MTL - CEO Above, Me Below-Chapter 1102 My palace is more crazy than you!

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Chapter 1102, my palace is more crazy than you!


Did he clearly know that Enid could not tell him?

Ever since she entered the manor, she has never seen Enid once, even if she can't see it, the news should be heard when Gongao sent someone to check it.

Did Inid ran again like it had been for decades?

No, if Enid is still there, she will see George in the same way as she loves George. She cares about George's status and fame.

"You lied! You are lying!" George suddenly yelled at her excitedly. "She can't hate me. She hates me and I won't look at me like that!"

At the time? Which was then?

Is it time to say a hundred years of cooperation? Did he see love in the eyes of Enid?

"Is there something wrong with Enid?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

There must be something wrong, otherwise Enid will not let George do this.

"You are lying! You must be lying!" George yelled at her and turned a deaf ear to her question.

"What the **** is going on? Where is Inid?"

"You lie! She can't hate me. For years, she can't hate me, no, she won't! She won't betray me!" George was out of control and forced his gun at her. On the forehead, "said, what have you cooperated with? What have you worked with?"

When Xiao Nian’s head was so painful because of the smashing, this is even more so that she almost fainted.

She held her will on the wall, and the blood oozes from the forehead's wound. When she whispers, she moves her pale lips. "She's feelings for you have been diluted by time. She is facing her disfigured face all the year round. Resentful, she hates your wife, hates you for not understanding her feelings and abusing your child's bit."

"Say! Go on! What have you cooperated with!"

George shouted excitedly.


Miyao, she can't hold it anymore, really can't hold it anymore.

When Xiao Nian closed his eyes, he continued, "She needs a chance to come back to you, she needs to support her son, and she needs to have the power to support her not to continue to be tortured by your wife. Gongao has become this power." The 100-year cooperation plan has become this opportunity."

She continues to lie and do all her power to drag the time.

George seems to be hard to accept this thing, his eyes almost licking her, and breathing is aggravating. "That's her back to me! She is still coming back to me!"

"But she didn't come back because she loved you." Shi Xiaonian stared at him. "She hasn't loved you for a long time. I am also strange. She didn't help us to let you do this. She didn't have How can Miyao’s support have the power to fight your wife.”

George yelled at her, "The palace has always regarded me as a deadly enemy. Are you still forcing her to kill me and let Bit sit in my place?"


When Xiao Nian squatted, she never thought about making it so embarrassing.

Her sly look is the default in George's eyes, I did not believe he can guess.

George stood in front of her, and the whole person seemed to suddenly lose strength. The hand with the gun slowly lowered down, looked down at the ground, looked at the soul, and muttered to himself. "She also agreed? She also agreed. ?"


When Xiao Nian moved to the side, he moved to the position and looked at the clock on the wall.

Miyao, are you still not here?

What is the place here, so hard to find.

George took the gun and stepped back. The remote control fell from his hand and said to himself unbelievably. "She agreed to kill me. She really hated me for abusing the bit. I just wanted her to appear. I just wanted her." Appeared... It doesn't matter, she can kill me, I can make her harm, I can make her harm..."

When Xiao Nian frowned, how did this person start talking nonsense?

She looked at the remote control on the ground, and then looked at George's abnormal retreat. She dragged her weak body and walked forward, bending over to shake the remote control.

She wants to see real-time images, she wants to see if her family is still safe.

It hurts.

The pain spread in the body of Xiao Nian, and she resisted it. When the hand had not touched the remote control, the person was pushed away and fell heavily on the ground.

I don't know when George stood in front of her again, the blue eyes glared at her, and the lips were filled with crazy smiles. "Don't think about living! Go to this step, don't think about living!"


George ignored her, bent over and picked up the remote control in her hand and shook her. "Do you see this red button? One press, your children won't stay."

"Don't!" When Xiao Nian saw it, he would rush over. George took a step back and smiled extremely cruelly and madly. "Don't live, let me go with fun! All! You all!"

George's thumb slowly pressed toward the red button.

"Do not"

When Xiao Nian fell to the ground, he shouted out.

"George! Dare to look at the window!"

The sound of Gong Ou Zhang’s madness came.

George turned his hand with a remote control.

When Xiaoyan was exhausted and lying on the cold floor, her heart almost jumped out. She turned her face and saw George walking in a certain direction. The voice of Gong Ou continued to come. "Don’t dare come out? Don’t come to see you. Who are you most want to see now?"

George stood there and did not move.

"She is already fine, she is normal!"

The sound of Miyako was accompanied by the spiral sound of the helicopter.

What is normal?

When Xiaonian was inexplicable, he saw George standing alone in the middle of the hall. In an empty place, his figure was very lonely. He sneered. "Want to lie to me? No use, no one can live away from my estate today. !"

"I am not dead."

A cold teenager voice suddenly came.

Xi Weibit?

When Xiao Nian stopped, he was not in China, how could he suddenly appear his voice, she looked at George, George's eyes flashed, "Who are you? Who are you?"

Except for her and the bodyguards present, no one could hear him, but he stubbornly asked it over and over again.

He is really out of order.

"I am not dead in Lancaster." The voice of the teenager continued to sound, and every other corner of the Lancaster Manor was shouted.

When I was missing, Emei, this is what I want to do, why did I pull in Xixi, he has been born again, isn’t it?

"Not dead." George stayed, and the man stepped back. "No death, this child is not dead, no, impossible! False, this is a trap, this is a trap! Gong Ou, you can't think about it! This is mine. No one wants to jump out!"

He is still talking to himself and is excited.

"Don't you come out? Don't you look at your woman's normal appearance? Your son is alive, she is also good." Gong Ou's tone is full of provocations, no need to be afraid of the panic.

Is Enid now not normal?

When I was young, I was very confused.

"Trap! This is a trap! All dead! All are dead!" George whispered a horrible word about the curse, his eyes drifting, his hand delayed the remote control.

When Xiao Nian looked at him with fear, he was afraid that he would accidentally press it.

"When the bit fell, it was actually not dead. It was designed by us to swindle." When Xiaoxiao read out, "You should go and see, you don't believe what I said, you go to find Enid to confirm. Enough?"

"Okay? Really good?" George stood there, like a lonely dancer in the empty hall, his head moving around uncomfortably, saying that he was upside down, "She hates me, she wants to kill me, this It’s a trap, she’s fine, her son is alive, she’s alright...”

George this state...

"I will give you a few seconds. After ten seconds, I will blow up the whole manor! The old man, my palace is more crazy than you!" Miyao is still shouting, desperately stimulating George, when he looks at George like this. Really afraid that he is shaking hands.

Suddenly, George pointed the gun at her. "You, get up! Come on!"

When Xiao Nian listened, he had to stand up hard from the ground. George pointed her at the gun. "Give me forward, hurry!"


When Xiao Nian could only walk obediently, use the bodyguard to press the switch on the wall, and an upward staircase appeared in front of her. George shouted, "Go up!"

No wonder Gongao could not find her, Lancaster’s manor was too big, she was arrested in the underground villa, and naturally could not be found.

George let her go up, it shows that he went to the palace of Europe.

"Ten, nine!"

Miyako began to count down.

When Xiao Nian held the wall in one hand and lifted his leg up, the stairs were long and long, and they looked like they had no end. She walked very tired.

The reciprocal of Gong Ou was slow and the tone was so violent, but the little thoughts still heard a fear.

Palace Europe is still afraid.

George did not hear the countdown sound of Gong Ou's deliberate slowing down, and still wanted her to go up. When Xiao Nian stepped on the top step, he couldn't move any more.

Too tired, too painful.

Seeing her like this, George ordered the bodyguard to drag her forward, when Xiao Nian was dragged to a window, his face pressed on the cold glass.

"Now pull the curtains away!"

George ordered that he stood far away.

When the curtains are opened, the people of Miyako can aim at them. He will not be stupid enough to expose himself to the sniper's muzzle.

The two bodyguards pulled the thick gray curtains to the side, and the glare of the sun shone in. When the little thoughts were stabbed and the eyes hurt, she closed her eyes and opened them again, slowly adapting to the glare.

She looked out the window, her eyes wide open and looked incredulously ahead.

I saw that Enid, who was wearing an old robes, stood outside, and a big hat covered her face. The brim was blown up and down by the wind, revealing half of the scarred face.

When Xiao Nian was shocked, George was still stunned, staring out the window, moving forward, and listening to a bodyguard shouting, "Sir, look over there!"

George looked in the direction he pointed, only to see the window behind the diagonal did not pull the curtains, and there was an Enid standing outside the window, she stood there, the figure was weak, the slender hands gathered around the hat slowly He raised his face...

"Take me all the curtains! Pull it on! Hurry! Hurry up! Otherwise I will kill you!"

George shouted and shouted.