MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 54

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Zhou Ziruo spent the whole night in the nightmare of being dominated by that cheating spiritual pet skill. The next day he woke up with a knock on the door, and saw Lu Lixiao's sleeping face just a few steps away.

Lu Lixiao didn't like to use pillows when sleeping, half of his face was buried in the mattress. The light was dim, and the deep and shallow light and shadow outlined his chiseled facial features, which made his nose bridge straight, thin lips sharp and sharp, very sexy.

Zhou Ziruo was a little distracted, and couldn't help leaning over to kiss his chin. Just in time, Lu Lixiao was awakened by the movement outside the door, and opened a pair of half-awake black eyes. Zhou Ziruo suddenly felt extremely ashamed, and when he propped himself up on the bed, he remembered that Lu Lixiao put his arms around him, kissed him on the collarbone, then gave him a lazy smile, got up and got off the bed.

Zhou Ziruo saw that his naked and strong body was facing away from him, and he found his own clothes from the pile of clothes that they threw messily on the floor last night, and put them on. See how porn|love.

"Daxia Lu, Brother Zhou, are you awake?"

Outside the door was Jiang Tao, who was keen on drinking and sexing, he got up so early because he was completely concerned about the face of tomorrow's competition. After breakfast, Jiang Tao brought in three burly men who said they were to exercise Lu Lixiao's hands and feet, but who didn't know that he was worried and wanted to confirm Lu Lixiao's skills again.

Using people’s money to replace |people|people|disasters|disasters, Lu Lixiao was very conscientious, he knocked down those three big men in twos and twos, Jiang Tao was overjoyed, even if he paid Lu Lixiao a big gold ingot in advance, Lu Lixiao said thank you in a low voice , and threw the ingot into the arms of Zhou Ziruo, who had bright eyes.

Jiang Tao enthusiastically invited Lu Lixiao to go to the famous brothel in the city to spend time and drink. Zhou Ziruo, who was holding a big gold ingot, turned his head and stared at Lu Lixiao with fire. Lu Lixiao declined with a smile, but said : "When I first came to Yiyang City, I want to go around the city. I don't know where is interesting?"

Jiang Tao was afraid that Lu Lixiao wouldn't be able to do well tomorrow if the reception was not good enough, so he hurriedly said with a smile, "That's easy to say, my son will be the guide for Daxia Lu himself!"

Jiang Tao is a careless rich second generation, Zhou Ziruo is full of confidence in Lu Lixiao's ability to talk, he didn't sleep well last night, even the temptation of shopping was not enough for sleepy people, so he never went back to his room to catch up on sleep.

Lu Lixiao took a trip in the luxury carriage carefully arranged by Jiang Tao, Zhou Ziruo put the gold ingot on the bed and fell asleep soon.

I don't know how long he slept for this sleep, he gradually felt cold in his sleep, he grabbed the quilt and covered it tightly, but after a while the coldness continued unabated, he covered his head with the quilt, at this moment, He felt someone approach the bed.

That person was like a huge ice cube, exuding a chilly air, and it was at this moment that Zhou Ziruo realized that he had woken up unconsciously.

It's not that he hasn't encountered a ghost before, of course Zhou Ziruo knows that the one standing by the bed is not human at all. That guy didn't move at all, so he didn't dare to act rashly. He opened his eyes quietly, looked out from the gap on the edge of the quilt, and was shocked to see that all the items in the room were covered by a layer of cold water droplets, and the air was cold and chilly. biting!

The guy next to the bed was also covered with a layer of water droplets, and he could only vaguely see a human figure. He seemed to have observed Zhou Ziruo for a long time, and finally stretched out a hand to him—

If Zhou Ziruo couldn't pretend anymore, he lifted the quilt and threw it over his head and face, regardless of whether the quilt could block the ghost, jumped out of bed and ran to the door! Just two steps away, he felt his shoulders being clasped from behind!

"... so... cold..."

The guy behind moaned in pain in a hoarse voice.

Zhou Ziruo's body seemed to be frozen from his shoulders, and he couldn't move. He wanted to call for help, but his voice was frozen! He scolded the system countless times in his heart, he couldn't run away even though the skill system had been activated, and it wasn't all because of the cheating skill setting of the pet!

Just when his desperate decision became A Piao, he must first take revenge on the A Piao behind him and then settle the score with the system, the door of the room was kicked open from the outside with a "bang", and Lu Lixiao strode in!

Zhou Ziruo felt the cold air approaching from behind suddenly withdraw, and his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

The thing behind him rushed towards the window, Lu Lixiao took out the piccolo Shuyu from his waist, put it to his lips and blew it, the thing seemed to kneel down in extreme pain, then his body shook violently, his hands dropped, and he stood up motionless up.

Lu Lixiao came over to help Zhou Ziruo up, and Zhou Ziruo rushed forward with tears streaming down his face: "Brother Xiao, I **** love you to death!!" If you come a little later, I'm going to become Ah Piao today, what a fright! Grandpa Nima!

Lu Lixiao pressed the back of Zhou Ziruo's head, and when he became calmer, he let go of him and walked towards the thing standing there sluggishly.

Zhou Ziruo kept grabbing Lu Lixiao's clothes and whispered, "Is this a ghost?"

"Not all, more like a wraith." Lu Lixiao said.

Zhou Ziruo didn't understand: "Why did he come to me if he was wronged and owed?" Just because he is a demon and has Yin Qi, he should lie down?

Lu Lixiao's gaze fell on the nanmuqin lying on the thick linen cloth on the table, Zhou Ziruo asked strangely, "Eh? Who opened the outer cloth?"

"Who else is in this room besides you just now?" Lu Lixiao pointed.

Zhou Ziruo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly pointed at the thing, "Oh! It's it!"

"It should be said that it came out of the piano." Lu Lixiao said.

Didn't you mean Wraith? The one who came out of Qinli should be Qin Mei, right? Zhou Ziruo looked at the thing in front of him, and felt that it was indeed not the same as the charm in Su Zhongfan's painting.

Lu Lixiao asked that thing: "Who are you who transformed the spirit of resentment?"

The thing was covered in tiny water droplets, and it was difficult to distinguish its face, only a hoarse voice slowly sounded in the room: ""

Zhou Ziruo didn't understand why, but Lu Lixiao's face changed slightly, "Jiang Ye?"


"Who is Jiang Ye?" Zhou Ziruo asked.

Lu Lixiao said: "The eldest son of the Jiang family is named Jiang Ye. I learned from Jiang Tao that Jiang Ye disappeared from the Jiang mansion sixteen years ago. The swollen male corpse, because Jiang Ye had a special birthmark on his body, was confirmed to be Jiang Ye's corpse with almost no twists and turns."

It turned out that the corpse was thrown at the bottom of the well, no wonder the whole room was like an ice cellar when the wraith came out.

"Jiang Ye was murdered and dumped, so he turned into a wraith?" Zhou Ziruo said.

Lu Lixiao shook his head slowly, "That's what's suspicious. The person who beheaded and dumped his body back then was none other than Liu Mei."

"Liu Mei?" Zhou Ziruo couldn't believe it.

"Liu Mei personally admitted this matter. Jiang Ye often bullied her son Jiang Yan, and harassed her many times with unruly intentions. That day, Jiang Ye touched her again, but accidentally hit his head on the corner of the table and killed her." She was afraid and threw his body away, and the abandoned well where Jiang Ye's body was found was near Liu Mei's hospital."

Zhou Ziruo guessed: "The death of Liu Mei..."

Lu Lixiao said: "The death of illness is just an excuse to the outside world. In fact, the Jiang family's mistress hated Liu Mei and ordered her to be killed with a stick."

Zhou Ziruo couldn't help sighing: "It's too vicious, Jiang Ye's death was an accident..."

"At this moment Jiang Ye turned into a resentful spirit standing here, do you still think it was an accident?" Lu Lixiao asked suddenly.

Yup! If Jiang Ye's death was really an accident, then he wasn't wronged at all. Instead, Liu Mei lost his life innocently. How could he turn into a spirit of resentment? ?

"Who killed you?" Lu Lixiao asked Jiang Ye.

Zhou Ziruo wondered, is there even a need to ask? It must be Liu Mei. But Jiang Ye gave an astonishing answer: "Jiang... Yan..."

Lu Lixiao said: "That's right. For a woman like Liu Mei, whether it's beheading the tall Jiang Ye or throwing her body down the well, it's too difficult. If it were her son Jiang Yan, she would be able to do it."

"Liu Mei admitted that she threw the body to protect Jiang Yan. After Liu Mei was killed with a cane, Jiang Yan fled Jiang's house because he was the real culprit who killed Jiang Ye! Brother throwing away the corpse..." Zhou Ziruo shuddered.

"According to Jiang Tao, Liu Mei's mother and son lived a life that was almost inferior to pigs and dogs in Jiangfu. Liu Mei can be said to have resigned to her fate, but Jiang Yan's young heart was very unwilling, and she often resisted him and Jiang Ye, so she often suffered cruel punishments. Flesh pain."

I don't know who deserves to be blamed for this bad debt of the Jiang family.

Lu Lixiao took Jiang Ye's resentful spirit and planned to send it to a temple to find an eminent monk for salvation in the future. The cold temperature in the room gradually warmed up, and the water droplets covering the furniture disappeared.

Lu Lixiao came to the table and was about to wrap up the nanmuqin, when Zhou Ziruo said casually: "Jiang Ye died in Jiang Yan's hands, how could his resentful spirit be attached to Liu Mei's qin? "

This sentence made Lu Lixiao's pupils shrink. He pressed the strings and touched the body of the piano. After a while, he found a small compartment on the back of the piano!

Zhou Ziruo heard the sound of "click", and leaned over, "What's wrong?"

I saw that the compartment on the back of the guqin was pushed open, and there was a small purse lying quietly in a small compartment that was not too deep. Bingdi flowers are embroidered on the small purse, which seems to contain the beautiful wishes of the embroiderers.

Lu Lixiao opened the small purse, inside there was a folded rag and a small diamond-shaped piece of wood. He twisted the pieces of wood and whispered: "The thousand-year-old pagoda tree is the most haunting thing. No wonder Jiang Ye's resentful spirit would unknowingly attach itself to the piano."

"Why does Liu Mei have such a thing?" Zhou Ziruo asked.

"Of course it's not Liu Mei's. The thousand-year-old pagoda tree can't even be found by ordinary magicians, and even such a small piece is priceless. It must be a gift from others."

"Who could it be?" Zhou Ziruo touched his chin.

Lu Lixiao put away the piece of locust tree, and unfolded the rag. There was a simple sentence printed on the emerald green rag. Although the ink had faded over time, it was still clearly visible:

Brother Peng, my sister's time is running out. Today, Yan'er made a big mistake, and my sister ordered him to go to Qingyang Mountain to find him. I beg you to discipline me on your behalf! Even if my sister enters the underworld, I am grateful! The third day of March in the year of Kuichou.

"The year of Kuichou..." Zhou Ziruo didn't know how to count the ancient years of the heavenly stems and earthly branches, but he clearly remembered that it was the year of Jihai when Duan Peng died thirty years ago.

Lu Lixiao said: "The year of Gui Chou was sixteen years ago. This handwriting was written by Liu Mei to Uncle Duan Peng sixteen years ago."

"It must be because I found out that Jiang Yan killed Jiang Ye, and Liu Mei has decided to take the blame for Jiang Yan, so I want to entrust Jiang Yan to Uncle Duan Peng!" Zhou Ziruo snapped his fingers.

"Jiang Ye said that Jiang Yan was not at home when Liu Mei was killed with a cane, and he never returned to Jiangfu after that. He must have escaped in time after hearing the news. Liu Mei's handwritten letter was not handed over to him, so he hid it here in an emergency. Hit the nanmuqin." Lu Lixiao said.

Zhou Ziruo sighed: "Poor parents in the world! Before Liu Mei died, he had arranged a place for Jiang Yan, but Jiang Yan didn't know that Liu Mei asked him to find Uncle Duan Peng. Where is it hidden..."

Lu Lixiao listened to his words, his eyes stopped on that line, and gradually deepened.

The author has something to say: Mr. Manuscript Box has reappeared in the Jianghu. . .

In these two chapters, I feel that I have revealed obvious information. . .

In addition, today's double update, there is another chapter tonight~