MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 411

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Even the Shiyi Yizhi King died, it was simply vicious and terrifying. They were afraid and didn't believe what Mo Qingqing said was to let them go, and even most people thought they were here to capture slaves. After they were found by Mo Qingqing, they didn't want to go to the pier at all. No matter how dangerous the way to the pier was, whether it was the elusive red giant ants or the scattered black mist abilities, they would easily kill them. Even if they arrive at the dock safely, what awaits them? Killed or captured as slaves.

Mo Qingqing took these people out and asked them to go to the island. They promised well, and when she left, they immediately changed their hiding place.

Mo Qingqing didn't have much patience. Seeing that they didn't know how to live or die, she suddenly exploded. She ran back to Liu Ziche and said, "Let them die on the island."

Feng Qing wanted to move people away, naturally taking into account the situation of the black mist ability drifting away, and she rarely released the ability to recycle, the loss of ability is huge, and it has to be Find some back. After she cleaned out the shelter at the seaside, she began to clean up the black fog ability on the island, worried that a gust of wind would accompany the fleet in, and the black fog ability around the fleet was also cleaned up. She was supplemented by the black mist ability, and she was not tired, but she could not say that she was not hard or busy.

However, the result is still the same as last time, no one came.

Liu Ziche waited for Feng Qingran to come back and saw that it was cleaned up cleanly, even the giant red ants were scared to hide in the ant nest and shivered, she looked at Feng Qingran with a half smile. , said: "Good words are hard to persuade a damned ghost."

Xie Yuncai and Tang Yuan are here. They are here on behalf of Ali Base.

Xie Yuncai said: "I heard that you want to pick us up and leave, I don't know what the plan is?"

Feng Qingran replied: "Screening, all people involved in the genetic project are left on the island, and the rest of the unrelated people are evacuated. It's still the request, and you can't bring anything."

Xie Yuncai asked: "Can I ask, where can I send us after picking us up?"

Feng Qingran said: "There is no desert island, let you live and die."

Liu Ziche looked at them mockingly and said, "You? No, it doesn't include all the leadership of your base, only the civilians are evacuated."

Feng Qingran turned to look at Liu Ziche, at first a little surprised, then relieved. This is no longer a matter of Liu Ziche's revenge for having suffered a serious crime, but the fact that the high-level people have heard about the genetic project, and they have no objection. To enjoy the benefits, naturally they have to stay and suffer the consequences. It is impossible to check whether ordinary people know whether they agree or disagree, but even if ordinary people support these, they have no ability and conditions, and they can no longer do evil. These leaders are different. They can organize manpower and materials, and they can cooperate with other forces on behalf of the Ali base. They have tasted the sweetness of the materials brought back to them by "super genetic warriors" across the sea. When they went to hunt in the sea, and their shocking force had already left, rebuilding the genetic project was a matter of course. They will learn from the previous lessons and do it more secretly and carefully. The benefits are big enough, don't say desperate, willing to die.

Xie Yuncai they knew they had no bargaining chip.

Even if the evacuees become slaves, at least they will survive.

Feng Qingran and the others were willing to pick them up and leave, obviously they had plans. They don't care about anything else, it's good to have one more person to live and live alone.

Xie Yuncai and Tang Yuan went back, held a high-level meeting, and began to organize the evacuation work.

Others stepped forward to show their ability.

The high-level people of the base sent combat teams to pick up people everywhere. Three applications and five orders told them to follow the arrangements of the southern province, not to resist, and to survive is the most important thing. At this time, someone came out to call for human rights. They vowed not to come to Ali as slaves, and would rather die than slaves. Someone else shouted that this was a war of aggression, and that the top management of the base was a traitor. More people are silent and panic, the children shrink in the arms of their parents and look at the world with mournful eyes.

When they go to the temporary reception point on the coast, people under the age of 20, especially those juveniles and children, are the focus of investigation.

Because of distrust and the protective psychology of parents for their children, they refused to hand over their children. Some parents offered to accompany their children. Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche agreed. After all, children are noisy, and when they are afraid, there are really some crying, rolling, and stunned, and it is impossible without their parents to comfort them.

But in this world, there is no shortage of bear children and bear parents at any time.

These children have heard a lot about how terrible the women in the southern province are, and Liu Ziche has a pair of wings. They are isolated from the world, and there is no such creature as an angel in early childhood education. They were checking for genetic monsters again, and then, when Liu Ziche was doing the investigation for the child, a bear child directly smashed the stone hidden in his hand into Liu Ziche's face, pointed at her and cursed, "Gene monster, kill her first. "

Liu Ziche was stunned!

When the disaster happened, she was beaten into a coma when she was treating patients. After waking up, the world changed, and there was no living person in the hospital except her. That psychological shadow is deeper than her sliced ​​experiment! Slicing experiment, that's because you know that the other party is a devil bastard, and when she was beaten while treating someone to save someone, she can only express her feelings with countless swear words.

Liu Ziche's ability is high, but her skin is not as thick as Mo Qingqing's, on the contrary, it is still very tender, but her resilience is better. There was a bruise on her forehead immediately, and when she touched it, she rubbed away the bruised blood, which made her forehead smooth again. She looked at the trace of blood oozing out from her hand, raised her hand left and right, and slapped the ten-year-old child into a pig's head.

Going up to fight Liu Ziche desperately, one stretched out his hand and grabbed Liu Ziche's wings, thinking that the place was fragile, one directly scratched his face.

Liu Ziche really wants to be bullied by two ordinary people, so she won't be called Liu Ziche.

in the hearts of everyone around.

Burning him into a man on fire, his scream was only one cry, and the man was burned to a skeleton, and then crashed into ashes and scattered on the ground. The woman's hand touched Liu Ziche's face, her fingers suddenly caught fire, and the flames immediately burned all over her body, almost dying to ashes with her man.

Liu Ziche flew up, hanging more than three meters above the ground, coldly looking at the child sitting on the ground with closed eyes, kicking his legs and rolling in front of him. On the child's body, in an instant, the child shattered, and the broken body was burned in the air by supernatural powers, and the world suddenly became quiet. Her cold voice sounded: "If you want to die, I don't mind giving you a ride." The power on her body exploded again, and the flaming power light made her like a killing angel descended from the sky.

At this time, something unexpected happened.

About four or five hundred security guards with the most advanced weapons suddenly ran out, followed by a large number of civilians with luggage and luggage. The security guards in front rushed directly away from the team sent by the base to maintain law and order. Some shouted loudly for everyone to get on the boat and leave, while some ordered the children and the elderly to crowd Liu Ziche and Feng Qingran. Liu Ziche was in the air, and they couldn't squeeze any more, so they went to Feng Qingran's side.

Mo Qingqing held her chin and sat on the hilltop in the distance, staring at Professor Jin, and didn't care about what those people did.

It's human nature.

The black mist ability suddenly diffused from Feng Qingran's body, and the people who rushed into her were twisted and turned into black mist in pain.

The people behind were still pushing forward, and the people in front couldn't stop and crashed into Feng Qingran's black fog ability.

People who want to leave see the security guards who are running to the pier. They run faster than the security guards. After all, the boat is limited. , as long as they go through the investigation, they can leave, but once there is chaos, these ships will not come back after they leave.

However, before they could get close to the pier, Feng Qing had disappeared from the place and appeared on the pier, and the black fog ability diffused from her body, instantly covering the entire coastline, making the mooring Ships at the dock blocked.

Some fast runners near the coast melted into the black mist on the spot.

Professor Jin was mixed in the crowd, he did not move too far forward, he watched carefully, and when he saw that the departure was blocked, he immediately followed the fleeing crowd and fled in the direction of leaving the pier. He was also followed by a group of people wearing civilian clothes but carrying luggage. They left the pier and ran to an inconspicuous corner of the coast. They carefully guarded a few boxes, and then took out their wetsuits and put them on. Feng Qingran their fleet dived.

They fixed their luggage to the bottom of an inconspicuous boat in the middle, and then escorted Professor Jin to a larger boat and hid him on the boat. They glanced at the black fog covering the coast, thought for a moment, and walked towards the cabin.

Mo Qingqing sat on the top of the hill and watched all this from a distance. Seeing that they did not hide or return to the island, she guessed what they wanted to do and rushed over immediately. She was fast, and when she arrived, they were attacking the unprepared crew.

Mo Qingqing tied them all with the ghost hand vine.

Mo Qingqing dragged out this group of people, together with the boat where Professor Jin was hiding, and screwed them aside.

Intensive gunshots suddenly sounded on the coast, followed by Liu Ziche's ability wave released to the strongest state.

Mo Qingqing didn't have to think about it to know that Liu Ziche must have been attacked again, and she followed her to see Liu Ziche flying over Feng Qingran's black mist ability layer, flying towards everyone, hovering above her.

The black mist ability released by Feng Qingran blocked them like a huge wall and blocked those who attacked Liu Ziche.

Mo Qingqing raised her head to look at Liu Ziche, and said happily, "I always pick soft persimmons and pinch ha...kekekekeke..." The original heavy "ha" followed Liu Ziche The hand that touched the bag on the waist suddenly turned into a violent cough.

Liu Ziche glanced at Mo Qingqing coldly, then glanced at the people dressed as civilians who were **** by Mo Qingqing like a brown child and rolled up in the air, look again to the boat behind. Each ship has a captain, a chief mate, a helmsman, two sailors, and two handymen. There were eight people on the boat that Mo Qingqing was holding. The extra person is hidden in the bottom compartment, which should be in the general cargo compartment. His heartbeat is rapid and shortness of breath is obviously exhausted. He has just done strenuous exercise, and his breathing is so hard that his bellows is stretched. According to his lung capacity, he has either a lung disease or a getting older. The heartbeat of a young man is different from that of an old man. This woman obviously had the symptoms of old age and poor blood supply to the heart, so she had to speed up her beating. She said coldly in her heart: "Professor Jin, it's time to take antihypertensive drugs. already."

According to Tang Yuan, Professor Jin is missing. His residence was attacked by red giant ants, and only blood was found in his house.

Liu Ziche thought full of sarcasm: "The red giant ants attacked him, and he was given a bodyguard to **** him away." he is gone.

Mo Qingqing suddenly remembered that another ship was missed, and towed the first ship they contacted first. She remembered that they didn't get on the boat, so Ghost Hand Teng dragged the hull and shook it a few times, and then felt the waves and currents of the water, and then sketched the shape of the hull in her mind. There's more to the bottom of the boat. She dived down and quickly brought up a tightly wrapped package. The outer layer of the package was not only coated with water repellent, but also coated with a potion to disperse sea beasts, which was very unpleasant.

She threw the package on the boat and asked Liu Ziche, "Do you want to open it?"

Liu Ziche said: "Remove."

Mo Qingqing opened the heavy package and saw a box made of red alloy. When she opened it again, she saw an incubator. Twenty of each, slender glass tubes less than ten centimeters long were neatly placed. There was a small meat ball-shaped thing soaked in the supernatural liquid in the glass tube, and the thing also dragged a thin tail.

Liu Ziche looked at the box and fell silent.

It took a long time for her to look at the island where the chaos continued.

After a while, she said softly, "Just now, I was almost beaten into a sieve again."

Feng Qingran came to Liu Ziche and Mo Qingqing's side, looked at the contents in the box, and asked Liu Ziche, "If you inject these into the womb of a living person and take them out, can you find out? "

Liu Ziche raised her eyebrows and glanced at Feng Qingran lightly.

Feng Qingran was completely silent. Even before the disaster, there were pregnancy tests and all kinds of equipment, and it was impossible to detect them on the same day.

Even if they are willing to spend time waiting to confirm whether someone is pregnant, it is impossible to confirm whether they are carrying a normal human child or a stone-clothed alien before the fetal brain. In the tenth month of pregnancy, a group of pregnant women will be checked. If any of them are pregnant with Shiyi Yizhi, it will definitely be another chaos.

Ali has not yet dealt with Professor Jin, and has not dealt with these things, but quietly sent them to the ship with the intention of sending them out.

Feng Qingran dispatched another ship and was isolated from the fleet. They verified the identities of all the crew members again, and carefully checked them inside and out before letting them Depart on a newly transferred boat.

Feng Qingran used the black fog ability to sink all the ships that were sent to pick them up before, and the black fog ability once again covered the coast of Ali Island, including the bottom of the sea.

There are no mutant plants on the bottom of the sea, and it is not easy to breed the black fog ability. They even go to the trouble of getting the mutant plants from other places and sink them to the bottom of the sea as nutrients for the black fog ability. Even the deep-sea crabs and other exotic beasts that are good at burrowing are specially collected and put down, so that when they are eroded by the black mist ability, they can spread more black mist ability, and the only thing they can do is to prevent them from spreading the stone clothes. Planting people into the sea. The stone-clothed heterophyte king can survive in the deep sea. The embryos are wrapped in culture medium and thrown into the deep sea. When they mature, they may not be able to adapt to the deep sea pressure and survive.

In this war, they can't be too cautious.

They even felt that even if the laboratory was destroyed, all the instruments and materials were destroyed. During the time Professor Jin was on the island, he could record the key steps and data of the experiment to any place, even if Whether it's a deserted cave or a deserted basement, he will leave clues. As long as he has the heart, he can always find these things. Mo Qingqing doesn't have the ability to invade the human brain that King Shiyi Yizhi has, and they can't search their thinking memory individually to ask if you have any clues about this technology. Moreover, even if they don't have the conditions to conduct experiments and cultivate embryos, the box of embryos they seized will not be the last box.

Before Feng Qingran left, she took Mo Qingqing to meet the top management of Ali Base. She threw the box of embryos, Professor Jin and the captured people in front of them. She said coldly, "Sorry, I can only let you all die together with this island."

Tang Yuan's face was twisted with excitement, and asked: "Can you guarantee that there are no such things outside? Can you guarantee? Can you guarantee?"

Feng Qing said in a low voice: "I can't, but I can make its source disappear." After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Mo Qingqing can't either. The embryo, even the brain has not grown, and there is no power fluctuation released, even if she is the stone-clothed alien planting king, its ancestors can't do it.

Xie Yuncai chased after him and wanted them to take out the people who were not involved in the genetic experiment, but he chased after a few steps, stopped, and knelt on the ground weakly.

When the plague area is blocked and isolated, everyone is blocked and isolated, and those who are asymptomatic will not be released. After all, no one can guarantee that there are patients with incubation period among the released people. Once one is released, the plague spreads.

He didn't expect that the people from the southern province would come back to pick them up, let alone that someone would take the initiative to secretly send "virus" and "virus maker" to the pick-up boat. He watched helplessly as the southern province sank a fleet of a hundred ships. To prevent anything from being taken out, a hundred ships, all sank. Nowadays, there is a shortage of iron, minerals, and wood, and many of them are used old goods that were previously hoarded.

Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche were really scared this time.

Feng Qingran said to Liu Ziche, "Ziche, Ali Island, you can't stay."

Liu Ziche nodded, indicating that she understood.

Almost all of the things she saved up were used on Ali Island. Anyway, there is still a little left for seeding.

Liu Ziche couldn't do anything to keep things behind, so he would try his best to hide these things in places where others couldn't find them and destroy them, so that they would be discovered by others later.

Liu Ziche pondered all the ways he could think of, and then made a guess based on Ali Island's technology and manpower, and thought of all the ways he could think of. The best way is actually to hide in secret rooms and places that others don't know about, but an island makes those places that are good at digging holes full of holes, and then let the plants take root and destroy them, not to mention carving the wall, put it in a safe Can't survive. No matter how strong the red alloy is, it can't stop the root system of the black mist. If you put it on it, the excess red alloy can be riddled with holes. A bunch of burrowed animals and plants were destroyed everywhere, and the blue, red, and black mist abilities were mixed together. In terms of the domineering nature of the black mist ability and the characteristics of not sinking, the blue ability and In order to avoid its edge, the animals and plants of the red ability have to develop under the island. No matter how brilliant the achievements of human beings are, they will not have any effect on these animals and plants. They should take root, step on one foot when passing by, and never think about whether to avoid them when they need to dig holes. Even if the dispelling medicine is applied, there are those who are not afraid of dispelling. Throw a few predatory black mist zerg worms on the island, and you can chase other zerg worms on the island. If you work hard to dig holes and dig holes, you will dig out another one of these underground holes. Primeval Forest World.

Underground virgin forest can leave no building, even if there is, it will be full of roots sooner or later, and then be turned into soil.

No matter how powerful the genetic experiment is, it is impossible for the embryo to grow into an alien beast king. The evolution of the Beastmaster requires a considerable amount of power resources, and it is not enough to fill in all the power resources on Ali Island.

Throwing Mo Qingqing on the island made her tremble and cry.

As for whether the people on the island will survive, and whether they will continue to make offerings to Professor Jin, Liu Ziche sneered.

Feng Qing will execute Professor Jin directly. Liu Ziche let him go, and offered countless research topics with both hands, so that he could lead the humans on Ali Island to compete with those ferocious animals and plants - the difficulty level of suffocating the alien beast king!

Who in this world knows best about animals and plants at the level of alien beast kings, it's not Mo Qingqing or Feng Qingran, it's her - Liu Ziche. The animal department has Feng Qingran, the plant department has Mo Qingqing, and Liu Ziche has been with them for 20 years. If there is nothing, I will give them a physical examination to evaluate their combat ability and level, and formulate a complete set of abilities based on the two of them. evolutionary system.

People on Ali Island used to think that the black mist and red giant ants were the most terrifying, but they could avoid the black mist by hiding underground. The ant repellent developed by Professor Jin can Effectively repels red giant ants. The danger posed by the Black Mist Thorns and Black Mist abilities, as well as the Red Giant Ant, is far less dangerous than the food crisis. Fortunately, the food crisis is not difficult to solve. Looking for a low-lying and leeward place, coupled with solar panels and using the principle of photosynthetic refraction, you can also grow vegetables and plants in low-lying places, and you can choose the fast-growing planting, which is really not good. In the wild grasslands full of mountains, you can always find some edible wild vegetables. There are rivers and lakes on the island, and there are also fish in it. For so many years, everyone has never fished sea fish, and they can go fishing. It's not that they can't survive.

There is no way to leave now, so I can only rely on Professor Jin to rebuild the research team and find an effective way to restrain the black fog ability. The red giant ant is not very difficult, and it can be done by poisoning or using the black mist.

Although the laboratory was destroyed by Feng Qing, and few researchers were left, but some important instruments and a few key members were transferred before, and they could barely continue their research. The missing items can be dismantled from other places.

Professor Jin is leading the team to overcome the thorns of the black mist, intending to cultivate a new species with the ability of the black mist.

However, the experiment has just started, and a drop box is dropped from time to time in the sky.

Every time the airdrop box hits the ground, or even sometimes does not land, something breaks out of the box. After a few days, you will find out, "Hey, what is this?" If anyone is curious and leans over, it will be a scream of "ah-", and the person is gone. Otherwise, all kinds of small bugs burrowed out, and each of them ran very fast, and the burrowing speed was so fast that they could not hit them with their guns pointed at the box.

An airdrop box with an anti-aircraft gun facing the sky. After it is destroyed, it may not be any strange plants or insects, or it may be a highly toxic powder, or feeding insects and plants. of power crystals and nutrition meals.

Since the sky began to drop drop boxes, they have seen plants that grow one storey high overnight, plants that disguise themselves as anthropologists, and plants that disguise their roots from Plants that move slowly and leisurely on the ground, and plants that have seen stealth hide and open their "big mouths" waiting for people to put them into their mouths. The most terrifying thing is to fall asleep well, to sleep peacefully in the basement, the doors and vents are not broken, the people in the house are eaten by insects, and they don't even know how the insects get in and out. There are all kinds of strange things, all of which they have never heard of or seen.

On the airdrop box placed by Liu Ziche, there are often words: "Professor Jin, what's the point of slicing people, these ghost hand vines are given to you to slowly cut, rest assured, no power plants .Friendly reminder: The highest reward of research is to be able to clear the level of Xenophyte King, come on, be optimistic about you.”

"Professor Jin, these devil vines have similarities with the stone-clothed alien plant. I will give you to study them slowly."

"Professor Jin, although I don't approve of your genetic project, but seeing that the stone-clothed heterophytes you have researched have parasitic characteristics, this nest of parasites is given to you."

"Professor Jin, do you want to know how Wu Nan got out of the cell, these invisible mutant plants are given to you."

"Professor Jin, considering that you are old and still thinking about hiding the experimental results, it is very hard, you don't have to be busy, I will send you dozens of nests of bugs to ensure that you hide three kilometers underground I can dig it out for you to eat."

"Professor Jin, don't you want my research results? Don't worry, I will slowly put them into your research. You can see if this box is a plant or a bug."

Liu Ziche threw ten boxes and eight boxes of airdrop boxes a day. The people at Ali Base were so excited when they first discovered the airdrop boxes, and then they only watched them fall from the sky numbly. don't want to get close.

The high-level people in Ali have thought countless times why they didn't hand over Professor Jin from the very beginning, and they have asked countless times, how could Professor Jin provoke such a terrible person, and put his hatred on the line Pulling her so hard, she finally took her out of the laboratory and let Feng Qingran save her. They approached Professor Kim for a solution.

Professor Kim committed suicide by hanging a rope on a clothes pole.

Tang Yuan: "…"

Xie Yuncai: “…”

Zhao Sixiang: "…"

Zheng Hao: "…"

I cut him and flogged his body eight hundred times, but he couldn't get rid of his hatred. A few people turned their heads to hold down the remaining researchers, and sent people to watch without blinking 24 hours a day. Let them hand in their research results and come up with a response plan.

Researcher A said: "No samples."

Researcher B said: "The equipment is broken, and the repairman is dead." Pushing his glasses, he wanted to say that this is equipment imported from abroad more than 20 years ago, and there is no place to buy it, facing the base The high-level livid face did not dare to say it.

Researcher C asked: "What do we need to study first? Even if we start research now, it will not be able to achieve results in three or five years if we thoroughly study a species. The last 20 or 30 years have not been fruitful. The reason for the super gene warriors is that there has been research in this area before, but they cannot be put into action due to human relations and morality..."

Tang Yuan heard that he couldn't do it because of human relations and morality, so he drew his gun and was held down.

Xie Yuncai said: "There are only three left."

Tang Yuan pointed at them and scolded: "All of you together can't compare to one Liu Ziche."

The three researchers agreed. The most capable Professor Jin was forced to death by Liu Ziche. Before he died, he was so frustrated that he couldn't even utter a word. He silently closed the door and hung himself with a rope. In fact, they are all confused how Liu Ziche got these things! With so many dangerous bugs and alien plants, how did she keep them sealed and carry them along without incident?

Liu Ziche, according to the danger level from low to high, stopped after three consecutive months in Ali Island.

When she left, the Ali base was covered with alien plants, and various species were desperately competing for living space. The ghost hand vine she put in did not survive, and it had long since become another corrosive alien species. plant nutrients.

She didn't know how many people still survived on the island, or what happened to Professor Jin in the end, whether she was still alive. All she knew was that the Super Gene Project didn't give them room to survive.

Ali sea area is called "Devil Sea" by Tibetan people because of the black mist that scatters in all directions. No one can return safely after entering the Devil Sea, even the few devils in Southern Province The 5,000 people taken away have disappeared.

Feng Qingran took the 5,000 people to build a small town on the isolated island.

There are xenophyte plantations, aquaculture farms, schools, shops, and workshops in the town. Almost everyone can make primary life fluids and evolution fluids. The library has advanced life fluids and Evolution fluid recipe. Liu Ziche left a lot of dangerous species on Ali Island. She wrote down the restraint methods for those species as animal skins and put it in the library. She also copied several copies to the town government and some important personnel who could participate in decision-making. They don't know if there will be stone-clothed mutants again. She has not done research on stone-clothed mutants, not sure if they will grow grass in the evolutionary process like other plant-infected people, but she provides Several other detection methods. During the evolution process, the power user will be "revealed". Even the hidden power user, because of the power stimulation, some hidden features in the body will be revealed, the power crystals in the body and the important organs that store power. will be revealed. The nuclei of stone-clothed heteroplants are their most important parts, where the brain and heart are located. Through a detailed comparison, they can be distinguished from ordinary heterophyte-infected individuals.

The night time has changed to only four hours again, and it is spring and summer again.

The four of them took Wu Weixin, the three blue-scaled beasts and the scheming bird on the kayak again.

Mo Qingqing said: "Anyway, the earth is round, we can go back to the origin no matter how we go, so we won't go back, right?"

They had never seen a planet other than a circle, so they agreed with Mo Qingqing's proposal, and they continued to drift through the Ali Seas towards the unknown distance.

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