MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 656 Xianting awards, please God!

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   Chapter 656 Xianting Award, please God!

   In the face of Han Chen's jokes, Chu Chen shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

   However, he is also calm, and there is no wave in his heart.

   stands out from the crowd, and it is inevitable to cause controversy.

   The last time he came to the state city to participate in the Mountain Master Conference, because he was less than 30 years old with a fifth-grade Taoist cultivation base, he attracted everyone's attention, and there were constant discussions.

   However, because there was no conflict of interest that time, he didn't offend anyone, everyone just marveled at his young age, but couldn't say anything.

   After all, questioning Chu Chen's young age and being unbearable to take charge of the mountain is not questioning Chu Chen, but questioning Xianting's decision. No one is that stupid, and no one talks nonsense in public.

   And this time, as the storm of preaching and teaching swept across the eight states in the southwest, as the first "initiator" to roll up, Chu Chen was very famous in Bianhuangzhou County.

   Since many "tap water" loose cultivators and demon clans have made him famous and praised him, it naturally attracted great controversy.

  Whether the scriptures are good or not is actually a very subjective thing, and it all depends on the individual.

   After listening to the sutra lectures, some people realize that they will naturally admire the sutra lecturers, and they will be cited as masters with great respect.

   And some people, after listening to it for a long time, didn't understand anything, and their heads were muddy. Afterwards, they must have thought that the lecturer was a sloppy person and sneered at it.

   is like reading a book, some people like it, some people don't like it, this is a common thing.

   There is no person or thing that can be recognized by everyone.

   And now, Chu Chen is famous, and he has no endorsement from major schools, and he does not have the supreme five-grade Taoist supernatural power of Master Tongda. He is young and proud of the spring breeze. Naturally, it is easy to cause doubts and even controversy.

   After taking his seat, seeing that no one of the mountain chiefs and colleagues on the side were talking to him, and deliberately kept a distance from him, Chu Chen looked melancholy, and his divine sense transmitted to Han Chen on the viewing platform, saying:

   "Old Han, there's nothing I can do about it. Who made me too young, alas, I wish I was older, so as not to be out of tune with the world around me."

  Han Chen: "."

   Good guy, let you install it.

   "You kid, you're good at raising one's qi, so I'm still in the mood to laugh at myself."

  Han Chen saw the seemingly non-existent smile on Chu Chen's face, and also knew that the self-bragging just now was Chu Chen's ridicule, and immediately followed with a smile and said:

   "Many people in the cultivation world say that you spend money to hire people and deliberately make a name for yourself. They say that your name is not worthy of the truth. Today, the emperor's appearance will be revealed, which is shameful."

  Chu Chen smiled and asked casually:

   "Old Han, what do you think?"

   "I understand that your knowledge of the classics is quite good. You should belong to the middle class among mountain chiefs, so you won't be unworthy of your name, but your reputation is indeed too great, you really can't"

Han Chen on the viewing platform glanced at Chu Chen, looked up and down, and his face was strange: "I heard that the Pearl of the Dragon's family has also come to Yunzhou with you, and the business of the Diyuan Chamber of Commerce under the name has been extremely hot recently. not."

  Han Chen said nothing, but said nothing.

  Chu Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, good guy, his old friend Han Chen suspected that Qing Ying helped him to promote it.

   Right now, as one of the owners of the Diyuan Chamber of Commerce, he knows Qingying and the Diyuan Chamber of Commerce very well. Even though the business is booming, he doesn't actually have much spare money, so how can he ask the navy to make a name for himself.

   On the contrary, it was someone from other places who was promoting and building momentum, stepping on one to hold one, and secretly berating his knowledge of the classics.

   However, Chu Chen was not surprised by the doubts of outsiders.

   Different people will get different feedback after listening to the sermons.

Daoists like Han Chen, as well as fellow Daoists of the fifth and sixth grades, can understand the sutras given by the chief of the county and Daoyuan. His evaluation of the quality of the lectures depends entirely on who speaks more deeply. , more thorough.

   For the majority of loose cultivators and demon clans, listening to people lecturing the scriptures is not about who speaks profoundly, but who can speak from the simple to the deep, so that they can be greatly enlightened.

   This is the question between Taoism and the needs of the Taoist audience.

   No matter how advanced he speaks, it is useless if people don’t understand it.

In just one month, Chu Chen gained a great reputation. It is not that he has more and more profound knowledge of Daoist scriptures than other Daoyuan mountain leaders, but that he has the supernatural power of [Hearts and Gods], which enables the majority of loose cultivators to understand the meaning of the scriptures. , benefiting many people.

   While everyone was discussing, Mr. Mingjing, the celestial master who was in charge of every day, came in a hurry with the chiefs of the state and Taoist temples.

   Layman Qingzhu and Daoist Chonglou needless to say, as the head of the state and Taoist temple, he will not be absent this time, and he will follow Mr. Mingjing.

   However, to Chu Chen's surprise, it wasn't the governors of the county and Taoist academy who followed Mr. Mingjing to the left and right, but someone else.

   And, those two have a close relationship with him.

   One is the Daoist Chonglou, Han Chen's master Yulou Zhenren, and the other is the master of their Guigu lineage who teaches Yuxuzi.

  Shenzhen Yulou and Yuxuzi looked at Chu Chen for the first time and nodded.

  Chu Chen and Han Chen hurriedly bowed their hands.

When Mr.   Mr. Mingjing came in, he also glanced at Chu Chen, but he didn't say much. Instead, he said to a group of county and Taoist academies in the hall:

   "Fellow Daoists, you have been teaching scriptures and teachings this month. It has been very effective in educating one side. I am very relieved."

  Mr. Mingjing gave a speech at the meeting, fully affirming the achievements of Chu Chen and other prefectures and Taoist academies in preaching scriptures and promoting Taoism this month, and did not hesitate to praise them.

  The most important thing is that Mr. Jingjing doesn't like to draw big cakes, and he will not only praise but not give practical benefits.

   After the praise, Mr. Mingjing threw out a generous reward, rewarding the chiefs of the county and Taoist temples, and encouraging them to make persistent efforts to serve the talents of Xianting and educate one side.

  Mr. Der Spiegel has always liked to play lottery, and this time was no exception.

  The chiefs of the counties and mountains of the eight states in the southwest, each gave ten tributes.

   It looks like the reward is not huge, but it is not.

   This is the basic reward, every Taoist head can get it.

  If anyone can be favored by Zhu Tianjun, he will give them golden light of merit, and there will be additional rewards.

  For every golden light of merit, Xianting will give ten extra tributes.

   I have to say, this reward is quite generous.

  The chiefs of the prefectures and the Taoist academies are basically not arrogant. The Taoist methods are profound, and the classics and studies are extraordinary. Since Zhu Tianjun has been inspired this time, I am afraid that most of them will be rewarded with merit and golden light.

After the announcement of the   Xianting Award, Mr. Mingjing, Zhenren Yulou, and Yuxuzi sat upright, and the chiefs of each Taoist institute held fasting rituals in an orderly manner.

   The noisy discussions in the entire hall disappeared without a trace, appearing solemn and solemn.

"The great favor of the great sage, Daluo is in the sky, in charge of the world, does not believe in the law, fights the life and death of evil witches, protects the road, the shaggy head and iron-faced general Zhu Marshal, his eyes are like the sun and the moon, the black face is powerful and powerful, I now Set up an altar to recite the holy name, and let the edict fly down the altar court, help me to prosper the Dao and teach me to obey the Jade Emperor's edict, and come quickly, as hastily as the law!"

   An altar is set up, incense is offered, and drums are played. The whole process is accompanied by mantras and chanting sutras.

Not long after, inside the main hall, a black-faced, red-haired, eight-foot-four-inch tall figure with a soap robe and gold armor, an iron rod in his right hand, an iron rope in his left hand, a soul-chasing bag on his back, and a great **** straddling a black tiger slowly emerged. The golden light was bright and majestic. vast!

   This is, impressively, Zhu Tianjun, the unbeliever in charge of the world.

   Seeing the appearance of the Heavenly Monarch, the chiefs of the county and Taoist academies in the hall were inexplicably excited, as if the students of the academy and the disciples of the Taoist academy were uneasy when faced with the assessment.

  Chu Chen is also unavoidable, the golden light of merit is a good thing, the more the better.

   (end of this chapter)