MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 346 Light and Darkness Outside (Part 2)

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Near the dark abyss, the war between light theology and the dark creatures of the dark abyss has stopped. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

The Light Gods have stopped attacking after seeing the "Dark God" show off. When they later received the news from Shenshan and learned that something had happened on the side of Shenshan, they were even more afraid to move.

Not only did they dare not move, they even messed up-Shenshan was blown up, how long can they persist? Those with very strong beliefs can still stay on the border as if they were dead, but some people with weak beliefs have already begun to find ways to escape.

Hyer is so big, they will surely be able to lead a good life elsewhere with their strengths, so why waste time here?

The situation on the Light Denominations is not good, but the situation on the Dark Deities is not much better.

After the Dark God left with many powerful men, there was no news anymore, which made some people in the Dark God heart sorrowful.

There was too much movement over the holy city, and they also got news, but although the news was good news, it was not just good news ... According to the news from the holy city, although the gods and temples of the bright theology It was blown up, but the dark magicians who went there were also dead.

Those dark magicians are dead. What about the dark gods? How are they god? Shouldn't it be broken on the mountain?

The people on this side of the dark abyss were extremely anxious, but in the end they also chose not to move.

At this time, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen returned.

They didn't explain anything, but just seeing them, the people of the dark abyss are already extremely excited-the God of Darkness is alive! Although the dark magicians who followed the dark **** to the mountain are dead, but the mountain and the temple are destroyed, and the light **** has died many people, and those people are worth the death!

The people in the dark abyss are very excited, but because those fierce main battle factions are already dead, the rest of these people are still calm, and they are not immediately clamoring to fight your life with the Light God.

If you want to fight, you will die. Even the dark magicians are not afraid of death.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen glanced around and were very satisfied with it.

Qi Jingchen now has two magic cores. The light and darkness energy in his body coexist in his body, just like the Tai Chi pattern. At this moment he put away the light energy and released the dark energy, and then, the rich dark energy spread out, covering the dark magician warrior and the dark creatures in front of him.

This is a large "blessing", except that instead of light energy, dark energy is used. For ordinary people, being enveloped by such magic will be dead, but the people of the dark abyss will feel relieved.

After doing all this, after looking at the people in front of him, Qi Jingchen flew away and left Nie Yi.

Nie Yi, a deity, has many things to do.

"From today on, I will be responsible for all matters of the dark abyss." Nie Yi looked at the dark magicians in front of him and said, at the same time, powerful coercion emanated from him, and the darkness before him The magicians were all shrouded.

Those thorns and strong men in the magician are basically dead, and the remaining people are already very awesome to the **** Nie Yi. After feeling the power of Nie Yi, they have fallen down and can't reproduce. A trace of resistance.

In this place of dark abyss, it is normal for the strong to squeeze the weak, and Nie Yi "subdues" them by force, and the next thing is easy to handle.

It is obviously impossible for these people who have left the dark abyss to return to the barren dark abyss. After all, the dark abyss is too barren, but it is no problem to let those who have occupied a lot of land no longer continue to expand.

Nie Yi did not allow these magicians to continue to expand, and issued several orders at the same time, including not to harm ordinary people. In this regard, he formulated very severe punishment measures.

As long as someone kills an innocent person, he will die!

In the land occupied by the dark abyss, the vast majority of ordinary people have tried their best to escape, but there are still some people who remain, no doubt these people are living very badly.

Their food and belongings will be looted, and they may be in danger at any time-those demons want to kill, but there is no reason at all.

That's it. After they are killed, they can't get peace ... their bodies will be controlled by the demons and become the puppets of those demons!

The people in the place occupied by the dark abyss are all living and trembling, and the people on the dark abyss are very unaccustomed to these people, and only treat them as ants.

Now Nie Yi suddenly issued such an order. The people in the dark abyss are obviously not convinced, and they don't understand why they can't take action on a group of ants. Some of the dark creatures raised by them, after eating people, many simply Fresh human flesh eats.

However, Nie Yi's order has been issued. In the end, they did not dare to abide by it, but could only restrain their men as much as possible, but even so, some people secretly let the dark creatures under their hands eat people ...

In a mountain in the place occupied by the dark abyss, there was a group of people who had not been able to escape.

These people are hiding in the mountains, to be guarded from being discovered by the dark creatures, and trying to resist the beasts in the mountains. The lives are very difficult. If there were not a few soldiers in them, I am afraid they would be dead.

Now, those soldiers are about to become the belly food of a group of dark creatures, and these people, they are estimated to live tonight.

"Woo ..." A child couldn't help whimpering, and his voice was just sounded, then his mother covered her mouth and hugged tightly.

Some warm drops of water fell on the child's face, he knew that it was his mother's tears, biting his lips, but this three- or four-year-old child no longer made a sound, just like his mother, the tears did not Stop rolling down.

A group of people crowded together and hid inside the cave. At the cave entrance, several soldiers were fighting against a group of dark creatures. The soldiers were already scarred, and the leader's legs were directly taken down by the dark creatures. , But he still persisted.

However, even if he does not retreat, he can't stop the dark creatures, even himself, will soon become dark creatures.

The soldier glanced angrily at the enemy in front of him. He knew that he could not survive, and was about to die with one of them. Suddenly a powerful coercion suddenly appeared, suppressing all of them and letting them move easily. may not.

They couldn't move, the dark creatures in front of them couldn't move, and even in the next second, all the dark creatures were crushed into a pool of flesh.

What exactly is going on? The ordinary people hiding in the cave were stunned, and then they saw a man in a black magic robe suddenly rolling out not far away, apparently the one who controlled the dark creatures behind him.

"Ah!" The dark magician exclaimed, and as soon as his voice rang, the whole man burst into bursts of blood, bursting with blood.

This powerful dark magician is just dead? Ordinary people in the cave have become increasingly sluggish, that is, at this time, several soldiers at the cave suddenly found that a crowd appeared in the air.

Nie Yi took some dark magicians and looked down at everything in front of him. He didn't say anything, and he didn't need to say anything at this time. Those who came with him were not stupid, so they knew it. He was killing a chicken and a tamarin.

Feeling that the soldiers were looking at themselves, Nie Yi looked over.

The soldiers who had been injured by the dark creatures before would die, Nie Yi waved his hand, but threw a scroll at the place where they were.

Suddenly, the scroll broke open on the way, and the bright energy burst out from it, so that most of the soldiers who were about to die were instantly recovered, and the dark magicians who followed Nie Yi were horrified.

The gods of the dark gods use the scrolls of light magic, which are a bit too amazing for them, even if they are surprised, they dare not resist.

The Dark God is really too strong and too strong.

Nie Yi still didn't say anything, but just waved his hand and put all the ordinary people in front of him into the trial place.

And the more he did, the more the dark magicians who followed him feared him.

The God of Darkness didn't know what means was used to know that someone was killing here, and then they were brought here suddenly, and now many people are so lost, the means is really powerful!

The people in the area covered by the dark abyss were gathered together by Nie Yi except for those who were particularly scattered, and then either arranged work for them or allocated land for them to farm.

And his approach was quickly recognized by the dark magicians-these magicians suddenly found that instead of killing these ordinary people, they had to let them do their own work.

Not to mention, before they caught prey, they could only cook it casually, but now they can let ordinary people who are good at cooking make it delicious. They used to grab other people's clothes to wear, but now they can People tailored gorgeous clothes for them.

Returning the fields ... Only when someone cultivates, they can get a steady stream of food. The dark magicians are still clear, but the dark abyss does not know how to cultivate ...

The dark magicians who have difficulty in taking a bath in the dark abyss are addicted to it after living a life of being served!

Seeing Nie Yi's approach, these people even put forward their own opinions, saying that they can go back to work.

Nie Yi rejected it, but proposed another more feasible method-not to arrest people, but to buy.

You can buy food, you can buy all kinds of daily necessities, and even people.

People in the dark abyss have no shortage of money after fighting, and their living environment has kept them from taking money seriously. Therefore, these dark magicians easily accept the setting of using money to buy various things. After discovering that they can also let ordinary people who surrender them do things for them, they find it so convenient.

They just need to find a few ordinary people as their followers, give them some gold coins, and those people will prepare them with delicious food and gorgeous clothes, and this day is really comfortable.

Yes, many ordinary people have turned to some dark magicians after their initial fears.

Yerben is a place where the strong are respected. It is taken for granted that ordinary people are attached to the strong, but it makes Nie Yi helpless.

Of course, some people take refuge, others don't want to do it, and some people try to sneak away ... And for these, Nie Yi chose to let it go.

If you want to run, run, he did not intend to imprison them, after all, this is really not suitable for ordinary people.

However, this place is not suitable for ordinary people. There is a place that is suitable for ordinary people. It is also suitable for ordinary people to get used to the dark magician.

Hyer now has wars not only near the dark abyss, but also wars everywhere, and with wars, there will naturally be exiles.

In ancient times on the earth, after such a large number of exiles, they might be able to rebel, but this is not possible in Hyeres. The exiles are basically ordinary people. A stronger magician can make them all dead by one magic. They will not have any impact on Yell's privileged class, and no one will take them seriously. Their final end It may be killed, it may become the food of Warcraft, and it may even starve to death or become a slave.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen walked through the battlefields one by one, without intervening in those wars, but they took many exiles into the trial land, and then took them to the Elven Forest.

Nie Yi, who has become the **** of space, can move freely in Yale. Those refugees often find that they have completely changed a place in the blink of an eye, and came to a forest from the battlefield thousands of miles away.

A group of dark magicians lived under the Elven Forest. The number is not large, and they are not addictive. Find some exiles who have cultivated in the large open space in the Elven Forest. They will never have an opinion. It won't be vacant-it took a lot of wooden magic crystals to improve the environment of the Elven Forest. Such a good place is not used for planting, and Nie Yi always feels a bit wasteful.

He never gets too much of this kind of food.

Moreover, he wanted to build a base in Hyer, and, as it stands, there is no better place than the Elven Forest.

Nie Yi brought many exiles to the Elven Forest, and went out every day to bring back some.

At first, these exiles were apprehensive, but they were afraid that they would not dare to escape through the forest when they encountered Warcraft, so they could only stay.

After picking the fruit and belly in the elven forest, after seeing the seeds left by Nie Yi, they started to open up the land according to Nie Yi's requirements. After doing this, they suddenly found that the crops in this place grew particularly well and fast.

This is a good place! These people lived in peace and began to cut down trees and build houses, and build villages ...

During this period, some people in black will come to buy the food they made, or make meat for them to process. They all agreed, and then more and more people in black came, and they gradually became accustomed to those. The presence.

after that……

Someone because of his good cooking skills, every day an old man in black came to his house for dinner. One day when he complained about the cows who did not help him cultivate the land, the old man in black suddenly turned out some skeletons: "No cow counts What? This is for you. "

Refugees: "..."

They were scared again, but even if they were scared, there was no escape ... and the land cultivated in the hard-cultivated fields, they were reluctant to stay.

Over time, the exiles have become accustomed to even those skeletons. Anyway, those skeletons will not hurt people, and even those in black will let the skeletons help them build houses and build roads.

A long time later, the Elven Forest had a road to the outside, but none of the residents inside chose to leave.

As for the people from the outside ... How did the Elven Forest become like this?