MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 425

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Mo Qingqing was about to step up to make up for it when she was pulled by Feng Qingran. She looked at Feng Qingran puzzled and with some dissatisfaction: Are you softhearted? Same trick again, are you still fooled?

Feng Qing stared at Lang Xi, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground. I have loved, resented, hated, and finally became an undead enemy. I know so well that even the slightest difference in a look or a small gesture can tell the difference.

Chen Yingxi in memory has a gentle and capable side, as well as a blackened and cruel side, but... there is no such silly side.

Even if they wear the same face, even if they are all black mist abilities.

Feng Qingran has always thought of ending Chen Yingxi with her own hands, ending the grievances and grievances between them, ending everything between them, and sending Chen Yingxi on the road, so that she will never be surpassed, but she did not I thought that what I saw would be Chen Yingxi like this.

Liu Ziche took a step slower and saw Chen Yingxi fell to the ground with serious injuries, Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing seemed to be arguing, she raised her eyebrows and said in her heart: What's wrong?

Wu Nan arrived, put the gun on Lang Xi's head, and asked, "What else do you have to say?"

Lang Xi struggled to control the supernatural power in her body from overflowing, and said, "Change... change the place to die... pollute... pollute the city, it will... kill a lot of people." She trembled uncontrollably. , Pain, fear, grievance, all kinds of emotions came to mind.

She doesn't know who her parents are, her brother and sister took her home, they said her parents died in the disaster, she was infected with the black mist ability and survived. She is the only one in Zhenze Province with the ability to use the black fog. There used to be many people with the ability to use the black fog in the southern province, but they all disappeared. The older brothers and sisters said that they had been cleaned up, and there was no room for those with the ability to use the black fog in the world. Later, she knew that there was a very powerful black fog power user named Feng Qingran in the world, and she learned about Feng Qingran's deeds. She regards Feng Qingran as an idol, but she doesn't understand why she is also a black fog person. Feng Qingran can live upright and honorable and respected by others, but she can't see the light and even be killed by them.

The gun was on her head, she didn't know how to answer, she didn't know why she wanted to die?

Lang Xi said: "I have never harmed anyone." Her tears rolled down uncontrollably, in series.

For anyone else, she can think that she was killed because of her ability, but it was Feng Qingran who wanted to kill her, she knew that her death would not be because of Ability.

Feng Qingran's mood was a little complicated, she took two steps forward, grabbed Lang Xi's belt and lifted her up, and used the black mist ability to hold the dripping from Lang Xi's body The blood and black fog abilities rushed to the commander-in-chief's residence in Zhenze Province as quickly as possible, and threw the seriously injured Lang Xi in front of the two brothers and sisters Langsha Langhai who were about to go out in a hurry.

Lang Xi fell to the ground and vomited blood again. This time, along with the blood, there were also broken pieces of internal organs. The **** flesh spit out on the ground, corroding the carpet and floor tiles into large holes, and the flesh was also melted by the black mist power.

Brothers and sisters Langsha and Langhai retreated at the same time, and their eyes fell on Langxi. They were worried, but did not dare to step forward.

The security personnel of the official residence were alerted and gathered around them one after another, with their weapons facing the intruding Feng Qingran. tight.

Feng Qingran bypassed Langxi on the ground and sat on the sofa next to her, staring at their sister and brother with cold and stern eyes, "How could Chen Yingxi become Langxi?"

Lang Xi thought she heard it wrong, she turned her head to look at Feng Qingran and couldn't believe it, "Chen Yingxi?" Qingran and the God of War joined forces to destroy Chen Yingxi in the cave in the hunting camp?

Feng Qingran's eyes fell on Lang Xi and said, "Yes, Chen Yingxi is not dead. When she was seriously injured and dying, she alienated and fled. Later, it became you."

Langxi turned her head to look at Langsha and Langhai, and asked, "Sister, brother, is that right?" Intuition told her that what Feng Qingran said was true, which is why Feng Qingran wanted to The reason for killing her. Feng Qingran killed her not because she was a Black Mist, but because she was Chen Yingxi.

Lang Sha nodded lightly and said, "Yes." She looked at Feng Qingran, trying to defend herself, because Feng Qingran's eyes were too sharp and her aura was too compelling. Lang Xi is the king of alien beasts, but he has no power to fight back at this moment, and he only has to be hanged and waited to die. She said to Feng Qingran, "Murdering is just a no-brainer. Even if you get a suspended death sentence, you can still get a commutation for meritorious service, right?"

Lang Xi smiled happily and said, "So... so I used to be the idol's ex-girlfriend." He wiped his tears with his hands full of black blood and black mist, trying to hold on As he got up, the bones on his body were broken too much, and after struggling a few times, he couldn't get up. She looked at Feng Qingran, and then at Wu Nan, who had just held a gun to her head, pointed at her head, and then at her heart, "Two black mist crystals." She closed her eyes and wanted to wait. I was afraid of dying, so I had to comfort myself, "I'm not afraid, I'm an idol's ex-girlfriend, maybe I've kissed an idol before..." Then I cried again. She knew the idol's life and Chen Yingxi's affairs. At that time, she thought that person was really cruel, cruel and heartless, but suddenly, she became Chen Yingxi, and the only thing waiting for her was death. She wants to deceive herself, but she can't deceive herself. The identity of the idol's ex-girlfriend is not honorable because of what Chen Yingxi did in the past.

She was afraid of death, and felt that she was so embarrassed that she would die so disgracefully. She shook her head and said, "I'm not Chen Yingxi, my name is Langxi, let me die, I admit, I'm not Chen Yingxi. I was killed because I was a black fog power user, I'm not Chen Yingxi!" The last sentence was almost used Shout out with all your might. She looked at Feng Qingran stubbornly, and shouted again, "I'm not Chen Yingxi, I'm not." After shouting, she spit out the melted internal organs, and a lot of blood foam and black mist ability came out, she curled up in pain On the ground, she shouted, "Brother, sister, hurry up, go..." She suppressed the black mist ability stubbornly, but it was starting to get out of control, and her injuries were too serious.

Langsha saw Lang Xi like this, she was anxious, and shouted at Feng Qingran: "Feng Qingran, condition!" She pointed to Lang Xi on the ground and shouted loudly: "Save her life, What conditions, you open."

Feng Qingran slowly got up from the sofa, walked slowly to Langxi's side, squatted down, and put her hand on Langxi's chest.

The black mist abilities that spilled out of Lang Xi all rushed to Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran's palm fell on Lang Xi's chest, melting a hole in her chest, revealing the beating heart, liver and lungs pierced by the broken ribs.

The lethality of the Black Mist ability user is huge, but at the same time, it is very fragile.

Langxi's flesh and blood have plant fibrous meridians and blood vessels. She has an xenograft infection, and her vitality is much stronger than that of ordinary black mist ability users. She was badly injured, but she survived when the broken bones inserted in her lungs and liver were removed in time.

Feng Qingran's fingers rested on Lang Xi's still beating heart.

Very young heart, full of energy.

Lang Xi's lifespan is longer than she expected.

Lang Xi was trembling with fright, still stubbornly looking at Feng Qingran, "I'm not Chen Yingxi, my name is Langxi."

Feng Qingran thought to herself, this stubbornness is quite similar to hers. She asked Lang Xi, "Is it interesting to deceive yourself?"

Lang Xi said: "Yes. Lang Xi has not hurt anyone, and I have not sorry for you."

Feng Qingran said softly, "I'll give you a ride."

Lang Xi was lying on the ground crying, she was really afraid, she was afraid of death, she didn't want to die.

Mo Qingqing looked at Lang Xi, who was crying so much that bubbles came out of her nose, and knew that she was different from Chen Yingxi. Chen Yingxi's woman was cruel, so she wouldn't be so cowardly. In Chen Yingxi's place, the alienation of the early heart tried to escape, how could he lie here like a pig that was being slaughtered, looking like he was scared to death, but he didn't dare to move or escape. She is not a person with a big belly, so she can't say the kind of words to let her go, but she can't do anything, so she simply threw the problem to Feng Qingran, turned around and left the room and went outside.

Seeing this, Wu Nan also followed out and said, "It seems that I really don't remember anything, even my character has changed." She saw Liu Ziche come out and said, "I remember The characters of alienated people haven't changed so much before."

Liu Ziche said: "It depends on who is and how he takes care of them." After she finished speaking, she turned her head thoughtfully and looked at the Langsha and Langhai brothers and sisters in the room. If they don't develop Chen Yingxi's current character, their sister and brother can't hold her down, and they will be set on fire by then. The focus of her attention now is not Chen Yingxi, but the huge benefits the Langsha sisters and brothers have gained from Lang Xi. She has Mo Qingqing by her side, and the supernatural resources in the primeval forest are at your fingertips. The Langsha sisters and brothers have Chen Yingxi by her side, and taking the black fog superpower resources next to the Taihu Lake base is like searching for things. She knows the value of the black mist ability too well.

Feng Qingran's finger fell on Lang Xi's heart. The heart is still pumping blood vigorously, desperately releasing supernatural powers outwards, trying to relieve the injury and struggling to survive, but because of too much fear, the heart contracts strangely. Feng Qingran's fingers trembled slightly, some couldn't handle it, and some choked up. She whispered, "Whether Chen Yingxi or Lang Xi, remember or forget, these experiences have actually happened to you." She wiped the tears on Lang Xi's face with her left hand and said : "I can take you back without killing you...but you will eventually go to the trial stage, cannot escape death, and you will be executed as a criminal. I would rather you die at my hands, for personal vengeance, and defeat for the success of the king. Kou." She paused and said softly, "Yingxi, you know, death is scary, but escaping and giving up are more scary than death. If there is another life, be brave, talk to yourself more and insist. Persevere, endure it a little longer, and maybe it will be over.”

The sound of the gun being loaded sounded, and the devil vines of Langsha were released, and quickly filled the room.

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Feng Qingran's head and said: "Feng Qingran, let her go, otherwise, we will perish together."

Feng Qing didn't raise his hand, just looked at Lang Xi.

I...I listen to idols."

Feng Qingran picked up Lang Xi, hugged him tightly, and then poured the black mist ability in her body into Lang Xi frantically, and the rolling black mist ability drowned them both , and quickly melted the person in his arms into a black mist, along with the tears pouring out of the wind.

She knelt on the ground, hid herself in the black mist, bit her lip, and wept silently. She thought that she had no love or hatred for her anymore, only hatred until death, but if there were no hatred and hatred between them who did not die because of them, she still wanted to protect her and love her. She pets her. It is not only Chen Yingxi who is full of sins, but also her.

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