MTL - Bound To The Divorce System-Chapter 73 The sad life of Bai Disu

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The moment he saw Bai Ertang's name, Xia Xucheng's mood was extremely complicated. He finally found Bai Ertang. After all, this silly name would not be used by a second person. However, white disaccharide was injured and became a vegetative state. Although he has a 70% certainty to cure her, there is a possibility of failure after all.

Just like now, it is clear that the various indicators of the two sugars show that she is no longer in serious trouble and can wake up, but she only wakes up for a few minutes and falls into a coma.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for your project, I'd be dead."

Bai Ertang naturally knew that he would end up in a vegetative state. Over the years, his mother and brother regarded her as an enemy, so how could they care about her life or death?

"But if you don't wake up, it will increase the failure rate of my project. In this case, the mental activation system project will become more difficult from experiment to official use." Mei Xia said with a long sigh, "This will also directly affect me. In the future, if this project cannot be transformed into a truly safe and effective medical method, I will probably lose my job, and I will have to go to the streets to pick up garbage and live in the future.”


Bai Ertang was still very guilty, but when he heard what Mei Xia said behind him, he was speechless, "You are talking nonsense again, no matter what, you are a Ph.D., you shouldn't be picking up trash."

"It's not much better anyway."

"I'm sorry, I'll try to wake up sooner." The reason for not being able to wake up, Xia Xucheng mentioned before, may be that she has a tendency to be depressed and does not care about real life.

"It's good to know." Misha nodded in satisfaction. After a few seconds, he added, "When you wake up, let's go to the Ferris wheel again."

Bai Ertang looked at Mi Xia with a speechless look, "This, is it fun?"

Ferris wheel, only children and girls will like it.

"..." What's important now, is it fun or not? His intentions should be obvious.

Bai Ertang looked out of the glass window again, commented on the night scene outside S City, said some embarrassing and boring words, and refused to discuss this topic further.

After playing the Ferris wheel, the two went to have supper together again, and then Mei Xia sent Bai Ertang back to the apartment where she was currently living.

Bai Ertang lost sleep. She deliberately watched some horror movies to kill time and avoided thinking about her and Xia Xucheng, because she knew that in this task system, her thoughts were transparent to the outside world.

She didn't want Xia Xucheng to know what she was thinking, so she forced herself to empty her head and watched two movies until two o'clock in the morning, when she was so sleepy that she fell into bed and fell asleep.

In the real world, Xia Xucheng didn't take off the special helmet necessary to enter the mental activation system until Bai Ertang fell asleep.

In order to grasp and adjust the state of the patient's mental active system at any time, a patient needs two assistants to care for it. And Bai Ertang only has Xiao Ying as an assistant. During Xiao Ying's rest time, Xia Xucheng will personally take care of her state.

This is Xia Xucheng's special request.

At this time, it was already late at night, Xia Xucheng sat next to Bai Ertang's bed, looked at her sleeping face, and remembered Bai Ertang's diary.

After deciding to admit Baibisu as a clinical trial subject for this project, he contacted Baibisu's mother.

Fortunately, his speed is fast enough. If it is one day later, Bai Bitang's mother will give up the treatment and let Bai Bitang die naturally. This made Xia Xucheng angry. After all, Bai Ertang had only been in a coma for more than a month at the time. In such a short period of time, as long as she continued to receive treatment, she could wake up at any time.

But Bai's mother didn't want to spend a penny more on Bai Ertang.

In the face of Xia Xucheng's question, she explained, "You don't know the situation of my family. It's difficult at home. Brother Tangtang is getting married now, and I don't have any money for the betrothal gift. I have to buy a house and a car. I'm dying of worry."

"...But if you give up the treatment, Bai Ertang will die!" Xia Xucheng was angry with Bai's mother's logic. The marriage of his younger brother was more important than his sister's life.

Bai's mother felt guilty, she avoided Xia Xucheng's reproachful gaze, "Then, I can't help it. Her brother has to get married and inherit the family, so she finally found a partner, what should I do if I blow it? Besides, Tangtang a few years ago I cut off ties with my family, and I came to the flower market. How much does it cost?"

According to Bai's mother, all the money she spent was wasted.

Xia Xucheng knew that he couldn't explain the truth to Bai's mother, so he quickly signed an agreement with her to let Bai Ertang go to his project for free experimental treatment. Because this treatment is extremely special, it is necessary to master the patient's previous life and mental state, so he I also obtained authorization to view some personal items and social accounts of Bai Bitang. As a condition, he reimbursed mother Bai for the fare to and from the flower market.

After Bai Ertang was transferred to the research institute where his project is located, Xia Xucheng began to understand Bai Ertang's living conditions over the years, and he realized that it was not intentional that Bai Ertang suddenly disappeared more than 20 years ago.

Her father's business went bankrupt and he was in debt of tens of millions. Even if he sold his family's real estate and house, he would still be insolvent. Her family situation suddenly became difficult.

In the past, the family was wealthy, and Bai Ertang's parents were okay with Bai Ertang. Anyway, there was no shortage of this money. Later, the family went bankrupt, and the resources at home were suddenly insufficient, so Bai Ertang was sent back to his hometown to study, so as to save money. The younger brother still stayed in Jiangcheng with his parents.

The sudden change in the family background and the neglect of the parents have dealt a particularly heavy blow to the white disaccharide. Her personality has also changed from lively to sensitive and introverted. After finishing junior high school, Bai Ertang's parents asked her to drop out of school to work part-time to help her family pay off debts. But Bai Ertang insisted, she went to high school and took out a loan to study at university. During this period, she had to work while studying to earn living expenses. In addition, she had to send extra money to her family for her younger brother.

After graduating, Bai Ertang worked to repay the loan, and at the same time was responsible for her brother's tuition. After four or five years, she finally couldn't bear it and cut off the relationship with her family.

It is not difficult to imagine the struggle and pain of Bai Ertang for more than 20 years.

Xia Xucheng's family is also poor. After he graduated from college, he also got a scholarship by himself to earn living expenses, but although Xia Xucheng's family was poor, his parents did not treat him so harshly.

And Bai Ertang is much more difficult than him.

Alas, her studies are not good, her IQ is not enough, she can't get scholarships, and she can't get too high wages for her work, which is also embarrassing for her.

He can understand that she has a problem with her current personality. Of course, Xia Xucheng doesn't think it's a big problem, but because of these problems, her world-weary tendency is a bit troublesome.

She must wake up as soon as possible. Otherwise there will be more trouble.