MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 72 Dusk (1)

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Xia Mi smashed the ice above her head with a punch, and burrowed out of the ground in disgrace.

A few hundred meters away, the two monsters were fighting so hard that the sun and the moon were shattered, and Lord Ye could only choose to burrow into the tunnel.

[It's too dangerous to continue to stay here no matter what...]

[Little Xia Mi, this is my last chance. 】

Yemengarde seldom showed such firm determination.

There are more and more monsters beyond the complete monarch, even if she becomes Hela, she is not qualified to compete for the throne. But by evolving into Hela, she can gain the ability to protect herself.

In the center of the collapsed iceberg, under the tens of meters of rock and soil, there is a huge body of warm water hidden away from the dark river.

If Leviathan made a cocoon, it must be her hatching place.

[Break through the rock formation, enter the hatching ground, eat the Leviathan, and retreat quickly while the two monsters are not paying attention. 】

A simple and powerful plan with no chance of failure.

[The situation of others is very dangerous now, and Nibelungen seems to be showing signs of collapse. 】

The gateway to Warnerheim’s connection to reality is in a sea of ​​ice hundreds of meters deep. Once the Nibelungs collapsed, most people would die from water pressure and low temperatures, even if they were to return to reality.

[I know you are worried about him. When I evolve into Hela, it will be easy to do me a favor. 】

Yermengard walked quickly through the gaps in the iceberg fragments, heading towards the center of the temple.

She slammed her fist on the ice wall weighing more than ten tons, and the flowing force split it to pieces.

Yemenga, who passed through the ice wall, was stunned for a moment. How could there be a second person at this time, at this place?

Fujiwara Shinnosuke, who was carrying a large bag of explosives, was also stunned.

The mission given to him by the family is to bring back the Black King Sacred Skeleton, the second goal is to bring back the Leviathan Cocoon, and the last goal is to bring back the Dragonbone Cross.

After all, the Nautilus is equipped with enough alchemy hot weapons to kill the first generation, more than 20 immortals, dozens of sage stones and bullets of the four elements, as well as a large number of elites from the academy and family.

However, Fujiwara saw with his own eyes that the mission gradually deteriorated to the point where it is now.

If he returns empty-handed, he will surely die because his bloodline is out of control. Fujiwara's only option is to steal Leviathan's cocoon.

He crawled all the way to the collapsed Iceberg Temple by sticking to the edge of the rock wall in a prostrate posture, that is, by climbing.

At a distance of more than 1,000 meters, Fujiwara passed death several times and almost died on the spot because of the aftermath.

But it turned out that the goddess of luck finally favored him again, and Fujiwara successfully came to the central area with plastic explosives and a detonator on his back.

He smiled at Xia Mi, tucked the dark blue claws behind his back, the collar covered the irrepressible dragon-like signs, and the harmless baby face gradually hardened.

Whether the other party fled here for refuge, or was a desperate gambler like him, since she appeared here, she had to die.

"Let's go out together, it's not safe here anymore..."

Fujiwara suggested softly, but stopped abruptly.

Because the vitality beautiful girl has transformed into the Dragon King Yemengade, she looked at him with wickedness with her fused golden vertical pupils.

"Human, thank you for your warm suggestion. However, what is the short knife you hide behind your back for?"

Time zero!

Fujiwara Shinnosuke increased the domain to the limit, but the turbulence here is too violent, he was able to successfully release the spirit of words thanks to that pipe of wind king fetal blood.

Yemengarde smashed the permafrost under his feet, and slammed the ruins of the Iceberg Pyramid with a punch with all his strength. The tide of power flowed in the ice and the soil.

Time Zero's acceleration was only more than three times, but not more than five times. Fujiwara's attack trajectory looked very clear, and the vibrations he generated when he stepped were all fed back to Yemengarde's mind.

This is the difference in personality, she is a noble first-generation species.

It wasn't until the frozen ground beneath his feet rolled like waves, and the ice cap above his head shattered into thousands and fell like a torrential rain, that Fujiwara didn't realize what he was facing.

"The king of the earth and the mountain... What a joke."

Apocalypse Knight, Behemoth, Odin, King of Ash, King of the Mountain, why on earth!

What time zero, rare blood, special envoy of the Gattuso family, the things he has always been proud of are all jokes. Why did he step into a world belonging to monsters.

"It didn't explode like this. It must not be an explosive produced by the equipment department."

The stability of plastic explosives surprised Yemenga, and Xia Mi observed a second of silence for Mr. Fujiwara's misfortune.

Lord Ya passed by Fujiwara Shinnosuke and entered the central area of ​​the temple.

Speaking of which, she always thought Gulweig was very cute, and her beauty was second only to the Serpent in the Atrium.

It's just that his mind is not very clear, and he is reluctant to recognize the reality for many years.

Hela, who evolved from devouring Leviathan, might be the ultimate beautiful girl.

The rock formations and permafrost cracked open to both sides at the foot of Jermungard, and light-red groundwater gush out from the cracks, like Moses dividing the sea.

Lord Ye thought of that world-famous fairy tale. The pure mermaid princess, who gave everything for that warm and dangerous feeling, eventually turned into foam in the sea.

If it were her, it would never be possible to make such a low-level mistake.

The ethereal singing sounded in his ears, as beautiful and moving as the legendary Siren.

Yemengarde thought it was an illusion at first, but then he discovered that the source of the singing was under the cracks in the ground.

The singing is beautiful and warm, but deep down is a sea of ​​sadness and sadness, and the rising anger is like a tidal wave.

Hai's daughter will shed tears and turn into foam, and the daughter of the Black King just wants to make a big move before she dies.

At this moment, Yemengarde fell into deep self-doubt.

Don't you kings of the ocean and water abide by the Basic Law? If she remembered correctly, you were dead for less than ten minutes!

The Dragon King's resurrection also has to wait for the CD, and he begins to release the ultimate word spirit as soon as he opens his eyes. Is this reasonable?

After a few seconds, she wanted to understand what happened.

When Leviathan was crushed by Behemoth's heart, he fell into complete despair.

The will she passed on to Cocoon before she died was probably not activation, but suicide.

The dragon servant, the white whale, died, the black king's holy skeleton was taken away, and he died because of his brother's backstab. There really is no need to continue living.

The mental power stored in the cocoon is all used to activate the return to the ruins.

[Leviathan is casting a world-destroying word spirit, right? 】

[That's right. The Guixu will release enough energy in the deep sea to cause the island to sink, forming a tsunami of nearly 100 meters, and a spectacular abyss that splits the sea of ​​ice. 】

Released in the way of burning cocoons, it is only one-tenth of the power of the full version, but the releaser is Leviathan, who has the power of the strongest word in the first generation.

[Then shouldn't we hurry up now? 】

Xia Mi felt that Lord Ye seemed to have been hit hard.

[I feel a little tired now. 】

Could it be that there is such a thing as a king's luck in the world, but she doesn't?

Yemengarde threw two punches towards the outer realm of the Returning Ruins, but he couldn't destroy the structure of the Ultimate Word Spirit.

"Forget it, let it go, withdraw."


"With the degree of damage to the Nautilus, it may not be able to support our safe surfacing."

The technician's report made everyone's hearts go cold.

The water level has risen by more than 20 meters, and the ice layer on the dark river has disintegrated in a large area. The Nautilus will be their last resort.

The mermaid singing and the brilliance of the words in the iceberg will never be a good thing.

"Can you open the door to the back garden?"

Olivia asked Susie in a low voice, who shook her head helplessly. The so-called back garden is the Nibelungen that Luo Yin is still building.

The coordinates of the back garden are on the submersible, and they all have the imprint of the Nibelungen, that is, the key.

But they don't have the mental power of Odin to force open another Nibelung gate in Warnerheim.

And Luo Yin was still dueling with Odin and couldn't be distracted.

"Someone should be able to do it."

Susie politely interrupted Xia Mi, who had mysteriously disappeared and appeared quietly, and asked Yemengarde if she could use her special skills.

[Nibelungen with a fish face? Pry it! 】

Susie and Olivia didn't even realize what happened. A twisted door formed by translucent sea water had opened at the rear of the submersible, and the ruins of the ancient city of pure white faintly appeared.

"The man-made Nibelungen project is one of the highest-secret projects of the Executive Department.

Everyone, don't panic, follow the instructions and enter Nibelungen in an orderly manner. Please keep everything secret. "

Naturally, he took office as the head of the executive department, and Chu Zihang's ability to adapt to changes is increasing day by day.

The remnants of the Gattuso family were shocked that the academy was hiding such outrageous things in private, and Angers couldn't believe a word of it.

Chu Zihang didn't ask where Yemengarde had just gone. Anyway, it looks like the plan has failed as always.

The environment in the back garden is extremely unstable, the temperature fluctuates from cold to hot, the air composition seems to be poisonous, and the dim and unknown light is also changing colors.

Most immediately put on gas masks or covered their mouths and noses. Also, the Uesugi Patriarch didn't feel anything, he felt it was very novel, and he began to think about asking his brother to build one when he got After all, the strongest division could not lag behind the headquarter in all aspects.

"It's time to close. He'll win."

Susie waved her hand in the distance, as if this was just an ordinary short farewell in an ordinary day.

Happy revenge.

In the back garden, the White King's Corps of Corpse Guards poked their heads out of the ruins and swam in groups to the visitors of Nibelungen.

Chu Zihang's face darkened again. It seems that the executive department's secrecy plan is about to add another one.


Both Luo Yin and Odin have the ability to release the return to the ruins, which takes at most three or four seconds.

But they have no time to take care of the self-destructive Leviathan, and returning to the ruins can't cause serious harm to them anyway.

Seeing that the new Alvin began to float up, Luo Yin was also completely relieved, and continued to wave Surtur to chop Odin to death.

He noticed that Odin's reaction speed was gradually decreasing, but his regeneration ability increased, and the healing speed returned to the level of the next-generation species.

Then, what is the price?

Luo Yin had cut off Odin's wings and tail spines, and his left arm was temporarily unable to move, and the scale of victory had fallen on his side.

The **** let out an angry roar like a savage beast, countless pure black flesh tentacles stretched out his dragon scales, and brand new black bone wings were born from his back.

The light in Odin's single eye became flickering and flickering, Famine howled in pain, and pulled Odin's mask with his claws, trying to break it and remove it from his face.

Read The Duke's Passion