MTL - Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss-Chapter 118 Hell Bus

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In the darkness, a worn bus is moving slowly.

Inside the car, a man and a woman were crying.

"Wow! What should we do, brother!" Liu Cai was crying with grief, and the cry was loud.

Lao Qi lowered her head and replied weakly: "What can you do? The Lord God has not released a mission so far, and I don't know when the plot will end--"

He took a deep breath, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye: "--wait for death!"

Looking at each other, the two cried again with headaches.

They were originally the bottom figures in the reincarnation space, and there were no powerful weapons to defend themselves. There was really nothing they could do in the current situation, they could only be left to fate.

There were two ghosts crying in the carriage, and the dead body in the driver's seat was silent for a long time.

After that, he dropped the lord.


Lao Qi's ears moved, and she stopped crying alertly: "Liu Cai, did you hear anything?"

Liu Cai also looked around seriously and said, "No."

Lao Qi continued to sigh weakly and said, "Why do I listen to the sound of a car increasing its power—"

Before speaking, Lao Qi and Liu Cai fully understood the source of the sound.

Because in just a few seconds, the bus had a rapid drift and perfectly fell over the front.

Ah ah ah-

The two without their seat belts were instantly tossed upside down and bumped into a nose and a swollen face.

"Slum! What's the situation? What makes this car! It's too fast! It's more powerful than a levitating car!"

The bus ignored the howling of the two people in the car, increased the throttle, and drove towards the station just now.

Hospital ruins.

Zhou Yu sat on a fairly flat and clean gravel pile in the ruins, shaking his legs boringly, looking up at the sky.

It was so dark that even a little starlight was invisible.

The clown consciously lost money, obediently walked to Zhou Yu and handed a beautiful rose.

Zhou Yu glanced at the clown, drummed Baozi's face, and his eyes became red with anger, and his original white face had a bit more puzzling color.

"Don't try to fool me, you are really going too far this time, do you know how worried I am!"

Although his tone was very unpleasant, Zhou Yu still took the rose upright.

The clown gently looked at the little guy sitting on the gravel pile, with a flattering voice in his voice: "It's all my fault, I'll never dare, forgive me?"

"Don't worry, there will be the next bus. I will take you to the amusement park at that time. I specially prepared the amusement park for you!"

The clown gathered around Zhou Yu, bent down gracefully, staring straight at Zhou Yu's beautiful black pupil.

He thought that this was really the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen-there would never be another pair of eyes in the world that would make him so emotional.

Zhou Yu blinked, and the pupil's cold mask was reflected in his pupils.

"And the mask you promised to send!"

I always feel that the clown brothers have been wearing masks and seem too lonely.

If only he could wear a mask like him in the future, the clown might be happier.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth began to smile.

Seeing the little guy finally happy, the clown nodded happily and took off his mask.

He narrowed his light brown eyes gently and said, "Of course, you can try it now."


The car finally stopped, Liu Cai spit out, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse.

"Madam, madam will never take a car again, walking is healthier!"

Lao Qi was lying weakly on his seat, and didn't want to talk anymore.


At this time, the door opened.

Footsteps sounded and someone got into the car.

Liu Cai made a defensive gesture subconsciously and looked in the direction of the door.

A teenager wearing a clown mask appeared in the compartment.

The young man had long waist and thin legs, exuding an air of youth, but the mask on his face was so weird and horrifying, which made this supposedly immature young man a little mysterious.

"You are ..." Liu Cai was aggressive.

Who is this man, why is he wearing that clown's mask?

The teenager did not ignore Liu Cai's question, but turned to urge the person behind him: "Get in the car, don't drive away!"

The man with black hair and brown eyes entered the compartment, and his smile was as warm as a jade: "Relax, it won't."

Not next time, I will make it a doll in a while.

In the driver's seat, the corpse shivered.

He was really wrong and never dared again.

Seeing this man in a black suit, Liu Cai's mouth shed Hara, and his eyes were bewildered: "God, so handsome!"

Old Qi was more conscious than Liu Cai. It didn't take long for them to recognize the identities of them, and immediately covered Liu Cai's mouth, and smiled charmingly: "Brother Zhou! You are finally back!"

Zhou Yu moved the mask to the other side of his cheek, exposing his handsome face, and smiling at the corner of his mouth.

"How are you, alive!"

The smile on Lao Qi's face froze, and he felt that this protagonist was a chat-ghost who could kill his life alive.

But there is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Now to live, you still have to rely on this protagonist!

Regardless of what he says, even if he speaks, he has to hold back!

Lao Qi nodded and squeezed the clown standing next to Zhou Yu with tears in his eyes: "Brother Zhou, it's great that you're okay! You don't know how worried I was at the time! If it weren't for the door closed, I would like to Jump with you! "

Liu Cai was awake now, but after recognizing the identity of the clown, she lost interest in the handsome guy.

She loves beauty, yes, but a delicate vase is not her dish.

Especially at this critical moment, it is more important to please the protagonist.

So, Liu Cai also eagerly pushed away the clown with a look on his face, mourning in tears: "Brother Zhou! Thank goodness you are still alive! It is really great! I am worried about death!"

Clown: ... he wants to make these two bugs into glass beads.

Zhou Yu didn't notice the clown's aggrieved mood, but just looked at the two unforgettable guys who performed the show with a joke, and laughed, "Hahaha, isn't it that you didn't die is really beyond my expectations, quite Lucky! "

I don't know why, he really wanted the two guys to disappear-well, it should be an inexplicable disgust.

Lao Qi and Liu Cai: ... chat ghosts! Kneeling!


The bus departed again, at a moderate speed, maintaining a comfortable speed and heading towards its destination.

In the carriage, Zhou Yu chose to sit in the same seat under the coquettishness of the clown, and the whole person was locked in his arms by the tall clown.

That loving look flashed the two single dogs in the back seat.

[The terminal has been reached-Hell Amusement Park]

[Hell Amusement Park is the destination of this **** bus, I wish the passengers a pleasant trip! ]

[Twenty-three years ago, a young couple came with their four-year-old son ... they had a very enjoyable time. ]

[This station is docked-I wish you all pleasant sightseeing. ]

After listening to the sound coming from the car TV, Zhou Yu, who was held in his arms by the clown, was choked.

He looked up at the clown behind him, his beautiful apricot eyes glazed with clearness.

He heard the true identity of the child-the clown.

That child is a clown brother.

That tragic child ...

The clown smiled and narrowed his eyes, and gently kissed Zhou Yu in his arms, and said, "What's wrong? Don't you get out of the car?"

Zhou Yu bowed his head, rubbed his eyes, and dissipated the water vapor. He said with a husky voice: "You can't get out of the car without letting you go, let me loose it first!"

The clown reluctantly let go of his embrace, and instead grasped Zhou Yu's slender palm.

Gently rubbing Zhou Yu's hands due to the perennial labor, the clown softly said: "Let's go, I'll take you inside to play! There is a rare circus performance tonight, look forward to it? "

The clown's voice was soft and drunk like a conversation with a child.

Zhou Yu's cheeks turned red, and she coughed embarrassedly, "Let's go."

The clown laughed sweetly and led Zhou Yu out of the car.

In the back seat of the carriage, the forgotten two followed silently.

These days, single dogs have no human rights!

When I got out of the car, the huge flash card in Hell Amusement Park first came into my eyes.

The colorful lanterns surround the huge amusement park and illuminate the darkness around it, which is especially beautiful.

The clown took Zhou Yu's hand, walked to the door, and was very happy to introduce the history of this amusement park: "This amusement park was the residence of the previous generation of **** lords. I was killed-after he abdicated himself, Sold it to me. "

The eyes of the clown who changed his mouth in time were extremely pure.

Zhou Yu glanced at him and smiled helplessly: "Continue to introduce, I have never been to an amusement park. I really like it."

Since the clown wants to conceal some dark history, he should be ignorant.

So, the clown continued to gracefully introduce the amusement park he was proud of.

"I have made this gate with five hundred souls-carefully crafted by artisans ..." I changed it again.

"This lantern is a real elf, do you like it?"

"Hahaha, what's going on with this puppet, the makeup is so exaggerated!"

"That was when he died-he accidentally fell into a paint bucket when he was carved ..." He changed his mouth again.

Zhou Yu watched the clown constantly changing his mouth, and very cooperatively pretended that nothing happened.

Zhou Yu and the clown laughed all the way around.

Behind them, Lao Qi and Liu Cai are experiencing the most terrifying adventure ever.

"Wow, ah! What's going on! This gate will eat people! My mother's arm has lost a piece of meat!"

"Crouch! Lao Tzu's pants were ripped!"

"Run away !!!"

The two finally managed to escape from the gate and looked at Zhou Yu, who was walking farther and farther, to cry without tears.

"What should I do, Brother Zhou has gone far!"

Liu Cai clutched her **** arm and cried so much that she accidentally knocked down a small lantern.


Suddenly, a dozen elves with fangs and ears poke out of the lantern, and rushed to the two who were unsuspecting.

"My mother! This tooth is sharper than the bat just now! It hurts! It hurts!"

Liu Cai was holding a quick-acting spray in one hand and a laser gun in one hand, running around in an attempt to escape the hunt of the elf.

"Laozi's **** whine!"

There were five or six elf bites on Lao Qi's butt, and his eyes hurt Venus for a while.

Liu Cai scrambling everywhere accidentally hit a push-pull switch again, and a puppet not far away began to sing.

"Welcome ~"

"Come to **** ~"

This piercing sound made the tormented two mournful.

"Help! This puppet is terribly singing!"

Liu Cai tried to pull the switch back, but found that it had no effect, so she had to take out the laser gun to prepare the puppet to pieces.

The puppet seemed to perceive something, raised his smeared white and red face, his jaw trembled, and he made a "click, click" sound.

In the next second, this standing puppet started to walk!

Liu Cai and Lao Qi got together. As soon as they solved the little elves, they saw the puppet that was getting closer, showing scorn.

"Hey, at such a slow speed, it is estimated that the attack power is not good, let's ignore it! Go to Brother Zhou first!"

Liu Cai raised his hands in agreement.

Upon hearing that, the despised puppet moved his stiff arm and opened his five-finger palm.


Ten sharp blades flashed, and they were accurately thrown at the two who were planning to run.

Looking at the sharp knife, Lao Qi and Liu Cai felt bitter.

"Fuck! I'll never flag again!"


The screams of Lao Qi and Liu Cai spread far and far.

Zhou Yu's white and delicate ears moved, as if she heard something, turned her head and looked back.

This sound, are those two weirdoes?

"There seems to be some movement over there."

The clown narrowed his eyes with a smile and said, "Have you? Rest assured, nothing happened."

"It's better to check it out in the puppet theater. Today we rehearsed the new script!"

The clown naturally took Zhou Yu's hand and walked to the left puppet theater.

As for those two bugs?

The staff of the amusement park will take good care of them.

Looking at the magnificent puppet theater in front of him, the clown laughed even more warmly.

The author has something to say: Alas, I was wrong and did not end this world ... tomorrow should be fine, alas, I really want to write Lao Qi and Liu Cai, Qaq almost did not control.

Thanks to the little angels for giving me the overlord ticket ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 1 bell, 1 exquisite dice ~ Thank you little angels ~ Do you love you ~

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

small theater:

Spiritual World Consciousness: (Poorly touched his scorched hair) It wo n’t work like this, **** singles will soon become perverted qaq

Awareness of the future world: (griefless.jpg) This guy is so cruel, he actually found a sling on the limited edition that has been in the collection for a long time! A fire has burned! !! !!

Cthulhu's World Consciousness: (Cigarette Lights.jpg) I think this **** may have been psychopathic after being abandoned by his ex-wife, or should we go to find his ex-wife?

Awareness of the future world: (raising your hand happily) I come and I come! I'm going to bribe the author with a red envelope! He can definitely ask his ex-wife in Hell!

Hell World Consciousness: (Smile) Really.

World consciousness: (Embarrassed) Keke, we are not malicious, we will help you find your ex-wife.

Hell world consciousness: (smile.jpg) If you break up first, you will be happier.

Awareness of the world: (thriller.jpg) Lying, it's really abnormal! 2k novel reading network