MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 52 Xuanfei Province Pro

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Princess Xuan has been in the palace for more than five years. Although she has no children under her knees, she still has grace. She used the queen's childbirth and Li Fei's violent violence to cause sadness in the palace atmosphere. She made an excuse and asked the queen and queen mother to allow her to go home and stay for a few days.

After the concubine has entered the palace for three years, she can be allowed to return to the province once a year and leave each day for 7 days.

Prime Minister's Mansion is located on Haixi Street, southwest of the capital. There are two stone lions at the door, magnificent. The tall red lacquered door is inlaid with copper-colored door nails, and the arrangement is "five by five."

Prime Minister's Palace, the first half is a magnificent mansion, the second half is a deep and beautiful classical garden, with a total area of ​​nearly 60,000 square meters.

Its mansion is solemn and solemn, Shang Pu goes to China, Ming Gallery is open to the ridge, and the magnificent space is second only to the palace where the emperor lived. The garden behind the palace is surrounded by mountains and waters, with ancient trees towering, curved corridors and pavilions, and rich natural beauty.

A nursery rhyme has been circulating in the capital, "The capital has a prime minister's palace, a splendid royal palace, and once entered the prime minister's palace, there is no worry about eating fragrant and spicy, Jinyiyushi a lifetime!"

In the capital, no matter whether it is a noble official, a literati or a common people's house, all of them have broken their heads and changed their methods to go to the Prime Minister's House and find a job, even if they are sweeping the door of the Prime Minister's House.

In the capital, walking on the street, as long as the maid sign of the Prime Minister's House is on the body, it is enough to make people stand upright, walk wildly, and buy things on credit, just go to the Prime Minister's House at the end of the month and find a housekeeper. I want money back.

The housekeeper in the middle of the house heard that the lady wanted to go back to the province and kissed her. He ordered 20 male servants to divide into two rows, stood upright and stood upright, waiting for the concubine of Princess Xuan.

The street people also heard that the maiden was coming, and they came to make fun of it. When they saw the maiden's face, they also brought their own daughter to touch the blessing of the maiden. Maybe in the future, they can become a phoenix and become a phoenix.

A red eight-person dajiao slowly moved towards the Prime Minister's Mansion. Xuanfei's dowry, the girl-in-law, was standing on the right side of the sedan. At the door of Xiangfu, Xuan Fei got off the sedan chair with the support of Hongye. She was wearing a red and gold skirt and mop up. She combed a flying magpie and embedded a ruby ​​with gold and silk. Shake the decoration, which is especially beautiful and elegant.

Concubine Xuan, who is watching the bustling people at the door, is no stranger. Since childhood, she has been the focus of everyone's eyes, respected, loved and admired.

Immediately after entering the house, she couldn't wait to walk towards the study. She hadn't seen her father for months, and she missed it. Just when I arrived at the entrance of the study room, I felt something strange. The door was closed, but the voice of a strange man came from the room. The accent was not from Mu Youguo. She hid quietly, holding her breath and listening.

"Prime Minister Ji, I don't know how you would like our suggestions?"

"The two distinguished guests, who have traveled thousands of miles, do have sincerity. Ji Mo, He De and He can receive the love of the two distinguished guests ..."

"Okay, you don't have to say more. In a word, do you agree or not?" Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another man. He heard that he was a little impatient.

"This ... this matter is of great importance. Rong Jimou considers it, can you?" Ji Bo paused, and said, "Recently something has happened in the palace. The emperor summoned Qin, please give Ji a ten days. Considering the time, ten days later, Ji Mouding came to answer! "

"Yes. Ten days, ten days, only hope that after ten days, Prime Minister Ji will give a satisfactory answer."

"Haha ..." Ji Bo smiled and played a maze.

"We don't even bother you, goodbye!"

"Jim gave the housekeeper two."

"No need, trouble. As long as Prime Minister Ji remembers ten days later!"

"After ten days, Ji will come to visit."

Hearing the movement in the room, Princess Xuan flashed her brain. After hiding at the pillars, she saw two middle-aged strange men walking from the study, and her father warmly welcomed the guests.

The costumes on them are very different from those of Mu Youguo. The hair is wrapped in a long white cloth, the outer cover is a corduroy collar gown, and the waist is long. There is an embroidered belt on the waist, a heavy hem and streamers around the waist, light-colored twisted crotch wide-leg pants, and leather-soled sandals.

After they walked away, Princess Xuan entered the study room casually, and said, "Daddy! Xuan Er came back rare, why didn't you come to pick me up?"

"Haha, Xuaner, miss Dad. Send someone to tell you, Dad will find you." The daughter appeared in the study without warning, scaring him to cover it.

A box full of gold is placed on the left side of the desk. From the size of the box, there are at least a thousand.

"Xuaner, didn't you miss your dad? You came here by yourself!" Still staggering, she entered the study, and watched it intentionally or unintentionally, and her father closed the box in a hurry.

From the style and workmanship of the box, we can conclude that this box is definitely not from Mu You. It must have been sent by the two men just now.

"Haha, Dad's good daughter!" The act of the found daughter said deliberately, "Your mother is in the backyard, your brother, go and see them with your dad! Your mother was still thinking about it yesterday, what are you Time to come back! "

"Okay." Knowing that Dad had intentionally let himself leave the study, he didn't even mention the box of gold, and he became more and more puzzled. The mysterious thing, why did people from other countries suddenly appear in the Prime Minister's Mansion and gave a generous gift! What is it supposed to be? !!

"Dad, that ..."

"Okay, don't drag on, don't let your mother wait." It was urged again to stop her from talking!

The garden behind the mansion is surrounded by water, mountains, ancient trees, pavilions, and natural beauty. The landscape changes during this period, and it opens and closes.

Mrs. Ji was playing with her only son. Nearly forty years of age, it is very well maintained and looks like he is in his early thirties.

"Butterfly! Butterfly! Mother, mother! Look, the baby caught the butterfly!" Ji Xiao's only son was a idiot.

Ji Bo doesn't have many wives. He has two wives and two wives. He had four children in total, two men and two women, and one man and one woman died early in life. Only those who survive to adulthood are Ji Ruoxuan and Ji Xiao.

Unexpectedly, when Ji Xiao was ten years old, he became seriously ill. He was in a coma for five days and five nights. Ji Bo invited the old lady doctor in the palace. The disease was cured, but he had burned the root of the disease and became a child.

Ji Ruoxuan, who is now entering the palace, is his only hope. I just look forward to her, ascended to the post one day, gave birth to the prince, and retrieved everything that originally belonged to him!

"Mother, brother." Looking at the mother and her brother in the garden, she whispered softly. Facing his silly brother, Ji Ruoxuan really has a resentment against iron and steel!

"Sister! Sister! Look at my brother catching a butterfly!" Ji Xiao hesitated, holding the butterfly, and handed it to Princess Xuan, "Brother sent you, do you like it?"

"Well, I like it." I didn't take a look at it, and responded perfunctoryly. There was no trace of likeness on the face.

"Hehe ... my sister likes Xiaoer's catching butterflies, Xiaoer catches her and sends her sister again! Xiaoer catches her again!" I was thinking about walking towards the flowers, but Mrs. Wu Ji stopped him.

"Xiao Er, Xuan Er has just returned from the palace. You, don't bother her and play with you, let Xuan Er take a good rest, Ming Er, with you."

"Where is it in the palace? Xiao Er hasn't been there?" He tilted his head and asked stupidly.

"The palace is the palace! It is where the emperor and queen live." Mrs. Ji explained patiently.

"The palace? The emperor, the queen lived?" Putting her fingers in her mouth, she thought for a while, and said, "Is the palace fun? Is the palace beautiful? Are there any butterflies?"

"The palace is fun and beautiful, with lots of butterflies!"

"Xiaoer is going to the palace, Xiaoer is going to the palace! Xiaoer is going to catch the butterflies in the palace!"

"Okay, let Xuan'er take you into the palace to catch butterflies in another day!" While perfunctory, she winked at Xuan Fei.

"Well, another day, my brother will go to the palace to play with his sister. We will catch butterflies together." Somewhat impatient.

She really didn't understand why her mother didn't want to regenerate one, and surrounded by a fool every day, what fun! Dad has been the prime minister in North Korea. If her brother is also an official in the North, she has already become the queen, so why do n’t you go to Fengqi Palace every day, please, please Mo Ling! Look at her face!

"Haha, Xiaoer is going to the palace, father, mother, Xiaoer is going to the palace!" Happily running around the garden, very happy.

"Xuaner, how long do you plan to stay this time?" Mrs. Ji asked, but her eyes remained on Ji Xiao's body. Ji Xiao and Ji Ruoxuan were born to her. Since childhood, Ji Xiao has been different from ordinary people. Whether in memory or understanding, they are outstanding. She has too much mother love in Ji Xiao. This love has already been incorporated into the blood and cannot be put down!

"On the 7th, the emperor only gave permission for 7 days." The answer was also perfunctory. She really couldn't understand why her mother loved a fool so much!

"Well. I've ordered someone to clean up your room. It's still your old house."

"I know, I've asked Hung Hom to carry his luggage in."

"I heard your father say that the emperor had a childbirth. Didn't the emperor doubt you?" He turned and asked with concern.

"No! How could the emperor doubt me! I was not present again." He paused and said, "I did not expect that the emperor actually assigned a guard to protect her secretly! Otherwise Mo Ling was pregnant and fell into the water, she would definitely Killed two lives! Really cheap her! "

"The emperor is especially concerned about the queen. In the future, you must also pay careful attention to it. Don't drop the handle and get yourself in." The harem battle never stopped. One super went wrong, one step wrong! She was really afraid that one day her daughter would follow the same path as Li Fei and Li Fei.

"Mother, rest assured, Xuan'er has her own opinion." Can not help humming. "Molly is foolish and ignorant. She can't tell whether she is an enemy or a friend. It was expected that her mother-in-law died. As for Li Fei, she is only People with no brains have obviously broken their pregnancy, but at the end they have planted a fake pregnancy name. If you blame them, blame them for being too naive! "There was no trace of guilt on the face.

Looking at her daughter, she has become a very deep mansion in the city, and she ca n’t help but be sorry. Maybe she should n’t have agreed to send Xuaner to the palace and marry an ordinary people ’s house, and live a simple life. It is more comfortable than a palace that is born in the deep waters.

She has been with Xiaoer all the time, watching him happy every day. Sometimes she really feels like a blessing to be a idiot who doesn't understand anything.