MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 47

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Village head Su carried Sujin into a remote path in the village. All the houses on this path were empty and there was no trace of popularity, which made the footsteps sound particularly strange.

When he was about to leave the village, Village Chief Su suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned around and scanned the lonely houses behind with his dark eyes, half a moment later he said, "Come out."

The house remained motionless, and the insects still sang in the silent night.

Village Chief Su squinted his eyes and was about to step forward when he suddenly saw a gray mouse scurrying out from behind a big dilapidated wine barrel and quickly burrowed into the wooden house next to it. He fell silent for a while, turned and left the village.

Mu Qijun, who was hiding behind the wine barrel, let out a long breath slowly, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead unconsciously. He held his breath and leaned against the wine barrel behind him and waited for a while, but there was no sound. He was sure that Village Chief Su must have really left, so he cautiously stuck out half of his head to have a look.

There was no one in front of him, Mu Qijun stood up with the barrel in hand, chased out of the village and looked around, he could see everything except the grove, he ran to the grove without hesitation.

The light in the woods was dim, and there was no sign of the Su family's father and daughter at all. Mu Qijun searched for a long time randomly, and suddenly heard a faint sobbing in his ears. He listened attentively, and looked for the direction of the sound. He pushed aside the dense bushes, and there was a small open space in front of him. The shocking marks all over the bare skin are clearly visible!

Mu Qijun hurriedly ran over to help the person on the ground into his arms, and the face covered with dark marks was clearly exposed under the gray messy hair.

Even though he had already guessed, Mu Qijun was still shocked: "Sujin?!"

The clothes covering Sujin slipped away, and she stretched out her thin arms to push Mu Qijun, Mu Qijun pulled up the clothes to wrap her tightly, held her wrist and said solemnly: "Don't be afraid, I won't Touch you! I'll take you away now!"

Su Jin shook her head, her eyes, the only clear facial features covered by dark marks, were full of fear, she opened her mouth, her voice trembling as thin as a mosquito: "Quick...go away..."

Mu Qijun noticed something was wrong.

Village head Su must have dared not let anyone find out that he committed such a crime against his daughter. Why did he leave Sujin alone in the woods, who was covered in signs of abuse—

As if answering, a shadow enveloped him, Mu Qijun turned his head and was startled, and saw Village Chief Su raised a thick wooden stick, and struck down fiercely!

Mu Qijun hurriedly pressed Sujin into his arms, and used his head and back to catch the stick, but the forceful stick did not fall, the side was as cold as ice, the sword screamed, and the sharp long stick The sword cut off the wooden stick in the hand of Village Chief Su!

"Mo!" Mu Qijun was both surprised and delighted.

Leng Mo swiped the long sword with his wrist, and Village Chief Su quickly retreated a few feet away. Leng Mo glanced at Mu Qijun and Su Jin in his arms, and looked at Village Chief Su coldly: "I didn't expect you to be such a scum with a human face and a beast heart!"

Village head Su is just an ordinary scholar in the countryside. Facing Leng Mo, an elite disciple of Xianmen, he should have run away with his head in his arms, but he had no intention of running away. Instead, he threw away the half-broken wooden stick and stood in front of There.

Both Mu Qijun and Leng Mo realized that Village Chief Su was abnormal.

The open space fell silent, and the night wind blew up, faintly sending howling howls of evil spirits. Facing the gloomy man in front of them, an almost ominous premonition arose from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, Lu Lixiao gently pushed open the door of Village Chief Su's house.

Zhou Ziruo noticed that the door of Mu Qijun's room was open at a glance, he went in and took a look, and came out and said, " brother is not here!"

Lu Lixiao just closed the door of Leng Mo's room and said, "Junior Brother Leng is not here either."

Sujin's room was also empty, and Lu Lixiao stood in Sucun's chief's room, not surprisingly finding that there was no one there either.

Zhou Ziruo frightened: "It's so late, it's impossible for the four of them to go out together! Could it be that 'it'..."

"Don't worry, there won't be too much trouble with Junior Brother Leng, and it doesn't necessarily have something to do with ghosts. Look for that painting first." Lu Lixiao lit the candle in the room.

The room was brightly lit, and the beds were neatly made. It didn't look like he had experienced a fight, so Zhou Ziruo felt relieved.

"Brother Xiao, can a painting really produce ghosts?" Zhou Ziruo asked.

Lu Lixiao was inspecting Village Chief Su's bed. "It's not that ghosts are born in the painting, but that people's thoughts are too paranoid, and they gather in the painting to make the painting have spirituality, commonly known as painting charm. In fact, as long as it is an object with strong thoughts, It is possible to give birth to spirits, such as statues, sabers, jade, etc. This kind of spirits can be righteous and hateful, depending on the idea of ​​​​the birth. There are many real cases of the birth of ancient spirits in Qingyang Mountain. , Village Chief Su paints with spirit sand and spirit ink, so it is more likely to produce a painting charm."

"The lingpo said that there is no custom in the village not to hang paintings on the walls. Village Chief Su tried his best to deny the existence of hanging paintings. There must be ghosts in his heart! The ghost of the painting came to scare me in the middle of the night, and it must have nothing to do with 'Zheng' It's up, it seems that Village Chief Su is not such an honest person!" Zhou Ziruo curled his lips.

After Lu Lixiao searched the bed, he straightened up. Zhou Ziruo didn't stand still and fell off his shoulders. He hurriedly grabbed the bed curtain and swung it onto the tall vase standing beside the bed, then slipped and rolled into the mouth of the bottle. Lu Lixiao stretched out his arm to grab a short leg. Zhou Ziruo was hanging upside down in the vase, and with the light coming in from the mouth of the vase, he saw a scroll leaning against the wall of the vase.

"Brother Xiao, I found it! The scroll is hidden in a vase!"

Zhou Ziruo hugged the scroll with both paws and Lu Lixiao brought it out. As soon as Lu Lixiao touched the scroll, his calm eyebrows furrowed visibly.

"Bone scroll. No wonder there is a painting charm."

"What is a bone scroll?" Zhou Ziruo was curious.

Lu Lixiao dug out the cinnabar and wolf hair from Village Chief Su's cabinet, and answered him casually: "The picture scroll made by grinding human bones into powder is the bone scroll. The bone scroll originally carries a sinister aura, and combined with the spirit Sha Lingmo, it's no wonder that in just a few years, a painting charm has been born."

Made of human bones? ?

Zhou Ziruo's paws stiffened immediately, and he dropped the scroll he was holding.

Lu Lixiao drew a medium-sized circle on the ground with cinnabar dipped in wolf hair, and wrote complex runes in various directions in the circle, which was somewhat similar to the formation that Zhou Ziruo had seen on TV.

As the formation approached to completion, the picture scroll lying on the ground vibrated uncomfortably, Lu Lixiao glanced at it from the corner of his eye, continued to set up the formation calmly, and told Zhou Ziruo: "Press it, don't let it run away. "


If Zhou Ziruo's rough face could make an expression, it must be full of reluctance at this moment. He picked up the coat that Village Chief Su had folded and put at the end of the bed, covered it on the picture scroll, and lay down on it with his limbs wide open.

The things in the picture scroll seemed to instinctively sensed the imminent danger, and the resistance became more intense. Zhou Ziruo changed his posture and sat on it, but was suddenly overturned by a force, and the picture scroll flew up!

The empty cinnamon box flew over and knocked the picture scroll that had escaped to the window to the ground. Lu Lixiao stepped forward, picked up the picture scroll and threw it into the completed formation, then took out two yellow talismans and silently said a formula, and quickly pasted it There are two places in the array.

The formation emits a circle of light red light to imprison the scroll, and the scroll rises spontaneously and slowly unfolds under the bright lights. During the day, Mu Qijun saw the charming beauty in the painting. At this moment, his facial features wrinkled together in pain, and his graceful figure also curled up in a strangely twisted and deformed posture.

Zhou Ziruo came to Lu Lixiao's feet, grabbed his trouser legs and climbed up, Lu Lixiao put his arms around him, let him sit on his arms, and asked the woman in the painting: "Are you a painting charm?"

The woman answered painfully: "Yes... yes! The knight, spare your life!"

"Are you transformed into a ghost by Village Chief Su's obsession with someone?" Lu Lixiao asked.

Hua Mei replied: "Su, Su Zhongfan's paranoid and deformed love for their sister Su Wan... a little demon was born!"

Su Wan? ! Is the person Su Zhongfan longs for in his heart Su Wan?

Lu Lixiao said sternly: "What exactly is going on, explain clearly."

Hua Mei was terrified, and said carefully.

It turns out that Su Zhongfan, the kind and loyal village head of Daohe Village, who is loved by the villagers, is a beast with a face of an animal!

Su Zhongfan has been in love with Yaomei Suwan since he was a child, but he has always restrained himself because of blood relationship ethics. But as Suwan grew up day by day, her appearance became more and more vivid, Su Zhongfan's suppressed desire finally broke out. Sleeping out at night will infringe on Su Wan!

Suwan was distraught and jumped into the river outside the village to seek her death. She was rescued by Duan Peng who was returning home to visit her relatives. When Duan Peng learned of Suwan's fate, she angrily broke into Su's house in front of the old village head, his wife and the other two sons of Su's family. Question Su Zhongfan, and kill Su Zhongfan to make him pay for the crimes he committed!

Although the old village head and his wife were shocked by the most obedient second son who had ever done such a frenzied thing, after all, they loved their son like their own life and couldn't bear Su Zhongfan's death to make atonement. The two elders knelt on the ground and begged Duan Peng to let Su Zhongfan live. From now on, he will teach him to be a good person. As for the young daughter who has suffered a lot of wronged and insulted and lost her mind, it is impossible to live under the same roof with the second son. He had no choice but to beg Duan Peng to take Suwan away with him when he returned to Qingyang Mountain.

Duan Peng was angry at the attitude of the two elders of Su's family, but he couldn't attack the two elderly people. Finally, after visiting his parents at home, he quietly left Daohe Village with Su Wan at night.

Besides, Su Zhongfan, after Su Wan left, he returned to his former gentleness and humility, and lived in peace. On the surface, he let go of the mistake he made when he was young, but in fact, his love and longing for Su Wan grew stronger in his heart.

The relationship between the three brothers fell apart due to the matter of Yin Wan, and the eldest and third children of the Su family left the village one after another. The old village head had to pass on the position of village head to Su Zhongfan and asked for a marriage for him. Su Zhongfan obediently agreed, but he was extremely repelled in his heart. Once he went to a nearby town to do errands and got drunk, and met a Taoist priest, who was the original owner of the bone scroll.

The author has something to say: Today’s update is a bit late, because I have something to say about this chapter

In fact, I struggled with whether to change the plot, because there must be young children among the children who followed the article, and I was afraid that they would not be able to accept it. But after thinking about it, I decided not to change it, because evil really exists in the world. When I was in school, I read reports from abroad that the beast father imprisoned his daughters in the basement for more than ten or twenty years. The **** gave birth to a bunch of children and continued to be imprisoned and incestuous. However, this sinner was in the neighborhood. is a good neighbor.

I blurred the character of Su Zhongfan. I didn’t want to write about him as a man who was infatuated and persistent, so that people could love and hate him. "True Human Nature" and "Complicated Human Nature". In my opinion, a beast is a beast, and a pervert is a pervert. Even if he wears a domineering president's coat, he is still a hot chicken, which has nothing to do with the complexity of human nature.

Even in the second dimension, even in online texts, some bottom lines still cannot be lowered.

No matter how gorgeous the coat package is, even if there are more cute characters from Su Su, some behaviors touch the bottom line and principles, and they should stand on the opposite side without hesitation, reprimand and boycott. I hope that everyone can keep a clear mind at all times, and I also hope that everyone will be firm, nothing can break your principles, and be a principled and assertive person.