MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 1

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The author has something to say:It is still an important thing to say three times, this article only has four heroines, no CP! There are only four heroines in this article, no CP! There are only four heroines in this article, no CP!


To all the students who reproduced the article: Because of a recent mental disorder, I love to make tricks. In order to avoid the author's fancy wholesale tricks for you, please don't stimulate the mentally ill people, thank you very much ! good for everyone!

Mo Qingqing felt that she couldn't understand the current weather, which was becoming more and more excessive.

In July, in the southern part of the motherland, the normal temperature should be between 38 and 40 degrees. to five degrees.

Three to five degrees! The temperature last winter was eight to ten degrees.

Mo Qingqing felt that this was simply unbearable.

She lives in the dormitory! She only brought a few summer clothes and some toiletries to live in the unit's dormitory. She only had a thin blanket to cover, and her clothes were all cool summer workwear. Who would have thought that in the midsummer season of Guangdong Province, there would still be a time when a thin blanket could not carry it.

The dormitory has air conditioning, and when the thin blankets can’t hold it, there is also air conditioning. She felt that the temperature during the day was still within the tolerance range of her healthy body. At night, in an air-conditioned room with the heating turned on, she could sleep comfortably until dawn.

However, it went out!

The air conditioner stopped, and the temperature in the room became cold little by little.

The sister named Yao Yueqi from the quality department who was in the same room with Mo Qingqing got up from the bed shivering from the cold and eliminated her from the quality department. He grabbed the thermometer for the temperature of the product and looked at it, and screamed: "Ten degrees!" Mo Qingqing, who was wrapped in a blanket and couldn't sleep from the cold, quarreled.

Yao Yueqi took the thermometer and placed it outside the window to measure the temperature, and measured the outdoor temperature - three degrees.

After Yao Yueqi finished measuring the temperature, she quickly climbed to the second floor of the bunk bed, which was the luggage rack, and pulled out her thick quilt, then climbed out of the bed with the thick quilt, sneezing Make the bed.

She is very envious of people with thick quilts.

After Yao Yueqi had laid the bed, she used the flashlight of her mobile phone to shine at Mo Qingqing. She saw Mo Qingqing wrapped in a pitifully thin blanket and trembling like a little bird in the cold wind. looked at her pitifully. She greeted Mo Qingqing: "Come and sleep together."

If Mo Qingqing met a savior, she wrapped a blanket and moved to Yao Yueqi's bed and got into Yao Yueqi's bed.

The one-meter-two bed, Yao Yueqi slept at the innermost, she slept at the outermost, half a foot apart, she spent a cold night.

Mo Qingqing was so cold that she didn't sleep well all night, and her hands and feet were cold when she woke up.

Yao Yueqi had symptoms of a cold when she woke up early. She took two cold medicines. When she saw Mo Qingqing wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a long-sleeved shirt, she couldn't help but ask : "Aren't you cold?"

Mo Qingqing is cold, from the inside to the outside. She was so cold that she didn't want to wash up when she saw the faucet. However, as a woman with a strong heart, how could she admit that she was cold! She gritted her teeth and replied decisively: "It's not cold!" As if venting her anger, she turned on the faucet and poured a handful of cold water on her face - oh, that's a biting cold!

After she washed, she felt so cold that she was almost unconscious. He glanced at the thermometer that Yao Yueqi had placed on the windowsill—fourteen degrees.

She took out her phone and checked the time, it was half past seven. She glanced outside again, at the gray sky, wondering if it was going to rain or snow. Say it will rain, there is no moisture in the air; say it will snow, the temperature is not that low. To say that it snowed at that temperature last night, she believed that during the day the snow had to melt before it fell to the ground!

She doesn't understand the weather this year. what the **** is this?

The weather is abnormal enough to be capricious enough!

The weather is just wayward, and even the cell phone signal is abnormal.

She took the mobile phone and swayed outside the house, but there was still no signal. Seeing that Yao Yueqi was about to go out with her bag, she quickly asked, "Sister Yao, do you have a signal on your cell phone?"

Yao Yueqi replied to her: "If there is a signal, I will ask for leave." She told Mo Qingqing again: "You can take a leave later to buy some clothes and quilts, Don't freeze."

Mo Qingqing lives in a dormitory in an industrial area. The dormitory she lives in is a four-person room. In addition to her and Yao Yueqi, there are two other people from the administration department. However, those two people only use this as a place to take a nap, and do not spend the night in the dormitory.

She's new, less than a month old.

She lived on campus before the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination, she moved out of the school, left her luggage at her best friend's house, stayed at her best friend's house for more than a week, and moved to the dormitory after finding a job . There is an advantage to working in a factory, including food and lodging. For those who only have five hundred yuan in their pockets, this can solve their immediate needs - of course, God doesn't make such a fool.

Mo Qingqing has no expectations for her college entrance examination results.

When she was very young, her parents divorced, and then they established their own families, and she lived with her grandfather. In May of this year, my grandfather was seriously ill in hospital and passed away in June. After that, the four uncles and her father were busy fighting for her grandfather's estate, the house. In the end, the brothers discussed and sold the house, and everyone shared the money. Because she was raised by her grandfather, her uncles and aunts felt that her grandfather spent a lot of money on her, and her father paid a little less for it. Her stepmother has a lot of opinions on this, and she is eighteen years old. Because of all kinds of noise, she didn't want to let her live at her father's house.

Mo Qingqing is also annoying to her stepmother and her fourteen-year-old brother. Leaving others behind her, she won't go!

She is very disdainful of her father and the other brothers' behavior of fighting for inheritance. They go out to cowardice, and they come back home to fight with their own family. Gee, she's seen it!

Mo Qingqing trembled and went to the restaurant of the factory to get a meal card and ate a free breakfast. After eating the hot porridge, she finally warmed up a bit.

There is a power outage, and there is a generator in the factory. However, the electricity generated by the generator is generally only supplied to kitchens, office buildings and workshops that need to rush goods.

Mo Qingqing ran to the office at eight o'clock in the morning, sighed in her hand and shrunk into a ball to ask the manager for leave - it was too cold, there was no quilt cover at night, so please leave Go back and get your clothes and quilt.

The manager is an aunt in her 40s and 50s. Seeing Mo Qingqing shivering from the cold, she simply agreed and told her to be careful on the road.

Mo Qingqing thanked the manager, then shrunk down and trotted all the way downstairs, and suddenly found that the workers who were not going to work because of the power outage were surrounded by a group, the inner three floors and the outer three floors were very large It's lively.

She was a little curious, squeezed over to take a look, and found that not only the weather had become wayward, but even the flowers and plants were wayward.

A half-meter-high plant that looks a bit like a green vine takes root on the concrete floor. The stalk was twisting and twisting, and there were many tentacles on it. I don't know if it was blown by the wind or the species was special. The tentacles were still twisting in the wind. This small twist is quite enchanting.

She also took a photo and waited for her phone to send a message on Weibo or WeChat.

After she took the photo, she saw many people on the road in the work area when she left the factory. They were all employees of nearby factories. Many people were walking back with quilts. She estimated that these people were as cold as she was last night, and they rushed out early in the morning to buy quilts when the power went out and they did not go to work.

She was blowing the cold wind, and she always felt that it was not July, but autumn and winter.

Mo Qingqing walked out of the industrial zone, and as soon as she stepped on the side of the main road, she saw military vehicles lined up in front of her, only the vehicles she started to count were Twenty-seven cars, there should be some missing in the front. These vehicles are full of big soldiers with guns, and armored vehicles have also driven them.

Is this a drill?

She thought of her best friend - Wu Mengmeng! If this is an exercise, is Wu Mengmeng going to go into battle? Do the exercises require snipers? In case Wu Mengmeng went to the exercise, wouldn't this weekend's vacation go to waste again! No wonder she sent a message to her a few days ago saying that she has a task and will not have a vacation this weekend.

When she was standing in front of the bus stop waiting for the bus, she heard the sound of an ambulance coming, and it didn't take long to see the ambulance galloping all the way, almost flying.

She spent more than 40 minutes in front of the bus stop, seven or eight ambulances passed by, three fire trucks passed, and four police cars passed by before the bus drive over.

Mo Qingqing felt a little strange today.

She got on the bus and saw that many people on the bus were wearing masks, and most of them were buying food such as oily rice and pasta. Two young men in their early twenties sitting next to them were still discussing the weather. One said that there must have been a volcanic eruption, and the ash had blocked the sun in the sky. The Year Without a Summer event of 1816 triggered by the eruption of Mount Tambora. Another said that some secret weapon was used and there was a secret war, and the evidence was that the troops were dispatched.

After the car drove back to the city, Mo Qingqing finally knew why the bus came so late today because of the heavy traffic jam on the road.

It seems that all the private cars in the city are coming out. She saw rice grains piled up on the back seats of many private cars. Is this the start of another rush to buy Banlangen, salt, mung beans, and gold?

Because the road is too congested and some sections are under martial law, the bus ride that originally took more than two hours took more than four hours.

On the way, she also saw the armed police blocking the road and heard gunshots.

Mo Qingqing doubts that there are terrorists or something. She took out her phone to read the news, but found that there was still no signal.

Probably because of the congestion and the gloomy weather that was about to get dark, the people in the car were quite irritable. Some people close to home told the driver to open the door and get out of the car to walk home. She had a long way to go and got off the bus until she got off at the station.

After she got off the car, she saw that the supermarket outside the community was full of people.

The supermarket at the entrance of the community has only one entrance and exit. The people in line crowded the entrance of the supermarket. People outside shouted: "Don't block the exit, let us go, we want to buy something."

The people inside shouted back: "Don't squeeze in, the supermarket is empty!"

Mo Qingqing stared dumbfounded as they all carried food, water, quilts, clothes in large packages, and even the drinks in the canteen were emptied. Is there something going on that she doesn't know about?

She felt the 400 yuan in her pocket and bought some if she wanted, but seeing so many people rushing to buy, she was intimidated and hurried away.

Thank you! Hello, hello, everyone!)

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