MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 655 As soon as you enter, everyone will be watching

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   Chapter 655 As soon as you enter the venue, everyone will be watching

  Guangling Mountain, a four-color auspicious cloud flew out from the top of the mountain and traversed the sky

  Outside the mountain gate, in the dense forest, one after another, the scattered cultivators and the demon cultivators saw this four-colored auspicious cloud.

  Their respect is not made to be seen by others, but comes from the heart and cannot help it.

   These days, they listened to the scriptures here, and unknowingly developed a sense of reverence for Chu Chen, even the demon clan was no exception.

  Although not all the demon clan worshiped Chu Chen like Hu Dali, but many demon clan present who listened to the scriptures unknowingly regarded Chu Chen as a teacher of preaching and teaching, and they respected him.

   Outside this mountain gate, the human cultivators and the demons put aside their previous prejudices for the first time, and discussed each other like brothers and sisters.

   "The chief of the mountain has left. It seems that the lecturing ceremony is really coming to an end."

   "Teaching the scriptures for more than a month is already extremely difficult. For us, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a lifetime benefit."

"Not bad! Many people say that Master Ling Xiao is only 30 years old, and his knowledge of scriptures is not as good as that of other mountain chiefs. Haha, I have no eyes, but I think the master of scriptures is the highest. I also participated in the Fa conference, and my level is far worse than that of the master."

"Not bad! Master Ling Xiao has extremely high attainments in the "Sutra of Saving People", "Qing Jing Jing" and "Huang Ting Jing". Less, the turbid evil spirits in the body do not arise, and the cultivation base is easier than before."

   "Fellow Daoist! I feel the same way. I actually wanted to retreat to digest my feelings for a long time. I left, I left, Master Ling Xiao left, and I also went back to retreat."

   During the discussion, the monks and the demon clan outside the mountain gate were separated from each other.

   Before leaving, many people gave another disciple salute in the direction of the four-colored auspicious clouds, and then they resolutely escaped into the jungle and disappeared.

   In the sea of ​​clouds, Chu Chen took his eyes back from the increasingly small Guangling Mountain.

  Just now, he naturally saw the scene of a group of monks and demon monks salute him as a disciple, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

   He preached the scriptures and did not teach specific methods of practice, nor did he teach magical powers, but he actually explained the fundamentals of practice, and pointed directly to the true meaning of alchemy practice.

   These people already have the practice of the Dharma, and some sermons and teachings, not to mention making them fully enlightened, at least it can help them avoid detours and reduce the risk of going crazy.

  Chu Chen's own harvest is not small.

   He spent 150 cents to comprehend the annotations of the Taoist scriptures compiled by the three great supernatural powers, and he made rapid progress in the study of classics and alchemy.

   Of course, the biggest gain is the merits and the glow of the heart temple.

   In the past two weeks, he has held six lectures and dharma meetings in a row, and his merits have skyrocketed. His total merits have reached 780, and his enlightenment has also grown to 60 feet.

   "Little devil, what's wrong with your mouth, why are you putting on a yellow talisman?"

   On the way, Chu Chen couldn't help but be curious when he saw the little ghost boy wake up and crouch on his shoulder without speaking for a long time.

  Little Guizai waved his hand and started to kowtow again, but he didn't speak.

  Chu Chen understood in a second, and laughed dumbly.

   The little ghost boy finally admitted that he was a crow's mouth, and he didn't dare to speak at this moment.

   It took half a day for Chu Chen to reach Yunzhou City.

   Originally, it didn’t take that long, but when he encountered a large-scale cultivator fire on the road, he took a detour and spent a lot of effort.

  Speaking of which, this is the biggest difference between the Wasteland and Middle-earth.

   Middle-earth is basically unable to encounter such a scene where the major forces are fighting against each other. Even if there is, Xianting will intervene immediately.

After    arrived in Yunzhou, Chu Chen did not go straight to the state temple, but entered the city.

  Old Han knew that Tianjun was officially manifested recently, and knew that Chu Chen was coming to the state city in the past two days, so he contacted him in advance and asked him to go there early, and the two of them gathered for a while.

  Chu Chen happily invited.

   In fact, without Han Chen's invitation, he would also find time to visit his old boss.

   After being transferred to Yunzhou for more than a month, almost two months, one deputy governor of the state, and one chief of the county and provincial academy, all of whom hold important positions. In addition to practicing, they are busy with errands and have no chance to contact them.

   As soon as he confirmed his identity and entered the city, he flew over with a sound transmission.

   "Friend Chu Daoist."

  Chu Chen followed the sound and saw that it was Xuan Lingzi.

   Xuan Lingzi was ordered by Han Chen to come here specially to greet him. The two of them hadn't seen each other for more than a month, and they talked very happily.

   "Fellow Daoist Chu, I didn't expect you to have such profound attainments in Taoism and Classics. No wonder Xianting appoints you as the mountain leader."

   "Where where~"

  After some greetings, Xuan Lingzi's face was full of emotion, and his heart was sighed and bitter.

  In the beginning, he still wanted to compete with Chu Chen, and he made it a goal more than a month ago, thinking about catching up.

   And now, he has given up on this idea, and only thinks about cultivating to the fifth-rank realm before Chu Chen is promoted to the great supernatural cultivator. In this way, he is considered to be in the same period as Chu Chen again.

   Not long after, he arrived at the mansion where Han Chen settled down.

  Han Chen warmly entertained Chu Chen with a sumptuous banquet and kept him overnight.

   On the second day, Chu Chen and Han Chen left Yunzhou City together and rushed to the state academy dozens of miles away.

  Chu Chen was going to attend the Celebration of the Heavenly Monarch, while Han Chen was attending the ceremony on behalf of the Department of Ghosts and Gods of Yunzhou.

   Today's Yunzhou Taoist Temple is extremely lively.

  Because Yunzhou is in the middle of the eight states in the southwest, if there is any event, Xianting will be placed in Yunzhou, and this time Zhu Tianjun is no exception.

  Since yesterday, the mountain leaders of the eight counties and Taoist temples in the southwest have come to Yunzhou Taoist temple.

   After Chu Chen and Han Chen arrived, they were immediately led by the Taoist temple guards and horses, leading them to a tall and spacious Taoist temple.

   However, spaciousness is relative.

  The hall that used to be empty in the past is very crowded today.

  The palace is criss-crossed, filled with seats and viewing platforms.

   Of course, more are people.

  Chu Chen and the others didn't come too late, but the others came early. When they came, almost all the chiefs of the county and Taoist institutes came, and they sat down one by one and talked with each other.

   Seeing Chu Chen's arrival, the chiefs of the county and Taoist academies all looked sideways, with curious expressions on their faces.

   "Come on, Fellow Daoist Chu of Wanquan Taoist Academy is here."

   "This is the head of Wanquan Daoyuan? Last time he asked for scriptures, he seemed to have obtained the second grade of the last class. I don't know how he got such a great reputation."

   "Oh, I can't say that. If you can be a mountain leader, you must have two brushes!"

   For a while, there were constant discussions in the hall.

   Although these remarks were transmitted by divine sense, they did not cover up anything. As long as the divine sense was a little bit, it could be heard clearly.

  Han Chen listened to everyone's discussion, smiled and transmitted the sound to Chu Chen, saying:

   "Ling Xiao, you are really the focus of attention, and it is the focus of everyone's discussion."

   (end of this chapter)