MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 412

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After Wu Weixin woke up, Wu Nan talked to him about the super gene project and the alien plant in stone clothes, Ali's current situation and future, as well as their placement of Ali. They all told Wu clearly Restoration also told him that if the Ali base did not cooperate, he would face extinction.

Even if he wanted to go back to preside over the evacuation and the aftermath, and lead the Ali base out of this critical situation, he was already powerless.

In Ali, he couldn't even protect himself.

Wu Nan told him everything that happened while he was in a coma. He didn't know Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche, but he knew what his daughter and Mo Qingqing were like, and he knew Ali even more. A lurking crisis, so he believed what they said. Wu Nan is his daughter, with outstanding ability, and there is Southern Province behind him. If he wants to, he has the strength to compete with them for the control of Ali, so he can't wake up. Wu Nan's identity cannot be recognized by them. The most favorable choice, in this way, preferentially excludes the most powerful competitors from the beginning. When something happened to him, no one went to investigate the truth of the matter, and no one doubted the credibility of what Zheng Hao said. Whether it is a base or a team, whether there is a good leader or not determines how high and how far its future and development can go. He wanted to go back and take over Ali again and lead them out of a way of life.

Wu Nan said in a low voice: "Dad, this time, I will have no father at all. Mom can't wait for you to go back."

Mo Qingqing was even more straightforward, "Uncle Wu, let's tell the truth, you were all kicked out by them together, almost even Xiaoming and her daughter got involved, and Liu Ziche was more because of you. Negligence and fault have suffered huge sins. Now you are our prisoner, can you still live because I joined forces with Mengmen to protect you, where do you have the confidence and strength to go back and preside over the overall situation?" She pointed to herself and said: " Me, Feng Qingran, Mengmeng, Liu Ziche, including the scheming bird and the blue-scaled beast, are all from the southern province. Ali Base treats us as enemies, and we will never help you seize power, even the boat I won't lend it to you. If you want to go back, swim back by yourself."

Wu Weixin: "..." The old face hurts.

It is a matter of life and death, so the face can be put aside first.

Feng Qingran said: "Uncle Wu, the human society in my mind should be a highly civilized and developed society where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, not slavery, nor parasitic control by other species. Society. A population of more than 100,000 people, if possible, I hope they all survive, and I will do my best to keep those who can survive. But sometimes, I want to save them, but I may not be able to save them, so I will take a boat to pick them up , but can they accept my conditions, can they come with me... To be honest, I am not optimistic." From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the founding of New China, the ideology of saving the country surged, and countless people devoted themselves to it, tried countless ways out, spent for a hundred years. And Ali, without even a spark of thought collision, buried his head and stared at the little thing in his eyes and the one-third of an acre of land under his feet, he did not lift his head and plunged down, he did not look at the sky above his head, and he did not look at the outside world. The sky does not care about the lives of other people, the future generations and future generations of their own, and the possible consequences of their actions. This is not the guidance of the high-level base, but the whole base. Her ship is on the shore, and Mo Qingqing is watching. As long as someone is willing to go out of the way, she and Mo Qingqing can **** them. go out.

She told Wu Weixin what she thought, saying: "I took the fleet and waited on the shore for half a month, no one came, no one who was willing to take risks and try to change No. Ali base's reliance on super gene projects and so-called advanced weapon technology is etched into the bone marrow, and super gene projects have become their deadly poison. Geckos survive by breaking their tails, and Ali base does not even need to break their arms to survive , Life Liquid and Healing Liquid, Exotic Animals and Plants Resources, you, Song Shiqiao, and others who can communicate with Lhasa and other areas know. They are just reluctant to give up the super gene project that brings huge benefits, and dare not try Another road that will take another decade or two to get back to where it is now, from scratch.”

Wu Weixin is also reluctant. He was admitted to the military academy at the age of 18, and after graduation, he went to the Tibetan area. He spent most of his life here. It took blood and life to develop Ali's current situation, but he walked into a dead end.

He wanted to ask, is there really no other way?

Feng Qingran once again took all the boats to Ali to pick up people, but the final result was that she sank all the boats, and then went to Lhasa Water City to "borrow" a boat to take them with her The crew picked up. He inquired with the crew and learned that someone on Ali Island wanted to hijack the ship and leave, and the harbour was crowded with people flocking to the pier, and there were many gunshots, and Mo Qingqing also caught a few sneaking aboard The ship's stowaways also caught an old professor and found a large package from the bottom of the ship.

After Mo Qingqing came back, she said to Wu Weixin: "Uncle Wu, let me tell you, I feel that Feng Qing is not going to Ali to pick up people, but to pick up zombies."

Wu Weixin: “…”

Mo Qingqing was always disgusted, and said: "If it were my previous temper, I would have killed them directly. It's not like Feng Qingran, and finally got on the fleet, a There are more than 100 boats, even if these boats are tattered and rotten, but who makes Tibet poor, so many boats are very important. If they are distributed to the people on the island, everyone can live a life of random waves with boats. White Blind on Ali Island. Ah bah!" She said to Wu Weixin in a cheap way: "The lives of Ali Base are really worthless than the boat. The boat is valuable, do they have it?"

Wu Weixin didn't speak to her until Mo Qingqing proposed to sail around the earth without returning from the same path.

The earth is round anyway, how can we go back to the origin, we will not go back, right?

A straight-line distance and a big circle, who is near and who is far, is her math taught by a physical education teacher?

What does a bird know?

He is a "retired" prisoner of the old man, he doesn't speak, just travel around the world.

They floated at sea for half a month, and Wu Weixin didn't even see an island or a reef.

He finally couldn't hold back, and quietly asked Wu Nan in private, "Is it reliable to go back like this?"

Wu Nan pulled out the chart they made and showed it to Wu Weixin, saying, "Dad, find us a way back."

Wu Weixin opened the map and found that there was also a sailing note written by Feng Qingran.

The compass has never been accurate, they now rely on the sun to identify the direction, and then there are often signs of how long it takes to drift off the route in the typhoon or how long it takes to get lost in the fog, one of which is The huge red fog sea is without sunlight all year round, only a super moon, hanging forever in the sky.

The ship enters the red fog sea area even if it enters the lost state, whether it can come out depends on luck.

Wu Weixin understood, they were really embracing "The earth is round, we can go back to the origin no matter what, we can't find the way home anyway, so we just float back. , by the way, have a long-term experience and see the scenery on the road.” The mentality of this wave is here.

The taste is beyond words.

As a captive retiree, Wu Weixin is very sensible and does not make people hate him. He speaks very little every day, silently doing chores on the boat, seeing Feng Qingran's rough sewing of animal skins, They used animal bones to grind tools and they sewed clothes and boots.

, how to make leather clothes and utensils, he knows very well.

He collected these, cleaned them up, and slowly practiced his skills. After a few failures, he practiced his skills.

Wu Nan didn't want her father to work hard, and said, "Just sew and sew, and each of our clothes and armor will be consumed faster than the other."

Wu Weixin said: "Anyway, let's find something to do."

Liu Ziche took a deep look at Wu Weixin and said, "Are you free? Come to my lab to do chores."

Wu Weixin: "..." He choked, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will create another stone-clothed alien?"

Feng Qingran, Liu Ziche, Wu Nan and Mo Qingqing all looked at Wu Weixin in shock.

Wu Weixin said: "It's better to avoid it." He still knows how much he hates.

Liu Ziche was choked for a long time before she said: "Uncle Wu, I can't see it, you still..." Blowing loudly, he said euphemistically: "If you want to become a sweeper of the Shaolin Temple, you must first read books in the library for decades and devote yourself to cultivating." , and her experimental direction on the ship is pharmacological research, focusing on drug use and treatment, without any genetic-related experimental equipment, let alone teaching materials, a completely different research direction and field...

Liu Ziche asked quietly: "Uncle Wu, what is the genetic structure of human beings? What is the genetic structure of the stone-clothed heterophyte? Which parts are they composed of, which gene sequences can be fused, and which ones can be fused? Repulsion?"

Wu Weixin's sun-tanned old face suddenly turned purple. He said calmly: "Since you don't dislike it, if there is anything you want me to do, just say it."

Liu Ziche can only arrange some simple tasks for him to do, those not simple tasks are not to guard against him, but because of different professions, he can't do them. The field spans a wide range. If you want to train people from scratch, you don’t have to think about it for ten or eight years.

What to do with clothes, it's really more trivial than trivial.

Liu Ziche not only caught Mo Qingqing, Feng Qingran and Wu Nan, but also did not let go of the three blue-scaled beasts and scheming birds. It was given to Wu Weixin.

The sea area they are sailing now is different from the sea area they encountered before.

The species, climate, weather changes, and power content in the sea are different.

The environment has changed!

Earth's sky is blue, even if the weather is bad, it looks gray at most.

But here, what they see is a red, regional sky.

There are often whirlpools, mirages, and eerie typhoons and huge waves on the sea.

They have seen countless typhoons and huge waves, but they have never seen them before. They were wrapped in typhoon and huge waves in the last second, and they were about to capsize. Then suddenly, the typhoon and huge waves disappeared. When he turned his head, the sea behind him was windy, torrential, and rainy. The sky was windy and windy. The distance was less than 100 meters away. Those birds flew in the air, disappeared suddenly, and suddenly appeared again after a while.

The most strange thing to them was that one day, they suddenly saw a huge corpse of insects floating on the sea. The corpse of the worm was soaked in the sea and swelled and rotted and stinks, but there were no flies. This is not the key. The key is that they are familiar with this kind of bug - the nuclear mutant, or a species outside the capital base.

How could this thing be here!

Mo Qingqing asked Liu Ziche, "Will the earth's plate shift, and the connection between Tibet and the capital becomes the sea, and we will go further to the capital."

Feng Qingran, Liu Ziche, and Wu Nan looked at Mo Qingqing at the same time, with strange eyes.

Feng Qingran said: "The capital does not rely on the sea. It does not rely on the sea before the world disaster, and it also does not rely on the sea after the world disaster. In addition to the thorn desert outside the capital base, there are insect areas and birds and insects. We go to Tibet. When I came from the area, I bypassed the insect area and the bird area and entered the virgin forest, followed by the Shiyi Heterophyte Mountains and the volcanic area, and then passed the Shiyi Mountains and entered the sea."

Mo Qingqing scratched her bald head and asked, "Are we going to go back to the Shiyi Mountains? Are we approaching the shore? Have we finished the circle?"

Liu Ziche sighed deeply and said, "In terms of time, we have only traveled for five months from the Tibetan area."

Mo Qingqing blinked, "What if there is no detour and come back straight?"

Liu Ziche said: "Going in the opposite direction, instead of taking a detour, it went straight. Please explain the principle to me."

Two words popped up in Feng Qingran's mind subconsciously: "Wormhole", she thought about it again, and thought it was impossible and incredible. But she thought of the current changes in the world and asked, "Zi Che, what do you think of the wormhole theory..."

Liu Ziche rolled her eyes, "That's astrophysics." Everyone wants to go to heaven! She studied medicine, a surgeon, and now she is focusing on zoology and botany, what is Feng Qingran thinking?

Mo Qingqing suddenly asked: "Where are we?"

Liu Ziche rolled her eyes and said, "How could I know." And asked!

Wu Nan said: "Look outside." She somewhat agreed with Feng Qingran's theory.

Liu Ziche, Feng Qingran, and Wu Weixin turned their heads and looked out of the boat at the same time, only to see that the sea was as calm as a mirror, not even a little wind or faint ripples. The bottom of the sea, where all kinds of sea beasts and fish swarmed in undercurrents, suddenly became silent as if there were no children of life.

The supermoon over the sea is gone, replaced by a round, azure blue, scattered with green, red and white mixed with other colors of the magnificent planet.

Several people on the ship stared at the planet, and even their breathing froze.

After a while, Mo Qingqing said: "I think, although the earth is round, it is better for us to go back the same way." This is a bit scary.

Feng Qingran nodded in agreement without thinking, and found that the boat stopped.

There is no wind and the sailboat is not moving.

She asked Mo Qingqing to release the ghost hand vine to paddle.

Mo Qingqing grew the ghost hand vine and poked it into the sea, her expression suddenly changed. She stammered, "Wind Qingran, the sea...under the sea...not water..." The cool, swish, the wind was blowing, that kind of bad feeling of falling from a high altitude into the virgin forest when the ground subsides. In her mind, she was too scared to move.

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