MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 59

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Feng Jing took the files of Wei Heng and Liu Nanqin?

If the identities of Wei Heng or Liu Nanqin were really questionable, why did Feng Jing, the victim, take their files?

An exaggerated idea suddenly popped into Zhou Ziruo's mind - except for Lu Lixiao and Leng Mo, the top management of Qingyang Mountain are all in the same group, this time it's chaos in the nest! He was taken aback by himself, if this was the case, there would be no need to investigate the case, and there would be no place to seek justice after the investigation was clear!

"The timeline is the key." Lu Lixiao took out a pen and paper, "We always thought that the starting point of the incident was the disappearance of the eldest brother. But whether it is imprisoning a person or killing him, a motive is needed. Pushing the time forward, perhaps The starting point of everything is the time when the elder brother took the files from the archives. He must have a motive for taking the files, and this motive needs to be verified. In addition, I don’t think the elder brother took the files of the two people.”

The remaining three were stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized! Zhou Ziruo slapped his palm: "Brother only took away one of the files! The other one was taken by the murderer! The purpose is... to confuse the public!"

Lu Lixiao nodded.

Leng Mo frowned solemnly, "So... the murderer is really one of the second and third senior brothers? Because the senior brother discovered his secret, so he murdered to silence him?"

Lu Lixiao didn't answer. Zhou Ziruo understood his reaction as tacit consent, and in order to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere, he quickly winked at Mu Qijun. Mu Qijun understood, cleared his throat and changed the subject: "The second news is about Elder Ouyang."

Lu Lixiao and Leng Mo both looked over.

Mu Qijun said: "A disciple who is responsible for cleaning Elder Ouyang's residence quietly told me that he found a mezzanine in Elder Ouyang's cabinet. There is a small iron box in the mezzanine. There are many things in it that children like!"

"Children's favorite thing!" Zhou Ziruo's eyes met Lu Lixiao and Leng Mo, knowing that the three of them must have thought of the small iron box hidden under the bed in Liu's house in Daohe Village.

Leng Mo curled his fingers in front of his lips, frowned and thought: "Uncle Ouyang and Uncle Duan Peng are about the same age, if he pretends to be Uncle Duan Peng and meets Liu Mei in Yiyang City..."

Zhou Ziruo followed the words of the beautiful boy to diverge her thinking. Liu Mei's son Jiang Yan was also conceived during that time, and after Liu Mei's accident, she asked her son to come to Qingyang Mountain to join the "Duan Peng" she knew! Emma! Could it be that Jiang Yan is the illegitimate son of Liu Mei and Elder Ouyang? Elder Ouyang doesn't look like someone who would do such a thing! Or Elder Ouyang has Liu Mei in his heart, but Liu Mei is already married and pregnant with a child, so he has to go back to Qingyang Mountain alone. He can't let go of the thoughts in his heart, so he hides some children's things in his room, and takes them out to miss What about Liumei mother and son?

Imagining that Ouyang Yi's flying face showed tenderness, Zhou Ziruo couldn't help shivering.

Although Lu Lixiao was not as outrageous as Zhou Ziruo, and even had the idea of ​​an illegitimate child, he was obviously also interested in the children's things hidden in Ouyang Yi's room.

"What about the third news?" He raised his eyes and asked Mu Qijun.

Mu Qijun said: "The third news is about Elder Ouyang. Everyone knows that Elder Ouyang will go down the mountain in the middle of every month. A famous disciple went down the mountain a few months ago to buy. I saw him come out of a farmer's house under the mountain! Send him off. The person who came out was a peasant woman, although she was not young, but she had a demure charm, and she could see that she was a beauty when she was young. That disciple heard that the peasant family's surname is... Su!"



Could it be!

"Suwan!?" Zhou Ziruo and Leng Mo said in unison.

There is no record in the file that Duan Peng brought Su Wan back to the house, so Duan Peng should have placed Su Wan at the foot of Qingyang Mountain. After Duan Peng was killed, was Ouyang Yi taking care of Su Wan instead? If he pretended to be Duan Peng to kill Duan Peng, why did he take care of Su Wan instead of Duan Peng?

More and more clues, but more and more chaotic.

Lu Lixiao frowned and thought deeply, and after a while, he continued to write down Feng Jing's disappearance and the next few attacks on the paper. He flipped the wolf hair in his hand, and clicked on each of the four assault cases, "Now come back to this case. I think there are two key questions. One, how many people are the murderers? Two, who is the deceased?"

"The night that the third senior brother was attacked, I can swear that I saw the senior brother beheaded by the black cloaked man. The owner of those parts of the body that appeared before is not sure if he killed him, but it is certain that he was killed by the black cloaked man. The murderer is temporarily Presumably two. As for the deceased..." Zhou Ziruo found himself in trouble.

There was no DNA testing technology in ancient times. Except for the head that can be confirmed as Feng Jing, those hands, feet and torso can't even confirm whether they are the same person, let alone their identity.

Zhou Ziruo murmured: "That is to say... In this case, at least senior brother and an unknown person died, and at most four people died?"

Who the **** killed so many people so frantically?

Lu Lixiao carefully studied the timeline in his hand, and summarized the information he got today: "Looking at this case alone, in terms of motivation, the most likely thing is that senior brother discovered a person's secret, and was killed by that person." As far as we know, with threats or lures, the two committed the crime of murder together, and finally the senior brother was silenced. The suspect is between the second senior brother and the third senior brother who lost their files. But if we look at it together with the case thirty years ago At the beginning, someone impersonated Master Uncle Duan Peng and got acquainted with Uncle Duan Peng's fiancée, Liu Mei, that person might be the murderer of Uncle Duan Peng. Now I suspect that person has something to do with Uncle Ouyang. "

"From this point of view, the murderer in these two cases is indeed not the same person. This time, someone deliberately imitated the case thirty years ago, and wanted to make this time a headless case!" Mu Qijun stroked his chin. .

"Maybe. It's also possible that our current speculations are all wrong, and there are not enough clues." Lu Lixiao said.

Leng Mo asked him: "Fourth Senior Brother, what shall we do next?"

Lu Lixiao thought about it and made arrangements: "Tomorrow is the middle of this month, Junior Brother Leng, thank you so much for you to go and talk to Uncle Ouyang and see what you find. Remember not to startle the snake, safety is the most important thing."

"I understand." Leng Mo agreed without hesitation.

"In addition... In fact, there is still a big doubt in this matter. Why does the wound on the elder brother's neck coincide with Buli? I am afraid that this matter can only be explored if I get Buli."

Lu Lixiao's saber is inseparable from Sect Leader Qiu, Zhou Ziruo recommended himself, "Why don't I go to Senior Sister Cailing to find a way to steal the sword?"

Zhou Ziruo's solution was nothing more than a small sacrifice to accompany Qiu Cailing to watch the snow, the stars and the moon. Lu Lixiao vetoed it without thinking: "No."

Zhou Ziruo slandered Lu Lixiao for disregarding public and private interests, ignorance, ignorance, urgency, jealousy, excessive desire for dominance, dominance, etc., etc., he was willing to force himself to accompany that wolf girl because of him, and he didn't appreciate it!

Unknowingly, the four of them discussed Haishi. Mu Qijun collected the food and Leng Mo got up to leave. Leng Mo cast his eyes on Zhou Ziruo, meaning "Are you going?". Zhou Ziruo faltered, Mu Qijun let out a haha ​​and pulled Leng Mo away.

The cave became quiet, Zhou Ziruo turned around, and saw that Lu Lixiao was still looking at the timeline. After some discussion just now, this piece of paper was densely filled with things. Zhou Ziruo looked at it carefully, and suddenly said "Huh".

Lu Lixiao turned his head to look at him, Zhou Ziruo covered his mouth, put down his hand after a while under Lu Lixiao's penetrating gaze, pointed to the piece of paper and said with difficulty: "This... Qiu's head is also picked too It's clean..."

Five suspects, all of them have doubts, all of them are like the murderer, only the head of Qiu, who was deeply involved in the incident 30 years ago, 30 years later, one of his disciples was attacked, one was killed and the other was accused of being a suspect. But there was nothing suspicious about it.

It has to be said that there is no silver three hundred taels here, Zhou Ziruo thought of Master Han in the resentful infant incident.

Lu Lixiao didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't say yes or no to Zhou Ziruo's words, he just put the paper away and stood up.

Zhou Ziruo felt that although Lu Lixiao had a poker face, he was full of emotions in his heart. Now he must be feeling uncomfortable, and he should do something to relieve him.

Just when Zhou Ziruo reached out to pat Lu Lixiao's shoulder, Lu Lixiao grabbed his arm and pulled him into his arms, bowing his head and kissing him.

Zhou Ziruo was dumbfounded.

Nima, he didn't mean to explain it like that, hey!

Lu Lixiao continued what was interrupted by the arrival of Mu Qijun and Leng Mo just now, and began to tug on Zhou Ziruo's clothes, as if he had been hungry for hundreds of years, but in fact, he was still on the bed when he stayed in a small town the night before yesterday He was all night! It's only been a day, how can you be so hungry? ? ?

Sure enough, that was the reason... Lu Lixiao was also suspicious of Qiu Xigui, but he couldn't accept it, so he used this method to resolve his inner panic.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ziruo felt a sense of mission, he would be the backbone of Lu Lixiao when he was weak! It is wrong to deceive oneself and others, the truth will come sooner or later, he should guide Lu Lixiao to face the problem and solve it when he is confused!

"Brother Xiao..." Zhou Ziruo managed to free his mouth that was swollen from being kissed, looked into Lu Lixiao's eyes and said, "Let me help you find the head of Qiu!"

Lu Lixiao looked at him silently.

Zhou Ziruo couldn't help avoiding the deer in his heart when he saw his dark eyes.

Uh huh... You don't have to be too moved, male lead, how can I tell you that the young master is also with you now... what kind of relationship, besides, this case is related to the speed of the young master's counterattack, and it's not all because of you. Although that wolf girl is terrible, but for you and for myself, I will bear it...

Lu Lixiao pinched Zhou Ziruo's chin and lifted it up.

Zhou Ziruo was a little ashamed to look at him, and at this moment a cold voice came from his ear: "You want to seduce Junior Sister Qiu?"

Nani? ?

Zhou Ziruo raised his head abruptly, and Lu Lixiao narrowed his eyes slightly, "Master seems to have warned you that if you dare to attract bees and butterflies, you will be severely punished?"

No, that's not right... How could it be this reaction? ?

fragile? ? ? moved? ? ? Where did they all die? This is a real **** and jealous husband!

Zhou Ziruo's arms and legs trembled involuntarily, as if he had predicted the coming cruel punishment.

Lu Lixiao said in a dangerous tone: "It seems that you must have a long memory."