MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 3

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If Zhou Ziruo woke up in a daze, it was already midnight.

There was an unhurried "duh, duh, duh" knocking on the window. He raised his head and saw Lu Lixiao sleeping deeply with his eyes closed.

"Duk, duk, duk..."

The voice continued to sound slowly and rhythmically. Zhou Ziruo couldn't fall asleep listening to it, so he got up from Lu Lixiao's chest and jumped onto the window sill.

"Duk, duk, duk..."

People outside were still knocking on the window, and the sound was repeated mechanically, which was especially clear and strange in the quiet night.

Who is this who stays up in the middle of the night and knocks on the window of a single man?

Zhou Ziruo anxiously walked back and forth on the window sill twice but didn't understand how to open the window, so he moved his hairy face to the window slit, and looked out through the narrow slit—

Word mother! Sadako! !

Zhou Ziruo suddenly jumped up from his sleep, but was immediately held down by a wide and warm palm on his back.

After he was in shock, seeing that the light in the room was still pitch black, he realized that he had just been dreaming. But even though it was just a dream, it made him drenched in fox fur in cold sweat.

Lu Lixiao was woken up, his voice sounded a little hoarse from lack of sleep, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Ziruo thought to himself that I just wanted to tell you that I had a nightmare, so I have to say it.

He felt that Lu Lixiao was not happy that he didn't wake up, he lowered his head guiltily, and Lu Lixiao pressed him down to continue sleeping. After a long while, Lu Lixiao's breathing became slow again, but Zhou Ziruo couldn't fall asleep anyway. He drank too much alcohol before going to bed, and he wanted to go to the toilet.

As a newborn fox baby, there is nothing wrong with Lu Lixiao if Zhou Zi solves it like this. But he didn't dare, he was afraid that Lu Lixiao would cut him with the sword beside the bed.

Zhou Ziruo withdrew from Lu Lixiao's palm bit by bit, squeezed a crack in the door and ran out.

Although Zhou Ziruo has become a fox now, he is still an adult in his heart, he can't do unqualified things like defecation anywhere, and he insists on finding the right place to solve this kind of problem.

At night, the Han Mansion was very quiet, and there was no one there. Zhou Ziruo ran unscrupulously on the stone road in the mansion, and after searching for a long time, he finally found his destination.

After solving the physical problem, Zhou Ziruo walked back slowly and called the system out by the way.

[Hello user, what service do you need? 】The system sound played in my mind.

"What are you talking about during the day? What am I here for?"

[You will replace the original character in this world and complete the road to cannon fodder counterattack. 】

Cannon fodder counterattack!

Zhou Ziruo thought of Lu Lixiao who was facing the wind in Yushu, and then looked down at himself with four short legs, and immediately became furious: "It's too stupid! Even if I want to counterattack, I have to be a person! Have you ever seen animals defeat humans? As the protagonist? Besides, what can I do if I counterattack and become the protagonist? A fox with a sword, a fox who sleeps all over the world?"

And cannon fodder! The point is the word "cannon fodder"! Not only has he become a fox, he is also an NPC fox who can only be fodder! It's too cheating, people do things!

[The objective of the mission cannot be changed, if the mission fails, the account will be completely destroyed. 】

"What does it mean to destroy the account?" Zhou Ziruo was curious.

[If the account is destroyed, the user information will be permanently deleted. 】

What does it mean to permanently delete user information? Before Zhou Ziruo asked, he suddenly thought of a possibility——

"Isn't it because the counterattack failed and died???"

[Understanding is correct. 】

Do not! !

Zhou Ziruo almost had the urge to vomit blood, and collapsed on the spot powerlessly. A person came behind him silently, and a black shadow covered his head. Before he could look up, he was hit on the head suddenly and passed out.

When Zhou Ziruo woke up, his head still hurt a little. He forgot that he was now dressed as a baby fox. He rubbed his head habitually and touched his paws before remembering this sad fact. After that, not only did he have a headache, but his eggs also hurt. .

He stood up on all fours and shook his head to wake himself up, looking around. This is an empty room, the light is gray, and there is a smell of decay in the air. It should have been unoccupied for a long time.

He took a few steps, and overturned a dilapidated small candlestick with his front paws. Looking along the direction of the candlestick, there seemed to be a huge shadow on the ground.

He faintly sensed that something was wrong, because he could smell a slight smell of blood.

Just as Zhou Ziruo approached the object, a loud "bang" made his hair stand on end in fright. A group of people broke into the door, and the fire instantly illuminated the house like daylight, and then a terrified scream pierced through the cold air, breaking the calmness of the coming morning in Fox Killing Castle.

The sky is still dark and most people are still asleep, the hall of the Han Mansion is already solemn and brightly lit.

On the master's seat, the patriarch Han Li, who was potbellied, was heartbroken, and frequently cast his cowardly eyes on the cold and majestic Mrs. Han beside him. Mrs. Han's face was livid, and she shouted: "Drag that **** to me!"

Zhou Ziruo was really dragged up. Wu Zhuangyuan was extremely merciless, tied his tail with a rope and dragged him across the high threshold and the cold floor, threw him in the middle of the hall, stepped on his back and stared at him fiercely, as if he couldn't wait Cut him into pieces.

Han Qiaozhi's uncontrollable sobs resounded in the extremely quiet hall, pushing the fear and anger of the people in the hall to the breaking point. Mrs. Han said coldly, "Please come, Mr. Mu."

A moment later, a middle-aged Taoist in a blue robe with a dust whisk on his back arrived. Mrs. Han got up and bowed to the Taoist, pointed at Zhou Ziruo on the ground, gritted her teeth and said, "Master Mu, it was this fox demon who killed my son! Please also ask Mr. Mu to put down the evil spirit formation and cut it apart and skin it as a sacrifice." My son is in the spirit of heaven!"

Zhou Ziruo struggled fiercely under Wu Zhuangyuan's feet. The middle-aged Taoist leaned over and looked at him carefully for a moment, took out a bell and pretended to shake it around him a few times, stroked the beard on his chin inscrutablely, "Yes. There is indeed a demonic aura on the fox!"

What a ghost! Zhou Ziruo cursed the magic stick in his heart. The young master is a genuine baby fox!

He couldn't speak, he could only yell angrily, and he looked more as if he was **** off by a Taoist.

Mrs. Han said: "In that case, Taoist Mu please accept this fox demon right now! This fox demon killed my son cruelly, I beg Taoist priest to cut its limbs, skin and dismember it into pieces!"

Wu Zhuangyuan pulled Zhou Ziruo by the tail and lifted him up. Zhou Ziruo performed super-level in panic. A carp straightened up and bit open the healing wound on Wu Zhuangyuan's hand. Wu Zhuangyuan let go of the pain, and Zhou Ziruo ran away To the hall door.

But he forgot that there was a rope tied to his tail, Wu Zhuangyuan tugged angrily, and Zhou Ziruo, who had already reached the threshold, flew backwards, and was thrown directly into the face of Han Li, who was sitting upright in the hall. Han Li pulled Zhou Ziruo off, met the terrified eyes of the trembling little fox, and couldn't help pressing down with sympathy on the hand on the fox's back.

Zhou Ziruo was taken aback by this move, and then dragged back by Wu Zhuangyuan. Wu Zhuangyuan grabbed the back of Zhou Ziruo's neck and was about to crush his spine. At this moment, the servant's urgent voice sounded from outside the hall: "Mr. Lu, you can't go in..."

Lu Lixiao strode into the hall under the obstruction of several servants. At that moment, Zhou Ziruo seemed to see a **** descending, and hurriedly wriggled his four claws to ask Lu Lixiao for help.

"Master Lu, why are you here?" Mrs. Han got up from her seat.

Lu Lixiao glanced around lightly, and said: "The next time I woke up, I found that the spirit fox below was gone. I heard that your mansion caught a fox, so I came to take a look."

"Your... spirit fox?"

Han Qiaozhi said: "Is this fox brought by Mr. Lu?"


Mrs. Han was furious when she heard the words: "Mr. Lu, I killed Fox Fort to prohibit foxes from haunting. How dare you raise foxes in my Han Mansion?"

Lu Lixiao said unhurriedly: "This fox is a spiritual pet that I brought down from Qingyang Mountain. When your mansion went to Qingyang Mountain and asked me to visit the door to drive away the evil spirits, it seemed that no one told me not to bring the fox with me."

Wu Zhuangyuan said: "Even if you didn't say it at the time, you don't know the word Shahubao!"

"Oh? I thought it was just a place name. Is there really a dragon in Qianlongyuan?"

Wu Zhuangyuan choked on his words until his face turned red and his neck thickened.

Lu Lixiao looked at Madam Han: "This fox is a spirit beast raised by our sect, can Madam return him?"

"No! This fox killed my Ruizhi last night!" Madam Han snapped.

Lu Lixiao looked at Zhou Ziruo and said, "Although this fox has some spirituality, it's just a small beast after all, and it's powerless to harm your young master. There may be something strange about your young master's death."

"This fox was found next to the son's body!" A servant shouted.

Lu Lixiao said: "Forgive me for taking the liberty, but have you ever determined the time when Mr. Han was killed?"

Wu Zhuangyuan said with a gloomy face, "Last night around Hai hour."

Lu Lixiao said: "At that time, this fox was still in my room. It sneaked out after I fell asleep in the middle of the night, and it was caught and placed next to Mr. Han's body. You might as well look at the scar on its head. No injuries remained."

Zhou Ziruo was moved to the point of tears, and silently gave Lu Lixiao a thumbs up in his heart. The hero deserves to be the hero, full marks for logical reasoning!

Wu Zhuangyuan lowered his head and brushed off the hair on Zhou Ziruo's head. Sure enough, he found a bulging bump on the back of his head. By the way, he pressed it cheaply, and Zhou Ziruo immediately bared his teeth.

Now everyone is not so confident, Mrs. Han frowned and looked at the middle-aged Taoist, the middle-aged Taoist stroked his beard and smiled: "Lu Shaoxia, you said that this fox is your spiritual pet, do you have any evidence? This is obvious from the perspective of the poor. It's just a fox!"

Zhou Ziruo roared at the middle-aged Taoist, but Wu Zhuangyuan's big greasy hand covered his mouth. Lu Lixiao glanced at the middle-aged Taoist, that cold gaze made the smile on the middle-aged Taoist's mouth stiff.

"This Taoist priest is also a member of the Taoist sect. He must also know that after a beast has become a spirit, it cannot be contracted as a spiritual pet. Does it mean that as long as I prove that this fox is my spiritual pet, it also proves that it did not kill Han?" Son?"

"Exactly, that's the truth..."

Lu Lixiao turned to Zhou Ziruo and said calmly, "Come here.

Mrs. Han signaled Wu Zhuangyuan to let go of the fox, Wu Zhuangyuan let go, Zhou Ziruo fell to the ground and turned over, walking towards Lu Lixiao while playing drums in his heart.

He is not a spirit fox, just an ordinary fox with a human soul impaled on it. Lu Lixiao saw that he was too smart and misunderstood? And he is not his spiritual pet, how can Lu Lixiao prove it? Could it be that Lu Lixiao is going to take him out of Fox Killing Castle?

If Zhou Ziruo came to Lu Lixiao's feet, Lu Lixiao bent his knees and stretched out a hand to him: "Come."

Zhou Ziruo tremblingly placed a paw on Lu Lixiao's hand, raised his head and watched his actions nervously with dark eyes, and confused thoughts such as "escape" and "kill the blood" were still bouncing in his mind.

Lu Lixiao squeezed his little paw and looked at it. With the thumb of the other hand, he pushed the scabbard of the long sword away an inch. Zhou Ziruo's eyes flashed the cold sword light. A pain in the paw.

With the scabbard closed, Lu Lixiao took out an old piece of parchment from nowhere, and the paper was covered with runes like ghostly drawn symbols. He grabbed Zhou Ziruo's paw under the eyes of everyone in the room, and pressed a **** paw print On the parchment, and then the parchment spontaneously ignited, and it burned out in two or three strokes.

Lu Lixiao let go of Zhou Ziruo and stood up, saying flatly, "The blood contract is complete, and now it is my spiritual pet."

【Ding! You signed a contract, and immediately reached a master-servant contract relationship with the hero! 】

Zhou Ziruo, who was lowering his head and licking his paws, was flustered by the wind.


What just happened? ?

Has this become a spiritual pet? ? ?