MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 825 Call him out

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The tall, sturdy body trembled, and the eyes were confused and shocked, and fear, which could no longer be concealed. The idea of ​​arbitrarily swaying by force is shattered, and I want to avoid Shao Xuan’s line of sight, but my legs want to lose control, and I don’t even listen to it. I even feel that if I move it forcibly, I will lose balance and fall. Under the gate of Wangcheng City, they fell in front of these tribes from a distant continent. What will happen next? He doesn’t have to think about it.

Weigh the pros and cons, and you still choose to bite your teeth and stay still.

When I noticed the anomaly of the embarrassment, other people in the family wanted to look at the situation, but did not think, they just moved on their feet, Shao Xuan will move their sight to them.

Just like a basin of ice water pouring down, facing Shao Xuan's gaze, the vastness of the hair behind the family feels like being frozen straight, and it will tremble with a little movement.

Even though many of them are far from Shao Xuan, they can feel an inexplicable shudder from the bones, or that is the source of their physical strength.

what happened? !

The people on the tower have been staring at the movements below. At this time, it is not right. If he goes on the sidelines, those who are in the family may really lose face. Although he can’t understand the style of his family, he is a family. It is now the guard of the Wangcheng City Gate, and the face of the lost Wangcheng is also lost. Especially in front of these tribes, there is no room for trouble.

It would be a pity that the people who thought they would stay in the house for a while.

The heart sighed silently, and the young armor jumped from the tower and fell behind.

Shao Xuan looked at the past and did not accidentally appear.

"Hey family?" Shao Xuan can feel the smell of his family's fire from him.

This person's face is similar to the three-pointed, but this person is more arrogant than the calm and steady. However, in front of Shao Xuan, the arrogance on his face was a little less, and there was more caution in his eyes.

"After the family, I received the order of Wang Xiong to meet you." A "Wang Xiong" is a point of identity. He is the leader of the Wangcheng Guards. He is also one of the few first princes who can survive when he wins the throne. The reason is because the levy is the same. The younger brother of the father’s mother also made great efforts when he was put on the top.

When I received the speech, I couldn’t help but look at Shao’s eyes. He finally understood why the performance of the family was so good. It was really stressful.

What I don’t know is that this is the result of Shao Xuan’s convergence after the emergence of the collection.

Because of the appearance of the release, Shao Xuan moved his eyes, and the people of the family, including the shackles, felt that they were all light, as if they were moving away from the mountains. Some people wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and their hearts were dark. Fortunately, it’s good to have it in time, otherwise they can’t hold it anymore.

This Yanjiao person is really surprised!

After all, those who are different from the family, the power of the fire in the body is still relatively strong, and the short-lived scorpion will return to normal. In the period of the original fire, the fire of the family is also greater than that of the family. For the pressure exerted by Shao Xuan, the collection can also resist one or two.

The time blocked in the city gate was a little longer, and it was not nonsense, and then raised his hand to signal Shao Xuan to go inside.

"Open the city gate!" 稷 Receive the channel, "You, please!"

Shao Xuan stepped into the city step by step, behind him, blaming the team to keep up.

Pick up the team in the past, pick up the eyes like a sword, try to cover the light in your eyes. These tribes are indeed different from what he thinks. The temptations brought by his family have made him have to treat these people with care. It is rare that he will say a word of "please".

After all the teams on the side of the Yanjiao entered the city, they took a sneak peek at the people who were still there, and looked at the people who saw the foxes who were not far away. They smiled and quickly chased them. Going into the city, no matter how the people of the family and the fox are reacting.

After the city gate in Yanjiao entered the city, it was no longer closed, and the traffic inside and outside Wangcheng was restored. However, people who are at home are not so good. Thinking of the situation at the time, my heart was afraid for a while, and the spine was full of coolness.

Looking at the team that was far away, the hand was loose, and the hammer handle that was held was "squatting" to the ground, and the spirit of the whole person seemed to collapse completely, barely supporting the body. Yu Ming, who is not far from the hustle and bustle, is slamming into the ground with a weak voice.

They look at the eyes and smiles when they leave, they understand.

They are finished.

On the other side, following the team of Shao Xuan Jincheng, walked through the spacious avenue directly leading to the palace in Wangcheng, curiously watching the Wangcheng army maintaining order on both sides, and also looking at those who had come together to see the excitement, and around House construction and shop furnishings.

The avenues in Wangcheng are much more spacious than the avenues of the city in Chaoyangcheng. Caesar and the team walk together on it. It is not too crowded. There are often large mammals in the city that are pulling goods. However, this road is not Anyone can embark on the road. The ordinary far-offers and caravans are taking other roads after entering the city. This road is all special treatment.

"Do you see it?"

"What?" Tuo Zheng looked at the situation inside Wangcheng, and was suddenly blamed for asking such a sentence, but the reaction was not over.

"The people of Wangcheng have different reactions with the people of the cities we have seen."

Doctrine thinks, indeed, the people of Wangcheng are more like seeing a rare fun, that the eyes seem to be a few monkeys in the crowd, with a kind of optimistic look at the Yanjiao people entering the city, instead of the autumn Those in the city showed great defense.

At that time, there were only a few hundred people entering the autumn city, but now they all entered the city.

Even though the number of people in Yanjiao is indeed very large, some Wangcheng people were surprised when they saw the first sight, but soon they continued to have fun.


This is the confidence of Wang Chengren!

This is the foundation and foundation of Wangcheng!

The people who can stay in Wangcheng have more or less real skills. The people of the Lihu tribes were more arrogant in the depths of the mountains. Even if the tribes were seriously damaged by the salt mines, the tribes were still there. It is also a big force to unite, but in Wangcheng, they can’t really afford to wave over, and they can only suppress those free people or small groups. Because they hold the thighs of Yijia, Yijia fell, and those who were crushed by the foxes had revenge.

These free people and large and small groups in Wangcheng are united. They don’t need to be jealous of anything. They are really not afraid of these people in the Yanjiao team. Besides, Yijia is not good. Is there another five big aristocrats? Are they afraid of it?

When the team in Yanjiao went to the palace, there was also an uninvited guest in the factory.

"Let the workman tough out!" The man in black was standing in the lobby with a sigh of relief.

Nowadays, the top leader of the armored family is the toughness of the workmanship. After the fight is put on the top, the position of the workmanship in the armored family is suddenly increased, and the strength of the workmanship is indeed strong, or it is returned from the work of the mountain. After comparing the things cast by the craftsmen, the seniors of the armored family recognized the status of the armor, and this is also the most favorable choice for the current armor.

The workmanship resilience has recently been closed. If there is no urgent matter, no one will bother him. This is not only the rule of the workmanship, but also the habit of all the craftsmen and craftsmen of the armor, no one wants to be cast. When the time is disturbed by the fart, in the case of casting, it is very likely that a life-changing inspiration will disappear under an inadvertent interruption, and the rest of the life may not be remembered.

At this time, the uninvited guest from the Jiajia family was also a person who was very reluctant to accept but did not dare to offend.

"The workmanship is tough, immediately, immediately, call him out!" It was a repressed explosion that made the old and young people in the house tremble with a sigh of relief. They were afraid of their own hands, but they could not hold their hands because of their professional habits. The weapon is awkward.

Those who know the origin of the thing will see it in their hearts.

How does the long handle of the cross become like this? The fracture looked a bit strange, and they couldn't draw a definitive conclusion without looking at them. It was very curious, but at this time they didn't want to get together.

At this time, the person standing at the reception hall of the armored home was the one who was chased by Shao Xuan all the way. However, I have changed my clothes and looked at it.

There are really few people who can directly face the face of the workers, but this is one of them. The interests between the workers and the ancestors began from the ancestors of the armored family.

Some of the rare materials that the armored family needs every year are called by the one. After all, there is no slave, there are more slaves, and there is enough manpower for mining and finding things.

The cross knives on the hand of the scorpion were created by the craftsmen of the armored family. However, the craftsman and some techniques used by the ancestors who created this cross slasher for the shackles may not be able to do it. Consistent, it is difficult to fix.

The craftsman of the armored family, the more skilled the person, the more serious the obsessive-compulsive disorder, the perfect repair of their hearts, they would rather not do it, otherwise, it will damage the reputation, and the heart will be unhappy for a long time. .

There are many people who contact the armored family, and they also know the urinary nature of this group of people. Therefore, when he comes, he will directly look for the workmanship and let the person in charge give him a statement.

He knows that the armored family has gone after some people in the upper position. He came here. One is to ask if he can complete the broken cross file on his hand. If it has been like this, what is his face? In order to avoid people, he still sneaked into the king's city, went to the place where he went straight to the armored home.

Another purpose, I want to know, is exactly who the armored family casts the most threatening weapons for Yanjiao! ?

"Is the workman tough? Call him out!" He groaned impatiently.

"What are you shouting?!" The workmanship was called out from the foundry, and was interrupted midway. He was not tempered.

However, as soon as he came in, the workmanship toughness saw the sickle that was cut into a stick on his hand, and his eyes were like sticking to it.

"Your knife, show me!" (To be continued.)
