MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 329 Become a saint

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Qi Jingchen saw a long, long experience.

Creation God? Is there such a person?

If it had been put before, Qi Jingchen would definitely think that all of this is nonsense, but now he knows that it is all true.

In this world, there should really be a creation god.

But ... when he died in the last life, the **** of light and darkness died. Qi Jingchen didn't expect this.

The speed at which the earth is eroded by dark energy has accelerated after he was reborn, probably because there was no creation **** to help, and everything has developed more slowly, so now in the last life, the earth has just ended the early end of the last days and entered the middle of the end. It will take another five or six years for him to be hunted down and his death ...

After five or six years, all gods will die?

Qi Jingchen was a little curious, but soon he threw them all back.

Now is the moment of life and death, and he can't think about it ... With this skill, he might as well figure out how to solve the situation at hand.

Qi Jingchen thought of the two energies that were nestled together at the beginning, and the two energies that eventually died out together.

According to what he saw, although light and darkness were opposed, they complemented each other. Once one disappeared and died, the other could not survive.

In this case, is it possible for him to put the energy of darkness and light together in his body?

I don't want to replace the light energy in my body with dark energy, but let both kinds of energy exist in my body.

In this world, there should be light, but there should be darkness. Although there are conflicts between the two, there are actually similarities, don't they?

Even if the sun shines on the ground, there are always some places where there will be shadows.

Qi Jingchen was a dark magician in his last life and was very familiar with dark energy. What about this life? He possesses light magic and knows very well about light energy.

The usage of these two magics is actually the same, that is, the properties of the two energies are completely opposite ...

Qi Jingchen entered a mysterious world, and at this time, the battle between Nie Yi and the black mist had come to an end.

The black mist is just the remnant of the Dark God, not the true Dark God. Although it was initially its place, it was strong enough to almost crush Nie Yi, but after the sigh sounded, it But slowly dissipated.

This black mist disappeared, but a lot of things appeared in Nie Yi's mind. At the same time, so much of the divine power he suddenly swallowed began to rebel in his body.

He absorbed the goddess of life for the first time, because the goddess of life was the weakest of the gods, and her energy was very gentle. The second time he absorbed the power of the earth system, it was all right, then he contracted with the mirror of light and symbiosis. There is a big relationship and it's different now.

In order to add magic power before, he has absorbed two divine powers, but unlike Qi Jingchen who helped to take good care of him before, his body is already on the verge of collapse. Now he even eats three divine power crystals again ...

Many blood donations flowed from Nie Yi's body, and the whole person looked like a ball of meat.

But he was not dead.

The gods of Yell are all the pure energy that Yell originally condensed.

These energies are the source energy of Hyeres and are the backbone of Hyeres. They should not be dissipated.

Once the gods have died, they will stay and seek their masters, which is one of the reasons why Nie Yi did not die before.

Now that Nie Yi is almost a mass of meat, they are still helping Nie Yi to repair his body, so Nie Yi's body has been exploded by energy and then repaired.

That must be very painful. Fortunately, I can't feel it now, and Qi Jingchen doesn't seem to feel it ...

Nie Yi felt that his mental strength was floating above the **. He looked at his body and then went to see Qi Jingchen.

The dark energy in Qi Jingchen's body became more and more intense, but surprisingly, the light energy in his body did not disappear.

His Jing Chen has always been the most powerful, maybe he can become a dark **** ...

Therefore, he must not die, he must live ...

Nie Yi returned to his body.

Do not know how long, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen opened their eyes almost at the same time.

The light **** and the dark **** are the strongest of the gods. Over the years, the divine power crystals of other gods have been reduced by the darkness, but the divine power crystals of the dark **** have not been lost at all. With powerful energy, Qi Jingchen felt like he was about to explode.

Because there is too little light energy in his body, he still has no way to maintain the balance between the two energies. He can only gather the light energy in his body at the deepest part of his body, but the body is full of dark energy.

Looking at his body wrapped in darkness, Qi Jingchen felt like he was back in his last life ... Of course, the dark energy he has now is much more refined than in his last life.

In fact, pure dark energy does not make people become zombies, and it is not really so disgusting. In the final analysis, it is just a kind of energy.

However, this is a kind of unnaturally pleasing energy, which is beyond doubt.

Light energy falling on an ordinary person will make him feel comfortable, but if dark energy falling on an ordinary person ... Although it will not make that person a zombie, it will definitely make that person dead.

This is a kind of energy that will bring death. Qi Jingchen is now full of death, and the first thing after he wakes up is to look at Nie Yi: "Nie Yi?"

"Jing Chen." Nie Yi answered, still with that face, or with the eyes full of affection.

Qi Jingchen felt relieved, and then looked at Nie Yi with a smile: "You are ... colorful now."

There are a total of ten gods in Hyer. In addition to light and darkness, there are eight gods, and the gods of those eight gods have not been found except for the war god. The other seven have entered Nie Yi's body.

Qi Jingchen seemed to be able to dimly see Nie Yi's colorful lights. Unfortunately, these lights were not stable.

Nie Yi had problems with the magic core before, and now ... he almost always collapsed.

It's just that his magic core often just got better right away ... Although the headache is more uncomfortable, people are fine anyway.

By now, after almost dying, Qi Jingchen no longer thought of the collapse of the magic core.

Big deal die together.

Once again, Nie Yi felt that God was taking care of himself ... "I didn't expect that I really became Fa Sheng."

"Me too." Qi Jingchen said.

They all became Fa Sheng. Although Nie Yi's demon core had hidden dangers, although Qi Jingchen became a dark magician, they managed to survive.

The two looked at each other and smiled, but they felt a little bit of fun.

"Becoming Fa Sheng, we are temporarily hungry, but we have to find a way out quickly." Qi Jingchen frowned and looked around, and finally said: "I first absorbed the dark energy here."

This space is full of dark energy. Before it made Qi Jingchen uncomfortable, now it makes him feel like a fish and water, but he will feel comfortable, but Nie Yi will certainly not ... so he must clear all these dark energy. of.

Sitting cross-legged, Qi Jingchen began to absorb the dark energy around him.

I don't know how long after that, the dark energy in the underground cave was finally absorbed by Qi Jingchen, and they can be regarded as the original appearance of the underground cave. This burrow should have been smashed, and they are now lying in the middle of the burrow, in a huge pit.

According to the memory obtained from the creation god, the dark **** was killed by the light god, but he did not make the light **** feel good, even after death, he took the bodies of all other gods to break the space into the space crack ...

If they stayed in the cracks in space, the Bright God might never find them, and then they fell to the earth ...

The earth is so destroyed.

Qi Jingchen was a little embarrassed, and at this moment, a "communicative" sound, suddenly something fell from above.

It was a penguin that fell off, and then the sound of "swipe through" sounded, many penguins fell down from the top wrapped in dark energy, and even zombies fell.

These are dark creatures, and they are quite strong. They have been staying close to the Dark God, so that most of them have reached the level of the Magister, and there are several holy ones.

After these powerful dark creatures fell from the top, they looked around blankly, and then lined up in front of Qi Jingchen according to their strength.

Qi Jingchen was very strange before. I did n’t understand why the Dark God wanted to find someone “parasitic”. Instead of looking for these dark creatures, he looked for them. Now, after seeing these dark creatures, he understands the reason.

These people and animals are estimated to have been eroded by the dark energy outside, and then attracted to the enchantment by the rich dark energy here. At that time, they were dead, and their mental strength was completely destroyed, the Dark God. Remnants of nature naturally despise them, and they are too afraid to approach because they are too afraid of them ...

Of course, these dark creatures have now become his men.

Qi Jingchen suddenly had a group of younger brothers. They were a little emotional, and then a little happy. Although these younger brothers looked stupid but strong, they could definitely help him fight in the future, such as going to the Six Elders of the Guangming Deity.

Of course, the most important thing now is to find a way to leave.

Qi Jingchen desperately wanted to leave, but things were not so simple ... He absorbed the power and personality of the Dark God, but could not open the enchantment to leave.

"I have the memory of the dark god." Nie Yi suddenly said, reaching out and touching Qi Jingchen's hair: "I also know ... why can't I go out."