MTL - Card Room-Chapter 563

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Chapter 563: New Captain

Xiao Lou had a hunch that his and Yu Hanjiang's speculation about the card world rules was getting closer and closer to the truth.

As early as the weekly secret room of the "Headless General Tomb" in the City of Sun, at the moment when the hunter followed up to the tomb, Xiao Lou had speculated that there must be people in the hunter organization who knew them very well. .

Tang Ci also said that the information from the Intelligence Bureau might have been leaked out. Therefore, the card information of their 12-person team will be accurately grasped by the hunters. But at that time, Xiao Lou hadn't thought that the hunter organization was actually made up of humans. He thought that some traitors had appeared among the humans and joined the hunter alliance.

Now it seems that Ye Qi's idea is the most reasonable. Xiaoye once guessed that the card world is like a massively multiplayer online game, divided into two camps from the beginning. What the challenger needs to do is to clear the secret room and win the card by lottery. What the hunter needs to do is to find a way to kill The challenger, so as to obtain the card from the challenger.

All are for survival, but the goal is completely different.

As challengers, they still follow the rules, adhere to the bottom line, and never kill innocent people indiscriminately. In the long-term mission, the hunters have long lost their humanity. They become cold-blooded and numb. Killing is like cutting vegetables. They do not care about the feelings of the other party. They can try their best to pretend to be your relatives and friends. You stabbed you in the back without any defense.

Xiao Lou was not vigilant enough at the time, and was stabbed to death by Liu Qiao.

Thinking of this, Yu Hanjiang couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Have you never doubted Liu Qiao?"

Xiao Lou shook his head. "Liu Qiao can't be a hunter. We have known her for so long. Although I don't know her 100%, I believe in Xiao Liu's personality. She will never kill me to survive."

Yu Hanjiang said, "It seems that Liu Qiao who killed you was pretended to be a hunter?"

Xiao Lou is also more inclined to say this. He said, "Xiao Liu has a twin card, which can copy someone he has seen within half an hour. At that time, there must be a hunter hiding in the maze, putting Liu Qiao and Ye Qi at the same time. Pulled away, then, the hunter managed to control Liu Qiao, took her twin card and pretended to be her, then returned to the corridor and shot me."

Yu Hanjiang said, "This sneak attack by the hunter is obviously planned for a long time. You have always been cautious. If you suddenly meet Liu Qiao, you will definitely tell her the code or use some questions to confirm her identity. Therefore, they seized the maze. This opportunity, in just a few seconds, will steal your head and change your post, so you don’t have time to think."

It only took less than 10 seconds for Liu Qiao to appear in front of Xiao Lou from his disappearance.

Xiao Lou did not expect that Liu Qiao had changed his person in such a short period of time. He frowned and said, "The hunters have always been very clear about our movements. I suspect that they are the ones who bit you by the rats. They deliberately led us to the oasis to find medicine. , And then build a fake hospital and wait for me to get the bait. Liu Qiao, it is a time bomb they put in the team, she will definitely continue to kill other teammates."

When Xiao Lou said this, his face turned pale. "At that time, there was only me, Liu Qiao and Ye Qi in the maze. Ye Qi was not by my side when Liu Qiao killed me. Next, Liu Qiao will definitely kill Ye Qi, and then Bring streptomycin back to save Longsen, gain everyone's trust, and then look for opportunities to do it with everyone..."

Yu Hanjiang became more and more frightened as he thought about it. Assuming Liu Qiao could really break into the team, maybe she would kill her teammates one by one and let everyone be wiped out in the Double Royal Chamber!

In the order of signing the contract, the new captain should be handed over to Shao Qingge. I wonder if President Shao and the others can see through the hunter's conspiracy?

Both of them are worried about the safety of their teammates, but unfortunately, they can't protect themselves now.

It's time for the cloak of invisibility. Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang appeared one after another. At this moment, there was a rustling sound in the distance, as if something was crawling in the sand. The two immediately turned back to back and stared attentively. ground.

Suddenly, several sharp spikes came out of the sand one after another!

Yu Hanjiang's gaze was dazzling, and he slammed Xiao Lou onto the sand. He hugged him and rolled a dozen times continuously. Xiao Lou was dizzy and ate a lot of sand in his mouth. He quickly judged that those spikes were the tails of poisonous scorpions living in the desert.

The tail of this scorpion is as sharp as a sword and is highly poisonous. Once stabbed, the two will never survive today.

Xiao Lou trembled, "Is it the scorpion again?"

Yu Hanjiang's arms tightened hard, and his voice was low and hoarse, "Yes, there are more scorpions here than in the Double Royal Chamber, and they can get into the sand and move very flexibly."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge scorpion tail suddenly pierced out of the ground. Yu Hanjiang's eyes were sharp, and he pulled Xiao Lou to the side and rolled on the spot. The spike almost wiped Xiao Lou's ear and pierced the sand. Xiao Lou His heart was about to stop beating, and he hurriedly hugged Yu Hanjiang.

While taking him to dodge in the sand, Yu Hanjiang raised the submachine gun in his hand, only to hear the "bang, bang, bang," consecutive piercing shots-countless bullets shot out like a torrential rain, and a lot of blood soon became infected. Red sand!

Yu Hanjiang suppressed the scorpion with fierce firepower and pushed the scorpion back several meters, but Xiao Lou knew that this was not a long-term solution, and if this continued, they would soon be submerged by the scorpion.

Xiao Lou took a deep breath and said, "Han Jiang, let me try a card."

Yu Hanjiang nodded and helped Xiao Lou get up from the sand. Xiao Lou simply summoned Su Shi——

When will the bright moon come, ask the wine to the sky.

Su Shi released the limited ultimate move, which can turn the current scene into a "full moon night" for 8 hours, and stop all targets within 500 meters from all actions for 1 minute. At the same time, Su Shi could refresh the skills of all character cards and create a piece of Dongpo meat.

Xiao Lou put three skills in a row, and then saw Su Shi's card in his hand turning into pieces.

He put Dongpo meat in a mineral water bottle and put it away, and looked up at the sky that turned into a full moon night-somehow, when the sky divided into two was replaced by the "full moon night" made by Su Shi, not only The scorpions disappeared, and the desert suddenly became extremely quiet. Even the sound of wind and sand disappeared. In the empty world, there seemed to be only the breathing of two people.

This weird silence made Xiao Lou very uneasy. He looked at the sky and whispered, "The sun representing the king is covered, and the crescent moon of Xiao Wang has disappeared. The'full moon night' created by Su Shi can last 8 Hours, will we be safe in these 8 hours?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Be careful, the nightmare room shouldn't let us have too much time to rest."

The two waited for a while, and no animals around came to attack them. Xiao Lou asked, "Should you go forward?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Let's go. Waiting on the spot, the people in the maze might chase them out."

Almost as soon as his voice fell, familiar footsteps sounded behind him.

Yu Hanjiang's relatives and colleagues, as expected, chased out with weapons such as batons and guns.

Yu Hanjiang's face sank, and he hurriedly pulled Xiaolou to escape-fortunately, he used Mr. Shao's wealth to copy a card that was as light as a swallow. At this time, his submachine gun had run out of bullets, and he threw the gun. As the landing point in the air, both feet swiftly stepped on the gun, picked up Xiao Lou, and flew out like an arrow from the string!

Although those "relatives" have strong combat effectiveness, they will not fly lightly. Within a moment, Yu Hanjiang left them far behind.

I don’t know how far they flew out. There is an endless desert underfoot, without any traces of small animals. Yu Hanjiang fell back to the sand with confidence. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Lou suggested, “Let’s eat something first. Add energy?"

He could see that Yu Hanjiang had just dealt with his relatives and colleagues in the maze, and after he walked out of the maze, he encountered a poisonous scorpion. He was exhausted and his face was a little pale. It was obvious that he did not fall down with a strong breath.

Yu Hanjiang was indeed exhausted. He didn't dare to be careless, so he nodded and said, "I still have a material supply card on me. Have you run out of materials? We have to save some food."

Xiao Lou's card had already been used in the Double King's Secret Chamber, and when Yu Hanjiang had a high fever, he also fed the remaining mineral water to the opponent, but there was still a bag of biscuits in his pocket.

Xiao Lou took out the biscuits and handed them to Yu Hanjiang, "You can eat them."

Yu Hanjiang simply unpacked the bag and divided it into half and gave him half, "You have to add up your energy."

Meeting his deep eyes, Xiao Lou didn't entangle anymore, took the biscuits and said, "Okay. Would you like to eat that piece of braised pork?"

Yu Hanjiang shook his head, "Let's keep it, maybe it's useful."

The fragrant meat is really a great temptation for the hungry, but they are reluctant to eat it, because the braised meat has another function besides eating it, allowing a wide range of animals to smell the fragrance and gather around it. If you encounter a beast attack again later, it might save your life.

The two sat on the sand, sharing a packet of biscuits.

Keep Yu Hanjiang's supply card for first, because Xiao Lou doesn't know how long they will survive in this harsh environment...

At the moment they had eaten all the biscuits, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance.

The man was covered with yellow sand, almost blending with the surrounding desert, looking embarrassed. He was walking forward slowly, limping in his walking posture, as if he was injured.

Xiao Lou stood up alert immediately, Yu Hanjiang even narrowed his eyes and squeezed the pistol in his pocket.

The opponent stopped at a distance of about ten meters from the two of them, and his voice trembled slightly, "Professor Xiao, Team Yu? Is that you?"

Xiao Lou was stunned, "... Ye Qi?"

The boy's face has been blurred by the yellow sand, and his clothes are the same color as the sand, so he can't see the appearance at all, but the sound is Ye Qi. Just as Xiao Lou was about to take a step forward, Yu Hanjiang suddenly gently took Xiao Lou's hand.

Xiao Lou understood, stopped and asked vigilantly, "Why are you here?"

Ye Qi's voice was very frustrated, "I was killed by Liu Qiao."

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other, their expressions becoming more solemn.

Double Kings Secret Room.

Shao Qingge's face was ugly to the extreme.

Because he has an extra team contract out of thin air.

Because Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang died successively, he, who signed the third sign, became the new captain. He couldn't believe how strong people like Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang would suddenly die? !

Before he could think about it, Chu Huaying’s voice came from the headset, "Mr. Shao, call your teammates!"

Shao Qingge took a deep breath and put down Li Qingzhao's mark next to the vineyard.

Li Qingzhao's mark can be modified 5 times. This is the last time, and the card will be invalidated when it runs out.

Marks can only summon his teammates after 5 minutes. Shao Qingge used this time to sneak into the vineyard quickly, picking a lot of grapes and putting them in his backpack.

Five minutes passed quickly, and the teammates appeared one by one.

Everyone's complexion was very bad, and Lu Jiuchuan was even more violent, his clenched fists were full of bloodshot eyes, and he stared at Shao Qingge and asked, "What's the situation? How could Xiaolou and Hanjiang die?!"

Tang Ci shook his hand lightly and said in a low voice, "Brother Nine, calm down."

Lu Jiuchuan took a deep breath, resisted the urge to beat someone, and looked at Shao Qingge, "Mr. Shao, you will explain."

Shao Qingge frowned, "I don't know. We were acting in units at the time. Huaying and I were left and right. Xiao Lou took Liu Qiao and Ye Qi to the front." He looked around and suddenly stunned. "Ye Qi What?!"

Teammates, look at me, I look at you, and soon discovered that Ye Qi is not here.

Qu Wanyue trembled, "President Shao, you are the new captain, please read the contract. The name of Xiao Ye is still there!"

Shao Qingge opened the contract and took a look, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He usually smiles, and everyone has never seen his face look ugly like this. The transformation of the Insect King is not over yet, Shao Qingge's red eyes are as terrible as angry beasts. For a while, everyone is silent, looking at him nervously, for fear of hearing the worst result.

After a while, Shao Qingge closed his eyes, his expression pained, "Ye Qi is gone."

Everyone "..."

He opened his eyes and looked at Liu Qiao, his gaze sharp as a sword. "Xiao Liu, tell me, what happened?"

Liu Qiao’s face was as pale as paper, and her shoulders were trembling slightly. She resisted the choking and said in a low voice, “We went to the hospital to find medicine, but we walked into a mirror maze. There are mirrors on both sides of the maze, and there are a lot of things inside. Illusions of relatives. Ye Qi and I were drawn into a secret room full of mirrors. Professor Xiao told us how to get out. The result was..."

She paused, looked up at Shao Qingge, and said with red eyes, "I returned to the corridor and found Professor Xiao lying in a pool of blood, stabbed in the chest. There must be a hunter in the maze! I noticed something was wrong. , Hurriedly turned around and walked back to the mirrored secret room. I didn't see Ye Qi. I don't know if he also met the hunter."

When Lu Jiuchuan heard this, his brows frowned. "Xiao Lou has always been cautious. How did the hunter approach him and kill him in one shot? He was connected to me with a strong heart, but I didn't feel what he passed on just now. Red flag."

Tang Ci looked at Liu Qiao, then at Lu Jiuchuan, and calmly said, "Xiao Lou should have been killed by someone with a card similar to'one hit kills'. Otherwise, it would take a few seconds for the person to die. He could use the team resurrection card to give himself another life. Obviously, the change happened so suddenly that Xiao Lou did not have time to activate the resurrection card."

He paused, glanced over his teammates around him, and said, "It is certain that, first, the hunter who killed Xiaolou has a powerful card that can kill people instantly; second, that The hunter didn't know what method he used, and he approached him and killed him without noticing Xiaolou or unsuspecting him."

Unconsciously, unsuspectingly, the meanings of the two words are completely different.

Lu Jiuchuan quickly understood.

If it is "unaware", the opponent may have used a card like "invisibility" to approach Xiaolou. And if it is done in Xiao Lou's "unsuspecting" situation, the most likely thing is... the opponent pretends to be a teammate that Xiao Lou trusts very much.

Lu Jiuchuan suddenly turned his head to look at Liu Qiao, his eyes sharp. But Liu Qiao did not show any guilty conscience. She took a deep breath and met Lu Jiuchuan’s gaze. She took out a bottle of medicine from her pocket and said, “This is the streptomycin I found in the maze. The mirrored secret room where I was. Behind a mirror is the hospital pharmacy. I accidentally ran into the pharmacy and found this bottle of medicine. Later, I was also lost. It was Mr. Shao’s team who summoned me to take me out. If you don’t believe me, you can check again. Exploring."

The teammates looked at each other.

Liu Qiao paused, choked and said, "Professor Xiao has been assaulted, and I am also sad. I understand everyone’s feelings. If you doubt me, you can leave me alone in the desert, or kill me altogether and let me Find him in the nightmare room!"

Qu Wanyue looked at her trembling shoulders, her heart softened, and she whispered, "Xiaoqiao, how could we abandon you? It's just that Professor Xiao, Team Yu, and Ye Qi were assassinated one after another. It was difficult for everyone to accept. Can you We are of course very happy to survive, but if you survive, it is normal for everyone to be puzzled. Don't mind..."

Liu Qiao nodded, "I know, I don’t blame everyone, but I really don’t know what happened in the maze. This bottle of streptomycin, I don’t know if it’s true or not. Long Sen’s condition is getting worse and worse. Try to save him?"

Qu Wanyue looked at Shao Qingge and Brother Jiu with inquiring eyes.

Lu Jiuchuan frowned and remained silent.

Instead, Shao Qingge calmly said, "Let’s save Longsen first, we can’t have fewer people before half the time to pass the level. Although Xiao Lou and the others have been tricked, I believe they will definitely be able to come back from the nightmare room."

Lu Jiuchuan and Tang Ci looked at each other. The latter shook his head slightly. Lu Jiuchuan did not continue to target Liu Qiao, turned his head, and whispered, "The nightmare room of the twin kings is definitely more difficult than what we encountered at the beginning, hope They can survive."