MTL - Card Room-Chapter 543

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Chapter 543, the suspect

Where is the safe place?

Listening to Tang Ci's words, Liu Qiao frowned tightly, and she whispered, "Professor Xiao has no grievances with others, and he was inexplicably planted and framed. It must be the hunter's doing it. Maybe the hunter will stare at him. Get on us. Mr. Tang, where should we go?"

She dare not go back to school.

Today, when Xiao Lou was taken into a police car, Liu Qiao, who was hiding by the side, witnessed it with her own eyes. Because of this, she noticed something was wrong and ran away immediately. At this time, the school must have ambushed a lot of plainclothes criminals. When she went back to school, she was self-catching.

But Liu Qiao is not familiar with Jiangzhou. Besides school, she doesn't know where else is safer.

Tang Ci drove the car out of the underground parking lot, and said, "Go to my laboratory. Our company's monitoring system is very complete. At this time, there is no one in the laboratory. There are cameras everywhere in the corridor. Once an outsider approaches me, I can find out immediately."

Liu Qiao didn't know exactly what Tang Ci was researching, only that it was related to intelligent robots. When she heard this, she nodded and said, "Okay, go to the laboratory."

Tang Ci's car drove all the way into the company's underground garage, and brought Liu Qiao to the laboratory in a special elevator.

Before entering the elevator, Liu Qiao took advantage of his carelessness and left a little red riding hood in the corner of the basement.

This fairy tale card allows her to exchange positions with Little Red Riding Hood at any time. Although Tang Ci in front of him looks trustworthy, what if he is a hunter pretending to be? Liu Qiao had to leave a way for himself to escape in time if an accident happened.

After the elevator stopped, Tang Ci led Liu Qiao through the long corridor to the metal door at the end and scanned his pupils.

The metal door slowly opened, and Liu Qiao curiously followed him into the house.

There are many silver-white precision machines in the enclosed laboratory, as well as a finished intelligent robot. After seeing Tang Ci, the robot moved from the ground and said, "Welcome the master home."

The robot was so clumsy and cute. Liu Qiao glanced at it and found that its eyes flashed blue.

Tang Ci reached out his hand and gently touched its head, and said, "Shut down."

The robot's eyes darkened immediately.

Liu Qiao thought it was very novel. "Mr. Tang, did you develop this robot?"

"Well, my major is intelligent ai." Tang Ci walked to the office desk and said, "In the future, artificial intelligence will become more and more popular. What I am responsible for in the company is the research and development of intelligent robots. This is only the first-generation product and it is not perfect yet."

No wonder Tang Ci can invade the information database in the card world, obtain so much information, and even use the data card to make mechanical cards by himself. Liu Qiao has to convince him. With Mr. Tang, there is really no need to worry about checking information. She relaxed a lot, and looked at Tang Ci and said, "What's the matter with the number Professor Xiao said?"

Tang Ci opened the laptop and said, "Sit down first, let me check it. According to Yu Hanjiang, Xiao Lou once changed a mobile phone number. I guess that the hunter probably used his mobile phone number to marry him. Blame him by forging the phone calls or chat records of close contacts between him and the deceased as evidence."

Liu Qiao felt that it made sense, so he sat quietly and waited.

Tang Cixiu's long hands tapped the keyboard quickly, and a lot of web pages popped up on the screen, and there were a lot of garbled codes. Liu Qiao couldn't understand, and he didn't bother the other party.

About five minutes later, Tang Ci said, "I found it."

Liu Qiao immediately leaned over to take a look.

Tang Ci pointed to the two numbers on the screen and said, "The phone number 1362589 was purchased by Lou Lou when he was in school with his identity verification name, but he changed the number the year he worked; the number starting with 159 is He is using it now. But the strange thing is that the number 136 has not been cancelled and there is no record of arrears."

Liu Qiao was stunned, and quickly realized, "That is to say, someone has stolen this number and kept charging this number, pretending to be Professor Xiao, and using this number to keep in touch with people?"

Tang Ci nodded and said, "Xiao Lou is not a careless person who littered things. I think that this number was deliberately stolen by someone who didn't pay attention to him. Then, the most suspected person is the people around him who are familiar with him." He paused, then looked back at Liu Qiao, "If you bought a new number and the old number card is lost, would you bother to find it?"

Liu Qiao shook his head, "Of course not. We have all changed numbers. What are you doing with the old number?"

Tang Ci said, "That's the truth. The business hall will automatically cancel the number after the number is in arrears. Xiao Lou may have thought the same at that time. The remaining number in the old number was not much. Anyway, it was canceled when it was used up, and he ignored it. Unexpectedly, someone stole this phone number and continued to recharge and use it."

Liu Qiao thoughtfully, "It seems that the hunter has been planning for a long time?"

"The basic background of the world we are in is the same as that of Jiangzhou a year ago. The hunters will not appear out of thin air, but will replace the identities of some people in this world, and then use these identities to make some articles to achieve The purpose of killing us. The previous several secret rooms are like this, and the double king secret rooms should not change this basic law."

"In other words, did the hunters enter the world earlier than us?" Liu Qiao followed this line of thought to analyze, "He replaced the identity of someone next to Professor Xiao and stole Professor Xiao's phone card. After we officially came here, we created a murder case and planted the blame on us."

"It would be more reasonable to explain this way." At this point, Tang Ci continued to tap the keyboard. He looked at the message that popped up on the page, frowned slightly, and said, "The number 136 signal has disappeared, so I can't lock the number. s position."

Liu Qiao touched his chin. "This man is very smart. After the stubbornness is complete, he will destroy his phone number, so that he will have no evidence and it will be difficult for Professor Xiao to clear his grievances." She paused, and then asked, "But, he During the year of using the 136 number, as long as you use your WeChat, Alipay or bank card to recharge, you can always leave some clues?"

"This is also his genius. He has never recharged online. He always took cash to the business hall to recharge. He couldn't find any bank card or WeChat phone recharge records." Tang Ci said helplessly. The cell phone number that Professor Xiao left us could not find the suspect. Think about it again. Was there anything suspicious at the time of the incident?"

"Hmm..." Liu Qiao thought about the experience that night, and suddenly said, "The time is not right."

"How to say?"

“Last night at 7 o’clock, Professor Xiao and I went to the Conservatory of Music. The finals officially started at 7:30, and until 8:50, Ye Qi came to the stage and sang a song. After he finished singing, we went backstage to find him and talk to him. Take a group photo..."

Liu Qiao took out the photo Xiaolou sent to her on the phone, looked at the time, and said, "After 8:55, Professor Xiao and I walked out of the gymnasium. Then I heard a scream from a distance, and then I saw it. Dead bodies in the lake."

While listening to Tang Ci, he recorded the key time points Liu Qiao said on the computer.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but wonder, "The time card is very clever. Before 8:55, whether you watch the game in the gym or go to the backstage to find Ye Qi, you can find someone to prove that you are not at the scene of the crime. But, leave the backstage at 8:55. , It’s about ten minutes until you see the corpse. Only you and Xiao Lou can prove each other’s location. No third person has witnessed your location."

Liu Qiao nodded, "Yes, Ning Xue also died during this time."

The more they thought about it, the more they felt cold.

Who is it that has been in control of their movements?

Liu Qiao carefully recalled for a moment, and suddenly said, "Yes, that Xu Mingyue, she was the first person to find Ning Xue's body. At that time, Ning Xue should have just been thrown into the lake not long ago. The chance of her passing by the lake was different. Would it be a coincidence? If she kept hiding in the dark, watching Professor Xiao and I go backstage to find Ye Qi, and then calculated the time, pushed Ning Xue into the lake, and after we came out, she deliberately screamed to cause us Attention... it makes sense."

Tang Ci asked, "What is the relationship between this person and the deceased?"

Liu Qiao said, "It's the roommate of the deceased. Moreover, she also called the deceased once that night. Maybe it was she who Joningxue met by the lake?"

Tang Ci didn't rush to a conclusion. He thought about it and said, "We have to see Xiao Lou again. At present, there is too little information from him to help us find the truth."

Liu Qiao thought so too. However, when she pretended to be Xiao Wu police officer to deliver meals to Xiao Lou at noon, she had already aroused Yu Hanjiang's suspicion, and she could no longer pretend to be Xiao Wu.

Fortunately, Tang Ci quickly came up with an idea, "Isn't Xiao Lou detained by the police? I can arrange for him a lawyer, and the lawyer will talk to his client, and Yu Hanjiang has no right to refuse."

Liu Qiao's eyes lit up, "Good idea! Mr. Tang, are you playing the lawyer yourself?"

Tang Ci said, "Well, borrow your twin card. I will go to Xiaolou this afternoon."

That afternoon, Tang Ci used a twin card to pretend to be a lawyer, and calmly came to the police force with a briefcase, and called to see Xiao Lou. Talk about it."

Yu Hanjiang's face sank slightly, "I don't remember what lawyer Xiao Lou hired."

Tang Ci said, "I am a defense lawyer hired by Professor Xiao’s friend, Mr. Tang Ci. Mr. Tang has already paid the fees. Therefore, I have the responsibility to give my client what he deserves if he does not understand the law. Legal aid."

Yu Hanjiang "..."

In the morning, Xiao Lou asked him to find Tang Ci for questioning. In a blink of an eye, Tang Ci helped Xiao Lou find a lawyer? Yu Hanjiang's displeasure was clearly written on his face, almost saying "You guys are playing me together".

However, the lawyer wants to see the client, which is in line with the law, and Yu Hanjiang cannot stop it.

With a calm face, he asked Xiao Lou to come to the summons room, invited the lawyer in, and turned and closed the door.

According to regulations, the police could not monitor the conversation between the lawyer and the client, and Yu Hanjiang had to wait in the corridor with a frown.

Inside, Xiao Lou's hands were handcuffed in cold handcuffs. Tang Ci sat across a wide table opposite him, pretending to be serious, took out a stack of documents, and whispered, "Professor Xiao, hello, I am Mr. Tang invited here. Lawyer."

Xiao Lou met his eyes and felt clear.

Of course, Tang Ci would not be idle to hire a "lawyer" who was not necessarily reliable to help investigate the case. This was obviously Tang Ci pretending to be himself. The two knew well, but they didn't say anything.

Tang Ci asked openly, "As your lawyer, I will definitely help you clear your grievances. If you have any questions or want to say about this case, you can tell me the truth."

It's acting quite like it.

Xiao Lou raised his lips slightly and said, "The number I used to call Ning Xue at the critical moment was not what I was using. Last night, Liu Qiao and I were indeed outside and did not go home, so there is no way to prove it alibi, but The person who dissected Zhang Hengyu in the laboratory building was definitely not us. Liu Qiao’s hair and I appeared on the site at the same time. Someone must have taken it and placed it there on purpose.”

Tang Ci took notes quickly.

Having said that, Xiao Lou paused and whispered thoughtfully, "Who can get the hair of me and Liu Qiao at the same time?"

Tang Ci looked up at him, "Does Professor Xiao have any doubts?"

Xiao Lou suddenly said, "Zhang Hengyu."

Tang Ci was startled. "The dissected Zhang Hengyu?"

Xiao Lou said, "Liu Qiao came to listen to my class that afternoon. He happened to be sitting next to Zhang Hengyu. He could easily get Liu Qiao's hair. He was the monitor of our forensic department. He asked me questions during the break. It’s easy to get a sample of my hair."

Xiao Lou seemed to be enlightened before his eyes, and said confidently, "The person who got my hair from Liu Qiao is probably Zhang Hengyu."