MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 12

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Feng Qingran shouted: "Little Mo."

Mo Qingqing ran to Feng Qingran's side in surprise when she heard Feng Qingran's voice, and said, "Can you talk? Can you go? We have to leave as soon as possible."

Feng Qingran rubbed the hands and feet that gradually regained consciousness, and said: "We can't leave today, we can only stay here at night. You can find something that can make a fire while it's still dark, Put up the tent again."

Mo Qingqing heard what Feng Qingran said and remembered that beasts were afraid of fire, she hurriedly responded and went to find combustibles. She remembered how many deadly animals and plants were hidden in the grass today. She was worried that Feng Qingran, who was inconvenient to move, would be dragged away again. She took out the camping mosquito repellent from her backpack and sprinkled it around Feng Qingran. Some flammable debris was found in the rubble, and a fire was raised about one meter away from Feng Qingran. In order to prevent the fire from spreading to Feng Qingran, she gathered the scattered stones into a fire pit to surround the fire. She dug out two more clothes from the rubble and wrapped them around a stick to make an improvised torch. She held it up in her hand, and said to Feng Qingran, "I'm going to pick up wood."

Feng Qingran looked at Mo Qingqing who was busy for a while, and said warmly, "Be careful."

Mo Qingqing responded, holding a torch and crawling to the ruins to retrieve her watermelon knife. Her watermelon knife stabbed into the mouth of the big spider, and then bounced back from the broken spider silk in the sky. The head of the knife was stuck on the cement board.

Mo Qingqing picked up a brick and knocked the blade straight. Don't go back to her waist, she raised the torch to find something that could burn.

These things are not difficult to find. The collapsed ruins are everywhere. Damaged wooden furniture, clothes, curtain fabrics, plastic products, etc. can be used as firewood.

When she was searching for the burning material, she found several dead bodies in the rubble.

Mo Qingqing was overwhelmed at this time, so she could only find clothes and plastic sheets to cover the corpses, and then build a simple burial on them with gravel that she could move. She knew that it wouldn't do much for her to do this, but it was a way of giving the dead a cover to retain some last dignity.

The smell of plastic burning is too stinky, Mo Qingqing first burned the pieces of wooden furniture that she brought back. The pieces of furniture were either painted on the surface or pressed composite boards, and the smoke from the burning was foul and choking. In the small space beside the ruins, even if the smoke was blown away by the strong wind, it still made Mo Qingqing dizzy. Brain swelling.

There are many cavities and gaps under the collapsed buildings and buildings. The wind blows out from the cavities and gaps, making a "woo woo" sound, like a ghost crying. In the strong wind, cement blocks of different sizes rolled from the ruins from time to time.

This place has a small space, which is not conducive to air circulation, and there is a danger of another earthquake or strong wind causing the ruins to collapse and bury them alive. Mo Qingqing did not dare to live in the ruins On the side, she dragged her backpack to support Feng Qingran, who was so numb and inconvenient, and returned to the bus where they had been hiding before.

The original car next to the bus had been trampled by the giant beast just now, and the flattened car that was trampled by the monster stood obliquely. On a van on the other side, there is a clearing that is exactly one lane wide and one bus long between it and the bus.

Feng Qingran first reserved the place for the tent, and then marked the fire pit around the tent. She asked Mo Qingqing to set up a fire-proof fire pit first and set up a big fire. Holding a steel bar she had picked up from the rubble, she looked around vigilantly. The roar of the beast in the wind and the sound of the beast smashing the car and crushing the ruins made her nervous until her palms were sweating.

Mo Qingqing was so tired after setting up the tent against the wind that she wanted to get into the tent and rest for a while.

Feng Qingran asked Mo Qingqing to continue to gather around the fire and surround the tent.

For the safety of her life, in order not to be carried away by wild animals in her sleep, Mo Qingqing had to endure hunger and fatigue and continue to get up to work. After she built a fire pit around the tent and lit a bonfire, Feng Qingran asked her to go to the car next to her to see if there was any spare gasoline or diesel.

Mo Qingqing was hungry, thirsty, and tired. It was getting dark, and the plant seeds that blew on her were about to wrap her up. She also asked her to find oil, and she was immediately fried. She cried, "Can you just let me rest for a while? When I'm dead! I'm exhausted, I'll work tomorrow when I've had enough rest."

Feng Qingran said: "These wood plastics are not enough to support burning until dawn." She took out a bottle of drink from Mo Qingqing's mountaineering bag and handed it to Mo Qingqing, saying: "Have some drinks and rest Take a break and see if there is any available fuel, glass bottles in the car, I'll do something."

Mo Qingqing glanced at Feng Qingran, and asked in surprise, "You still do sex?"

Feng Qingran glanced at Mo Qingqing speechlessly, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident. She glanced at the Coke in Mo Qingqing's hand, and said, "Save some drinks, only this bottle of water is left."

Mo Qingqing glanced at the coke, hesitated for a while, then put it down and said, "I'd better save it, you are weak, you can drink it later." She put the coke back in the tent , got up to go to work, and as soon as he looked up, he saw two green eyes staring down at them above the ruins not far away.

She screamed in horror, pulled out the watermelon knife from her waist, and looked at the eyes above her head with trembling hands. Those eyes were like two green lights, much larger than wolf eyes and tiger eyes, and she felt at least the size of a fist. She thought to herself, how big must an animal with such big eyes be? She really doubted that she was not strong enough for that animal to bite.

Feng Qingran called to Mo Qingqing: "Don't be afraid, it is afraid of fire, otherwise it will come over already."

Believe what Feng Qingran said. She wrapped the collected clothes around the legs of the stool to make a torch for lighting and self-defense, and held the torch to the front of an off-road vehicle less than two meters away from the bonfire.

The windows of the car were all shattered, the mushrooms on the roof were also smashed by the cement masonry that fell over in the earthquake, and there was green water on the driver's seat and the passenger seat , the back seat and trunk were filled with supplies purchased from the supermarket. Water seeped into the car, and it was a mess with dust, debris and plant roots. Mo Qingqing looked at the green puddles accumulated on the packaging bag, and then saw the noodles that had seeped into the water and turned green, and she had already lost her heart to collect food. She kicked the car door first, and didn't see any strange animals crawling out. Then she opened the car door, took out two buckets of cooking oil, and handed it to Feng Qingran, who walked up to her with a torch.

Wind did not pick up.

Mo Qingqing looked towards Feng Qingran, and saw Feng Qingran's other hand was holding a steel bar that was more than one meter long and thick as a thumb, and looked around with a look of vigilance. She looked around and saw darkness in the distance, and the green eyes she had seen before were gone. She didn't know whether the big monster left or hid, and silently raised two buckets of cooking oil to the tent. She wanted to tell Feng Qingran that she had tried cooking oil as fuel, but the wind was too strong. As soon as she opened her mouth, the wind filled her mouth with plant seeds and dust and gravel, so she closed her mouth decisively.

Feng Qingran followed Mo Qingqing closely, as if guarding against the danger lurking in the dark. She mentioned the barrel of oil that Mo Qingqing brought back, and poured half of it on the fire to make the fire even more vigorous.

The fire raged in the wind, pulling out long tongues of flame.

The scorching heat made Mo Qingqing retreat a few steps subconsciously.

In the darkness, there was a low roar. The voice was low and deep, but it penetrated the gust of wind and entered their ears. It seemed that a beast took them as prey, and was waiting in ambush for an opportunity.

Mo Qingqing's body tightened, she subconsciously looked at Feng Qingran, only to see Feng Qingran's eyes were extremely sharp under the firelight, with burning flames in them, like There are two fires burning. That dark and dirty face showed a suppressed sense of chill. She looked at Feng Qingran's hand holding the steel bar again, and found that Feng Qingran's gesture of holding the steel bar was very similar to holding a sword.

She wanted to ask Feng Qingran: You can fight, right?

She thought about the difference in size and strength between the two of them and the big monster, and felt that it was useless whether Feng Qingran would fight or not. Taking advantage of the fire as cover, she searched the cars next to her. Most of the things in the car are broken, only some cans and sealed bottles are still working. She didn't find spare gasoline or diesel in the car. She wanted to pump some oil in the tank, but the tank was submerged in plants. Neither she nor Feng Qingran would pump oil from the tank, so she could only look at the tank and sigh. With a sigh, the two returned to the tent together and looked at each other as they looked at the seven barrels of cooking oil they had collected.

Mo Qingqing was tired and hungry, so she picked up the canned food from the car next to her and went back to the tent to fill her stomach.

Feng Qingran followed Mo Qingqing into the tent. She patted Mo Qingqing's shoulder and the contaminated plant seeds and flocs on the back, and asked Mo Qingqing: "What is your body on your body?" Isn't it itchy?"

Only then did Mo Qingqing realize that her body was not itchy. She rubbed off the plant seeds and flocs on the back of her hands. : "It's not itchy, it's fine." After she finished speaking, she saw Feng Qing Ran approaching her face-to-face, which made her a little uncomfortable. She leaned back slightly to avoid Feng Qingran, and asked inexplicably, "What are you doing?"

Feng Qingran picked up Mo Qingqing's chin and prevented Mo Qingqing from avoiding it. She said, "Don't move." She looked at Mo Qingqing's eyes carefully, let go of Mo Qingqing, and asked hesitantly, "Have you ever been sick or have a fever after being infected with plant seeds before?"

Mo Qingqing threw Feng Qingran an angry look, and said, "Nonsense! If it wasn't for my illness, I would have evacuated with the large army." After she finished speaking, she sighed He sighed and said, "I'm stupid too."

Feng Qingran asked: "What?"

Mo Qingqing told her that she had been driven out of the hotel to avoid the wind. She said, "If I were smarter and told them about the conditions, maybe I would stay."

Feng Qingran said: "You were in that situation, they would never let you stay." She paused and asked, "Then you hide and you find food the restaurant?"

Mo Qingqing said: "Yes! It's too bad, I feel sorry for myself."

Suddenly, the sound of a heavy object pressing on the roof came from the car behind them. The sound was long and harsh, as if a heavy beast was dropping its foot on the car. , pressed the car to sink and flatten little by little.

Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran's expressions changed.

Mo Qingqing, who was holding the can, began to tremble again.

Feng Qingran turned off the headlights that illuminated Mo Qingqing's head, silently propped up the steel bar and poked it between them, the other hand pointed to the top of her head, and then pointed Pointing to the steel bar, and then pointing to the outside.

Mo Qingqing understood what Feng Qingran meant, she shivered, took out the watermelon knife in her hand and continued to tremble, not forgetting to be ready to roll out of the tent at any time. She heard the sound of the car being squashed, her heart beating like a drum, and she didn't dare to breathe.

Suddenly, a beast roar came from above their heads, the strong wind blew the tent upside down, trembling in the strong wind, at any time pulling up the nails and walking with the wind.

Another louder and louder roar came from the other direction. The sound was like rolling thunder, making both of their eardrums hurt.

At the same time, the sound of "Boom" stepping on the roof of the car quickly approached, and a group of giant beasts the size of a truck rushed over from the other end of the fire. It jumped over the small tent where they were, and jumped to the monster behind them.

Two different roars came out at the same time, the sound of the crash, the sound of the car being squashed, the sound of the car flying out to the ground, and the sound of the ruins collapsing.

Two unknown monsters slammed into a ball, making deafening roars from time to time, the surrounding ground trembled, and the hollow ruins inside collapsed again and again.

Feng Qingran's hand holding the steel bar was shaking, she silently glanced at the steel bar, and suddenly had the illusion of poking the elephant's foot with a toothpick. According to the size of the monster, if it stepped on it with one foot, it is very likely that the two of them would be crushed to the ground together with the steel bar. She put down the steel bars, and shivered with Mo Qingqing huddled in the tent listening to the thunderous sound of the monsters fighting behind her.

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