MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 5

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The room has a radius of several feet, and weird runes are painted on the ground with cinnabar. Rune paper, mahogany swords, Tao rulers, spiritual cards and other items are placed in an orderly manner. In the center of the diagonal is a wooden coffin. Han Ruizhi's disintegrated corpse lay desolately in the cold coffin, covered with a white cloth.

Holding a lantern in hand, Han Li stood in front of his son's coffin with red and swollen eyes. He didn't know how long he had been here, but he didn't seem to do anything, just weeping dryly at the vague silhouette of the human body under the white cloth.

Zhou Ziruo felt even more strange when he saw Han Li's painful profile from the window. Since Han Ruizhi's death made Han Li so sad, why did Han Li show sympathy for him in the lobby this morning?

Unless Han Li knew that Han Ruizhi's death had nothing to do with him.

In the dead of night, the sound of insects can be heard.

A heavy sigh fell into the room and dissipated invisible in the cold air. Han Li twisted his sleeves and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, turned around, opened the door and left.

When Han Li left the backyard, Lu Lixiao slowly walked out from the bushes next to the hut.

There was no light in the room, so Lu Lixiao opened the window, and began to check the so-called resentment-dispelling energy formation in the room by the moonlight. Zhou Ziruo jumped onto the wooden coffin, stood on the edge of the coffin and looked down at the person lying inside. The huge white cloth covered the body with no skin left below the head, and he couldn't see Han Ruizhi's face.

Until now, Zhou Ziruo still felt that it was like a dream. The young man who was as bright and warm as the sun yesterday had turned into a horrific corpse.

At some point, Lu Lixiao had finished checking the formation and came to the coffin, Zhou Ziruo raised his head to meet his probing gaze.

Lu Lixiao raised his chin towards Han Ruizhi, "Do you know him?"

It was very difficult for Zhou Ziruo to answer this question. Although Han Ruizhi had saved him, the two did not know each other. What's more, he is a fox now, not to mention that he can't explain the fate with Han Ruizhi, even if he can, isn't it too strange that a fox can understand human speech? Lu Lixiao knew that he was not a spirit fox, but a real small animal.

Then thinking about Zhou Ziruo, he thought that he was cute and flattering in front of Lu Lixiao, he really didn't look like an ordinary fox, it's strange if it's strange, anyway, Lu Lixiao couldn't get his soul out, so Zhou Ziruo nodded.

Lu Lixiao was quite surprised, he just asked casually, and didn't expect the fox to understand and respond.

Lu Lixiao remembered how he met Zhou Ziruo yesterday, and asked again: "Did he save you yesterday?"

Zhou Ziruo nodded again, while silently admiring Lu Lixiao's reasoning ability.

Lu Lixiao didn't speak anymore, and stretched out his hand to remove the white cloth covering Han Ruizhi's body. If Zhou Zi knew that he was going to examine the body, he would suddenly see the body that had been dismembered and skinned again, and he would feel dizzy and almost fell off the edge of the coffin. , he also inevitably saw Han Ruizhi's not unfamiliar face again.

Han Ruizhi's eyes were closed, and he was as calm as if he had fallen asleep. Although he was not handsome, his brows were soft and kind, and he could almost see his gentle and jade-like expression when he was alive. It was hard to believe that he was Killed by that cruel method!

Zhou Ziruo had a sore nose, or it was too cold, he sneezed a little, turned his head and saw Lu Lixiao staring at Han Ruizhi's chest. He suppressed the discomfort and looked over. On the **** chest, there was a hole where the heart was. This was something he didn't notice in the morning—Han Ruizhi's heart was actually taken out!

"Be eaten." Lu Lixiao's words fell from above his head.

Zhou Ziruo's scalp tingled for a while. He always thought that Han Ruizhi was murdered, but his limbs were split, his skin was skinned, and his heart was gouged out... This reminded him of the painted skin in the movie Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio that he watched when he was a child.

Zhou Ziruo's thoughts galloped like a wild horse running wild.

At this time, Lu Lixiao's eyes froze, he pulled up the white cloth and covered Han Ruizhi's body again, took Zhou Ziruo into his arms with one hand, turned over and jumped out of the window. The next moment, the door of the small room was pushed open, Madam Han and Taoist Mu walked in cautiously one after the other, Taoist Mu said "Huh", "How did the window open?"

Lu Lixiao was sticking to the wall outside the house by the window, and heard Taoist Mu muttering to himself, "Let's blow the wind away" as he came and closed the window.

Not long after Han Li left, Mrs. Han came again. The two couples didn't come together to pay homage to their son, and they were sneaky.

It was quiet at night, and the voices in the room could barely be heard through the window. Mrs. Han said: "Master Daoist, is it really all right to do this?"

"Madam, don't worry, just do what Pindao said. The scriptures are here, and Madam needs to work hard to read them all night."

Mrs. Han's voice was a little choked up: "I wish my son all the best..." Then there was a low voice of chanting scriptures.

Zhou Ziruo listened to it for a while, and his eyelids began to fight. This scripture really had a hypnotic effect. He looked into the room through the window through Lu Lixiao's shoulder, and vaguely saw Mrs. Han holding a yellowed parchment Recited devoutly, before he could see anything clearly, he just felt the hand holding his body tighten. Lu Lixiao also seemed to feel that he couldn't hear anything, so he jumped over the courtyard wall and left the backyard.

The way back was not as smooth as it was when he came back, and he almost bumped into Wu Zhuangyuan twice. In order to avoid the patrolman Lu Lixiao, he took a long detour, and when he passed a certain place, Zhou Ziruo, who was drowsy, suddenly broke free from Lu Lixiao's hands. Bite his trouser leg and pull him in one direction.

Lu Lixiao didn't move at all, he only asked, "Where are you going?"

Zhou Ziruo couldn't drag Lu Lixiao, but fortunately Lu Lixiao understood what he meant, so he ran forward, ran two steps and then turned back to signal to Lu Lixiao.

Lu Lixiao looked at him blankly for a while, and finally walked over.

Zhou Ziruo found a very remote place outside the full moon arch according to his memory. When he woke up in the afternoon, he forgot the dream. He just passed by the road to this place in the dream and suddenly remembered it.

The arch of the full moon is exactly the same as in the dream, except that one is during the day and the other is at night. Inside the arch, there are only deep tree shadows. After winding around for a long distance, you can see a small pool with clear water. Reflected in the bright moonlight, the silver light is like practice.

No one has been here for a long time, the weeds have grown tall, Lu Lixiao turned his head and looked around, looking at Zhou Ziruo: "Is this what you want me to see?"

Zhou Ziruo pretended not to understand with a guilty conscience, and he didn't understand what Sister Zhenzi wanted to bring him here in her dream. But even though Lu Lixiao said that, he didn't turn around and leave, but walked slowly among the weeds that were almost as high as his calf, checking casually.

Zhou Ziruo hurriedly followed, but the weeds were too tall for him, obstructing his sight, and rolled towards the mud pit at the lower ground. Lu Lixiao caught him in time, but was splashed with mud by Zhou Ziruo. Zhou Ziruo was just glad that he didn't roll into the mud pit. When he looked up and saw Lu Lixiao's more silent handsome face outlined by mud marks and light and shadow, he immediately felt that it was not as good as Just roll in and forget it.

Lu Lixiao took a look at Zhou Ziruo, let him go to the pool, and untied his belt. Zhou Ziruo stared at his back in a daze, and suddenly realized - isn't he going to take a bath here?

Lu Lixiao's top fell to the ground, revealing his strong and broad shoulders and narrow waist, followed by his strong buttocks and slender and powerful legs.

It's not that I haven't taken a bath in a public bathhouse before, but the guests in the public bathhouse are either tall and thick old men or stunted little radish heads. Zhou Ziruo has never seen a contemporary with a good figure like Lu Lixiao. Sorry to be jealous again.

Zhou Ziruo turned his eyes away and thought, what's so great about having a good figure, the most important thing for a man is not his figure, who knows if his thing looks as good as his figure? The ancients were too careless, they just stripped off by a small river, not afraid of being peeped by perverts? Of course, Lu Lixiao doesn't have to mind being spied on as a man.

There was the sound of water in his ears, if Zhou Ziruo looked over, Lu Lixiao was submerged in the water from the waist down with his back to him, there was no chance for him to evaluate his capital in that respect.

Lu Lixiao was bathing in the water, and Zhou Ziruo, a fox, was wandering boredly on the bank pulling weeds, pulling and pulling, and accidentally saw something in the grass in front of him.

Just when Zhou Ziruo was about to step forward to see clearly, he suddenly heard the sound of a sword resounding in the silent air! A man dressed in black and covering his face with a black cloth came from nowhere, stepped on the water and pointed his sword at Lu Lixiao.

Zhou Ziruo's blood was boiling with excitement. It turns out that the lightness kung fu in martial arts movies is real, and there are really people who can float on water!

Lu Lixiao plunged into the water calmly and disappeared immediately. The man in black was obviously taken aback, but he saw Lu Lixiao appearing near the water's edge, with his upper body already protruding from the water. The toes of the man in black pierced his vest on the surface of the water. Lu Lixiao stretched out his long arm and grabbed the sword on the bank. He did not fly out of the pool to fight with the man in black. The distraught Zhou Ziruo picked it up under his armpit and threw it at the man in black!

Zhou Ziruo only felt the world spinning, and in a blink of an eye, his limbs were stretched out on the flat chest of the man in black, and a mouthful of old blood was choked in his throat: Lu Lixiao, your uncle!

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction of the man in black, Lu Lixiao had already gone ashore and put on his jacket. The moment the man in black pulled Zhou Ziruo off and looked up, he saw Lu Lixiao's sword facing him, and immediately threw Zhou Ziruo's sword to resist.

Zhou Ziruo fell into the water, the sound of sword clashes gradually faded away, he kicked his limbs in a panic, but he couldn't stop his body from sinking in the water at all.

The water filled his ears, and his breathing became more and more difficult. At this time, a heat rose from his lower abdomen, like a surging flame chaotically crashing into his body, and his body was pulled, torn, and stretched by something. , in the increasingly blurred field of vision, he vaguely saw that his forelimbs had turned into slender arms!

The author has something to say: Well. . . I know that the APP has the function of recording the books I have read recently, but I still want to ask everyone for an article collection. This article will reach the word count for the list next week, but if there are too few collections by then, it may not even be listed for the first time. There is no chance to make the list, so please try not to rely on the memory function of the APP, please bookmark it after reading it~
