MTL - CEO Above, Me Below-Chapter 1114 Walking expression pack

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Chapter 1114 Walking Expression Pack

Miyao squatted down on the ground and broke her daughter into her arms. "Whoever compares me?"

"Yes, yes!" Miyako nodded desperately. "You'd be the best, it's best for me and holy, never hit us!"

So don't hit the kids.

Miyako certainly knows the daughter's mind, and he turns to look at the palace that stands still.

Four eyes are opposite.

Miyagaki stood there, and a pair of small hands slowly turned back behind him.

Gongou stared at him and didn't talk.

In the end, Miyazaki was still young, and she did not do anything wrong, but she was so stared that she soon had some lack of confidence and looked down at the little robot on the ground.

"Oh." Gongou laughed, and the tone was high. "So, don't pretend to have an old attitude with me."

Wen Yan, Gong Yi immediately raised his head, a pair of eyes like the darkness of the palace Europe, seriously said, "I will work hard, my future will exceed you."

How is this honey special to face Dad, it is really worrying.

Miyako was eager to rush to the palace and told him not to say anything more.

Besides, I will be spanked.

“Oh?” Miyazu picked up her eyebrows. “Do you want to overtake me?”

"I can."

Gong Yi’s attitude is absolutely serious.

It is not a question that I don't want to want, but he can do it absolutely.

"This is how you feel about seeing these things?" Gong Ou asked, when Xiao Nian thought that he would let the children see what they got, not to be moved, but to fight.

Comrade from the son.

"I will become the pride of the palace." The small figure of Miyazaki stands in the alley, the voice is tender and tender, but the tone is firm.

Miyag Ou, staring at her son, did not speak, and her eyes were sharp.

"Do you think I can't?" Miyazaki asked again.


Palace Europe is silent.

Miyako looks at the palace, and looks at Miyau, and is anxious. I am afraid that Miyazaki will start to beat people, reach out and hug his arm, and put a big kiss on the front. "mua... Dad you. Don't care about him, he will be very powerful in the future and certainly not your handsome, my mother still loves you the most!"

This is the most comfortable place in my heart.

"Okay, I am going to find your mother." Gong Ou patted her daughter's small head and stood up and walked forward.

After two steps, Gong Ou turned back and looked down at the two children. His eyes fell on a small face of the palace, and he pointed his finger at him. "You will become a palace pride in the future. Nothing is unusual. Because the work of my palace is always perfect."

After that, Gong Ou turned and left.

The sun shines and casts a long shadow on the ground.

The two children stood side by side and leaned back to the neck. The back of Gong Ou's back was very tall, like a standing mountain, always blocking all the wind and rain.

For a long time.

Miyako touched his chin's chin and looked serious. "Dad is really good, but I don't understand."


Miyazaki looked at his sister silently.

Gongou Dabu took the alley and looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him. He put his hands in the pockets and leaned against the wall. The lips twitched a **** arc and raised his voice. "Okay, when you miss, don't hide." I have seen your boring surprises, and I will reluctantly accept them as a permanent souvenir of ne and put them in the Science Museum for people to watch."

At that time, everyone will know that Xiao Nian has drawn a long history of development for him.

At that time, everyone will know how much love for him at this time.

The words fall, the wind passes, the leaves shake, and the flowers overflow.

Then, it was a quiet.

Miyao looked around and changed his hands to arms. "When you read, you should come out, don't give me any surprises, you will recover soon, you can't be tired of knowing?"

This time, even the wind did not answer him.

In addition to being quiet or quiet.

Miyako’s eyes moved and looked around. “When you read, I don’t need any surprises, you are the most...”

"Dad, why are you standing here and calling your mother?"

Miyako took the hand of the palace and took it out again, looking at him inexplicably.


In the eyes of Miyashiro, there was a glimpse of it.

Seeing that Miyao did not speak, Miyazaki had always crossed his eyes in the eyes of Laocheng, and turned to his sister. "He thought that the little robot was a surprise for his mother."

Adults are really passionate about themselves.

"Oh, you made a mistake, it is the mother who wants to play. I am afraid that we are bored before we give us the little robots." Gong Kui immediately waved his hand and said that his face was innocent.

Miyagou’s handsome posture leaning against the wall gradually broke down. “What are you talking about?”

His face was blue and green, and changed again.

"Oh!" Gongkui realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly covered his mouth with a small hand. "Well, my mother said that she can't say that she went to play early to avoid the sticky father."

Going to play?

Did you run early in the morning to avoid him or to stick to him?

Therefore, the people on the entire cruise ship have been smashed. Therefore, it is a waste of his small robots in one place. Is it just for people to buy children?

"Time - small - read!"

Gong Ou's handsome shape completely collapsed, biting his teeth and screaming out, turning and leaving.

"Ha ha ha." Seeing Gong Ouyi, Miyako immediately laughed. "Mom told us to wait here to see the rich expression of dad."

Dad was moved first in the alley, then happy, then smug, and then mad at it... it was so fun.

All are subject to mom.

Dad really looks like an emoticon.

Miyazaki looked back at the robot on the ground. If thought, the little lips bent and with a trace of pride. "Mother is not his work, he can't be self-righteous."

He can't compare with his father now, and naturally he is better than his father.

Miyako looked at him suspiciously. "What are you talking about, what works, I don't understand."

Even if the adults are difficult to understand, it is so difficult to understand.

so annoying!

Miyagaki shook his head and was in a good mood. He asked, "What do you think is the father and mother?"

"It's all amazing." Gong Kui immediately said, "Of course, dad is a bit more powerful, he is so fierce, so we have to shoot his flattering, you don't want to hit him in the future, it is really good for my sister to worry about." ”

Upon arresting the opportunity, Gong Kui would consider himself a sister.

Miyazaki looked at Miyako's face innocently, sighed sighingly, lifted his foot and walked forward, his hands behind his back, childish and childish. "You are also an accident in his perfect work."

He didn't understand it before. He now understands that the most powerful thing in the family is always a small thought.

"..." Gong Kui stood in the ground and grabbed the hair. "Hello, are you yelling at me? Or are you boasting me?"

It’s hard to understand.

Forget it, she is still playing with the small machine people.


A place full of flowers, when Xiao Nian teaches everyone to practice painting, the painting is the Fengde in the distance.

Feng De is teaching Su Yao Yao painting oil painting.

Picture in picture.

The picture is very warm.

"Here is a little deeper, the edge is not so sharp." Shi Xiao Nian directed a little maid to say, then turned and picked up a tablet.

The above is the picture of the surveillance, in which the palace is rushing out of the alley.

Yeah, the fire is not small.

When she was swearing, she asked him to taste the taste of being spoiled and sullen, to see if he would not make her karma next time, but also to be famous for what she was making. Romantic surprise.

Now he is also pleasantly surprised!

"Don't you leave, Xiao Nian?" Feng De said that when he came over, he smiled and said, "With the skill of the young master, it will not be more than ten minutes from the instant image."

makes sense.

When the little thoughts nodded, "I am leaving, you continue to paint, I go shopping."

"When are you going to let him find it?" asked Feng De.

"Look at my mood, it's so beautiful here, enough for me to watch the day."

"Don't be too much, although everyone is very eager to process capital, and understand that the intensity of your speech is very large in the palace, but if the young master is completely provoked, everyone can only get paid outside the palace." Remind.

When Xiao Nian was tempted by the conditions of processing capital, everyone was left cold.

This is a romantic prank. If you don't play well, the cruise will be blown up.

"Know it, rest assured, I have a measure." Xiao Nian said with a smile, holding the tablet and turning away, walking along the winding stone steps.

The stone steps are surrounded by colorful flowers and plants, which grow vigorously in the sun and are beautiful.

When Xiaonian took a tablet computer, he would pat the flowers and plants, and then check the monitor to see where Gongao found it now.

The speed of Gong Ou is really fast, only a few minutes, he found the place she just painted.

It doesn't matter, in this place, Miyako will see an abstract sketch.

He would think that she painted him and then moved for a while.

Then someone will tell him that she is painting the palace.

Then he will blow up.

When I think of the way the palace is violent, I will be happy when I see him. After watching him, I dare not dare to make her a karma. In the past few days, she has no one to talk to him except his palace.

For today's counterattack, how much effort she used to buy people's hearts, and finally found their own karma.

When I read the flowers, I sat on the stone steps and watched the tablet.

Sure enough, Gong Ou saw the sketch, and the anger was just replaced by shock. He obviously liked it, but he pretended to be a careless person.

"Don't be bored, don't touch my sketch."

When Xiao Nian said to the tablet.

Miyako is really resistant to her paintings. She sees that he is crying to the little robots who have drawn a history of development...

There was a tear in his eyes that flashed.

When I think of this, the smile on my face can't help but deepen, and the fullness is sweet.

In fact, as long as he said, she can draw countless sketches for him, as long as he likes, she can paint for a lifetime.

When Xiao Nian thought sweetly, she shook her head hard and let herself wake up.

What happened, today is her counterattack, actually thinking about how to make Miyao surprise and happy.