MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 406 (1)

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The Ali base is in an unprecedented crisis.

Even if they were forced to move out by the power users, they were not as bad as the current situation. There is a time process for the power users to become stronger and gradually control the right to speak and all resources. During this period, the visionary leaders stationed in the Tibetan area also gradually made arrangements to gradually transfer them in batches. Although many places were submerged by water, most of the resources and equipment could still be used. There was sufficient solar energy and wind energy in this place. Later, new mineral energy was discovered. After they moved to the Ali area, life was actually better.

Twenty years have passed, and the older generation of leaders who established the Ali base have gradually aged and passed away one after another. Today, only Wu Weixin is left among the older generation of leaders.

The accident happened a month ago. Wu Weixin suddenly and secretly left the base for Lhasa. He was attacked on the way back and fell into a coma. The accompanying Song Shiqiao came back with a man named Wu Nan under the protection of the super genetic warriors patrolling the sea.

According to Song Shiqiao, Wu Nan came from the southern province, claiming to be Wu Weixin's biological daughter, and recognized Wu Weixin, but after they entered the Ali area, they suddenly attacked Wu Weixin, And they sank a ship. Fortunately, the super genetic soldiers patrolling the sea arrived in time and rescued them. Wu Weixin fell into the water when the ship sank, and after choking on the water, he has been in a coma. Wu Nan and Liu Ziche were caught by them, and Mo Qingqing fled. Because Liu Ziche had a pair of bird wings behind him, they belonged to "half-orcs" and should be under the jurisdiction of the Super Gene Warfare Department and were taken away by them. Song Shiqiao took Wu Weixin and Wu Nan back to Alicheng District, and first put Wu Nan in the highest-level prison made of red alloy, and then contacted the heads of each district to discuss the next thing. Wu Weixin was seriously ill in a coma, and the Lhasa area was ready to move. Another wave of people claiming to have come from the southern province came to the Ali base. They had to make plans as soon as possible. Unified scheduling.

The current Ali base is under the unified command and dispatch of the base command center, and Wu Weixin is the commander-in-chief. It consists of several departments: Research Center, Super Gene Warfare Department, Weapons and Equipment R&D Center, Equipment Manufacturing Factory, Public Security and Defense Department, Mining and Energy Department, and Base Government Affairs Center.

The research center is mainly responsible for the research of genes and different energy, and the weapon equipment research center is responsible for the research of mechanical industry and weapon equipment. These two are the most important scientific research departments of Ali base. The Super Gene Warfare Department and the Public Security Defense Department are the most important defense departments. The Super Gene Warfare Department is a battle team composed of super gene warriors, mainly fighting externally. The Public Security Defense Department is composed of ordinary people equipped with high-tech weapons and equipment. The combat team is responsible for the internal defense work. The Ministry of Mines and Energy is responsible for mining various mineral energy resources, which are then transported to the equipment manufacturing plant for processing and manufacturing, and then supplied to other ministries. It is the first production center of the base. The government affairs center of the base is the place to deal with the trivial matters of daily life. It is in charge of planting vegetables, pulling wires, planning the vegetable market and building land.

Song Shiqiao is in charge of the government affairs center, and he is always beside Wu Weixin in charge of Wu Weixin's logistics, and is raised by Wu Weixin as half a son, so he often calls himself "Prince" . Both the Research Center and the Super Gene Warfare Department supported Song Shiqiao and provided all the evidence Song Shiqiao needed to charge the Southern Province. Song Shiqiao has the support of the research center and the Super Gene Warfare Department, and he holds the government affairs center that manages people's livelihood. In prison, he spontaneously pretended to be the quasi-commander-in-chief.

The father of Tang Yuan, Minister of Public Security and Defense, was one of the founders of the base. After his father died, he took the position of Minister of Public Security and Defense by his ability. Now he is in his early thirties. When it was time to show off his skills, he didn't like Song Shiqiao, who had no instincts, no instincts, no ability, and no ability at all. Naturally, he was not convinced and let Song Shiqiao be the commander in chief. Song Shiqiao has the support of super-gene warriors behind him. He and Zhao Sixiang from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, pro-couple, have three children together and raise a group of orphans. In terms of origin, talent, aptitude, and ability, he is better than Song Shiqiao in everything, why should such a person be on the top.

It is thanks to Xie Yuncai that the weapons and equipment R&D center can achieve today's achievements. Almost all the advanced weapons used in the base are his hands. He can make ordinary people equipped with weapons to have super genetic warriors on par with each other. The combat power of Lhasa Water City and the surrounding areas are compared to scum. The security personnel under his command can all be one to ten, even when the older generation was alive, all of them were polite to him, and now Song Shiqiao wants to ride on his head to be intimidated As a blessing, he wanted to take over the weapons and equipment research and development center, but Xie Yuncai didn't directly attack him because he felt that he would lose his identity and shame. Even if he is arrogant, Tang Yuan and Zheng Hao are only qualified. At any rate, all the machinery and equipment factories in the Ali base were brought back by Zheng Hao with people who were born and died countless times. No matter in terms of qualifications, age or skills, Zheng Hao is quite good, and he is considered the eldest brother of their generation. Zheng Hao didn't say a word, how could Song Shiqiao be a scallion or garlic.

Jin Chunchao and Wu Yu, the minister of the Super Gene Warfare Department, openly supported Song Shiqiao, and the weight was quite heavy. Professor Jin Chunchao's super gene project has successfully resisted foreign enemies for many years, allowing the Ali base to develop stably, and can also obtain prey resources from the deep sea, so that they don't have to fight to the death for a small blue hole hunting ground in the Lhasa area . Jin Chunchao enjoys the reputation of being the father of super genetic warriors, and, despite his 80-year-old age, Hefa's youthful appearance is in great spirits. status has been further improved. Although Wu Yu is only sixteen years old this year, he is the most powerful among the super genetic warriors, and the most important thing is that his genes come from Wu Weixin.

Song Shiqiao occupied three of the seven major departments in the Ali area, but the other four unanimously opposed Song Shiqiao as the commander-in-chief. , If you want to be the commander-in-chief, you have to have real skills. Song Shiqiao, Tang Yuan, Xie Yuncai, and Zheng Hao, who can take down the God of War Mo Qingqing and the commander-in-chief Feng Qingran from the southern province, will serve as the commander-in-chief of the Ali base.

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone. After the meeting, all departments began to act.

Before they could attack Feng Qingran, Lhasa Water City and the surrounding Tusi Tibetan King Living Buddhas first surrounded Nyingchi Island, and then the combined army was killed by Feng Qingran alone, causing heavy casualties. Feng Qingran's terrifying abilities and combat power, as well as the strange speed, made them not take it seriously, and no one dared to act rashly. They blocked the news very tacitly, fearing that Feng Qingran would join forces with Mo Qingqing, who was fleeing, and decided to find Mo Qingqing first and defeat them individually.

Wu Yu has his own information channel, knows Mo Qingqing's whereabouts, and has also sent super genetic warriors and orcs to deal with Mo Qingqing.

However, Mo Qingqing hid in a cave halfway up the mountainside of an island. There were mountains that blocked the bombardment, and ghost vines all over the island blocked their attack. They had no fighter jets and The helicopter could only stare at Mo Qingqing. At the same time, they found that the ghost-hand vine is not only highly poisonous and grows rapidly and will take the initiative to prey on it, but it will also become as many plants as it is broken into. independent allografts. These ghost vines do not choose the growing place, whether it is bare rock or barren soil, or in the sea, it can grow.

The crisis of the ghost vines broke out.

Wu Nan, who was in prison, disappeared for no reason.

The cell where Wu Nan is imprisoned is the highest level, specially used to imprison super genetic warriors and half-orcs. Through monitoring, I saw that someone delivered meals on time, but they didn't open the door when they delivered the meals. The hole was ten centimeters long and wide, and even the head couldn't get through it. The grid of the cell door was so small that she couldn't even stretch out her fist or hand, and it was even more impossible for her to escape.

They did research with the only remaining Liu Ziche, and found that she not only has the genes of birds, but also the genes of plants.

However, it is not easy to decipher Liu Ziche's genetic code, because they have never seen what kind of plants Liu Ziche carries genes, and they don't know anything about those species and their characteristics , let alone what their genetic codes are like, it will take time to unravel these secrets. The best way is to pry open Liu Ziche's mouth and let her speak for herself.

Liu Ziche is not only stubborn, but also resistant to drugs and poisons. They inject her with the kind of medicine that can make people confused and ask what to answer. All kinds of torture, all they get is a cold smile from Liu Ziche. Even if she destroys the face and chest that women care about most, she just looks at them with a mocking look at a fool.

They didn't get any answer from Liu Ziche's mouth. From her genes, she had to fuse the results of many species' genes, and nothing else.

From this, they speculated that this is probably the case for Mo Qingqing, and the same should be true for Wu Nan, who disappeared mysteriously.

Song Shiqiao learned that Wu Nan was missing, and even the Super Gene War Department couldn't find her, so he panicked.

How accurate Wu Nan's sniping is, just thinking about it makes the scalp tingle.

In today's world, it is not difficult to get a sniper.

He discussed with Wu Yu privately whether to use Wu Weixin as bait to lure Wu Nan out.

Wu Yu decided to use Liu Ziche as bait to lure Wu Nan out, but Wu Nan seemed to disappear and never appeared again.

After half a month, Feng Qingran noticed something strange and asked around for news about Wu Weixin.

They were worried that Feng Qing would join up with Mo Qingqing, so they had to use Liu Ziche as bait, trying to lead Mo Qingqing out first and destroy it. As long as Mo Qingqing came out, Wang would be able to interfere with Mo Qingqing with brain waves, attack Mo Qingqing with high-voltage electricity at that time, and then sink her into the deep sea. The strong water pressure was enough to kill her underwater.

However, Mo Qingqing did not appear, Feng Qingran, who was supposed to be in Linzhi, suddenly appeared in Ali and rescued Liu Ziche.

Afterwards, Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing rendezvous, and the terrifying black fog ability and ghost hand vine swept the Ali sea area. They make killings everywhere, and wherever they go, it's all death. The black mist ability and ghost hand vine spread everywhere, and a large number of species disappeared. In the sea area where the black fog ability and ghost hand vine appeared, even the sea water was infected with the poison of the black mist ability or ghost hand vine, and sent orcs or The detective fish went over and was poisoned to death in the sea before he got close to Ghost Hand Vine. The highly poisonous ghost vine and the black fog ability spread to the surrounding area along with the waves and ocean currents, and even the depths of the sea were polluted.

Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing joined hands to toss in the Ali waters for half a month, all the waters where the Ali base had traces of activity fell, and the orcs or super genetic warriors who did not evacuate to the island were almost dead Absolutely, the species that they have cultivated and put in the sea are almost dead, and even the entire coastline of the island where Ali's base is located is covered with ghost vines.

On this day, Ali Base received a telegram from the underground contact point of Lhasa Water City: Liu Ziche dropped a plant with black mist ability in the blue hole hunting ground, causing fish, shrimp and sea beasts in the blue hole hunting ground All abnormal.

Half a day later, another telegram came, Liu Ziche snatched a boat from Lhasa Water City and sank it at the Blue Cave Hunting Ground. The scout tracked Liu Ziche and found an island full of strange plants.

They dispatched the fighting team hidden in Lhasa Water City, and soon after landing on the island, they lost the news.

Wu Weixin was in a coma. Now the Ali base is in a huge crisis. The heads of the six major departments gathered at the command center to discuss countermeasures. The news came one after another, but it was not good news.

Song Shiqiao was sitting at the conference table and looked at Tang Yuan, Zheng Hao and the others who seemed to be very competent at ordinary times, but at this moment they were dumbfounded, and they were furious, and said: "It's just a word, I'm not very good at ordinary times. Why, why are you dumb now..." Before he could finish speaking, his body suddenly slanted, and a red light and shadow entered from the left temple, bringing out a blood flower and a fiery red bullet...

A bullet flew in from the window, hit Song Shiqiao's head, and then embedded in the wall.

Song Shiqiao fell to the ground with his eyes open, blood gurgling from his head and pooled on the ground.

Other people in the seats responded quickly, some people quickly pulled down the curtains, and the guards quickly stepped forward to protect the other people in the seats.

Wu Yu got up and went to the window, looking in the direction of the bullet, only to see the distant mountains and white clouds and the farther sea. He avoided the shooting angle, closed his eyes, and quietly contacted King Shiyi Yizhi, "Wang, Song Shiqiao is dead." According to the warhead of the warhead, the impact force of the bullet can be quickly calculated according to the deformation degree of the warhead, and then the range and the approximate position of Wu Nan can be calculated.

The surrounding super gene warriors rushed towards Wu Nan's position, intending to find her, but all of them came to nothing.

Wu Nan sat in the shadows on the roof holding the gun, calmly watching the blind super genetic warriors passing by.

As a qualified sniper, marksmanship is of course important, but there is one thing that is as important as marksmanship - hiding.

Human vision is often the most deceptive, hiding power waves and breathing and heartbeats, plus a little color-changing power to blend in perfectly with the surrounding environment. If Mo Qingqing or Lin Runsheng came here, Wu Nan would not dare to show up with such a big fanfare. After all, they never believed that they were eyes, but "intuition". A wisp of gaze cast from a distance, a wisp of air in the air that is slightly more unusual than a mosquito flying through, can all arouse their alertness, and it is extremely difficult to escape their search.

Wu Nan has no pressure on these super gene warriors. She has seen many power users, all kinds of them, flying in the sky, crawling on the ground, swimming in water, growing in the soil, animals, plants and fungi, but she has never seen them Regardless of the level of the power, the power wave is the same regardless of the power level. She has only seen one species of power waves that are all the same - Mist Stone Clothes.

The Misty Stone Clothes can be either a single individual plant or connected to form a whole mountain range. The Misty Stone Clothes of the entire mountain range can release their abilities at the same time, as if there is a unity of command.

She has been in Liu Ziche's laboratory all the year round and has seen countless evolutions. The same evolution formula is used on different people, and the evolution results have never appeared the same. Any small difference will send evolution in a different direction. In the Ali area, the evolution of the entire army of power users and the power waves are exactly the same, and there are even multiple identical faces. She also saw a face that was very similar to her father when he was young— Wu Yu, an xenophyte cloned from her father's genes.

The super genetic warriors in the Ali area have the same power wave characteristics as the misty stone clothes. These people colluded with Song Shiqiao, caught her and Liu Ziche, and made her father seriously ill and unconscious.

Wu Nan saw these super genetic warriors on the way to the cell, and guessed their origin from their names to the same power wave as the misty stone clothes. At that time, she was tightly bound, and the other party was escorting her through the door, so there was no chance for her to escape. After she was put in the cell, it was probably because the cell was too fixed, so they didn't have to worry about her escaping, and they were released.

Wu Nan took a day off to recover his strength, and then used some disguise to hide. She stood by the wall next to the door of the prison. The person and the wall were one color. There was no energy wave or heartbeat, and the sense of existence was as low as air. The patrol team passed by and found that the cell was empty, and reported to the top. After a while, the person in charge of the large prison opened the cell to check the situation. After she waited for them to enter, she stood in the cell, and she quietly came out from behind them. jail cell. There are many doors in the prison, and there are many restrictions. She hid it, followed behind the guards, and left unimpeded all the way.

After she got out of the prison, she has been wandering around the Ali base, collecting information.

She knew where her father was, but she couldn't take him.

She wanted to save Liu Ziche, but after searching for a long time, she found the location of the research center. At the same time, she saw that the road leading to the research center was covered with stone-clothed heterophytes with blue ability shimmer. The only difference between those alien plants and the misty stone clothes is that the colors and abilities are different, and she can't find any main plants, not to mention who these alien plant stone clothes people are commanded by. On the bright side, these Shiyi Yizhi people listen to Wu Yu's deployment, but Wu Yu is no different from other Yizhi Shiyi people. He is not the main plant, he is just the external spokesperson launched by the main plant. He has her father's genes, which makes it convenient for him to speak abroad.

Wu Nan saw Wu Yu and his ability to take charge of the so-called super genetic warrior in a fair and open manner, and knew that her father supported the gene project in the Ali area, and her father wanted his genes to continue.

When she sees the sea, she can't see anything other than the black fog ability and ghost vines, and she knows when there are a lot of ghost vines on the coast Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing are coming soon.

Wu Nan spy on Song Shiqiao, one is that he is not used to seeing it, he is stupid and bad, and he jumps up and down to make trouble, and secondly, there are six people in the conference room, and there is no more suitable candidate than Song Shiqiao. Kill him, knock the mountain and shake the tiger, and you can also solve the one who was sent to the road earlier. As for the all-white-haired Professor Jin, she left it to Liu Ziche and killed him. She was afraid that when Liu Ziche would look for someone to settle the bill, she could not find anyone. The other three, who did not have any power waves on their bodies, belonged to ordinary people. They were not the same as Song Shiqiao and those stone-clothed aliens, and they were even less suitable for sniping. Maybe they would have to rely on them to govern the Ali area.

It flew over and knocked Professor Jin's ear off, causing them to back away quickly, followed by a bullet that blew up the fuel tank of a car parked outside the gate. The car exploded, causing panic. This time, she didn't wait for Yizhi Shiyi to come over, she changed her position again and continued to stand guard.

Since the senior management of the Ali base have come to the meeting, please stay in the conference room and don't leave.

The residents hid at home one after another, and the super genetic warriors and the Ministry of Public Security and Defense took to the streets to search and surround her. The streets are full of people.

Wu Nan does not walk on the streets, she is occupying high places, either on the roof or on the top of the mountain outside the city. Head flies. After walking around for a few laps, Wu Nan also found his peers, including ordinary people and super genetic warriors. They began to occupy the commanding heights of the base, preparing to jointly surround Wu Nan.

Wu Nan was born in the military, and he is still a spy with himself against these ordinary people. hit. Hands, even if they are in front of the opponent now, still have special feelings. A bullet wrapped in a supernatural bullet flew over, broke their guns, and said hello. She was completely rude to those stone-clothed aliens, and took them away with one shot. Each of her shots used to blow up the skull and shatter the stone-clothed crystal cores in her head, guaranteeing that they would die completely.

Wu Nan is dealing with these snipers. hit. At the same time, he still firmly blocked the conference building. These people were blocked for a while, and they were ready to leave by crowd tactics. Several groups of people rushed out of the front and rear doors at the same time, wearing the same clothes and covering their faces, rushing to different vehicles - red alloy armored vehicles, bulletproof ones.

Wu Nan's eyes flashed a hint of coldness. First, he accurately found Tang Yuan, Zheng Hao, Zhao Sixiang and Xie Huaiyun, avoided their vital parts, put them down, and let these people After coming out of the conference building, he was directly transferred to the hospital for emergency treatment. After that, he pursued the stone-clothed aliens who came out of each door with all his strength, and smashed the crystal core in his head with one shot.

Wu Yu saw the people around him keep falling down, and quickly retracted into the conference building to hide.

He is very afraid of Mo Qingqing, in fact, all of their kind are afraid of her, that is another king, a king who is not of their kind and is dedicated to destroying them. Mo Qingqing knows them, and Wu Nan should also know what these super genetic warriors are. Song Shiqiao is dead, and it will be his turn next. He has Wu Weixin's genes, and Wu Nan will not let him live.

Wu Yu contacted Wang and wanted to use himself as a bait to lure Wu Nan into the net.

The king gave permission and sent more super gene warriors to the conference building.

Suddenly, a terrifying strange feeling permeated from the coastline, it was a strange feeling of embarrassment that made everyone go soft.

Many people looked towards the sea subconsciously, and then only saw the rolling black mist rising from the sea and rushing high into the sky, those terrifying black mist rose more than ten stories high, several One hundred meters wide, like a monster that devoured everything, it slowly advanced towards the Ali base.

Mo Qingqing heard Wu Nan's gunshots.

Wu Nan's gunfire is very distinctive, the direction is changed very quickly, the sound of bullets wrapped in abilities is different from the sound of ordinary guns, and it is particularly easy to identify. But Wu Nan changed the gun, not the one she used before.

Wu Nan changes positions quickly, she is not easy to find people, but Wu Nan's bullets are concentrated in one position, it is very easy to find.

Mo Qingqing hurried to the place where Wu Nan was blocking, and saw that it was a magnificent building, and there were people lying on the front, back, left, and right doors, bleeding, and suddenly felt that her house was boring It's very hard to be bored, blocking a group of people alone, how tiring. She was about to jump up to the top of the building to say hello to her family, when she heard a stone-clothed Yizhi person contacting their king, saying that they wanted to lure Wu Nan into arrest.

When the boy saw her, his pupils contracted and his eyes were full of horror.

Mo Qingqing pursed her lips and smiled, then suddenly held down his head, opened the skull, grabbed his brain, brain, and nucleus together, crushed the nucleus, rolled his eyes, and said After saying, "Goodbye." After she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered that this person was a bit like Wu Nan's father. She scratched her head and said in her heart, "Illusion?"

A voice suddenly came out of my mind: "You killed Wu Nan's father."

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes and replied, "I killed your ancestor." She also rudely compared her middle finger, rolled her eyes again, and looked at the dead boy again, still I think he looks a lot like the photos Wu Nan's father took when he was young. She imagined what Wu Nan's father would look like when he turned into a strange man in stone clothes, and she felt a horrified shudder, and quickly put out the juice of ghost hand vine to melt him cleanly.

Shiyi Yizhi Wang asked Mo Qingqing, "You humans always talk about incense love, Wu Yu has Wu Weixin's genes, you still kill him." It added, "Wu Weixin personally Hand over the Super Gene Warfare to Wu Yu, hoping that Wu Yu can continue his genes."

Mo Qingqing recalled the situation when she met her father Mo in the shelter shortly after the disaster, and then noticed the "speechless" from King Shiyi Yizhi waves of consciousness.

Shiyi Yizhi Wang asked Mo Qingqing, "Negotiate."

Mo Qingqing released the ghost hand vine to kill the surrounding super gene warriors. She replied to King Shiyi Yizhi, "We'll discuss the negotiation when I catch you and cut you ten layers and eight layers like you dissected Liu Ziche."

Shiyi Yizhi Wang said: "You can't catch me."

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes at it and replied, "Silly X! Do you think we can't turn you out when you hide under the island?" There was a difference, and then it was found that King Shiyi Yizhi was pulling her to chat, which distracted her, and the surrounding super genetic warriors had attacked her with a new type of sex.

The gun was stupid and big, with a battery box, crossbow firing, connected to a wire, not very far, when it landed on her, it splashed a spark, and then fell to the On the ground, electrical sparks continued to explode at the point where it was in contact with the ground.

A dozen high-pressure **** hit her on the body, because her body was too strong, so that the bullets of the electric bomb could not penetrate her flesh and land on her body. Instead, it was bounced back, landed on the ground, and fell in the middle of the ghost-hand vines, which directly blew up many ghost-hand vines. The ghost-hand vine juice and gray fog ability were splashed out, and many ghost-hand vines were scorched. .

As for the ghosts and vines that she is releasing at the moment to catch those stone-clothed alien plants around her, she is still covered with a layer of mist ability, and the bullets fired haven't touched her body yet , it fell to the ground.

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes once again to King Shiyi Yizhi, "Are you thinking that I'm stupid, if I eat the same loss once, I will eat it twice." She I ignored the stone-clothed alien plant king, and started killing those stone-clothed alien planters with the ghost hand vine.

She and Feng Qingran sealed off the island where Ali's base was located, and no one on the island could leave. These stone-clothed aliens were trapped on the island by her. When she closed her eyes, she could sense the position of every stone-clothed alien plant. In her mind, they were just small light spots one after another, a small group, only the size of a thumb, compared to the misty stone. The seeds of clothing are much smaller. According to the algorithm of Shiyi Heterophyte, they are considered children among children.

Shiyi Yizhi Wang has offered to negotiate more than once, wanting her to treat them as a new intelligent species and give them a way out.

Mo Qingqing's answer is that if they evolved naturally, she respects nature and life, but also, in the face of survival competition, she will still stand on the side of humans. She doesn't want to let humans be eliminated, and she doesn't want to let humans be eliminated in the hands of some junk scientists.

Some people create disasters, and some people have to solve disasters.

Wu Nan saw Mo Qingqing appearing at the door of the conference building. After a while, another person in a stone coat rushed over. After a few minutes, Mo Qingqing came out of the conference building .

There are ghost vines rolling under Mo Qingqing's feet. Those ghost vines are like devils from hell, waving and rolling towards those super gene warriors, and the super gene warriors who are entangled by ghost hand vines Everyone died horribly. Their skulls were opened by the ghost hand vine, and the crystal nucleus and the skull were smashed by the ghost hand vine.

There are ordinary people in the conference building, and there are soldiers from the Ministry of Public Security. When they saw Mo Qingqing attacking, they took up their weapons and shot at her. The bullet hit her, and the bullet head was flat. Now, she didn't even break any skin.

Mo Qingqing killed every super gene warrior she met, and did not hurt anyone without power, but her methods were too brutal, and the super gene warrior who died in her hands was too Many, they were killed without any resistance. The places she walked were full of corpses. The scene was extremely miserable.

Mo Qingqing walked out of the building, thinking that she had missed a person, walked back, walked to the conference table, squatted down, and looked at Professor Jin who was shivering under the table.

This one, she had seen him when King Shiyi Yizhi deliberately let her see Liu Ziche being tortured.

Professor Jin saw Mo Qingqing squatting in front of him, trembling with fear, but he remained calm and asked, "What kind of monster are you?"

Mo Qingqing overturned the table and weaved the ghost-hand rattan into a chair, she sat on the chair and looked down at Professor Jin, and said, "I have seen you, I have seen you many times, I Watching you use Liu Ziche as an experiment, you cut her off piece by piece, you electrify her, you torture her, and you want to torture her with her scientific research results."

Professor Jin said: "Impossible, you can't have seen me. My research center has such a high security level, you can't get in."

Mo Qingqing smiled and said: "Every one of your super genetic warriors is my eyes, I can see everything that they can see, as long as I want, I Can know what each of them is thinking. Professor Jin, your super gene project is making wedding dresses for other species, and you are creating the extinction disaster of human beings." She smiled more brightly and said, "Usually, for you Such a person, I will tell him to die. However, you are an exception." She smiled and turned away. This person should still be handed over to Liu Ziche, otherwise, she would not be able to explain to Liu Ziche.

Professor Kim asked: "What do you mean?"

Mo Qingqing broke through the wall blocking the road in front of her, and said without looking back: "I'm sorry, as a professor, in terms of knowledge, you are not as good as a bird I keep." went to the conference building and continued to hunt and kill super genetic warriors.

Feng Qingran knew that Wu Nan was okay, so he was relieved, forgetting the negotiation and rescue plan, and hurried straight to the research center.

Wu Nan shot Mo Qingqing from a distance, said hello to Mo Qingqing, and was about to clean up the stone-clothed alien plant with Mo Qingqing when he saw Mo Qingqing courting She came running. She went out from the cover and met with Mo Qingqing.

Seeing that Wu Nan was in good spirits, Mo Qingqing felt relieved and said, "Go to your father, and give me those stone-clothed aliens. Oh, yes, I In the conference building, kill a stone-clothed alien who looks very similar to your father. The stone-clothed alien king said it was created from your father's genes. That's your father, you can do it yourself."

Wu Nan nodded lightly and made a sound.

Mo Qingqing smiled and continued to clean up those stone-clothed aliens.

Wu Nan turned around and rushed towards the hospital.

Tang Yuan of the Ministry of Public Security was injured on the right shoulder, but the injury was not serious. The bullet penetrated the shoulder, leaving only a wound the size of a bullet hole. After bandaging the wound to stop the bleeding, it will be fine. The others were fine, but news came one after another, making him unable to sit still.

Suddenly something strange came from the door. As soon as he looked up, he saw a girl in her early twenties standing at the door and turned her head to look at her, looking like she was passing by, and suddenly stopped after seeing him .

In an instant, a name popped into his mind—Wu Nan.

One person sniped a sharpshooter at the top of the Ali base.

He waved his hand, made the guard put down his gun, and asked Wu Nan: "What is your purpose?"

Wu Nan said to Tang Yuan: "If you bury your so-called super genetic warriors in the soil, it won't take long for you to harvest a highly intelligent alien plant called Shiyi Xianzhi. They have human genes and appearances, but what dominates their thinking and self-awareness is the heterophytic crystal nucleus in their brains, their self-awareness is not human, but stone-clothed heterophytes. The way they really communicate is through their brains Electric waves."

Tang Yuan said: "What evidence do you have?"

Wu Nan looked at Tang Yuan and said, "We don't need to submit evidence to you, and we don't need to provide an explanation. This is our war with Shiyi Yizhi, and it has nothing to do with you, you mess with it. Coming in can only be used as cannon fodder in vain, and the best outcome is to wait for the result." After she finished speaking, she turned and walked towards her father's ward. Suddenly, she heard the sound of a gun pulling the safety cover behind her. When the gun sounded, she had already appeared beside the person who fired the gun. She put the gun up and let the bullet hit the ceiling.

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future