining people.

Among the remaining two-thirds, in fact, there are people who feel that they are not good against Nie Yi, but the law does not blame the public ... There are so many people, Nie Yi can never kill them.

These people looked at Nie Yi stunned, wondering if Nie Yi let go of his words, at that moment, Nie Yi suddenly said, "I will send you away."

Send off? Hearing Nie Yi's words, these people's faces were full of surprises. Are they right? Can they leave here and go back to Yell?

When Nie Yi saw their expressions, they knew what they thought.

He waved his hand, put all of them into the trial land, and called Qi An: "Take me to the South Island."

"What to do on the South Island?" Qi An was puzzled, and their safe area came from the South Island. As far as they knew, the South Island was deserted.

"Throwing people, go to see Jing Chen after throwing." Nie Yi said.

"Okay." Qi nodded his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't do it. I'll get my teacher." To cross the sea to the South Island and go further to the Antarctic, he didn't dare to pack a ticket and be able to teleport there. . But follow Nie Yi a while, put a positioning device on the road, the next time he will go easy, when Nie Yi went to Yell, he may take the kitten to see Qi Jingchen secretly.

Manuel is fond of research. These days, he has been learning all kinds of knowledge on the earth, almost sleeping and eating, but Qi An still called him out for reasons such as letting him take a rest and taking a break to study Antarctic.

"It's really a pity, if there weren't those **** dark energies, how wonderful everything would be here!" Manuel sighed, and before taking Nie Yi to the South Island.

Because Lancelot arranged the magic circle in time, there are still living things in many places in the world today, as is the South Island. Some plant animals are still alive here, but there are really very few, at least in Here, basically no food can be found.

Nie Yi looked around the South Island, and then threw out those who had been placed in the trial land.

When those who contradicted with Nie Yi just left the trial land, they thought they had returned to Yell, and found out after a while that they were wrong. Are they in the wilderness? Or ... a dark wilderness full of darkness?

These people were dumbfounded, and their brains turned fast, and they even begged Nie Yi for mercy, but Nie Yi said to Manuel: "Master Manuel, please help me , Help remove all the magical instruments with space from these people. "

Many of these people have space rings and some food is hidden inside them ... Nie Yi doesn't want their lives to be too good.

Manuel also knew the previous situation, and now it is more clear that Nie Yi should want to give these people some lessons, and then nodded, and then immediately commanded Qi An to collect all their space rings.

He is a space wizard, unless it is a magical instrument made by the space law sage, otherwise he can never hide his eyesight, and these people obviously have no chance to possess the magical instrument made by the space law sage ... for a while, Qi An took all the magical fluctuations in space from them.

Those who resisted and asked for mercy, but Nie Yi remained indifferent. After taking the space ring on these people, he left with Manuel and Qi An.

The people who were left on the South Island watched Nie Yi and others go away, but they could n’t return to God. Fortunately, they soon had to return to God because dark creatures surrounded them.

South Island's zombie level is quite high, but it is not an opponent of the Chenyi mercenary group, but it will be uncomfortable to be besieged and hungry.

Not long after, Nie Yi came to Antarctica and then choked Qi Jingchen.

Qi An also wanted to talk to Qi Jingchen in the past, but was blocked by Nie Yi's field. In the end, he could only stamp out in angrily—so he said that he did not like Nie Yi the most! Even stopped him from letting him approach his boss!

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen spoke a lot, Yell, and the situation of Chen Yi's mercenary group.

"What are you going to do?" Qi Jingchen asked.

"Hungry them for ten days before taking them back." Nie Yi said, no matter whether it was a magician or a warrior, they were hungry for ten days. As long as those people got together, the dark creatures of South Island could not hurt them. .

"Well, do you still remember what others are doing? Kiss me first ..." Nie Yi hugged Qi Jingchen and kissed him. In ten days, he planned to have a relationship with Nie Yi in Antarctica.

"The dark energy here is so rich! It's amazing! No, I must go in and see!" There was a loud voice from Manuel not far away, and Nie Yi looked over there, and it reminded him ... Seems to bring two light bulbs.