MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 13 ,confession

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 Chapter 13, Confession

 Wake up from sleep. Keep doing things.

 The focus is to explore Meng Chaowei’s surroundings. Ignore the rest for now.

“Meng Chaowei has a wide range of contacts…”

 “Almost everyone is his brother…”

“It’s still unclear whether there are any hidden spies around him...”

 Cao Mengqi is distressed.

 He felt that he was not suitable to be an agent.

Agent is too nerve-wracking. You have to face enemies hiding in the dark all day long.

too dangerous.

 Often caught off guard.

 But the team leader gave me so much. He couldn't bear to leave the ocean...

 Fortunately Zhang Yong is here.

 Zhang Yong is responsible for finding people. He is responsible for arresting people. Perfect.

If Zhang Yong leaves, he probably won’t do anything anymore. Therefore, Zhang Yong cannot leave. There can be no danger.

“The area where Meng Chaowei often travels cannot be marked at all.”

"This guy goes almost everywhere. He even goes to the nunnery to pay his respects and light incense. I don't know how many bad things this guy has done. Do you think our Chinese Bodhisattva will bless him, a Japanese devil? ?”

 Cao Mengqi introduced the situation. Just a little bit of grumbling.


 Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully. Didn't think too much.

 Many people in later generations have done something wrong and are worried that others will know about it and are afraid of God's punishment, so they donate sesame oil money everywhere.

 No matter what kind of temple, nunnery or temple, just donate a little when you encounter it.

 No wonder.

 As a result, I walked around outside and found nothing. Come back and rest. Go out and continue walking the next day. Still nothing gained.

Strange, where have all the spies gone?

 You can't hide in a nunnery. OK, go check it out.

 Don’t miss any blind spots.

 “Go to the nunnery.”


"is it far?"

 “It’s not very far. But it’s bad luck.”


“It is said that in our line of work, you cannot enter a nunnery, otherwise, you will bring bad luck to yourself.”

 “Then are you going to the temple?”

“It’s different in the temple. A nunnery is a nunnery...Okay, go!”

 Cao Mengqi changed his tune.

 Zhang Yong made up his mind. Had no choice but to act.

So he drove towards the nunnery. But other agents don't have cars. So no need to follow. Just three people. There is also Wei Yong.

Wei Yong can be said to be the most capable agent in the entire eight groups. Accurate marksmanship and excellent punches and kicks. One-on-one, Cao Mengqi was also defeated.

 The car is swaying in all directions. Finally we got close to the nunnery.

 Red dots appear.

 Zhang Yong remained calm. His guess was correct.

 Someone must have contacted Meng Chaowei. Meng Chaowei needs to use the radio. Where is the radio station?

 The nunnery is a good choice.

 Most people don’t come here.

As Cao Mengqi said, many people are taboo about nunneries and are unwilling to get close to them.

  “There are Japanese people.”


 Cao Mengqi suddenly felt energetic.

Wei Yong also quickly loaded the pistol. Get Thomson ready too.


 Zhang Yong replied.

 On one target, it shouldn’t be too dangerous.

Of course, it’s absolutely right to be careful. Caution is the boat. However, we have to find a way to catch people.

 Park the car at the corner. The three of them approached quietly.

 After arriving nearby, Cao Mengqi and Wei Yong both ambush. Zhang Yong stepped forward alone.

 Why alone?

 Because he doesn't look like an agent. Others may not be alert.

Just like Lin Xiaoyan, a well-trained agent, it can be seen at a glance that Zhang Yong is not a professional. Naturally, he will not be defensive.

 The target is a nun. Probably in his forties. The face is a bit fierce. Raised eyebrows.

 She seemed to be meditating alone. There were no other nuns around. She seems to be the only one?

 Zhang Yong came to her side silently.


 The nun felt someone approaching.

look up. Look at each other. Saw the pistol Zhang Yong inadvertently revealed.

 “You…” The nun seemed a little nervous.

"Five hundred oceans." Zhang Yong reached out and pressed the Browning pistol at his waist.

 Not his own gun.

 It belongs to Wei Yong. The appearance is quite old.


"Don't tell me whether you have it or not. I know your relationship with Meng Chaowei. Now that Meng Chaowei is gone, this debt will be borne by you."


“I also heard that Meng Chaowei was arrested. I don’t know who arrested him. You should pay back the money as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will kill you.”


 The nun slowly shook her head.

Zhang Yong then pulled out his pistol and pointed it directly at her head.

 “You follow me.”

 Finally, the nun said slowly.

 Zhang Yong loosened his pistol a little. Follow the nun.

 Enter the Buddhist hall inside.

 The Buddhist hall is not big. Very dark. There is also a very dark wooden house in the back. Because of its age and disrepair, the temple is in dilapidated condition. It seems a bit more rundown than the slums. This spy also has superhuman endurance. I don’t know how long you’ve been lurking?

 Is it really for the empire?

 The nun walked towards the back of the Buddha statue…


"what are you up to?"

 Zhang Yong drank coldly.

 Go to the side and continue to push her. Looks like a little robber.

 The nun replied calmly: "Take the money."

 “Back off!” Zhang Yong shouted coldly.

 The nun then retreated.

 Then I realized something was wrong.

 But it was Cao Mengqi and Wei Yong who came in.

 The two people looked a little strange. I feel that Zhang Yong is simply superfluous.

Since you are sure that the other party is Japanese, why are you still acting? It’s useless again.


 The nun finally realized something was wrong.

 She felt the dangerous aura from Cao Mengqi and Wei Yong.


 Subconsciously want to run.




 Zhang Yong knocked her down with two shots.

Excuse me. I love hitting people in the shins. Then came the knees.

 If you keep struggling, I'm going to blow out your knees.


 The nun fell down in response.

 Obviously, she is not as capable as the coolie porters.

 After being hit in the calf, she fell to the ground paralyzed on the spot. Staring at Cao Mengqi with vicious eyes.

 She judged that Cao Mengqi was the real opponent. Zhang Yong is definitely not.

 Zhang Yong is definitely a newbie. Don't understand anything. The first to be sent in to explore the path. Either a rookie or cannon fodder.

 Cao Mengqi:? ? ?

 Why are you staring at me?

 It’s not me who discovered you. Every injustice has its owner, every debt has its owner...

Sure, just think about it.

  Quickly check around. Find the agency quickly.

 Things like mechanisms may be missed if there is no suspicion. But once it is locked, it cannot be hidden.

 Search over and over again, check carefully, and you will definitely find it.

  The kind of mechanism in movies and TV series that the enemy can't find anywhere can only appear in movies and TV series.

Soon, Cao Mengqi found it.

 There is a radio station. There is a code book. There are also a lot of ledgers.

 The ledgers are all related to Shenghua Cotton Mill. There is also Meng Chaowei's autograph on it.

 Haha, this time it’s really all done in one pot.

 All the evidence that Boss Dai wants is in place.

 “Spare my life…”

 Suddenly, the nun made a weak voice.

 Zhang Yong looked at each other silently.

"I said, I said everything..." The nun lay on the ground.

 “What’s Meng Chaowei’s name?” Zhang Yong asked slowly.

"I don't know. No one has ever told me about it. I only know that his name is Meng Chaowei. He is my superior."

"And you?"

 “Dabao meatballs.”


 “Dabao meatballs.”


 Zhang Yong was silent.

 In the eyes of Chinese people, this is a very strange name.

 However, for Japanese people, it seems normal. My grandson Zhimei has a name like this.

 “Why are you willing to confess?”

 “Because I hate him.”


 “He deliberately tortured me and refused to let me return to the country.”

 “Do you still want to return to China?”

"Of course. I also have children. Of course I want to return to China."

 “Do you still have children?”

 Zhang Yong felt incredible. Not a spy? Marry and have children?

All right. There is everything in the world. She seems to have become a monk halfway? Maybe there is some special reason in it.

 In short, I found a treasure this time. There is actually a spy who is willing to confess!

  So many Japanese spies were captured, all of whom were die-hards, but she was the only one willing to confess.

Lin Xiaoyan That’s provocation. Not a confession.

Would it be deception?

Not too possible. Maybe she really didn't want to die. Therefore, I want to make meritorious deeds. Maybe she wasn't so deeply poisoned by Bushido.

 “Where are the other members of your group?”

"I don't know. Only Meng Chaowei has one-way contact with me. Otherwise, he can't control me."

"I see."

 Zhang Yong believed what she said.

At this point, if she wants to live, she has no choice but to confess.

"Bring back!"

 (End of this chapter)