MTL - Card-Chapter 41 1 hour in seconds

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The script for the second episode of Lei Zi's "Legend of the Master" has finally been completed, which means that Chen Mu must spend most of his time making card shadows every day.

Although I don't know how advanced the perception training method recorded in this mysterious card is, Chen Mu has clearly felt that his perception has been improving by leaps and bounds these days.

What is the history of this card? This has always been the biggest question in Chen Mu's mind. This magical sensory workout doesn't even have a name, it just says: Sensory Workout.

The biggest benefit brought by the improvement of perception is that he can make more magic cards every day. Now that his daily output has doubled, this is only the effect he achieved with the new sensory training method for a month. How can this not make him overjoyed?

With the encouragement of practical results, his training has become more and more attentive. Even while making kaying, he continued to train every day.

The second episode of "The Legend of the Master" sold very well, and Leizi raised the price again as the market was still in short supply. Apart from making card shadows, Chen Mu didn't put much thought into this matter, and almost didn't even bother to pay attention. All his thoughts are devoted to the training of perception.

Due to the improvement in perception, Chen Mu can make a one-star phantom card and shadow that meets the requirements without resorting to the structure of the chip. Together, the two decided to adopt the traditional card-making structure. Although the cost will increase, it is safer, and it will be troublesome to avoid being targeted.

In this perception training method, the first stage is to be able to spread the perception to five meters to be qualified, and Chen Mu can only achieve three meters now.

The first stage of training is not complicated, but it is a great test of people's will. For the training method at this stage, Chen Mu secretly gave it a name: extreme training method.

Every training session, if not to the limit, basically has no effect. It's a training that leaves no room for tricks.

Fundamentally, perception is a wonderful ability derived from the human spirit. Therefore, the result of such extreme exercise is that every time you finish training, your mind is full of heartache. The nerves are like a drum surface that has been pulled extremely thin, and there is a slight disturbance around it. In Chen Mu's mind, there is a loud noise like a roar.

In this case, don't say do anything else, that is, you can't even fall asleep. Just wait for it to recover slowly and naturally, this time, exactly one hour. For Chen Mu, it was like a **** of an hour. Apart from suffering, he never thought of any other way.

During this hour, Chen Mu basically counted the seconds.

Strange to say, the timing of the training sequelae is just as accurate as a watch. Chen Mu was also puzzled, but he was used to it. There are so many unexplainable things that this mysterious card has brought him. For example, in the twelve cards he made, it stands to reason that the eleven magic cards in it are just one-star magic cards, but why is this "simple water world" not just a virtual image?

Whenever he encounters an unexplainable problem, Chen Mu can only secretly keep it in his heart. He knew that it was just that his level of knowledge had not yet arrived.

Gently stretch his muscles and bones, he still insists on doing gymnastics every day, and good things require perseverance.

At this moment, Lei Zi came back. Seeing that Chen Mu was doing strange things, he had already seen it. Sitting on the sofa, he raised the thing in his hand and asked.

"Low-level Magic Card Club, Wood, are you interested?"

Chen Mu ignored him. Although this action is much more proficient than before, it is all based on one breath. As soon as he speaks, his anger will slacken, and he will be easily injured.

He was doing gymnastics with a straight face, without even looking at Lei Zi, let alone answering. Lei Zi didn't think he was too embarrassed. If Chen Mu opened his mouth to speak, he would probably be startled.

After finishing one set, Chen Mu was sweating slightly, but he was extremely comfortable. Taking the things in Lei Zi's hands, he looked at it and asked, "Low-level Magic Card Club? What are you doing?"

Lei Zi sat up straight and put away his jokes: "I have heard of this club. I think it is more useful to you. I saw that they were recruiting members on the street, so I handed you an application form."

"How?" Chen Mu asked curiously. Although Lei Zi is not a formal person on weekdays, he is extremely serious and cautious when it comes to major events. And in terms of social experience, Lei Zi is much stronger than himself. He thinks it is useful, and nine times out of ten it is really useful.

Lei Zi explained: "The history of the low-level magic card club is not long, only about five years. But it is very famous in the card shadow circle. The members they recruit are all good at making low-level magic cards, and there are many masters. Low-level fantasy cards are generally used in video cards and advertisements. As far as I know, some members of this club are relatively well-known fantasy card advertisers and video card makers. They communicate regularly, not only about them experience, and will also exchange information within an industry.”

He raised his head and glanced at Chen Mu, and seeing that he was listening carefully, he continued: "Although I am not familiar with card making, I still feel that I need to communicate more with others. This will greatly help your card making skills. ."

"Besides," Lei Zi added: "With your strength, it's easy to gain a firm foothold here. You will always have to live in the future, and this is also a way out. Multiple paths are not a bad thing."

Nodding his head, indicating that he agrees with Lei Zi's statement, Chen Mu asked, "How to join?"

"You just need to make a one-star phantom card, or you can just take your flaming dragon phantom card and send it. However, don't make it too conspicuous. It's not good to cause any trouble." Lei The child reminded Chen Mu.

"Oh, let's do it again."

As soon as he said it, Chen Mu immediately started. After a while, he completed a new one-star magic card. This magic card can release the illusion of a goldfish, which is extremely realistic and The flowing posture of the goldfish is vivid and full of spirituality. This phantom card deliberately did not use the structure of the chip, since the last time Lei Zi told him, Chen Mu paid special attention to this point.

Lei Zi helped Chen Mu fill out the application form and sent it along with the goldfish magic card.

Zuo Tingyi has been very busy lately. With such a big incident at the school this time, the requirements for the discipline department are much stricter. The old student who was killed, who had been hanging out with Aragorn all the time, suddenly died on the street, and everyone in Aragorn's gang was in danger. They used all their power to track down this matter, but they didn't make any progress.

In addition, the student who was killed has done too many bad things on weekdays, and there are countless enemies.

Fortunately, affected by this incident, the arrogant guys in the school all quieted down. Zuo Tingyi's attention can also be placed on Wang Ze and the others.

Wang Ze and the others have been out frequently recently, and Hong Tao is often drawn by them as a guide. Hong Tao is Kaxiu and is more familiar with the nearby terrain than Zuo Tingyi.

From Hong Tao's mouth, Zuo Tingyi could always easily find out where they went every time.

He also became more and more certain that his father's speculation was correct, they really did have a plot! On the map, the circle around Dongshang Acropolis is even covered by the red area. This red area is where Wang Ze and the others have been every time. These red areas almost completely surround the Dongshang Acropolis.

Wang Ze and the others almost explored the surrounding area of ​​Dongshang Acropolis.

What are they trying to do? Zuo Tingyi was full of doubts.