MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 6 invite

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Shinjuku Ward, Takamurahara.

This luxury Cowherd shop on the verge of bankruptcy was brought back to life with the help of some mysterious sponsors, continuing the prosperous miracle, and the humpback whale still adheres to the man's flower arrangement.

Gao Tianyuan tonight was surprisingly peaceful. The decoration of the store has also changed from a luxurious baroque style to a three-point elegance.

The guests only sat for less than half, most of them were wiping their sad tears, the incense of red and white roses replaced the lingering smell of alcohol in the shop on weekdays. It's all for that man.

The lights go out.

The clear and clear singing came from behind the tall pillars, across the dance floor and the promenade, leisurely like a dream, revealing unknown thoughts.

A soft mixed light was cast from the dome, illuminating the center of the stage, and the white marble columns tied with red silk seemed to be a pure land away from the world.

A man in plain clothes tied his hair in a high bun and stepped out from behind the white pillar. He danced a tachi with a cherry red scabbard and wore a moon-white mask. Lines are simply outlined with ink pen on the mask, like a fox or a deity.

The samurai in Suyi moved to the left, and behind the stone pillar, a dark red corner of his clothes was exposed. The smiling witch stretched out her white porcelain-like arms and walked towards the right side of the stage with light dance steps.

The samurai and the shrine maiden looked at each other across the pure white stone pillar. They walked around the stone pillars, dazed and confused.

They are as light as two nymphs, sometimes as hard as iron, sometimes as gentle as water, as if dancing a fantasy in the diffuse white mist.

After three circles around the pillar, the samurai and the priestess stopped at the same time and looked at each other in front of the white pillar.

The sword was unsheathed, and the cold-blade long sword was thrown from the warrior's hand, and was picked up by the red-clothed shrine maiden.

The plain clothes and the witch clothes shattered in the cold light like cicada wings, revealing the inner hem hidden under them, and the red and white colors were reversed.

The witch untied her bun, her long hair was loose, and her figure changed from soft to rigid in an instant.

The samurai took off his white mask, revealing a beautiful face that contained three dangers.

"Let us welcome, the eternal Emperor of the Cowherd in Shinjuku, Kazema Liuli!"

The humpback whale shouted hoarsely, and a large bald head reflected a bright light.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the invited guests. This is Kazama Liuli's last performance in Gao Tianyuan, and he is about to bid farewell to his own territory.

All kinds of lights lit up the entire plateau, brighter than ever.

Kazama Liuli took Sakurai Xiaomu's forearm, and the two strolled through the long corridor of Gao Tianyuan to the "family and friends group" sitting in the middle.

Luo Yin felt very relieved that the recovered mental patient could still remember to invite his entire physician to participate in his curtain call performance and engagement ceremony.

The long hair behind him was full of rich women who had spent a lot of money for Kazama Liuli, crying very loudly, and looking at Sakurai Xiaogu in a dangerous way.

And the ones who cried worse than them were the sentimental humpback whales and the tearful ramen masters.

With Fengjian Liuli's serious condition, he actually became the earliest current player among the three brothers and sisters of the Yuan family, even earlier than him as a normal person, Boss Luo expressed his dissatisfaction.

Kazama and Xiaomu have no plans to hold a large wedding, so this engagement ceremony is the only formal ceremony.

In fact, after this S-class was addicted to the acting industry, he seldom participated in his old business, especially after his marriage proposal. At most, I occasionally appear in late-night shows to send some fans around.

This curtain call is an official farewell, and "Liujianliu" will become an eternal legend in the Niulang world of Shinjuku District, and it will continue to be circulated and adapted in the word of mouth of the younger generation.

"How was the trip?"

"Not bad. Although there have been many assassinations."


Luo Yin picked up the wine and clinked glasses with the glass in the wind.

"Some are against me, and some are against Xiao Mu. We are all people who have done evil."


Even though the evil they did was due to the inducement of the king, they finally stepped into the forbidden door.

Evil is the seed that takes root in everyone's heart, and the king waters such evil spirits with blood. Even though the flower of sin has withered, its sharp thorns have hurt many people.

"We gave up all the opportunities to perform and went to see a lot of scenery. Xiaomu accompanied me back to Shiotori Town, and I accompanied her back to Sakurai's house."

"It's not easy."

"Yeah, that's where 'Liu Li of the Wind' killed the first time. I passed the gates of those people's houses, but I didn't have the courage to walk in. I couldn't return their lost daughter."

Luo Yin just listened silently, accompanied by the soothing music in Gao Tianyuan.

"The townspeople repaired the burnt Shikatori Shrine, and there were young priestesses in the shrine. They tied red silk on the broken, charred rosewood, and now only a few people know what those ribbons represent.

Several families have moved out without any whereabouts, and the old dilapidated houses are uninhabited. "

"Is that town your dream tapir?"

"Not quite."

Feng Jianliu smiled lightly.

"I used to beat my brother's adoptive father and me, but he finally stopped drinking. I found the secret base I built with my brother on the mountain. It's actually a small cave, and it's still tidal."

Luo Yin could feel the complicated thoughts in the wind. Establishing a relationship with Sakurai Xiaomu is an opportunity for him, an opportunity to really look back on the past. But it was extremely difficult for him.

"What are your plans for the future?"

"I plan to step down as the leader of the ghost team."

There was a long pause in the wind.

"Some things have to be done by hand."

"Hey, without your help, how can I deal with your brother?"

"Stop joking. That idiot can't win you, the Sheqi Bajia has long been infiltrated by you."

Luo Yin laughed, noncommittal.

"What about Black Swan Harbor?"

"I read the information you sent. The general's conspiracy is just a fragment of a grand plan.

Black Swan Harbor... That mysterious base probably hides all the secrets about our origins.

But I don't want to keep digging anymore. "

"That's it."

"I'm also curious about my origins, and I want to find out the ultimate culprit behind the scenes. But there are more things I want to do in front of me."

Fengjian Liuli took a deep breath. Sometimes, giving up requires more determination.

"I see, you donated all your paychecks."

"We want to compensate those victims as much as possible. The Demons, the Evolution Medicine, the Elysium... We've hurt a lot of people, either directly or indirectly."

"The road will be long and difficult."

"But at least we're alive and enjoying freedoms that shouldn't be ours."

A beast without a conscience can trample life at will, but a sober person will use guilt as a redemption for himself.

Luo Yin understands that Fengjian's invitation to participate in this engagement ceremony is actually to say goodbye to himself on a certain level.

He will withdraw from the search for secrets and the battle for the throne, no longer entangled in Black Swan Harbor or other dark secrets.

"I respect your choice. All the best."


The voice of the wind between the glass is very light. This seemed to be the first time Luo Yin heard these two common words from a mentally ill person.

After today, there is one less thug with the blood of the emperor in the world, and one more famous actor who chooses the road of redemption.

"Let's get down to business. I can see that the guests are waiting eagerly."

Fengjian understood and made a gesture to the humpback whale, and the passionate and manic heavy metal music sounded in Gao Tianyuan.

Large denominations of banknotes fell onto the dance floor like a torrential rain, and Fengjian Liuli jumped onto the high platform. He was as sharp as a samurai sword made of jade steel, and exuded the elegance of a white chrysanthemum.

"Wind room Liuli! Wind room Liuli!..."

The humpback whale shook its strong arm and roared the name of the legend of the Cowherd.

He thought of men's flower arrangements. If a flower is used to describe this man, what kind of rare flower should be used...


Luo Yin yawned and drank sake boredly.

Since swallowing Li Wuyue's keel, he has once again acquired this long-lost human phenomenon, dozing off.

This drowsiness is unstoppable, and no amount of stimulant drugs can fight it. Although it didn't affect his strength very much, it did let Luo Yin experience how pitiful the Black King really was.

After hours of binge-watching, the show was drawing to a close. The guests packed up their belongings and prepared to go home together, or to the next venue. After all, this is a city that never sleeps, and Shinjuku is always the most exciting one.

Luo Yin suddenly heard warm cheers, as if someone injected Gao Tianyuan with a dose of stimulant, which ignited the whole place again.

He turned his head and saw a young man in a black suit stepping onto the stage.

"Let's welcome this unnamed rookie! He's going to be entertaining tonight!"

【Chen Jiu

Bloodline: A+

Attribute: Wind

Word Spirit: Vampire Scythe

Word Spirit Effect: Slightly

Alchemy Items: Word Spirit Arms Vampire Scythe (Level 6 Alchemy Item)]


Luo Yin was a little surprised, this man was armed with a word spirit. The word spirit weapon determined by the system is an alchemy item that is specially used for coordination, amplification of a specific or the same sequence of word spirits.

He always thought that he was the only one who could produce a large number of word spirit weapons, and maybe the night watchman could do it too.

Because this requires alchemists to have a sufficient understanding of the dragon text structure of the word spirit, and it is very difficult for most alchemists to understand their own word spirit structure.

Chen Jiu has meticulously short black hair, but if you look closely, you can see that his hair is not pure black, but a very deep dark red.

This kind of hair color is really rare, making Luo Yin think of Nuonuo and Huiliyi. It's just that their hair is not as dark as this.

Chen Jiu's handsomeness left a deep first impression on Luo Yin, and this level of appearance is outstanding even among mixed races. But what makes Luo Yin more difficult to ignore is his "cleanness".

He has an indescribable characteristic that is different from ordinary people. It is not as complicated as ordinary people, with numerous traces, and it is as clean as a blank sheet of paper.

No, it would be more appropriate to describe it as clean as a piece of iron. His aura is not like ordinary people, but more like a tool.

Luo Yin frowned and observed Chen Jiu's movements. He is not worried, many people present here are more dangerous than Chen Jiu.

He took out a copper block and held it in his palm to show it around.

Magic props? Is he really here for the show?

At the moment when the Vampire Scythe Domain was created, dozens of pairs of golden pupils were lit up in Gao Tianyuan at the same time, brighter than the ceiling lights in the store.

Luo Yin had seen Caesar use the blood-sucking sickle, and several high-level mixed races used the effect of the word spirit. What Chen Jiu showed was completely different from them.

The radius of his domain was only thirty centimeters, and Luo Yin could even count the number of blood-sucking scythes. Sixty-four.

Vampire Scythe is an extremely violent word spirit, no less aggressive than some high-risk word spirits, but it is extremely difficult to operate.

Most users can only control the bloodthirsty scythe swarm to launch a chaotic offensive, cutting randomly. The only exception Luo Yin saw was Li Wuyue.

The Wind King can freely manipulate thousands of blood-sucking scythes, freely transforming them into dozens of different word spirit forms, with an attack error of less than half a centimeter.

Chen Jiu's precision in the operation of the blood-sucking scythe also reached this level, perhaps beyond. Although he only controls dozens of blood-sucking sickles.

The square copper block is split and shaped in the repeated cutting of the blood-sucking sickle, divided into just right slices, and then polished and bent again.

The frequency of Kama Itachi cutting is very high. If you don't look closely, it looks like he blows a few breaths on the copper block, and a whole piece of untreated metal becomes three 32-petal metal roses.

Chen Jiu threw three roses off the stage, these metallic flowers so thin they could fly in the air.

Is it magic performed with the spirit of words? The core of magic is deceit and illusion, and real "magic" is not magic.

Luo Yin felt a sense of This person was just immersed in the process of carving metal with a blood-sucking sickle, and he couldn't see any emotion that should have appeared in Chen Jiu's eyes.

Excitement, satisfaction, nervousness, none of it exists. He is like a precision puppet that releases the spirit of words.

As for the word spirit weapon, it should be the black and cyan metal rings he wears on his ten fingers, and the rest may be worn close to the body.

The alchemist who refined this set of words and spirits is quite familiar with the blood-sucking scythe, and has also done a good job in circuit division and miniaturization. It seems to have met a colleague.

One after another, metallic roses flew off the stage, causing round after round of cheers from the guests.

They didn't come here to watch magic, but it was worth the price to see such a superb and incredible performance.

Chen Jiu squeezed the last piece of metal, manipulated the blood-sucking sickle to carve characters on the sheet, trimmed it into a letter raft, and floated towards Luo Yin in the breeze.

There is a coordinate and a date on it. The time is one month later. Luo Yin estimates that it is the high seas. Chen Jiu turned out to be the messenger, and his arrival was just an invitation letter for himself.

As for the purpose of the invitation, he has fully demonstrated it in the performance just now. Extremely high bloodline, word spirit armed, precise word spirit manipulation ability.

The signature of the metal letter is "Chen Jun".

Luo Yin didn't know this person, but he had heard his name before, by chance. Chen Motong's mysterious father, the helm of the Chen family.

"Sorry for letting such a person disturb your engagement."

Luo Yin whispered towards Fengjian Liuli.

"I don't accept such silly tricks."

Luo Yin flew the invitation letter back to Chen Jiu's hands.

"Sorry to bother you. I hope Mr. Luo can accept the invitation."

Chen Jiu walked up to Luo Yin and handed over the invitation again.

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