MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-Chapter 8 wolf and duck

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"Hahaha! Oh hahahaha!" Luo Yin's face was as dark as the old cowboy laughed.

Did you forget, it was a major misunderstanding caused by your blind posting of train times.

"But it's not bad to be able to walk up on your own.

The question you asked about the alchemy studio before can be temporarily solved for you. The abandoned production line of the equipment department was remodeled by some veteran students to complete some alchemy processes. The monthly rent is $3,000, and the entrusted assistance fee is calculated separately. "

A black businessman among black businessmen...

But he had no choice but to be slaughtered. A complete set of modern equipment that can meet high-level alchemy craftsmanship is conservatively estimated to cost 400,000 to 500,000... And he has just started learning programming, and he does not know how to use many professional engineering software.

It is said that the equipment department also has a very mature 3D printing production line, but even if he gets it, he will not be able to get started. The knowledge of the dragon race may be very obscure and esoteric, but the knowledge of human beings cannot be achieved in a day or two.

At this stage, if he wants to try mercury alchemy, he can only draw hand-painted drawings, entrust others to model and cast them, and then practice how to inject mercury by himself.

"Mercury alchemy is a compulsory course for every alchemist, and the formation of mercury alchemy is the first step towards freedom and variety of alchemical items. You should pay attention to protection when you try it with a small body. If an alchemist dies of mercury poisoning, he will accompany him after his death. Carve it on your grave."

C-level blood dishes, pure physical fitness does not have many advantages compared to ordinary people, and a little excess of mercury vapor can take him away.


He didn't know what the identity of Flamel was so far, and no one in the academy knew the name. It may be a relatively low-key professor in the alchemy department. The hybrid species has a long lifespan, and it is possible that no one remembers it.

Fingal graciously helped him carry some of his luggage and headed to the dormitory assigned by Norma. The price was for him to eat three meals of pork knuckle with sauerkraut, in exchange for Fingel not to expose on the student forum that a freshman was arrested at the gate of Kassel.

Cassel's housing area is particularly sufficient, and he has no problem arriving at the school four months in advance to allocate dormitories. Quadruple rooms are usually unsatisfactory, and double rooms are more common, and there are not many people living alone.

Asking is doing tasks all over the world.

The roommate Norma assigned him was Ye Sheng, a Chinese who was about to be a senior. He is an excellent A-level student.

"It's a coincidence that our dormitories are quite close." The two dormitories are on the left and right ends of the same floor.

The door was not closed, and it is estimated that Ye Sheng had already seen the message sent by Norma.

Luo Yin pushed open the door and entered.

Ye Sheng is a typical handsome Chinese guy with short black hair and a relatively masculine face. Slightly dark complexion, should exercise outside regularly.

He was leaning against the wall of the balcony, his right hand intertwined with a girl's fingers.

The girl was much shorter than Ye Sheng, Ye Sheng lowered his forehead, and there was only a piece of paper between his lips and the girl's forehead.

There was a hint of pink on her beautiful face, like the peach blossoms in Jiangnan in early March.

It was at this beautiful and delicate moment that the door was pushed open.

Luo Yin, who had been in social anxiety for many years, subconsciously wanted to close the door and pretend that nothing happened, while Fingal was about to take out his phone to take a picture.

"You should go up with A!" Fingal quickly coaxed.

Shutoku Yaji's face flushed, and he pushed Ye Sheng away at once, standing at a loss.

Ye Sheng's neat, aggressive temperament is like a lone wolf, while the girl is clumsy and cute like a little duck.

Looking at the two people in the room, Luo Yin had some unreasonable reverie.

The wolf and the little yellow duck...seem to be an unexpected match.

"Senior Brother Ye, uh, um, I'm really sorry, we thought you were alone. I wish you two good luck in love."

Luo Yin turned around and was the one you gave to Luda, but was stopped by Ye Sheng.

"Level 04, Ye Sheng, Dragon Genealogy from the History Department, is doing an internship in the Executive Department."

"Luo Yin, a freshman in the 07 alchemy department, came to the school to report in advance. This is Senior Brother Fingal who came to help."

While Luo Yin shook hands with Ye Sheng, he was embarrassed until his toes were on the ground.

Nima, Fingal? Why did you bring the imperial army into the village, your junior brother with thick eyebrows and big eyes?

"Level 04, Shudoku Yaji, Dragon Genealogy, Ye Sheng and I are our trainee partners." Yaji trimmed her hair and covered her blushing.

Tsk tsk, fall in love during working hours.

"はじめまして, よろしくおねがいします (first meeting, please take care)." The classic greetings of the second dimension are made of Luo Yin's plastic Japanese.

"Junior brother speaks Japanese well." Complimented against his will. "However, Lucy Ku (よろしく) is rarely used by Japanese young people, except for the bad ones on the streets."

Luo Yin looked at the girl's gentle smile, like cotton clouds and April spring breeze, and probably understood how Ye Sheng fell.

"Aji, we'd better take the initiative to attack, this is Fingal." Ye Sheng said seriously.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement. That's Fingal. If they don't post it, they will have paparazzi hair, and they will post very strange things, such as "Forbidden Romance in the Office" and the like.

"Junior brother, please wait a moment. Brother Fingal, you also wait a moment."

Ye Sheng and Aji walked to the balcony and started posing to show their affection.

Luo Yin couldn't understand a little.

"Junior Brother Luo, next to you is the Paparazzi Department...the Minister of Information Department. Stay away from the Information Department. They are the most terrifying departments besides the Executive Department and the Equipment Department. Even Principal Angers dares to write rosy news, except for the mysterious deputy. You can make up anything except the principal!"

"Junior and brother have won the prize."

This is not a compliment at all! Brother, you are the dog of dogs, the king of all dogs in Cassel.

The young couple quickly took photos of their love, picked a few photos of travel and training, and started editing the copy.

If the secret romance is destined to be exposed, they choose to blow themselves up.

Ye Sheng and Yaji updated their status on various social apps simultaneously, and the comment area was filled with 99 blessings.

The night watchman forum is also updated simultaneously, and "Dive Fish" and "Aji have worked hard today" will always form a good relationship.

After Fingal was expelled, Aki went back to the dormitory by himself, inevitably accepting all kinds of gossip from his roommate.

"Aji and I met in swimming class. I grew up on the banks of the Yangtze River, and seeing her like a landslide helped me a little bit." Ye Sheng mentioned his love history with a smile on his face. .

"My former roommate went to the European branch to study in his third year, so I was, um..."

Luo Yin showed an expression that I understand, I understand everything.

"Junior brother, you are a direct recruit, have you never attended a preparatory class?"

"No, I just learned about Cassel in March."

"Then it's right for you to report in advance. Learn more and get used to it. Especially if you are an alchemist, your high school knowledge may not be enough."

Thank you, I have already felt it.

"It's normal for alchemy students to go to the laboratory, and there are many credits to take in the course. At the end of the semester, most of the people sent away by the ambulance are from the alchemy department. The difficulty is probably second only to the so-called death major of dragon genetics.. ....

In the freshman year, there is also the opportunity to change majors, and studying engineering is easier than alchemy. "

Not good.

"What about the employment situation in the alchemy department?"

"According to the level of graduation works and thesis, the alchemy department does not pay much attention to the results of the war practice class. The more powerful ones can stay in the alchemy department to teach or enter the equipment department of the college. UU reading The equipment department is um, a comparison. Nice department.

The logistics department that is dispatched to various branches of the world is also good, and it is relatively free. The options are quite rich, after all, they are senior technicians, and the premise is that they can successfully graduate. "

One or two of you, don't keep mentioning such terrifying terms, he's still a third-year high school kid.

"If you want to enroll, you must first go to the student office to register and report to get a student ID card. Student ID cards are very important in the college. The meal card, bank card, and ID card are integrated.

In addition, if you didn't take the preparatory class, the college should arrange physical education classes and general knowledge classes for you soon. "

Ye Sheng looked at Luo Yin's small body, and estimated that the five tied together would not be able to beat Aji, and the first year gym class would definitely fail.

"You can stroll around in the afternoon and evening. The Hall of Valor and Norton Hall are very solemn and beautiful. You can go all the way to the top of the mountain when you leave the school gate, and the scenery is very open.

Be careful not to go to the separate small building in the open space to the north, that is the principal's office building. The clock tower cannot be entered either. The clock tower is the site of the 'night watchman'. "

"night guard?"

"The legendary vice-principal rarely shows up except in the girls' swimming class. He is very powerful in the school and is very mysterious. The Night Watch Forum and the News Department are all his creations.

Besides, I have always suspected that he was conspiring against the position of principal. "

"Then what kind of person is the principal?"

"Principal Angers is an old gentleman, the greatest dragon slayer of our time, a great educator and thinker, and a strategist in the war against dragons.

Speaking of which, I'm still a member of the Heat. "

"The Heat?"

"It's the support group of Principal Angers, organized by the students who admire him."

Luo Yin: ...Senior brother, I have to reconsider your evaluation.


Read The Duke's Passion