MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 54 Sword weight (5)

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The filming plan is not perfect, Luo Yin knows this.

It can temporarily hide most people, but by no means all. He just hoped that Manstein's films would buy enough time.

This may be the largest dragon leak in history. After three months, five months, or a year or two, the existence of dragons and hybrids will be exposed on a large scale.

He chose to swing his sword, decided to never compromise, and that was the price.

"You just lost your most important bargaining chip. Now, it's time to pay off your debt."

"You are indeed an extraordinary person. I began to understand why Chen Jun didn't take revenge on you.

But I strongly advise you to think carefully before taking further action. "

The priest finally tore off his last disguise, his dead gray face like a dead bone in a tomb.

The projection shows the real-time images of dozens of surveillance cameras. Luo Yin saw his father and mother, the station near the Tokyo underground base, his beloved alchemy workshop, and even Susie's relatives.

Luo Yin tilted his head and looked at Rasputin with strange eyes.

"Think Like Your Enemy - Simple and Practical. And the villain's tricks are the best guesses.

I just doubted myself for a while, thinking why you still don't use this trick? "

Susie took out a silver mask with a strange texture from the equipment box. The complicated and strange patterns on it made Luo Yin seem to have known it before. But this mask has two holes for the eyes.

This is Luo Yin's most successful imitation, and the efficiency of mental transmission can reach 60% of the original.

The movie plot he hates the most is when a good guy is threatened by the villain with his family and friends. Luo Yin always felt that they should have expected this.

Luo Yin slowly put on the mask, and the spiritual power used it as a medium, and it continued to spread with the activation of the alchemy matrix.

He seemed to be speeding away from reality and dived into a deeper distant world, like a dream of a god.

The spatial distance is no longer meaningful, and he clearly perceives the anchor points arranged in advance thousands of kilometers away.


The spirit descended, and the shadow warriors in the low temperature survival capsule opened their fiery golden pupils.

Every shadow warrior is a depraved evil ghost, and has experienced the pollution of Fenrir dragon blood, even if it is hit by a dump truck a few times, it is not a big deal.

A strong headache and dizziness struck at the same time, and it was a big challenge for him to come to multiple shadow warriors at once.

Consciousness and perception split into multiple parts and overlapped chaotically, and the whole world before his eyes became bizarre.

"This is handed to you."

Susie nodded and set out four swords to guard around Luo Yin.

Luo Yin arranged complete security measures in advance around important people. But there may be traitors among the people he arranges, they may leave their posts without permission, and they may paralyze and underestimate the enemy.

Therefore, it is safer to be present "in person".

His mind was running wildly, separating the chaotic and overlapping senses like combing threads. This is somewhat similar to multi-core computing in the "Tianyan" state.

The shadow warriors opened the life-saving capsule neatly and put on masks and hoods to reduce the incongruity of consciousness and body.

When the evolutionary faction began to act, Luo Yin's security plan and the shadow warriors started almost at the same time.


On the seventh floor of Jingu Building in X City, Linglong Media Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hei Prince Group, the ceiling of the abandoned storage room was torn open by shadow warriors.

Five seconds later, the entire building lost power, accompanied by strong electromagnetic interference.

"There is something unexpected, just in case you need a day off."

"Son, have you gotten into some bad people abroad..."

"Tell me later, don't take the elevator."

Shadow Warrior No. 1 successfully responded. A group of unidentified thugs are invading from the second floor and are expected to encounter security personnel on the fourth floor.

Liu Baifei looked suspiciously at the shadow warrior with an exaggerated physique. According to Luo Yin, this is a bionic robot produced by their company, similar to the Terminator, but with a slightly stronger performance.

Although she had seen the "Terminator" series, this kind of thing was too magical when it actually appeared in front of her eyes.

If you use that movie analogy, is her son John Connor? No, he looks like Skynet.


X City Exit City Expressway, No. 101 Road.

Shadow Warrior No. 2 walked out of the box in the cold air, holding a strawberry ice cream in his hand.

After Luo Yin removed the package, he realized that this body was not very convenient for eating.

"Follow up, don't fire."

He handed the ice cream to the co-pilot, who hurriedly took the boss's snacks with both hands, a little flattered.

The Shadow Warrior jumped from the side door of the ice cream van, leaving clear footprints on the asphalt.

The ice cream truck followed his unreliable dad 24/7. After the father expressed his dissatisfaction many times, Luo Yin asked the employees to change the ice cream brand.

"Dad, slow down, I have something urgent to tell you."

Lao Luo, who saw the news, was a little confused. After hearing that his son was serving as the manager of the Kassel school, he no longer understood this magical world.

"I'm sorry, I had a phone call with my son, it seems like something is urgent."

"Lao Luo, your son is studying abroad, right? He's ready to come back after graduation... ah-ah!"

Lao Luo's eyelids jumped. He saw a masked geek gesturing against the car window for him to open the window.

That explains why his boss screamed in the back seat.

"I promise it will end soon. Uncle Yang won't remember anything. Dad, you can go to work normally after you take a few days off."

Boss Yang's scream grew louder.

"Listen to my countdown and hit the brakes. 3, 2, 1..."

The car that braked suddenly lost its balance, and there was a harsh friction between the tires and the road, and several suspicious sports cars passed by and braked urgently.

The original world was born, but the diameter of the field was less than three meters, and it could barely cover the vehicle, intercepting and breaking down the bullets shot from the front.

The power that descends on the Shadow Warrior is not complete, and it is not bad to be able to do this.

Railings, asphalt, and concrete were melted and deformed in the field, transformed into several spears with twisted and rough shapes, and pierced through the attackers' vehicles in a sonic boom.

Looking at the magnificent fireworks on the road, the cost of the aftermath will definitely not be less.

Manstein would definitely complain to the school board, which he then dismissed as school board member. It's wonderful.

"Get in the car, they have backup."

"Does Kassel's speech and spirit course recruit social people? Was it the kind of teaching package just now?"

"As I said, a mixed race is not a mage! I really can't learn it."



Although Susie's parents are civilians, their combat skills are not unfamiliar. They quickly responded to the No. 3 Shadow Warrior and began to break through.

He didn't need to worry about the cheap sister, she was on Henkel's territory. The sanctification of the short old cowboy is an incomprehensible word to most enemies.

In addition to the conventional defensive measures at the alchemy workshop, there is also a Beowulf family fish monster, who is either fighting with the Dragon King online or eating, drinking and having fun all day long. It's time to squeeze this hungry rice bug.

As for Tokyo, it's okay that the evolutionists failed to invade... In case they disturb Fenrir's game time or meal time, Luo Yin sincerely wishes them a decent death.

While Luo Yin was operating on multiple lines in his brain, the ground floor of City 23 was already in a mess, and the priest issued an attack order to all the guards.

Susie stepped on the motorcycle accelerator to the bottom and drove straight up from the side wall.

Jian Yu's magnetic field blocked tens of thousands of bullets of different formats, and the scattered gunfire smoke made people suffocate.

The strange-looking Dead Servants jumped at them from the corridors and iron bridges on all floors, and there was only tyrannical killing intent in the four directions.

The tough blue-black dragon scales covered the girl's skin, and Susie let out a suppressed low roar.

A magnificent black lotus flower blooms in mid-air, and each petal is an alchemy blade accelerated to the extreme.

The extremely fast swords left overlapping phantoms in the retina, creating the illusion of a black lotus blooming.

The black sword was retracted to Susie's side, and the instant overdraft of his spirit made Jian Yu a little unstable.

An RPG exploded behind them, sending the locomotive weighing more than 250 kilograms flying off the side wall.

A sharp piece of shrapnel broke through the field and cut through the dragon scales and skin of Susie's left arm, but it instantly changed from high speed to stillness. The shrapnel twisted and flew towards the guards carrying grenade launchers more than 30 meters away.

The old housekeeper on the ground floor sighed at the wildness of the young people today, and opened the second blood burst, escorting Elizabeth to the exit.

Elizabeth carried quite a few high-level alchemy items on her body, but it would be a dereliction of duty for the young lady to use them.

Susie continued to maintain her lineage at the highest level. In this state, Jian Yu is no longer an assassination word spirit, but a meat grinder that can crush thousands of troops.

Offense is her creed.

She has not eaten the keel of the first generation, and the upper limit of her bloodline cannot match that of the Dragon King. But she has full control of her existing power, which is enough for her to kill City 23.

Last 50 meters distance. The spiritual fusion ceremony begins.

The berserk realm grew further, and a storm of swords surrounded them at all times, slashing everything in their way.

They rushed to the ground and returned to the uninhabited tundra, the frozen **** of black blood falling from the trembling long sword.

Suppressing the bloodline, the dragon transformation was lifted, the golden pupil was extinguished, and Susie became extremely weak in an instant.

And Luo Yin's scattered consciousness returned to the body, and the dragon text on the imitation mask became dull, and the temperature was hot.


Luo Yin felt his head hurt. Odin's technology is somewhat wicked.

The two silently gave each other a look, and everything went well.

They stood in the wind and snow, looking at the priest and the princess from a distance.

They are still young and still believe in ideals. They don't know what the future holds for hybrids, but it's not a world shaped by evolution.

Rasputin suddenly clapped.

His body was so skinny that he was barely left with a sack, his skeleton supported by an insatiable **** for power.

"You're a very difficult person to manipulate, and it's much harder to control or break you than anyone else. But you're not sharp enough."

Luo Yin quickly reviewed the current situation in his mind.

"You're just stalling for time. The attack just now is not your backup plan."

"Join us. This is the last invitation."

The ground began to shake, and the corpse guards buried in the soil squeaked through the ice.

The source of the vibration was deep underground more than ten kilometers away.

"In 1937, a great man was forced to come to barren Siberia.

Enduring sickness and hard labor, he continued to study missile technology and liquid rockets.

Glory belongs to Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, and the dragons have never had the glory! "

Rasputin exclaimed loudly. Human regime change means nothing to him, but going to space is a feat that surpasses the dragon race.

Relevant information flashed through Luo Yin's mind one by one.

Korolev, the founder of Soviet space technology, was exiled to Siberia for seven years. During that time he did more than theoretical work.

Perhaps the experimental facility at that time was not abandoned, but continued to develop and expand.

The evolutionary movement emerged in the 1980s and 1990s, capturing an immeasurable legacy by fostering oligarchs.

They're going to launch a satellite. And Luo Yin knew what was on that satellite.

Space-based weapons, the second satellite of Damocles!

"Pompeii was a born liar.

The Gattuso family bought our technicians, borrowed our site, and left us behind after the launch.

However, there are no eternal secrets in the world..."

Although their recovery technology is immature, it is sufficient for the evolutionary goals.

Luo Yin understood that the second space-based weapon was not used to fight dragons. It will be used as evolution's absolute deterrent to human and mixed-race societies.

"It was not supposed to launch today..."

Luo Yin didn't hear Rasputin's words at all.

On the uplifted hills in the distance, the permafrost cracked and shattered, and the snow poured all around, revealing the spectacular launch silo below.

Susie blasted the locomotive to 200 but it was not fast enough. The countdown to the rocket launch has entered.

"Sometimes I want to throw it all aside."

In the back seat of the motorcycle, Luo Yin took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"We've been to a lot of places together. Tokyo, New York, Zambia, Honduras...

But we've never been in a movie theater or arcade together, we've never been screaming, we've never been in a bar all night because I like to drink sweets, and we've never seen your parents because I'm a little scared..."

Luo Yin's speech was so fast that it was a pile of garbled characters in the ears of people with low bloodlines.

"It seems that we are either chopping things, or on the way to chopping things, and there are so many **** scenes in the memory that all parents have to report it.

I sometimes worry that you will leave, that there will never be a day of world peace, that I have made irreparable mistakes. "

He felt his heart beating wildly. Because of what he was about to do, and because of his chaotic thoughts at this moment.

"Fairy Wood"

"I still remember the day I saw you for the first time... I said I would give you the best sword, but I haven't done it yet..."

So stupid, more and more stupid.

"None of us are normal people. By abnormal standards, we have a lot of good memories."

Means to cut all kinds of things.

"I will wait for you until the world is at peace."

"If you fail, I will try to catch you."

Susie stopped talking and rushed towards the distant sunrise-like fire, breaking through the scorching air.

The white dragon spreads its wide wings, uses all its strength to incite the airflow, and flies to the distant sky.

------off topic-----

After a few days of exercising, I have a sore back and back pain, and I really have a physical condition of 80 years old.

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