MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 55 Apology

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Mu You, the land area is the largest of the three countries, but also the most populous country. Mu Youguo's soil is fertile and rich in rice, vegetables and fruits. Special envoys are sent to Huancheng and Li every year, not only for exchanges between countries, but also to bring some finances and Mu You to exchange for food.

Since the founding of Mu Youguo, he has paid particular attention to health. The three meals a day are written by the elder doctor of Taiji Hospital according to the different physiques and current physical conditions of each person, and write down the ingredients that must be eaten every day, and then they will be arranged by the director of the royal dining room to provide different dishes.

In addition, the royal dining room also has detailed subordinate institutions, including dining room, tea room, meat room, dried meat room, and the dining room and tea room are each equipped with silverware warehouses.

There are 20 different grades of dishes in the royal dining room. The concubines alone have almost six levels. Their regular meals range from fifty-two to ten. The lower the serving size, the smaller the dining room, the fewer dishes, and the tableware used is also gold, silver, and tin. Different from porcelain, they are particular about it.

Today, Mo Ling changed a simple purple crimson patterned gauze dress. She lifted her hair, combed her hair ornaments, and fixed it with a red gold anemone tassel. It was fresh and elegant, like a little girl next door. Generally lively and playful.

She took Xin'er, asked a few eunuchs, and walked around for nearly half an hour, eventually finding the place where the royal dining room was located.

"Miss, what are you going to do in the dining room?" Asked the puzzler, faintly unwilling. After walking for so long, her legs were sore!

"I make a few pastries. Since I entered the palace, I have never been in the kitchen again. The cooking skills have deteriorated." Rarely playfully said, I have not seen her like this for a long time, and it has always been a performance Indifferent, nothing to do with yourself.

"Miss, in the palace, you don't have to worry about eating and dressing! Why do you have to cook yourself! Other concubines are all pampered and have their own hands. You have to find something to do!"

"I'll do it myself and give it away."

"Give it away! Hey, miss, let's save it! The emperor goes to the Jade Palace every day and can't eat your pastry!" He waved his hand funnyly, but saw Mo Ling sink his face gradually ...

He immediately changed his tongue and said, "No, no, no ~~ Xiner said that the palace is much more delicious. The emperor won't like the cakes you made!"

As soon as the words came out, Mo Ling not only sank his face, but also squinted, approaching ...

"No, no, no! The emperor! The emperor must, definitely like the lady's pastry!" He took a few steps back in fear and said with a wave of his hands.

Hey, it's really wrong!

"Who said I gave it to him!" He shook his head smartly, turned and walked towards the royal dining room.

"Then who do you want to give it to!" It has been more and more unruly to follow Mo Ling for a few years.

"I'm not telling you ~" yelled at her with a mysterious look.

She shook her head helplessly, always unable to guess what the lady was thinking, if she was Aunt Ziyi, she could guess it! I've been with the lady for more than ten years, but I've never been able to figure it out. Is it true that Xiao Ruizi said that because she is too stupid? !!

When Fang Shan, the manager of the royal dining room, saw Mo Ling approaching, he quickly ordered the people to stop his movements and greet the queen.

"Queen lady, Wanfu Jinan."

"Let's get up. Let's get busy." Reaching out to signal them to get up, it's about noon, everyone is busy preparing for lunch.

"Thank you, queen queen mother," everyone said in unison.

Mo Ling looked at the royal dining room, and it was really complete. She walked around, looked around, and asked, "Sir general manager, can you give me some ingredients?"

"Of course you can. Queen queen, what needs is there, despite telling the minion, the minion must meet the queen's request." After all, it is the general manager, who is very good at checking opinions and speaking.

"Xin'er, give the list to Mr. Shan." She smiled slightly and turned to Xin'er behind him.

He looked carefully at the list, and the ingredients he needed were really puzzled.

Clear flour, raw flour, milk, sweet potatoes, sugar ... what's the use of it? !!

I did n’t ask much on my mouth. I had to order the materials and send them to an empty catering room for Mo Ling. Free up.

Mo Ling put on an apron, mixed the water and flour, relying entirely on the feeling, and in less than half a column of incense, he had already made up the dough and turned to take a look at Xiner's steaming sweet potatoes!

"Miss, what kind of pastry are you going to make? Xiner still saw this practice for the first time?" Asked curiously, poking the sweet potatoes in the pot with chopsticks, and checking whether they were ripe.

"Pastry, when you're done, you'll know." It's just a snowy moon cake that is common in modern times. "After the sweet potatoes are cooked, mash them for me."

Nodded, but more and more curious. Obediently mashed all the sweet potatoes in the pot into mud, put them in a large bowl, and presented them to Mo Ling.

After all the materials are ready, Xiner learns the action of Mo Ling, stirs the sweet potato puree and milk evenly, kneads it into small balls, wraps it with noodles, and finally, the pastry chef in the royal dining room engraved a beautiful rose Pattern.

In half an hour, you're done!

"Xin'er, I did more than that. By the way, I'll send some to the queen queen and the palace ladies." Looking at the snowy mooncakes at the table, she said thoughtfully.

"Where's the emperor? Don't send it!" He asked bluntly, without turning.

"Send! Of course! The emperor, I will send it myself!" The thief smiled with a smile, and there was a hint of slyness in his eyes.

"Eun, miss, if you don't come at night, you don't need to send someone here." She said excitedly, with a very understanding look.

Miss is finally going to find the emperor, haha! Fengqi Palace will become as lively as before ~

Seeing Xiner put the moon cakes into the food box one by one, and walked towards the Qing court, until he could not see the figure of the child, Mo Ling left the food room with the last food box. She did not go to the Royal Study, but returned to Fengqi Palace!

In fact, she made snowy mooncakes to give them shadows and apologize! As for Leng Yichen, I want to eat, let him find Yan Fei to go!

When she arrived at Fengqi Palace, she couldn't wait to put the food box on the table, looked around, and when she was sure that no one was there, she looked up at the ceiling and shouted, "Shadow, I made you pastry, come out and eat. Come on! "

It was half loud and there was no movement at all. Mo Ling frowned, and frowned, and said, "This time it is sincere. I promise I won't tease you. Come out! It's delicious! You saw it too! I made it myself ! "

For a long time, there was still no movement. She had a clever idea, found the desk, wrote a note, placed it under the food container, and quietly hid in the side chamber. After waiting for Xu, she looked out of her head.

The food container on the table has disappeared!

She walked away from the side room with a peace of mind and smiled reassuringly, looking at the empty round table, a kind of indescribable joy of relaxation.

Shadow, shouldn't be angry ... Food boxes have been accepted ... This should be the so-called short of others ...

But Mo Ling didn't know that the shadow didn't open the food container, but sent it directly to Leng Yichen's hand. The queen's own pastry gave him ten gall, and she dared not eat alone!

The Imperial Study Room, located behind the Imperial Palace, is used by the Emperor. On weekdays, only men are allowed in and out! The concubine concubine must not appear in the Imperial Study.

In the royal study, Leng Yichen's special desk was originally neatly arranged with the four treasures of the study, and it was unknown when it was replaced by a large food box.

An incense burner was placed at the corner of the table. The green smoke was repeated and the fragrance was fragrant. The incense was specially prepared for the relatives and relatives of the royal family. After the modulation, it has different effects.

Leng Yichen put down his memorial, reached out and stroked the food box that Shadow had just delivered. His heart was extremely complicated and sad ...

"Why did she send you a food container?" Asked gradually, raising her eyebrows.

"Because ... yesterday ..." He had always been decisive, and suddenly answering the questions became indifferent. Leng Yichen found something strange and aggravated his tone, and asked again, "Why did she send you a food container?"

"Yesterday afternoon, in the Royal Garden, the queen mother saw her subordinate's face ..." Hesitated again and again, finally speaking out, and she knew very well that the mask had to be taken off, and it could not be hidden.

It was only the note Mo Ling left to him, but he hid it. For the first time, he did something against the emperor ...

"What are you talking about?" Suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, walked in front of the shadow, and said uneasily, "Who else saw it?"

"Only the queen maiden," he took a few steps back and replied, leaning over.

"Are you sure?" Approached again.

"Okay. His subordinates have observed it. At that time, only his subordinates and the queen mother were present." He also took a step back.

"Be careful, don't let people see it anymore ..." With a long sigh, he returned to his seat with a bit of helplessness. "If you let the queen queen watch, I can't protect you."

"My subordinates understand," said his head, arching his fists.

"Come on." With a wave of his hand, the shadow flickered and disappeared into the Imperial Study Room. No one would see him unless he intentionally appeared in front of people.

Reaching out to open, looked at the food box sent by the shadows, eyes full of endless sadness ...

There are ten beautifully-made pastries in the box, and the appearance is indecent to Mei Huaxuan. Take one, take a bite, the mouth melts, and the taste is much higher than Mei Huaxuan's pastries, slightly sweet but not greasy.

Linger, you sent Xiner to the queen queen, Ning Fei, and Yan Fei ..... you didn't give it to you alone ... you were deliberate.