MTL - Card-Chapter 42 low level magic card club

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Chen Mu has been able to walk quite freely in the simple water world, and he has gradually adapted to this strange environment. Especially the water pressure. When he first went in, he felt that he was almost bursting by the terrifying water pressure.

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to reduce the frequency of breathing to one per minute. But Chen Mu did it. The advantage of using this kind of deep breathing is that it can greatly reduce the heart rate, which makes it easier to achieve deep meditation.

Chen Mu can now enter into deep stillness relatively quickly, and it only takes about two minutes each time.

Fortunately, this is just a "simple water world". If it is really underwater, don't talk about breathing, let's see if you can't die!

He didn't know how strong his perception was without being tested. He just knows that now he perceives that he can basically support him in making card shadows all day long without exhausting them.

However, he was still unable to radiate his perception to a range of five meters around him. The best he can do is 4.5 meters, the difference is 0.5 meters, and he can't spread his perception there. It seemed that as long as his perception stretched a little further, he would lose contact with him.

This shouldn't be a problem of perception strength. Chen Mu secretly speculated that the mysterious card didn't seem to have a record of this, so he had to explore it by himself.

Fortunately, there is no rush here. With his current perception, it is enough for him to do a lot of things. For example, learning some other cards, such as airflow cards, heating cards, fog cards, etc., which he never dared to think about before.

The classification of cards, whether in the Tianxiu Federation, or in Baiyuanfu and Mohadi Domain, is a headache. There are so many cards, it's hard to categorize them into categories.

The first thing Chen Mu learned was the heating card, which is one of the most commonly used cards. The heat cooker is a must-have item for every family, and its core is a simplified heating card. And in the card bag of the card repairs who often go to the wild, the heating card is also one of the must-have cards, which allows them to eat cooked food under any conditions without having to look for dead branches to make a fire. In addition, it is often used for heating in the cold winter.

The esoteric and difficult terms used to make cards in the past seem to be clear at a glance. Chen Mu was very quick to get started. In just two days, he had already made the first one-star heating card. On the third day, the one-star heating card he made was already perfect, and the energy usage rate was higher. So Chen Mu simply disassembled the heat cooker at home and replaced the one-star heating card made by himself. After a try, it was really easy to use, and even Lei Zi was amazed.

This also made Chen Mu immediately fascinated by the transformation of household items. The freezer card of the fresh food cabinet, the lighting card... Even the one-star airflow card that Chen Mu originally thought was useless was fully exploited. The airflow generated by the one-star airflow card is not strong, but it is suitable for blowing and cooling.

Whenever a card is used at home, Chen Mu will find the book on this aspect and do it himself. Since the thugs were well-off, Chen Mu bought a lot of books, and now his room is mostly materials and books. The basic knowledge learned from the mysterious card, especially its explanation of some principles, benefited Chen Mu a lot. These days, he is not in contact with magic cards, but in principle, there is no essential difference between them.

Being able to get started so quickly is all thanks to that mysterious card.

Dong Dong Dong, a knock on the door rang.

"Is Mr. Chen Mu at home? This is your letter, please sign for it."

Chen Mu was taken aback, this was the first time he had received anything other than a bill.

As soon as the envelope was opened, it was a blue-edged white card, about half the size of a palm, with an ivory-white texture, and it felt excellent to the touch.

Low-level magic card club membership card.

On the surface of the card, there were a few old-fashioned fonts, and it took Chen Mu a lot of effort to recognize it. In the upper right corner of the card, there is a slightly bright number, which shows the number "zero". In the lower left corner, a series of codes are inscribed.

"Don't look at it, it's not a high-end product." Lei Zi, who stuck his head out, couldn't help but groaned: "This membership card is worthless. No one picked it up on the street."

"Contribution degree? What is it for?" Chen Mu couldn't help asking, but he felt a little ashamed. He thought this card was quite valuable just now.

Lei Zi stretched lazily before saying: "This is the incentive system adopted by the club. Didn't you realize that the entry threshold for this club is very low? In order to filter out those who have real skills, they are more concerned about the club's affairs. If you are a person, you will have a contribution degree." Seeing Chen Mu still looking at him eagerly, Lei Zi shrugged and said irresponsibly, "Don't look at me, I know so much. You can come and see tomorrow. Can't you see it? Where can you ask me for this layman?"

Low-level magic card club.

This was the first time Chen Mu came here, so he couldn't help looking at the building carefully. To have a tall building in the center of Dongshang Acropolis is enough to demonstrate the strength of this club. What attracted Chen Mu's attention the most were those exquisite phantom card images floating on the outer wall of the building.

It was dizzying to With Chen Mu's eyes, he couldn't help but wonder. In terms of realism, even the advertisement I saw in the Shuanghuan card shop last time cannot be compared with these constantly changing illusions. Of course, this was not the first thought that flashed in Chen Mu's mind. His first thought was, how much is a magic card that can release such exquisite illusions?

It really is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden. He doesn't know who the creators of these illusion cards are, but the person who can make such realistic illusions is really a powerful person! Chen Mu thought to himself that with his current level, it would be difficult to do it.

Suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Chen Mu walked into the building.

As soon as he entered the building, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

It was dark in front of me, and in the darkness, I saw the stars in the sky slowly making movements that people couldn't understand, as if suddenly, I stepped into the starry sky of the universe. In it, there are endless voids in all directions, countless stars are like a sea, and the sense of solid ground under your feet has become so unreal at this time. All of this is extremely shocking! Chen Mu had never seen such a scene before, and his eyes suddenly revealed incomparable surprise.

"Welcome to the low-level magic card club." A soft female voice came from behind Chen Mu.

Chen Mu suddenly recovered from the shock, turned around and looked, a short-haired woman dressed in business clothes was standing behind him.

"This is the Star Evolution Magic Card. It is said to be the work of Master Chemo Xihe. He has a deep knowledge of the study of stars. Later, this magic card fell into the hands of the president, and the president decided to put it here. Everyone is taken aback the first time they come in." She covered her mouth and chuckled, full of charm.

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