MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 405

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Liu Ziche doesn’t have many seeds of black mist power thorns in her hands, but she has sufficient prey resources and power crystals as fertilizer to promote the growth of black mist power thorns, less than two days , the thorn plant will grow to be as tall as a person. She cut it off with a sword made of red alloy, and then planted the broken branches on the corpse of the sea beast she poisoned, using the corpse of the sea beast as nutrients.

, grow up fast.

In less than five days, she cultivated two seeds into more than fifty black mist thorns with an average height of more than two meters. She left two plants as a breeding ground for the worms that feed on the black mist thorns, and the rest were used for planting cuttings, and within a week, a large black mist thorn forest was planted. Because there is no nutrition in the soil, the roots of the black mist thorns are all stuck in the bones of the fish, shrimp and sea animals that are used as nutrients. Although Liu Ziche didn't use a flower pot to grow it, the effect of planting it was similar, which provided convenience for Liu Ziche's transportation in the future.

The soil here does not have the nutrients needed for the growth of black mist thorns, so it is not suitable for planting black mist thorns. It all depends on Liu Ziche using fish, shrimp, sea beasts and power crystals as fertilizer. The advantage is that you don’t have to worry about them The downside of flooding is that the family of three of the green scale beasts has to work tirelessly to and from the sea and plantations to transport fish, shrimp and sea beasts every day.

Liu Ziche did not regard the people in Lhasa and the surrounding areas as allies, those supernatural beings have an unshirkable responsibility for causing the current situation, and there will also be stone-clothed aliens who infiltrate Lhasa and its surrounding areas However, as a normal human being, she could not do anything that would destroy the entire living environment in Tibet, so she had to leave room for ordinary people to live. Her goals are only those who have caused the current situation in Tibet, researchers and those who intend to profit from it. To deal with them, she only needs to destroy the blue hole hunting ground.

The Blue Cave Hunting Ground is the largest source of power in Lhasa and the surrounding areas. Without this place, power users would either go to the Ali area for hunting grounds or move to the open sea. As for ordinary people, supernatural resources do not have their share. The Tibetan area has vast lands and waters. Sufficient sunlight makes the water and grass lush, and now there are edible heterophytes. Because of soil and water problems, too many supernatural power crystals and Power liquid, it is no problem for people to eat full and not hungry.

After she planted the Black Mist Thorns, they began to hatch the eggs. The ones she picked can't jump, can't jump, can't fly, and can only crawl slowly to catch two or three kinds of insects that grow quickly and reproduce quickly. These insects are almost at the lowest end of the food chain, feeding on the leaves of thorns and other meat. Insectoids provide food. Because it is a grass eater and is not good at action, except for a little camouflage, it can only survive by rapid growth and strong reproduction. The weather in Tibet is hot, which is very suitable for the growth and reproduction of insects. Female worms live longer than male worms. They hatch from eggs and can grow into adults in ten days. After that, they can lay eggs until they die, and they can live for at least half a year. As for males, the lifespan is much shorter, only about half a month. Liu Ziche left the female worms to lay eggs, and the male worms gathered on a few thorn plants when they grew into adults. These insects are not aggressive, as long as they don't splash their slurry and splash the insect fluid with the black mist ability on the body, there is no danger, but they look a bit disgusting, even if Liu Ziche moves them without danger, he is still reluctant to get started. When she planted black mist thorns, she planted them by area. When the insects ate almost the thorn leaves in this area, she moved the black mist thorns that were newly spawned on the sea beast's corpse. The worms had eaten up a thorn, so naturally she had to replace it with the leafy thorn she had brought. After all the worms had climbed up, she only needed to carry the sea beast's corpse like a flower pot tied with ropes. Twist it up, take away the bugs and thorns together with the sea beast corpse, and throw them into the blue hole hunting ground. In order to ensure that it can sink, she will find some rocks nearby or grab a boat and tie it to the sea beast to let it sink.

She ran back and forth twice and became impatient. She was only one person, and she didn't have the spirit of reclamation, so she began to plunder ships, except ordinary people's ships, whether it was Lhasa water city. The boat was still the boat of the Chieftain of the Tibetan King, and she robbed it all. Hijacked as a cargo ship, filled the ship with those bugs and black mist thorns, drove to the blue hole hunting ground, and sank the ship.

In Liu Ziche's view, the people in the Ali area are hateful, but the Lhasa Water City and the surrounding Tusi Tibetan Kings are also innocent. As for whether she would be on the opposite side of all of them by doing so, it was completely out of her consideration. The relationship between his birth was not very good. He had fought two or three times before, and it was not bad to come back a few times.

After Liu Ziche sank the first batch of bugs and thorns together with the boat, the scheming bird came.

Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran's ghost hand vines and black fog abilities are everywhere, and their whereabouts are hidden and hard to find. The black fog thorns that Liu Ziche planted on the island are very obvious. After the fog and thorns forest, they flew to the sky and circled, looking for Liu Ziche and the others.

It took a month to heal the wound. It is not soaked in life liquid, and it is completely restored by absorbing power crystals, which is almost equivalent to only relying on its own healing power to grow wounds and recover very slowly. Mo Qingqing sat next to it while he was healing and ignored it, and then left suddenly and never came back. Before leaving, he planted ghost vines around it. If it weren't for its power, it would have been preyed on by Mo Qingqing's ghost hand vine.

Because of the ghost hand vine, it can't eat well and sleep well. I'm afraid that it will be entangled by the ghost hand vine and lose my life after taking a nap. Still uncomfortable.

Liu Ziche saw the scheming bird and touched its head over and over again.

The half face and beak of the scheming bird are gone, even after so long, there is still a large piece of the face missing, the wings and the back half of the body, obviously with the parts protected by armor Different. The gray armor made of red alloy on its body is full of bullet marks, and there are many fine cracks on the armor.

Liu Ziche is glad that it was rescued by Mo Qingqing.

Liu Ziche rested for a day and treated the wound to the scheming bird.

The green scale beast came to warn that someone landed on the island.

More than 20 combat teams were scattered and landed on the island from all directions. There are "humans" and half-orcs among them. They are all equipped with firearms and weapons, and they are very well equipped. They are the so-called "super genetic warriors" from the Ali area, which is what Mo Qingqing said.

Although the island is full of thorns, it is not messy, and it is divided into pieces according to the farmland, and because the black mist thorns are easy to transport, the distance between the thorn fields is far enough. This also allows enough walking space. The three blue-scaled beasts came in and out, leaving many footprints. Those who came after they landed on the island searched along the footprints.

Liu Ziche sneered and went to her island, don't even think about living.

The cover, whether it is on the skin or inhaled into the body, is properly turned over by the poison.

The scheming bird has suffered losses, and remembers hatred in her heart. When I saw these people with the same weapons, they didn't even soak the healing liquid, and jumped out of the stone bathtub, screaming "咻咻" , opened his feet and ran towards the edge of the island.

It ran out, and Daqing and Xiaoqing followed.

One bird and two beasts ran all the way to the edge of the island. When they heard the footsteps of those people, Daqing and Xiaoqing deliberately made a noise to attract them to chase after them. The supernatural power was sprayed out, and the parts without armor turned gray directly. Blood bleeds from their eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Some people looked back subconsciously, and then their eyes and faces turned gray, and they couldn't see anything clearly.

They fly in the black fog and thorn forest, and from time to time they kill some bugs or black fog thorns with the ability release, so that the black fog floats out. They know the power of the black fog ability, and they are determined not to go to the downwind of the black fog ability, and they have always released the ability to protect themselves well. The power wave attracted people who landed on the island to search for them. They were either infected with the black mist power or were ambushed by them, and then they were poisoned by Liu Ziche.

These three are wandering around in Liu Ziche's laboratory all the year round, and they are too familiar with Liu Ziche's poisoning technique. People are lured into poison circles.

More than 200 "people" landed on the island to search for Liu Ziche, all of them died on the island, some died so that no scum was left, and some left their bodies.

Liu Ziche had a bad experience of being arrested for experiments, and she felt disgusted when she saw these corpses, but the disgust turned into disgust, she had to understand what these were, pinched her nose and kept them relatively The intact corpse was dissected, looked at the internal structure, and then melted it with corrosive and highly poisonous. After the poison had melted the corpse and dipped it into the soil, Liu Ziche planted a few more ferocious mutant plants on it, all of which were used to strengthen the island's defense.

She was not at all surprised that they could find them, even if the Ali area was blocked by Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing, and there were people in Lhasa Water City and other places. Scientists and stone-clothed alien plants in the Ali area have been operating for so many years, and they must have several strongholds in other places. She ran to the Blue Cave hunting area with great fanfare and poisoned her, and she would always attract people to follow. There were black plants growing on such a big island, and it could be seen from far away. .

She stayed on this island for so long, purely to make trouble for the people in Lhasa Water City and surrounding areas, and by the way to attract some stone-clothed alien plants and half-orcs from Ali area . Although the bugs and black mist thorns on the ship she sank could not kill all the creatures in the blue hole hunting area, but the black mist ability polluted the bottom of the sea, the creatures on the bottom of the sea would not die or escape, and the Lhasa hunting ground would be considered abolished . As for this island, she just happened to use it as a death trap to deal with those who wanted to catch her.

After Liu Ziche got rid of the people who landed on the island, he packed his luggage and took three blue-scaled beasts and scheming birds to the Ali area.

There are ships and weapons made of red gold in the Ali area, indicating that there are red gold mines, Liu Ziche is going to abolish their mines and turn them into giant red ant nests and black mist thorns and insects world.