MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 1088 Final Battle (6)

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Island, underground, heavily guarded cell.

Lime woke up from fainting.

She was like waking up from a sweet dream, without the slightest surprise and consternation, with a light smile, and slowly opened her eyes. She even opened her mouth slightly and yawned lightly.

Gaze like water, glanced at the cell, Lime sighed: "Oh, look down on the little guy now."

Pei Feng stood in front of Lime, holding her hands on her chest. She was much taller than Lime.

Pei Feng's health is like a fierce and leopard in the mountains, and Lime is like a delicate and poor little lamb compared to Pei Feng.

Looking down at Lime with a smile on her face, Pei Feng shook her head: "I can't believe it, are the old mothers and daughters of Jingdao blind?"

Lime smiled slightly and ignored Pei Feng, but looked at the blue mist standing in the corner of the cell: "The little guy now, amazing, can count to my Highness's head ... Where are you from? Dolls? If I have the chance, I will surely make you Dai people die in return! "

Qiaosheng Qingwu gave a gift to Lime, and "噗嗤" laughed: "You still destroy the mist and the magic mist. I am Qingwu. According to the bloodline, you are the immediate ancestor of my uncle, If you destroy my Dai people, you have to kill yourself. "

Lime's face changed slightly, and she looked up and down at the mist.

Then she shook her head: "Fright, the little guy who has been controlled by life ... you know our tradition of intelligent protoss, if you lose the freedom of conspiracy and plotting, you will not be the true intelligent protoss."

Qingwu smiled brightly: "Even if I lose my freedom, but it is my glory to honor such a distinguished ancestor like you!"

Pei Feng was too lazy to hear the noise of two sinister and wise protoss women here. She was very direct and rude, and punched on the soft underbelly of lime. This blow was extremely fierce, and his fist punched directly into the liver of Lime. This was Pei Feng's fighting method at Heifengjun Middle School in the past.

Lime is not known for her physical body, and she is confined by [笔 趣 阁] all her mana.

Pei Feng's physical strength is at least a thousand times that of Lime. This fist ... Lime's partial body was almost annihilated, and indescribable severe pain struck. Lime's face was slightly pumped, and then she was brilliant. Laughed.

"Little girl, want to force me to speak with corporal punishment? Hee, it's not that simple."

"As long as our clans of wise protoss start to make plans, we won't say anything until our plan comes to fruition."

"Punishment is terrible, but ... how lovely is punishment."

"When the enemy, because of our plans, is so embarrassed and angry that he punishes us ... Rude, **** violence is like fertile soil, torture is the gorgeous flowers blooming on this fertile soil ... Let us be so addicted! "

Qing Li's body twitched slightly, and she looked at Pei Feng with a smile. "This punch is very painful ... Can you use it harder?"

Pei Feng said coldly: "A little more energy, aren't you afraid of being punched by me?"

Lime sighed to Pei Feng, and smiled and said, "This is the root of the problem ... You don't have to try hard, how can I speak? Hee, but if you try harder, you are likely to punch Damn me ... oops, that's troublesome! "

Lime closed her eyes, hummed a few minor tunes, and chuckled: "Anyway, there was no way I could open my mouth."

Blood shadows flashed, blood prison flashed from the side of Lime, Lime snorted, and she had thousands of very thin, deep-bone wounds in her body. Each wound happened to target the meridians, joints, and acupuncture points on her body, and each wound brought unspeakable, hell-like pain.

Lime's body was tense, twitching, and her light smile disappeared completely.

Blood prison stood next to Pei Feng and said vulgarly: "Sister Pei Feng, don't believe this **** ... sister and I have experience, there will be no confessions tortured torture in the world. If you ca n’t really ask , It must be that you didn't start hard enough. "

'Giggle' laughed, and the blood prison laughed wildly: "What's the matter, even if she is killed? You can still search for souls, refining your soul, and rehabilitating her to death ... even if her soul is gone, what else? Do n’t say, so what? ”

"The man who arrested her, the son who arrested her, was the same torture and confession."

Rubbing his fingers with his fingers, he made a crisp sound of “Kakaka”, and Yinxue yelled: “No matter what conspiracy she has, kill all the people related to her. Any conspiracy tricks have disappeared? "

He patted Pei Feng's shoulder vigorously, and the blood prison laughed, "You guys, you are just too cautious ... what evidence do you need? What evidence do you need? Why do you need evidence? Do it according to our demon's method, kill Her whole family is peaceful! "

Pei Feng's face twitched.

Aside from the side, Bai Ye rolled his eyes and smiled softly: "Sister Blood Prison, after all, we represent Wu Country, we are not ... Mountain thieves and bandits, should we pay attention to a famous teacher?"

Zhu Xi on the one side drank a booze, and ‘ha ha’ laughed: “Sister, I think the Sister of Blood Prison is right ... why is it so troublesome? She was strangled by a stick ...”

Lime's smile disappeared.

She looked at Pei Feng, Bai Bai, and then looked at Blood Prison and Zhu Xi and Chen Long.

Pei Feng and Bai Yun can deceive them ... But Blood Prison and Zhu Xi and Chen Long are three. Where are these women? These are three female thugs!

Falling on the three of them, I was afraid that I really wanted to suffer.

Moreover, there is a real danger of falling ... Blood prison doesn't mind killing yourself directly!

In his heart, he cursed the worst and most swearing **** he knew, and Li Ning resisted the pain in his body, and ‘hehe’ laughed.

"Pei Feng, you know how to maintain the dynasty system and prove that in your heart, you still regard yourself as a real human race. You are maintaining the commandments and traditions of the human race. This is very good ... You are doing it right. You can't act like those monsters. "

Taking a deep breath, Lime said in a deep voice: "My son, Gongsun Aunt, will soon establish a meritorious deed of the world, and ascend to the throne of man ... if you kill me, your martial arts will be with the entire human race. Are you enemy? "

Qingwu suddenly jumped out of his teeth and danced with his claws: "You are His Highness Lime Lord of the Wisdom Protoss ... killing you, why not?"

Qing Li glanced at Qing Wu and said word by word: "Who said I was Lime? I'm the mother-in-law of Qingdao Island. I'm the mother of the future emperor and grandson Sun .... You kidnapped the emperor without permission. Mother, are you going to betray people? "

Bloody prisoner's right hand shook, and Lime's two arms broke off.

Lime screamed, her pain almost fainted ...

Pei Feng smiled: "So we asked you to come back and let you prove that you are a demon from the sky ... The mother is a demon from the sky, so how can your son sit on the throne of the emperor?"

Pei Feng looked at the blood prison with a smile: "Sister of the blood prison, I am not used to this **** scene ... all, there is work for you!"