MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 424

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They have personally experienced the change of ownership of the Taihu base, and they have become the ultimate beneficiaries. They also know the strength of the four of them.

This is tricky.

The black fog ability is the most lethal ability and plays a huge role in military strikes. At present, several known black fog ability mines are located in Zhenze Province. The one was right next to the original Taihu Lake Water City. Because of the frequent occurrence of black mist zerg and black mist alien beasts, the Taihu base was forced to move. After that, it was occupied by Chen Yingxi, and the place was also blocked by the Taihu base.

In fact, it is impossible not to develop and utilize such a large amount of energy.

They can't do the same thing as Chen Yingxi's evolution of black mist ability users with a very low success rate, but they have made black mist ability weapons.

In the process of researching the black fog ability and weapon research and development, they will inevitably have to deal with Chen Yingxi.

Chen Yingxi was alienated and lost her memory, but her strength was still there. At the beginning, Feng Qingran, Mo Qingqing and Wu Nan could not kill her together. Their success rate in killing Chen Yingxi is too low, and the risk is too high, and facing Chen Yingxi who has lost all memory is like a blank sheet of paper, it is really a blank sheet of paper to paint, what kind of person they want to cultivate Chen Yingxi, let them say Calculate.

The siblings adopted Chen Yingxi, changed her name to Langxi, spent a lot of effort in teaching and training, and even let her hide her abilities to go to school and integrate into the school and society, becoming an optimistic person The cheerful and bright sunshine girl, when she turned her head, Feng Qingran killed her.

They don't even have a place to reason.

No matter what they cultivate Chen Yingxi, first of all, they have to be questioned about the cultivation of Chen Yingxi, and ask them what they want to do?

If it is against other people, it can be solved by selling the benefits of developing the black fog ability, but it is not about letting the benefit to solve the problem.

Irrespective of interests, I raised a three- or four-year-old baby like my own sister, and was called dozens of brothers and sisters in the New Year, and the little girl who looked like a little padded jacket wanted Being pulled out and slaughtered, who would be willing?

Langsha is reluctant.

Lang Hai is also reluctant.

Cats and dogs have feelings for a few years, let alone a person with flesh and blood.

The black fog ability weapon is used in other places with great lethality. When used in Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing, they will definitely die first.

She once let Chen Yingxi go, then what?

Lang Hai said: "Sister, this hurdle can only be seen by Lang Xi himself, so I will bet against the last Chen Yingxi who is completely different from before."

Lang Sha directly scolded, "Gamble! Chen Yingxi is Chen Yingxi, Langxi is Langxi. Chen Yingxi is already dead, Langxi was picked up by us, raised hand in hand, taught her to read, Teach her to read, teach her how to deal with others, tell her that the black fog can't see the light, and she won't fight back if she is beaten to the point of bloodshed, and she has to control her ability so that it doesn't overflow..." She pointed to Langhai and said, "That's it. , can you watch her let Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing kill her? Anyway, I can't do it, the big deal is that I will risk my life, and I have already lived enough to live up to now." She paced back and forth in the room angrily. Bu Bu and asked Lang Hai, "Is Lang Xi not good enough all these years? Is the curled posture not standard enough? What else?"

Lang Hai said: "Sister, I understand your reasoning, and it has to be understood by Feng Qingran, and it has to be persuaded to make it work."

Langsha wants to scold her. If there is only Feng Qingran, and she doesn't say half of it, then there is a 30% chance, plus Mo Qingqing, it will definitely go to Lang Xi without saying a word.

While the sister and brother were discussing countermeasures, the Southern Province also took action. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the military took action at the same time.

It's all good to say."


Lang Hai said: "Send Xixi away and develop the black fog ability, and then we will slowly argue with the Southern Province."

Langsha also thinks it is feasible. As long as Feng Qingran can't find anyone, there will be a lot of room for manoeuvre.

She immediately went to the arrangement, and while sending someone to replace Lang Xi's current identity, she called Lang Xi and told her to leave quickly and go to the no-man's land, the farther the better, who Don't get in touch, don't come back.

Lang Xi was still at work, when she received a call from her sister, she looked confused: "What's the situation? Sister, what happened?"

Langsha: "Don't ask, hurry up, don't come back, and don't reveal your whereabouts."

Lang Xi: "..." She subconsciously glanced at the date on the desk calendar, today is not April Fool's Day. But where is she going? She picked up the phone, hid in an inconspicuous corner of the office, hid behind the flower pot, and said, "Sister, you have to tell me why you are running away and who are you hiding from?" She also had a premonition that something bad happened Happened, and walked out while talking on the phone. She vaguely felt that it might be the trouble caused by her own abilities.

Human society does not allow black mist zerg or alien beasts to appear, but all the animals and plants of the black mist power system that appeared outside the Great Montenegro were all wiped out. She has lived safely until now because of the protection of her brothers and sisters. Most of the time, they are like the most ordinary young people in the city, looking for a job, earning a salary, and quietly sneaking home during holidays to visit their brothers and sisters. Her power level is high, and she has always been around twenty years old, which is easy to cause suspicion. In a big city with a population of nearly 10 million, there are a lot of floating people. Even the next-door neighbors don't know each other, and she doesn't like to make friends. Even if she suddenly disappears one day, it is estimated that few people will notice. She has brothers and sisters, family, and she is used to changing identities and jobs all the time, but suddenly her sister called her to let her escape and never come back, Lang Xi couldn't accept it.

She didn't hurt anyone, and she often helped to clean up those big alien beasts and insect kings that escaped from the Great Montenegro.

Lang Sha said: "Feng Qingran, you can't beat her even if you add ten, hurry up, she's almost here, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

Lang Xi: "…" What the hell? Feng Qingran herself is a black fog power user, so he wants to kill her? The first thing she did when the idol she idolized when she came back was to kill her? Both are black mist ability users, why is it too urgent to fry each other. She just felt that the idol is worthy of being an idol. As a black fog ability person, he can not only leave a name in the history books, but even if he returns to the human society, he can openly enjoy national-level treatment and be admired. When he looks back, the idol wants to trouble her, and she has to escape. Is this a mistake? She was hiding everything, how did the idol know about her?

Lang Xi's thoughts moved, and she exclaimed in surprise: "Sister, does she know me? My idol knows me?" She asked happily: "Sister, you said that if I saw her, she would Knowing that I am a person, not a monster, will you not want to kill me?"

Lang Sha regrets why she made Lang Xi a silly white and sweet little padded jacket, isn't the black-hearted Chen Yingxi not good, at least she runs faster than a rabbit when it is in danger, can escape or slip .

Lang Xi made a quick decision, "Sister, I won't run away, if the idol wants to kill me, I'll let her kill it."

Langsha: "..." You are so stupid and sweet, Feng Qingran won't believe you. She said in a deep voice, "Xixi, don't think too well, run away quickly, the farther you can escape, the better. If you don't leave, your brother and I will be in trouble." As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the original Lang Xi, who was walking quickly, stopped, as if someone suddenly stopped him.

Langsha was anxious and shouted: "Xixi, go!"

Langxi turned her head and looked towards the south. When she heard Langsha's shout, she came back to her senses and said, "Sister, I feel it, I feel it, she's here...she's here..." The voice contained excitement and fear. The excitement is because the idol is coming, and the fear is the strength of the other party, which is the strength of absolute suppression. Lang Xi thought to himself: Is this the strength of an idol?

Is it the strength of the wind boss who took the wind out of the desperate situation and finally laid the foundation of the southern province?

Langsha exploded! When she came, you were so excited, she let out a deafening roar: "You run—"

Lang Xi came back to her senses, hung up her sister's phone, and quickly sorted out her appearance in front of the glass mirror of the office building, showing a more upright attitude than when looking for a job interview, smiling Excitedly and nervously, he looked towards the south, feeling the powerful force that was approaching quickly. When the other party came to him, he immediately bowed ninety degrees: "Hello idol." He introduced himself excitedly, "My name is Lang Xi, and I am a black man like you. Mist power user, you are my idol, I have admired you for a long time."

Feng Qingran took Mo Qingqing, Wu Nan, and Liu Ziche all the way to Zhenze Province, but when they arrived at the Black Mist Mine, they found that Chen Yingxi was not here, but there was an extremely powerful supernatural power in the direction of the city. High black mist ability user. It was well hidden, but the level difference and the induction between the black mist abilities allowed her to accurately lock on the opponent.

She was worried that Chen Yingxi had run away, and rushed over at the fastest speed. She thought that Chen Yingxi would turn her head and run away, and was still thinking about how to take down Chen Yingxi without affecting ordinary people around her.

If it hadn't been for that face, Feng Qingran would have thought he had found the wrong person.

Lang Xi looked at Feng Qingran with gleaming eyes, excited and scared, and little stars were popping out all over her body: Oh, the idol's aura is so strong. Oops, idols are worthy of being idols. Oops, outsiders say I'm an alien beast king, and idols must know me. Oh, although I am very low-key, my name is not low-key. Oh, will the idol think that I am different from what she imagined, and will there be any surprises?

Lang Xi saw the idol staring straight at her without saying a word, she seemed to be looking at her, and shouted again: "Idol?" My standing is not standard, does it look good? Is it not as vicious as rumored? Can you not kill me? Idol, do you accept valet?

Lang Xi was thinking of beauty when suddenly a shadow quickly passed by, followed by a shout: "Chen Yingxi—"

A huge force slammed into her body, causing her to spin around, and her body turned into a long parabola across the street in the business district, and then landed heavily at the traffic light intersection.

This is the time when the traffic lights have just changed and the intersection is empty.

The car that just started encountered a heavy object that suddenly fell on the intersection, and was so frightened that he stepped on the brakes, and when he looked at the probe, he saw a big pit on the ground. All melted.

The people in the car got down one after another and looked around curiously.

A white and tender hand was clasped on the edge of the big pit, followed closely, and another hand stretched out, a girl with scars and scars struggled to climb out of the pit, her body was dripping Black blood, the whole figure seems to have just been fished out of the ink, and the liquid with corrosive liquid is constantly dripping out of the mouth, coughing twice, and the blood foam that comes out is black.

The people around were frightened and ran away.

Feng Qingran arrived and absorbed the black mist ability surging from Lang Xi to prevent it from eroding the ordinary people around.

She looked at Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing next to her with difficulty, and said, "I...I didn't harm...harmed anyone...I...also...I don't want to be...Black Mist...poof..." Coughing blood, with tears in his eyes, he was very sad and a little desperate, and said, "I...I thought I...we are the same kind..."

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