MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 7 hostility

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Unlike the flamboyant European hybrids, the Chen family hides their power more deeply, and is not very keen on the cause of dragon slaying.

Luo Yin finally accepted the invitation letter carved with the vampire sickle. The Chen family seems to have achieved a lot of transcendental achievements in the study of words and spirits, but their position is very vague.

According to common sense, it should be more convenient for Nuonuo to issue an invitation to him, rather than to the somewhat abnormal Chen Jiu.

Because the investigation of the Chen family did not yield much useful information, Luo Yin found the right master.

"You never mentioned your family, which made me think that the legends about the Chen family were all made up. I once thought that your family opened a mine."

Caesar quipped.

"I wish they were mining."

Mentioning the family and her father, Nuonuo had a bad expression, and there seemed to be a dark cloud brewing between her brows.

Caesar turned on the phone and took notes seriously. If he proposes to Nuonuo as planned, he had better get to know his future parents-in-law in advance.

Luo Yin turned down the music in the store, closed the door of the workshop, and temporarily closed today.

"As I told you, my 'family' is even more annoying than Gattuso."

"I'll reserve my opinion on that."

When it comes to getting along well with his family, Caesar has too much say.

"Nuo Nuo, do you know this person? Is he your elder brother or younger brother?"

Caesar noticed Chen Jiu's rare dark red hair at a glance.

Nuonuo watched the surveillance video carefully, searching for her memory.

"He's Chen Jiu, or Chen Qi. Yanling blood-sucking sickle, that's Chen Jiu, one of my older brothers."

"So your real name is not Chen Motong, but the name of an ancient dragon like Chen Shisan..."

Luo Yin couldn't help complaining. How lazy is this to use this naming method.

Caesar's attention fell elsewhere.

"One? How many brothers do you have?"

"About two dozen. I don't know for sure, but there must be twenty."

puff! Caesar was caught off guard and choked on the soda.

In other words, his brothers-in-law can organize a football match by themselves, and even have substitute players.

"I mean my brother, excluding those from the family."

"If you include those, there should be two companies."

In the face of such an outrageous family structure, it is difficult for Luo Yin to continue to remain serious.

He sincerely apologized to Oda-sensei in his heart. There is nothing unreasonable about using a son to form a pirate group, even a legion is reasonable.

"My brothers and sisters, from what I've heard of, there are probably forty or fifty people."

Nuonuo propped his chin and sipped the iced soda infused with lime, with erratic eyes.

She rarely talks about her family, because this twisted thing has nothing to do with "family".

Caesar inexplicably thought of his old stallion at this moment.

Sorry, big stallion Pompeii. If Nuonuo is not mistaken, his father-in-law is the real stallion. How many kidneys have to be abolished to give birth to several football teams.

Nuonuo noticed Caesar's weird expression.

"For him, children never meant the offspring of 'propagation'. It was a test product flowing with a high concentration of dragon blood."

Nuonuo's tone was very cold. A strong sense of discomfort climbed up the back of Luo Yin's head along the spine.

"No one in the family knows his blood rank and word spirit, but his blood is very high. Few of my brothers and sisters can look directly at his golden eyes.

He felt that his bloodline could go further. Even if he couldn't do it on his own, he felt he could find the answer in posterity.

The perfection of surrogacy technology simply can no longer suit his mind. Since then, he has continued to obtain 'high-quality genes' through profit exchanges, and then recruited surrogate mothers at low prices.

Those poor women have no idea what embryos are in their bodies. Many of my brothers and sisters still don't know the names of their two mothers. "

Caesar seemed to know something, and lightly held Nuonuo's cold wrist. She shuddered a little, even a girl as fearless as she was, instinctively feared her demon-like parents.

Luo Yin did not continue to ask. Nuonuo's surrogate mother probably didn't have a happy ending.

If Nuonuo's biological father, Chen Jun, his bloodline is around S-level, and the embryo's mother's bloodline is above A-level... Then according to the statistics of the Academy's dragon genetics, the probability of the fetus breaking the critical blood limit is higher than 20 %.

Even if the lineage of the fetus is not out of control, those surrogate mothers are likely to die in childbirth. The wear and tear of a high-level mixed-race baby is said to be ten times that of a normal fetus. They were not supposed to be the mothers of these babies.

Luo Yin maintained a mocking attitude towards most of the contents of "Descent Deed", but the article on the marriage review of high-level mixed races did make sense.

By investigating the bloodline of both parties in the marriage in advance and the bloodline defects that have appeared in the ancestors, both spouses can have the necessary psychological expectations for some risks.

"What's his purpose? To get a lot of offspring of high blood?"

Luo Yin frowned. If you simply want to cultivate descendants of high-level blood, the Gattuso family's method is more efficient, and descendants are prone to give birth to similar high-level word spirits.

"For Yanling. He is very obsessed with Yanling and Longwen. He feels that the dragon's text contains the ultimate secret of the dragon family, which can make him an emperor."

Yes, another master who wants to be emperor. It's the 21st century, and these feudal desires have not been cleaned up yet.

Caesar and Nuonuo looked at Luo Yin with a tacit understanding, with delicate eyes.

"Hey, although I'm also interested in Yanling and Longwen, I won't be a humanoid planter because of this!"

"In short, he wants to let the descendants obtain a large number of different kinds of word spirits through the collision of different bloodlines, and then explore the secrets of Longwen.

The status of all children is judged by the spirit of words and blood. Those who degenerate are judged as waste products, and those whose blood is out of control are lost. The children who obtained rare words became his precious treasure, named with capital numbers. "

Luo Yin realized something. Nuonuo is speechless.

"My bloodline was awakened when I was born, and the ability of spiritual vision is also very strong. He has always expected me to awaken a word spirit of a high-risk sequence, but I was finally identified as a wordless person."

Caesar hesitated, and Nono didn't seem to care about this memory. Her tone was calm, as if telling a stranger's story.

"Having no words is one of the best things I've ever encountered. I'm Nuonuo, not the stupid-sounding thirty-something Chen. I can get out of the family's management and hang out in Kassel. Days, kidnap the eldest young master of the school manager's family."

Caesar smirked. In contrast, Gattuso can be called a conscience family, and Pompeii can be elected as a model father.

"There are also individuals with unstable bloodlines or defects who don't even have a decent name. Those 'replicants' at least have their own numbers."


Caesar thought of the baby who had played in the Three Gorges. Yan Ling was a rare "key", and its effects belonged to the most metaphysical category. It is said that it is Nuonuo's younger brother.

"Well. Gates can't grow up, but in his eyes it's a very precious treasure."

Nuonuo was silent for a while.

Luo Yin couldn't help but sigh at the excellent and stable performance of the major mixed-race families. They are never far behind when it comes to comparison.

Once you dig deep, you can always find bottomless black materials, like illegally landfilled radioactive waste.

The metaphor of Wagner's "Ring of the Nibelung" couldn't be more appropriate. Dragon's blood is a cursed treasure, and people are so fascinated with its power that it's no surprise that anything is done for it.

"That's pretty much the case with my tragic, hellish family.

No matter what he invited you for, the ending must not be pleasant. "

Nuonuo put the goblet back on the dark black table, and moved like a gavel.

Luo Yin nodded in thanks and sent away the young couple who were dazed by their father. This is also fate.

"Are you still struggling? Even if this kind of scum has the value of cooperation, the potential risks are unacceptable. His self-perception is probably that of a solitary emperor, and it is impossible to treat his allies sincerely."

Susie has always been outspoken. Luo Yin nodded. As soon as he heard a third of the part, he stopped negotiating with Chen Jun.

Chen Jun invited him to meet on the high seas cruise ship, probably for the exchange of interests. There seems to be a lot of overlap in the technologies they have mastered, and they may be able to assist each other.

The possibility of a Hongmen banquet could not be ruled out, but Luo Yin had the confidence not to be ambushed.

In fact, after he witnessed Chen Jiu's blood-sucking scythe, he was very interested in meeting this senior and his colleagues. But after listening to Nuonuo's introduction, Luo Yin clearly realized that Chen Jun and himself were by no means the same.

Chen Jiu's weird temperament is simply a lack of humanity and lack of his own independent will.

He possesses superb skills comparable to a professor of spirituality, but in essence it is no different from a meticulously forged alchemy item.

"I want to meet this person, not for cooperation.

Intuition tells me that he is my enemy. Even if not now, we will be enemies in the future. "

What do these people think of human beings...

"What is this?"

Susie forwarded a message.

"Samaria sent it to you too. Here's a message he received on the Origin server, and Samaria thinks it's valuable to you."

"Invite me to gamble? I'm a law-abiding citizen, and I've never heard of the Royal Casino or anything in my life."

Yamal number? Luo Yin looked at the information of this luxury gambling ship, which is known as a seven-star gambling ship. What's really interesting is its annual route across the Arctic Circle, and the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss.

"And this, an anonymous auction. This is an invitation to us personally, and Olivia is also among the invitations."

Luo Yin was amazed. Good guy, has he suddenly awakened the courtesan attribute?

Foil-stamped black hard invitation, sharp as a blade.

The location is in northern Russia, where birds don't shit, and this auction also left him some time to prepare.

This invitation appeared at Kassel Academy yesterday, and the sender could not be found.

On the inside page of the invitation letter is the catalogue of the lot. There are only two Russian words on the empty paper, "Вечнаяжизнь", eternal life.

An auction held by Anonymous Auctions to bid for immortality. Luo Yin smelled trouble.

It is estimated that it is a gimmick that outweighs the substance, confusing the concepts of longevity and immortality. There is a high probability that it is a life extension product made by auctioning the by-products of dragon blood, which must be very valuable in a certain circle.

"And this. The charity party jointly organized by the three major school trustee families invited you, but did not invite Elizabeth Laurent."

"Don't go. It's bad-hearted to hear it."

"The next item is a quarterly meeting held by one-third of the members of the secret party elders association, in response to the Li Wuyue incident."

"If you don't go, you must be asking about the keel again. They all said that it's not with me, although it is true that I ate it."

"The annual meeting of the Blacksmiths Association, I invite you to join, and I am going to give you an exclusive title of alchemist."

Susie's tone gradually became teasing, and Boss Luo has now become a well-known dessert.

"There is no title worthy of my nobility except Flamel."

Luo Yin held an unbreakable face without feeling embarrassed at all.

"So how many more invitations are there?"

"Six receptions, countless auctions, eleven academic seminars, the alchemy workshop's summer new product launch conference, a few clubs that are not serious at first glance..."

"It's all goo! Goo goo goo goo!"

In fact, Luo Yin was a little bit interested in those unscrupulous clubs, but he was an honest person after all.

"Are you sure you want to slap your graduation thesis defense?"


Why is such an important thing ranked behind the club!

"Let Luo Ying go."

"He's dying from overwork. He's your clone, don't you feel any heartache?"

"But I have no idea what was written in his paper!"

"You are serious academic misconduct, and it will happen in the future."

Luo Yin flipped through his 999+ information and gradually lost all joy in life.

Now the world's top mixed-race forces are guessing that he killed the Wind King and the mysterious World Tree. Odin modifies the world line, but whoever should know knows the key information that was tampered with.

Many people look forward to being his "friends", but he also has countless potential enemies.

There are thousands of roads, but Luo Yin can only choose one of them in the end. It's not easy to choose the path that he thinks is right.

"You need a secretary."

"No. A schedule that fills up weeks in advance is scary to think about. Samaria is enough."

Luo Yin Quantum read a lot of matters sorted out by Samaria, and made a strange cry while pointing the cross

Susie heard it clearly, it was a continuous high-speed cooing.

As the mainstay of the great cause of Tu (raising) dragons, how could Boss Luo be hindered by these trivial matters?

Luo Yin chose Gugu for a more noble cause. Therefore, although he behaved like a dove and croaked like a dove, he was not a real dove.

When Luo Yin cleaned up a lot of interfering information, all kinds of ghosts and snakes appeared.

***, how did the secret party become like this!

Luo Yin tapped on the table and decided to take a simple task first and relax.

------off topic-----

The weather was cold and no wild cats were encountered. Train your cat to practice boxing at home.


Read The Duke's Passion