MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 6 Wonderland

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Before falling into the water, Wu Tie was already fainting.

Fear, fright, two consecutive shocks, he can't afford it.

A high-spirited wave shoved him into the water, and the ‘Yuya’s tooth hanging on his chest was still rushing in a hurry, making a sound of ‘嗡嗡’.

The surrounding water is rushing, and the tumbling water flows like a giant python. Several scrolls will drag the iron to the bottom.

Wu Tie took a breath and subconsciously waited for the water to invade the Seven Miles. The black water around it suddenly receded, revealing a small space that could just wrap the Witch Iron.

In the sound of ‘嗤嗤’, a trace of air was forcibly extracted from the water and quickly filled into this small space.

Wu Tie took a breath, his body pumped vigorously, his eyeballs rolled rapidly under his eyes, his mouth opened, and he made a few vague slang, his hands waving indiscriminately.

The water flow dragged the witch iron to the bottom of the water.

Below the big water on this side, on the deep rock wall, hundreds of water eyes of large and small are squirting or swallowing water. Numerous streams of water collide with each other here, which creates large waves and eddies on the surface of the water, and creates a terrible undercurrent in the water.

Wrapped in a small waterless space, Wu Tie rolled in the water.

He continued to sink down, and finally the strongest undercurrent pushed his body and rushed to a dark hole that was over a hundred meters in diameter.

The invisible whirlpool spins in the dark hole and swallows everything passing by. Wu Tie's body swiftly rotated a few laps, and as the water flowed into the dark hole, the fingers disappeared.

On the water, a boulder with a diameter of several meters was thrown away.

A bald-headed man wears a heavy armor, and one foot is tied to a boulder. By relying on a pelt airbag to provide air, it falls from the place where the witch iron falls.

The boulder dragged the body of the big man to the bottom of the water.

Dahan squinted and tried to look around. There is no light at all under the water, and nothing can be seen in the darkness.

The man sank nearly three hundred meters, the strong water pressure made him breathless, the undercurrent impacted his body, his face was smashed and deformed.

He finally feared to cut off the rope tied to his foot, pulling on the long rope on his waist and raising it to the surface at the fastest speed. The rapid drop of water, rapid rise, the alveia of the Dahan burst, blood in the mouth, nostrils constantly.

The ‘咔咔’ grotesque came from the deep bottom of the water.

A huge black shadow smashed countless undercurrents and flashed through the rushing water.

The body below the neck of Dahan disappeared. A rush of water from the head of a skull was rushed to the surface of the water. The ‘哗’ rushed up seven or eight meters high and then fell heavily on the water.

A large piece of blood was stained with red water, a wave of waves, and blood and human heads disappeared.

The middle-aged man stood on the shore with a gloomy face, gnashing his teeth and looking at the position where the head of the big man floated.

After a while, he turned and looked at the place where Wu Jin disappeared.

A tall girl walked behind him and whispered.

The middle-aged man turned and looked at the girl's eyebrows.

A long, bleak white snake shadow is in the girl's eyebrows, and the snake shadow is quickly dissipating. If it is not the middle-aged man's eye, he will even ignore this snake shadow.

"This is..." The middle-aged man smeared his own eyebrows, his fingertips touched the skin, and he felt the strange scent of the eyebrows.

"Blood and bloody..." The middle-aged man's face was ugly to the extreme.

"Don't let everything go, use the fastest speed to escape this area." The middle-aged man screamed angrily: "Come... remember, it's escaping!"

Black, surrounded by black, endless black.

Wu Tiesu woke up a few times, the rushing waters hit his body, he was spinning in the water like a windmill, and soon he passed out.

Finally, he did not know if he was dead or alive.

The water rushed through him, through the hidden waterways in a rock formation, through a groundwater area of ​​varying sizes...

This is a wonderful underground wonderland.

The circular basins of nearly a thousand miles are full of strange vegetation, and countless weird creatures thrive in this basin.

On the outskirts of the circular basin, there is a vast expanse of sandstone Gobi, black paint, dark and do not know what is hidden.

There are countless gems inlaid on the top of the rock. Gemstones of different sizes are always shining brightly, and this huge space is quite bright.

On one side of the basin, a terrible crack was split in the rock wall, and dozens of miles of boiling magma tumbling out of the crack, sliding into the deep abyss of the basin with a dull bang.

Magma provides valuable heat to this basin.

Whether it is the vegetation or the strange creatures, they rely on the heat from this magma torrent to get enough vitality.

Just as this magma flood is remote from the entire basin, a crack that is dozens of miles wide is also cracked on the rock wall, and the rushing water flows from the crack with a loud noise.

The waterfall washed the basin and formed a huge river in the basin.

Large and small tributaries spread out from the main channel and flow around the basin, providing valuable water for life in the basin.

In the vicinity of the magma torrent, a waterfall with a few miles wide rolled down and slammed into the hot magma in the abyss.

The magma evaporates the waterfall, and the rich water vapor rushes several miles high, spreading along the smooth dome. The fog is rich, the water vapor is diffused, and the space is nourished. The rock walls and stalagmites are covered with thick moss and fresh vines.

Wu Tie spurted out of the river waterfall.

The ‘Yuya’s tooth hanging on his chest gradually stopped the shock and seemed to run out of strength.

The small space of water disappeared, and the witch iron was soaked in the water and rushed to the shore along the gradually flat water flow.

The white skeleton left behind by a limestone lizard leaned obliquely on the shore, and the thin body of the witch was caught by the white bones of the skull, and it was fixed.

Witch iron is immersed in the deepest fainting, and if there is no external interference, he is likely to faint until he dies.

It’s quiet all around.

A head-sized poisonous black widow spider crawled slowly over the river.

On the ugly head of the black poison, a few pale green eyes looked around.

The fangs of poisons collide with each other from time to time. It is faintly visible that there is a flash of fire on the fangs. Its sharp claws slid across the stones on the ground, and it will also make a sharp rubbing sound.

It climbed over to Wu Tie step by step.

Closer, closer.

Witch iron has injuries, and a faint blood leaks out.

The poison smelled the sweet aroma of blood, and slammed the speed to the witch iron.

Ten meters, one meter, half a meter...

A small hill about a few kilometers away from Wutie, just overlooking the river course, a mossy earthen bag suddenly has a sharp, strange sound that the human ear can't hear.

The abdomen of the poisonous hypertrophy suddenly exploded, and then the eye vessels on the head exploded, and the poisonous pulp and pus and blood spewed out seven or eight meters.

At the moment when the poison died, it screamed ‘吱吱’.

Wu Tie suddenly woke up, did not know where to come from the strength, he bite his teeth and stood up, instinctively looked at the location of the poison.

When Professor Gray was teaching him, he also taught some shallow toxicology.

Wu Jin, Wu Yin, and Wu Tong brothers have also captured the living poison spiders. Under the guidance of the witch war, they have conducted primary life training for Wu Tie.

These abominable poisons may appear in any corner of the Rock Fort. Everyone must be vigilant and be alert to the movement of these poisons.

I received a corresponding lesson, so when the black widow called, Wu Tie was awakened.

The brain is empty.

There seem to be countless black shadows hovering in front of me, there is a large **** tumbling, and there are countless overlapping white faces floating in the air.

The body is stiff and cold, without a little bit of strength.

Life seems to be rapidly withdrawing from this body.

Wu Tie even thought that he was dead. He opened his mouth and breathed hard, but he could not feel any breath.

The poison was at his feet, only half a metre apart. The poisonous head and the swollen abdomen were shattered, and several legs with thick thumb and long feet were well preserved.

Wu Tie violently closed his mouth and swallowed a bite.

The mind is completely blank, and only the instinct to survive controls the body.

He slammed into the ground, and this action almost exhausted his last effort. He struggled to grab a spider's leg, opened his mouth, and bit a broken white meat outside the broken spider's leg.

I can't say anything about it, and I can't taste it.

a spider's leg, two spider legs...

I don't know how many legs I had eaten. There was a trace of heat in the iron belly. He fell to the ground and slept on the mossy ground by the river.

After a short quarter of an hour, a witch's iron arm is about two meters long, and the black-black venomous snake is insidiously swam over to Wu.

The snake is carefully close to the Witch Iron, ten meters, five meters, half a meter...

The viper opened his mouth, and a little poisonous venom on the four fangs oozes out.

The fangs are approaching Wu Tie, they are about to bite...

A few kilometers away, on the hills, the small earthen bag suddenly cracked the size of the fist, and the piece of mud of the size of the fist instantly gasified.

A red light flashed, and the snake's snake head disappeared.

The body of the snake screamed fiercely.

The red light flashed again, and the snake was cut into thirty paragraphs.

Each piece of snake can only be spread on the ground and can no longer threaten Wu Tie, and can not jump away from Wu Tie.

There is no blood on the creeping snake, the wound is smooth, and no blood is seen.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Tie woke up.

He opened his eyes and saw the fat snakes around him. He instinctively grabbed a piece of snake meat and bit it.

Half a snake was eaten clean, and his eyes were black and fainted.

In the snake section that was bitten by Wu Tie, snake blood flowed out.

Just a little bit of effort, several poisonous spiders, two or three poisonous snakes, and a limestone lizard climbed over.

These guys, who were enough to easily kill Wu Tie, fell inexplicably and were inexplicably killed.

In particular, the scent of the limestone lizard after death, marked a terrible predator on this river beach.

For a long time, no insects were close to Wu Tie.

Witch iron wakes up and feeds on the food around him.

Fainting, continue to sleep.

I don't know how long after sleeping, he wakes up and eats again.

The water in this section of the river just rushed out of the underground waterway, which was so cold that the temperature near the river bank was much lower than elsewhere. Therefore, except for a few fierce aliens, other insects and reptiles are not active in this neighborhood.

It is because of the cold temperature that the dead poisonous insects and limestone lizards do not decay too fast.

When Wu Tie smashed the tail of the small half of the limestone lizard, he finally stood up.

I rinsed my body by the river, and Wu Tie looked around.

There is no familiar 'virtual day' on the dome, and the radiance of those luminous gems is no worse than the ‘virtual day’.

Behind it is a river that is dozens of miles wide, the water flow is moderate, and occasionally there is a trace of ripples flying under the water.

Wu Tie has never seen such a scene, but he instinctively feels uneasy.

He stepped back a few steps and stayed away from the river as much as possible.

Turned around, Wu Tie looked to the distance.

There are strange vegetation everywhere.

Wu Tie has never seen such vegetation.

Some are similar to the crops such as the mushroom, white mushroom, and big mushroom that are familiar to Wu Tie, but they are much larger.

There are also some vegetation that are two or three meters high, with many branches, and Wu Tie has never seen anything similar.

However, this eccentric branch of vegetation is relatively small, and one east and one west are scattered.

The body shook, and with a little strength, the brain was still empty. Wu Tie's confused eyes look into the distance, and when he moves, he has to find a direction to go.

A very glaring flash flashed in the distance.

Wu Tie saw the flash of light. He stayed in his sleep and didn't think anything in his mind. He walked so hard to the flash.

The ground was very slippery and full of thick moss. Wu Tie took two steps and fell two steps, just a few kilometers away. It took him a long time to barely come.

It’s dirty, but it’s numb with both arms and legs.

Squatting, Wu Tie looked at the hills more than a hundred meters high in front of him, biting his teeth and crawling up the hill.

Climbing, crawling, Wu Tie was suddenly tripped by a small earthen bag. He fell to the ground and the small earthen bag swayed. A round object rolled out of the bag.

"Cough, you kicked my grandfather my head!" Wu Tiejun gasped on the ground, and a very stiff voice came from his ear.

"Cough, can you understand my grandfather's words?" The voice was close at hand, and it was almost screaming at the ear of Wu Tie: "You kid is a little persevering... originally, if you are halfway, you are not willing Go, Grandpa, I will leave you alone."

"In the past few days, for your little boy's life, Grandpa, I am so painstaking, I have to work harder than taking care of my grandson... Of course, Grandpa I don't have a grandson, but it doesn't matter... you are grandfather and my grandson! ”

Wu Tie gasped and looked up hard to look at the place where the sound came.

His body slammed, his eyes black, and he passed out.

This time, he was scared.

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future