MTL - Chaotic Sword God-Chapter 3497 question suzerain

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"Six fights, our Zixiao Sword Sect has won three of them. Lang Qi, according to our previous agreement, should you give us an extra hundred years because of your Jinglei Sword Sect?" High in the sky, Zixiao Sword Sect The elder Nong Fugui spoke in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on Langqi, as if he was afraid that Langqi would repent.

"Of course, I keep my word. After I go back, I will go to the ancestors to intercede for you." Lang Qi said with an ugly face, and then he looked at Jian Chen on the ring, and his voice turned cold: "Junior, remember What you did today, you will soon regret it. The two disciples of our Jinglei Sword Sect will not die here in vain."

In fact, Lang Qi didn't know that all three disciples of the Thunder Sword Sect died at the hands of Jian Chen, and the first disciple seemed to have died at the hands of Jin Sang, but what Jin Sang used was a trace of Jian Chen's. Kendo power.

Facing Lang Qi's threat, Jian Chen didn't take it seriously at all. He saw the top-grade fairy sword in his hand pointing to the sky from the air, and the sharp point of the sword pointed at Jinglei Sword Sect and his group, and said coldly: "The disciples of Zixiao Sword Sect Jian Chen, continue to challenge the disciples of the Thunderbolt Sword Sect, will the disciples of the Thunderbolt Sword Sect dare to fight?"

Lang Qi, who was about to turn around and leave, paused for a moment, and he slowly turned around to stare at Jian Chen, his eyes getting colder and colder.

There was also an uproar in the Zixiao Sword Sect, as if no one thought that Jian Chen would continue to challenge the disciples of the Thunder Sword Sect.

After all, in their eyes, Jian Chen's condition was not very good, not only his face was pale, but even his body was a little rickety, as if he would lose his standing and faint on the ground at any time.

Everyone knew at a glance that Jian Chen used the god-level immortal technique twice in succession, which consumed him a lot, and even paid a huge price.

"Let me just say, with the strength of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, how could it be possible to cast a god-level immortal technique instantly without paying any price. Brother Jian Chen is obviously about to be unable to hold on..."

"Senior brother Jian Chen, you must calm down, your state is no longer suitable for fighting..."

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Jian Chen has a great background, and there is a very powerful master behind him, the Thunder Sword Sect dare not do anything to Senior Brother Jian Chen..."


The Zixiao Sword Sect disciples gathered on the main peak were all worried about Jian Chen.

"Jian Chen, don't be rude. How can you take the initiative to challenge the disciples of the Thunder Sword Sect. Since you have joined the Zixiao Sword Sect, everything must be for the sake of the sect. We cannot offend the Thunder Sword Sect." The suzerain Chen Shuzhi was in the sky Shen Sheng said.

Hearing this, Jian Chen became angry instantly, and turned his gaze to Chen Shuzhi: "Sect Master, the Zixiao Sword Sect that Jinglei Sword Sect has already forced to give up the sect's residence, they have already bullied Zixiao Sword Sect to such an extent Now, we can't offend it?"

"Besides, two disciples of Jinglei Sword Sect have already died at my hands. Isn't this called an offense? Isn't this considered a vendetta?"

"There are also the three disciples they played in the battle. Everyone has divine weapons and magic pills in their hands, but they want to have a ring battle with the disciples of Zixiao Sword Sect. What about the core disciples of Xiao Jianzong. They Jinglei Jianzong have already done things so terribly, should we continue to tolerate them?"

"Sovereign, in your eyes, you can only let Jinglei Sword Sect oppress Zixiao Sword Sect, and Zixiao Sword Sect can't fight back?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't Zixiao Sword Sect become a cowardly sect that can't fight back when beaten or scolded?"

Jian Chen looked towards Chen Shuzhi, and issued a strong voice of questioning.

"Presumptuous!" Chen Shuzhi's face darkened, his eyes were sharp and he glanced at Jian Chen, and he said in a low voice: "Jian Chen, do you still think I am the suzerain? You can get carried away and do whatever you want, let alone yelling in front of this sect. As for the sect's affairs, if you act recklessly like you, then the Zixiao Sword Sect would have perished long ago."

"Destroyed? Do they dare to destroy the Zixiao Sword Sect?" Jian Chen's eyes shone brightly, and he said, "If they really dared to destroy the Zixiao Sword Sect, they would have done so long ago. How could the Zixiao Sword Sect exist to this day? Think about how brilliant the Zixiao Sword Sect was back then, but now, they have to bow their knees and linger on their last breath. Instead of surviving like this, it is better to stand up and go forward bravely, to fight the enemy upright, even if it is If we die, we must also defend our dignity as disciples of the Zixiao Sword Sect, and defend the honor of belonging to the sect."

The suzerain Chen Shuzhi's face finally became gloomy. He has never been questioned in such a harsh tone by any disciple in the years he has been the suzerain, especially when he is in full view.

Jian Chen didn't care about Chen Shuzhi's ugly face, and continued: "Zixiao Sword Sect is different from other sects after all, other small and medium forces can bow their knees, but Zixiao Sword Sect absolutely cannot, otherwise, as Zixiao Sword Sect Xiaojianzong disciples, what face do we have to meet our ancestors after we die?"

Jian Chen's passionate words reached the Zixiao Sword Sect disciples' ears, and immediately made some disciples feel their whole bodies boil with enthusiasm, causing some of their spines, which were originally bent, to slowly become stiffer. Straighten up.

Facing Jian Chen's provocation, the disciples of the Jinglei Sword Sect couldn't stand it, and one of them immediately challenged Lang Qi: "Elder Taishang, let the disciples defeat him, he is now at the end of his battle, the god-level immortal It is absolutely impossible to cast it a third time."

After a short period of hesitation, Lang Qi nodded slowly, and said: "Go, burn your blood, and launch your fiercest attack. You must not give him time to breathe. If we can get back the face of our Jinglei Sword Sect, it is up to you." It's all up to you."

"Please rest assured, the Supreme Elder, this disciple will definitely go all out." Said, this disciple went directly to the ring.

Soon, the fourth arena battle officially started. This disciple of Thunder Sword Sect was not careless in the slightest. He burned his blood without hesitation and shot with all his strength.

However, the familiar power of heaven and earth came crashing down, and Jian Chen, who was already seriously exhausted in the eyes of everyone, actually once again cast a god-level immortal technique in an instant, bursting out with devastating power and knocking down the fourth disciple of Thunder Sword Sect. beheaded.

Immediately, the audience was in an uproar again, and all the disciples of Zixiao Sword Sect were stunned.

Even Chen Shuzhi, who had an ugly face, looked at Jian Chen with a dignified look at the moment, killing the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal three times in a row, even he couldn't do this.

Today, of the six Nine Heavens Profound Immortals brought by Jinglei Sword Sect, there are still two left.

On the arena, Jian Chen's face was as pale as paper, and his body was swaying. He had no choice but to stick the top-grade fairy sword in his hand on the arena to support himself to maintain a standing posture.

"Next!" Jian Chen looked at the remaining two disciples of Jinglei Sword Sect, although his tone was very weak, but he was provocative: "Which of you two will come? If you are afraid, why not go up together Bar."

"Both of you, go up together and deal with him with the Thunderbolt Flame Formation." Lang Qi's face was frosty, and he shouted at the remaining two disciples.

"Elder Taishang, do we really want the two of us to fight together? In this case, even if we win, it will be invincible." A disciple of Jinglei Sword Sect asked cautiously, with timidity in his eyes .

The six of them are the sect's favored sons of heaven, and their respective strengths are comparable. As a result, Jian Chen instantly killed three of them. There was a great shadow in the hearts of the two disciples.